Pelvic/Trunk Muscles Flashcards
Origin for Gluteus Maximus
Posterior surface of the ilium, sacrum, coccyx
Insert for Gluteus Maximus
Posterior aspect of ITB
Innervation for Gluteus Maximus
Inferior gluteal nerve L5-S1
Action for Gluteus Maximus
Hip extension, external rotation
Origin for Gluteus Medius
Posterior surface of the ilium between the anterior and posterior gluteal line
Innervation for Gluteus Medius
Superor gluteal nerve L4-5, S1
Action for Gluteus Medius
Hip ABDuction and internal rotation
Insertion for Gluteus Medius
Lateral surface of the greater trochanter of the femur
Origin for Gluteus Minimus
Posterior surface of the ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal line
Insertion for Gluteus Minimus
anterior surface greater trochanter of the femur
Innervation for Gluteus Minimus
Superior gluteal nerve L4-5, S1
Action for Gluteus Minimus
Hip ABduction and internal rotation
Origin for piriformis
Anterior aspect of the sacrum
insertion for piriformis
superior aspect of greater trochanter of the femur
innervation for piriformis
ventral rami