Pelvic Organ Prolapse Flashcards
What are the parts of the pelvic floor?
- Endopelvic fascia- fibromuscular connective type tissue
- Pelvic Diaphragm- striated muscle
- Urogenital Diaphragm- superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles
What structures make up the endopelvic fascia?
- Uterosacral ligament
- Pubocervical fascia
- Rectovaginal fascia
Risk factors for POP?
1- Pregnancy and vaginal birth - Forceps delivery - Macrosomia= large baby - Prolonged 2nd stage of labour - Parity 2- Age 3- Obesity 4- Previous pelvic surgery: -hysterectomy -colposuspension 5-other - Constipation - Heavy lifting - Exercise - Hormonal - CT disease
Traditionally how do we classify POP?
- Urethrocele
- Cystocele
- Uterovaginal prolapse
- Enterocele
- Rectocele
Describe the vaginal symptoms of having a POP?
- Bulge/protrusion sensation
- Bulge/protrusion visible/palpable
- Pressure
- Heaviness
- Tampon insertion difficulties
How can you score POP?
POPQ score is gold standard
Gives a staging from 0-6
How can you investigate POP?
- No ultrasound required unlessvery large patient
- Examination to exclude pelvic mass
Due to associated problems:
- USS/ MRI: to look for fascial defects
- Urodynamics (for UI)
- IVU/Renal US (for ureteric obstruction)
How do we prevent a POP?
- Avoid constipation
- Manage chest pathology e.g. COPD to avoid coughing/straining
- Less kids
- Pelvic floor muscle training antenatally and post-partum
How can we treat POP?
- Pelvic Floor muscle Training (PFMT)
- Pessaries
- Surgery
What is a urethrocele?
Prolapse of the urethra into ANTERIOR VAGINAL WALL
What is a cystocele?
Prolapse of the bladder into ANTERIOR VAGINAL WALL
What is a uterovaginal prolapse?
Prolapse of uterus, CERVIX and vagina
What is a rectocele?
prolapse of the Rectum into the POSTERIOR VAGINAL wall
What is an enterocele?
Prolapse of small loops of bowel into the POSTERIOR WALL of vagina
What are the urinary symptoms of a prolapse
- Urinary Incontinence
- Frequency/ Urgency
- Weak or prolonged urinary stream/ Hesitancy/ Feeling of incomplete emptying
- Manual reduction of prolapse to start or complete voiding- Need to more forwards/backawards to empty the bladder.
What are the bowl symptoms of a prolapse?
- Incontinence of flatus, or liquid or solid stool
- Feeling of incomplete emptying/ Straining
- Urgency
- Digital evacuation to complete defecation
- Splinting, or pushing on or around the vagina or perineum, to start or complete defecation
How does pelvic floor training work?
Increase the pelvic floor strength & bulk which relieve the tension on the ligaments
What is the aim of surgery?
oRelieve symptoms,
oRestore/maintain bladder & bowel function and
oMaintain vaginal capacity for sexual function
What are the levels of endopelvic support?
Level I:
Utero-sacral ligaments
Cardinal ligaments
Level II:
Para-vagina to arcus tendineus fascia: Pubocervical/ Rectovaginal fascia
Level III:
Urogenital Diaphragm
Perineal body
How common is it to be symptomatic in prolapse?
Found asymptomatically in 50%
Found Symptomatically in 2%