Pelvic Wall Flashcards
Fusion of Ishium, Pubis, and Ilium. Socket for femur insertion
Sacrotuberous ligament
Connects Ischial tuberosity to sacrum, wall of lesser siatic foramen
Sacrospinous ligament
Connects Ischial spine to sacrum, border of greater siatic foramen
Sacroischial joint
Anterior part synovial, posterior part syndesmosis (fiborous/ligamentous)
Greater sciatic formen
Exit from pelvis to gluteal region
Lesser sciatic foramen
Entrance from gluteal retion to perineum
Ligament spreventing sacrum rotation
Anterior sacroiliac ligaments, posterior sacroiliac ligaments, sacrospinous ligament, sacrotuberous ligament (especially last two probably)
Openings to pelvis from lowar limb
Subinguinal (anterior thigh), Obturator canal (medial thigh), Greater sciatic formen (gluteal region, exit), Lesser sciatic forament (gluteal region, entrance)
Pelvic Inlet borders:
promotory and ala of sacrum, pubic crest+pectineal line+arcuate line=left and right linea terminalis (also this is the pelvic brim)
Pelvic outlet borders:
Pubic arch (ant), ischial tuberosities (laterally), inferior margin of sacrotuberous ligament(laterally), Tip of coccyx (posterior)
Anatomical position of pelvis
ASIS and anterior aspect of pubic symphysis lie in same plane
Greater pelvis
False pelvis: sup to pelvic inlet, bounded by iliac alae posteriorlaterally and anterosuperior aspect of S1 posteriorly. contains abdominal visceral
Lesser Pelvis
True Pelvis: Between the pelvic inlet and pelvic outlet; b/w pelvic surfaces of hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx; contains pelvic visceral
Female Pelvis as compared to male
Pelvic inlet: oval (left to right) vs bean shaped
Pelvic outlet: circular & wider & broader vs oval & skiny (anterior to posterior)
Pelvic cavity: cylindrical vs inverse pyramidal
pubic arch: obtuse vs acute angle
Diameters of pelvis
Transverse, oblique, conjugate (AP) and cojugate diagonal (really the only one easily measured clinically), Interspinous diameter (just above pelvic outlet, narrowest diamter)
Pelvic wall muscles
Piriformis, Obturator internus
part of pelvic wall. Blood: Superior and inferor gluteal arteries, internal pudendal artery
Innervation: ventral rami of S1 and S2
Action: Laterally rotate thight, abduct flexed thigh
Obturator internis
part of pelvic wall
Blood: Internal oudendal and superior gluteal arteries
Action: laterally rotate thigh, abduct flexed thigh
Innervation: nerve to obturator internus (L5-S2)
Pelvic floor muscles
Coccygeus, Levator ani (3 parts: pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, puborectalis)
Part of pelvic floor
Blood: inferior gluteal artery
Acton: supports pelvic viscera, draws coccyx forward
Innervation: ventral rami S4-S5
Levator ani
3 Parts: pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, puborectalis (part of pubococcygeus, u-shaped, maintains fecal continence)
Blood: infereror gluteal artery, internal pudendal artery and branches, inferior rectal and perineal arteries
Action: support pelvic viscera, raise pelvic floor
Innervation: ventral rami of S3-S4 (autonomic), Perineal nerve (somatic)
Pelvic diaphram
Levator ani (pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus) and coccygeus muscles