Lower limb Flashcards
Saphinous vein
superficial, medial/anterior leg/thigh except around the knee where it goes posterior, enters fossa ovalis and joins femoral vein
Iliotibial tract
stabilize knee and hip joint, acted on by gluteus maximus and tensor fascia latae
Anterior compartment of thigh
- Flex hip, extend knee
- Pectineus, Iliopsoas (Iliacus and psoas), Sartorius, Quadriceps Femoris
- Innervation: Femoral and Obturator nerves
- Blood supply: Femoral artery and branches
- openings: subinguinal hiatus, femoral canal, femoral triangle, subsartorial canal
- shared b/w ant and medial compartment
- dual innervation mostly femoral nerve (L2-3), some obturator
- medial circumflex femoral artery, obturator artery
- adduct and flex thigh
Anterior compartment of thigh
Iliacus: flex thigh, stabilize hip; iliac branches of iliolumbar artery; femoral nerve (L2-3)
Psoas: lumbar branches of iliolumbar artery; ventral rami of L1-L3; flex thigh and stabilize hip
*Infections can spread down psoas into thigh
- Anterior compartment of thigh
- Abduct, laterally rotate, flex thigh
- femoral nerve (L2-L3)
- Femoral artery
Quadriceps Femoris
Anterior compartment of thigh, 4 muscles:
- Rectus femoris: Lateral circumflex femoral artery, deep femoral artery; extend leg at knee, flex thigh at hip; femoral nerve
- vastus lateralis: Extend leg at knee; lateral circumflex femoral a, deep femoral a; femoral nerve
- vastus intermedius: lateral circumflex femoral a, deep femoral a; extend leg at knee; femoral n
- vastus medialis: extend leg at knee; femoral a, deep femoral a; femoral n
Rectus femoris
Part of quadriceps femoris, ant compartment of thigh
Lateral circumflex femoral artery, deep femoral artery; extend leg at knee, flex thigh at hip; femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis
Part of quadriceps femoris, ant compartment of thigh
Extend leg at knee; lateral circumflex femoral a, deep femoral a; femoral nerve
Vastus intermedius
Part of quadriceps femoris, ant compartment of thigh
lateral circumflex femoral a, deep femoral a; extend leg at knee; femoral n
Vastus medialis
Part of quadriceps femoris, ant compartment of thigh
extend leg at knee; femoral a, deep femoral a; femoral n
Pes Anserinus
-Common insertion point for 3 muscles on medial proximal anterior tibia
-Sartorius (femoral n), Gracilis (obturator n), Semitendinousus (tibial n)
Acronym (via wikipedia)
Femoral Triangle
Boudries: Superior: Inginal ligament Medial: medial border adductor longus Lateral: Sartorius Roof: Fascia Lata Floor: pectineus, iliopsoas, adductor longus
Contents (Lateral to medial): Femoral nerve, artery vein (a/v within femoral sheath) (also lymphatics altough she didn’t mention it)
Femoral sheath
-formed from transversalis and iliopsoas fascia
-3 compartments:
Lateral-femoral a
intermediate-femoral v
medial-femoral canal (base of which is femoral ring, contains deep inguinal lymph nodes)
Femoral ring
-base of femoral canal within medial compartment of femoral sheath
-Lateral: vertical septum b/w canal and femoral v
-posterior: pubic bone covered by pecineus muscle/fascia
-Medial: lacuna ligament
-Anteriorly: medial part of inguinal ligament
Subinginal canal
where Femoral n/a/v/canal pass beneath inguinal ligament
Branches of femoral artery
roughly superior to inferior
- superficial circumflex iliac (deep circ iliac looks like its off ext iliac)
- superficial external pudendal
- deep external pudendal
- Profunda femoris (deep femoral) gives lateral femoral circumflex (has ascending, transverse and descending branches), medial circumlex femoral, and perforating branches
- muscular branches (from deep and proper)
- descending genicular artery (articular and spahenous branches)
- superior medial (anastamose with lat circ desc) and lateral genicular arteries (part of petallar anastamosis)
- Name change: popliteal a (in popliteal fossa)
- ant tibial a
- bifurcates: posteior tibial a and fibular a
Cruciate anastamosis
- Anastamosis between ext iliac and femoral, can provide blood to popliteal artery
- Medial circumflex, lateral circumflex, inf gluteal, 1st perforating branch of profunda femoris
The route of blood is through the internal iliac, to the inferior gluteal artery, to a perforating branch of the deep femoral artery, to the lateral circumflex femoral artery, then to its descending branch into the superior lateral genicular artery and thus into the popliteal artery.
Cutaneous innervation of thigh
- femoral n gives anterior cutaneous branches for ant thigh (-saphenous nerve is continuation of femoral n (gives cutaneous innervation below knee, anteriomedial on leg, medial foot))
- Lateral femoral cutaneous n does lateral and some anterior thigh
- posterior: posterior femoral cutaneous n (S1-S3)
Medial compartment of thigh
Muscles: Gracilis, Adductor longus, adductor brevis, addcutor magnus, obturator externus, pectineus
Innervation: obturator and tibial nerves
Openings: adductor hiatus
Blood: obturator aa
Obturator nerve
Ant and post divisions
-Anterior: Pectineus, adductor longus, gracilis (superficial)
-Posterior: Adductor brevis, adductor magnus, obturator extuernus
small cutaneous region on distal medial thigh
Adductor Longus
- Medial compartment of thigh
- Medial circumflex femoral a, obturator a
- adducts thigh
- obturator n (anterior division)
Adductor Magnus
- Part of medial and posterior (part of hamstrings) compartments of thigh
- Blood: deep femoral, popliteal, obturator
- Action: adduct and flex thigh (adductor part), extend thigh (hamstring part)
- nerves: obturator (adductor part, L2-L4), tibial (L4, hampstring part)
forms Adductor canal and adductor hiatus
adductor minimus is part of it (I think the hamstring part)
Obturator externus
- medial compartment of thigh
- Laterally rotate thigh, stabilize head of femur in acetabulum
- medial circumflex femoral a, obturator a
- obturator n (L2-L4)