Face and scalp Flashcards
Tempromandibular Joint
- does depression, retractionm, elevation and protrusion
- has some fibrocartilate that allows it to sorta dislocate
- atypical synovial joint
- modified hinge/condylar
- articular surfaces: condyle of manidble; anterior articular tubercle of teporal bone; mandibular fossa
protrusion of TMJ
lateral pterygoid assited by medial pterygoid
Retraction of TMJ
-posterior fibers of Temporalis, deep part of masseter, and geniohyoid and digastric
Elevation of TMJ
-temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid
Depressiion of TMJ
- gravity
- digastric, geniohyoid, and mylohyoid
Branches of V3
•Mandibular nerve
-nerve to temporalis, auriculo-temporal nerve, parotid branch, nerve to myloyoid, lingual nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, mental nerve, buccal nerve to gingiva, nerves to pterygoids, nerves to masseter
Muscles of Mastication
Temporalis, Masseter, Lateral pterigoid, Medial pterigoid–>invervated by V3 (madibular branch of trigeminal CN V)
- originates in temporal fossa, inserts on oronoid porcess
- elevates and retracts mandible
-originates on zygomatic arch, inserts on angle of madible
-mostly elevates, also retracts mandible
(pound for pound strongest muscle in body)
Medial Pterygoid
elevates, protracts & laterally displaces TMJ
Lateral Pterygoid
depresses, protracts TMJ
A Bunch of embryology shit
go make the fucking cards you lazy bastard
Muscles fo facial expression
- innervated by CN VII
- occipito-frontalis; levator palebrae superioris (upper eyelid), levator labii sueriorisalaeque nasi, orbicularis oculi (below orbit), compressor naris, depressor labii inferioris, (masseter), mentalis (chin), orbicularis oris (aroudn your lips), depressor anguli oris (frown muscle), risorius (towards the back of the mandible), zygomasticus minor (on top obvi), zygomaticus major
Cutaneous innervation of head
- V1-forehead, nasal cavity
- v2-cheek upper lip teeth, nasal cavity
- v3-chin tounge
- great auricular n and lesser ocipital nerve (from cervical plexus) behind ear
- C4 and lower occipital nerve-dorsal rami from cervical spinal nerves, dower neck
- greater occipital nerve-back of head to vertex starting around line of ears, also dorsal rami
Cavernous sinus
- contents include: CNs III, IV, V1, V2, VI, int carotid artery
- gets venous drainage from inf/upr opthalmic veins, angular v, facial v, deep facial v, indirect from pterygoid venous plexus
Scalp Layers
Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis Loose Areolar tissue Pericranium
Occipitofrontalis (epicranius)
- 4 bellies, two occipitial, two frontal connnected by aponeurosis
- occipital bellies smaller and arise from highest nuchal line
- frontal bellies are larger and closer to mdiline, arise from skin and superficial fascia of eyebrow
Stablity of TMJ
- most stable when closed
- forward movement prevented by anterior articular eminence and posterior fibres of temporalis
- backward movement lateral log and contratcion of lateral pterygoid
- forward dilocation prevented by articular eminence, tension of lateral lig, and contraction of medial pterygoid and massester (open jawed)