Pelvic Floor (All Lectures) Flashcards
Roles of the Pelvic Floor
- Support
- Sphincteric
- Sexual
- Stabilization
For Muscle Layers of the Pelvic Floor….
Know the Following!!!!
- Layers 1-3
- Functions of ea. layer
- What mm’s are included
- Diff’s in muscles bw men and women
Muscle Layers of the Pelvic Floor
Vaginal: 3
- Layer 1→ Superficial Perineal
- Layer 2→ Urogenital Diaphragm
- Layer 3→ Pelvic Diaphragm
Muscle Layers of the Pelvic Floor
Male Muscle Differences: 3 Layers still
- Layer 1→ Superficial Perineal
- Layer 2→ Urogenital Triangle (same job, same orientation as Female)
- Layer 3→ Pelvic Diaphragm
Pelvic Floor Muscles: Name Them!
Layer 1: Superficial Perineal M vs F
- Ischiocavernosus
- Bulbocavernosus (erectile tissue)
- Superficial perineal (aka Transverse Perineal mm’s)
Pelvic Floor Muscles: Name Them!
Layer 2: Urogenital Diaphragm/Triangle
- Deep transverse perineal
- Sphincter urethrovaginalis
- Compressor urethra
- External Urethra
Pelvic Floor Muscles: Name Them!
Layer 3: Pelvic Diaphragm (DEEPEST LAYER)
- Levator Ani Group
- Iliococcygeus
- Pubococcygeus
- Puborectalis
- Coccygeus
Know these Pelvic Floor Muscles M vs F and be able to IDENTIFY THEM!
see pics
(broken down in further slides)
see chart!
Muscles Layers of Pelvic Floor
Superf—–→ Deep
- Superficial Perineal
- Urogenital Diaphragm/Triangle
- Pelvic Diaphragm (deepest)
- Think Levator Ani group
Muscle Layer: Superficial Perineal
Function & MM’s
- Sexual function, Pelvic Floor support
- Ischiocavernosus, Bulbocavernosus, Superficial Perineal
Muscle Layer: Urogenital Diaphragm/Triangle
Function & MM’s
- Closes urethral and vaginal openings
- Assists in maintaining erections
- Deep Transverse Perineal, Sphincter Urethrovaginalis, Compressor Urethra, External Urethra
Muscle Layer: Pelvic Diaphragm (DEEPEST*)
Function & MM’s
- Supports organs, pelvis
- Stabilizes trunk w/ UE, LE motions
- Levator Ani group (iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, puborectalis) *KNOW THESE!!!
- Coccygeus
Male Pelvic Floor MM Differences
Layer 2 (Urogenital Diaphragm/Triangle) differs how???
Same Job, Same Orientation….BUT!
*Layer 2 differs in anatomical layout, the set-up is different
The DEEPEST pelvic floor layer, ______________, is comprised of 3 muscles within the ______________ group…..what are they and pics??? ?
- Deepest Layer→ Pelvic Diaphragm
3 mm’s within the Levator Ani group
- Iliococcygeus
- Pubococcygeus
- Puborectalis
***REMEMBER→ “Sling that holds UP the anus” Levator (lift) Ani (anus)
Pelvis→ complex structure containing…..
Pelvic viscera, Urinary/GI tract, Support and Suspensory ligs, Fascial connections, Skeletal and striated mm’s
Structures of Bony Pelvis
4 specific articulations
- R &L SI joints
- Sacrococcygeal symphysis
- Pubic symphysis
Greater & Lesser Pelvis
Greater pelvis
- Support portion
- Supports lower abdom viscera
Lesser pelvis
- Inferior portion
- Contains pelvic cavity and pelvic viscera
Pelvic INlet
Describe + Pics
- Boundary bw greater & lesser pelvis
- Pelvic brim is most superior border
- Determines size and shape of birth canal
Pelvic OUTlet
Function + Pics
- End of lesser pelvis
- Inferior portion
- Coccyx, sacrum move during childbirth to widen pelvic OUTlet
Male Perineum
Urogenital, Anal Triangles
see pics
Female Perineum is a passage to _______, ________, ________ systems
Reproductive tract; Urinary; GI Systems
A healthy bladder should…..
What is Continence and What does it Require?
Voluntary control of bladder and bowel
- intact NS, adequate PFM contraction strength, quality, timing
- bladder must expand to contract→ should stretch!**
- full sensory awareness of bladder filling
Know these anatomical structures for Bladder Anatomy
- Vesical
- Detrusor
- Trigone
- 2 Ureters
- Urethra
Bladder Anatomy:
Actual bladder
Bladder Anatomy:
Bladder muscle
Bladder Anatomy:
Trigone + functions
Posterior to bladder wall
- Sensitive to stretch
- Can create urgency
Bladder Anatomy:
2 Ureters and what do they do?
Deposit into superior bladder wall
Bladder Anatomy:
Urethra is where?
@ the distal bladder
Urethral Sphincters
- Internal urethral sphincter
- External urethral sphincter
Internal Urethral Sphincter
- Base of bladder neck
- Autonomic, smooth (internal) muscle → INvoluntary
External Urethral Sphincter
- Inferior to bladder neck and internal urethral sphincter
- Somatic, skeletal (EXternal) muscle→ VOLUNTARY
INTERNAL urethral sphincter muscle
Smooth muscle→ INvoluntary
EXTERNAL urethral sphincter muscle
Skeletal mm→ VOLUNTARY
Pelvic floor muscle role in continence→ IMPORTANT!!!
In general, PF ________ w/ _______ of urine
PF contracts w/ storage of urine
Pelvic floor muscle role in continence→ IMPORTANT!!!
In general, PF _________ when _______ urine
PF relaxes when empties urine
PF contracts w/ storage of urine
This is during what stage of breathing?
INHALE → elevates
PF relaxes when empties urine
During what stage of breathing?
During EXHALE → descends
What happens when PF contracts w/ storage of urine?
Bladder gets heavier and PF holds it up!!!
If PFM is weak….
what happens as a result?
Pee more/clench
Bc PFM’s are weak and cannot hold up the bladder!!!
*as a result of this, pts may reduce fluid intake==> BAD!!!
Good intervention for weak PFM’s
Incremental lowering and lifting of PFMs
*Ecc. control
PFM Dysfunction picture
see pics
NS Role in PF
Parasympathetic is what plexus?
Pelvic plexus
- S2-S4
- M & S innervation to bladder
- Detrusor contraction + bladder emptying
- Cholinergic receptors in bladder
NOTE: these are medication targets!!!
NS Role in PF
What plexus?
Hypogastric Plexus
- T10-L2
- Detrusor relaxation for filling and storage
- Beta adrenergic receptors in bladder
NOTE: these are targets for medications!
Normal Urinary Tract Function
Pushing/Straining is….
Normal Urinary Tract Function
Post Residual Void (PRV) ==>
50ml OR LESS
*what’s left after pee
Normal Urinary Tract Function
When you void, it can be ____ or _____ than total bladder volume (???)
Half OR Greater than total bladder volume
Bladder can hold more than 2 cups of liquid***
Proper Voiding Habits
- Leaking is NOT a sign of aging or having kids
- 5-8 voids per 24 hr→ even if drinking proper amt H2O*
- Every 2-4hr intervals
- 0-1 voids after bedtiem
- Should be able to hold 2hrs
Dysfunctional Voiding
- “Just in case” pee
- Semi squat/hovering over toilet
- Dehydration/too many viscous drinks
- Straining to empty
- Fear of using public toilets
- Post-partum habits of freq voiding
Types of Urinary Incontinence
- Urge
- Stress (most common)***
- Mixed
Types of Urinary Incontinence: Urge
Definition, Causes, Interventions
Strong desire to void (“urge”) w/ INvoluntary loss of urine BEFORE or AFTER the urge
- Detrusor instability
- Diaphragmatic breathing, PFMC exercises
- Distraction, meditation
Types of Urinary Incontinence: Stress (MOST COMMON*)
Definition, Causes, Interventions
*Think “stresses” PF
INvoluntary loss of urine during physical exertion (cough, lifting, jumping, valsalve)
- Sphincter deficiency, weak or overactive PF
- PFMC exercises to relax/contract properly
- Diaphragmatic breathing
Types of UI: Mixed
Definition, Causes, Interventions
Combo of urge and stress sx’s
- Treat Urge first!!!….then SUI
Urge incontinence
Triggers/Key Question
- Cold, running water, key in door/waking up in AM
- Question: Do you leak urine on the way to the toilet or with a strong urge to go?
NOTE: May or may NOT be pelvic floor problem
Stress Incontinence
Key Questions
- Key Questions: Do you lose urine when you laugh/cough/sneeze/exercise?
Mixed Incontinence
Rule of Thumb
- Treat Urge and Frequency FIRST!!!
- THEN treat stress incont. sx’s
Incontinence in Males
Urinary freq or retention
- Linked to prostate issues
- HIGH PFM tone
- Prior sx
- Coord. issues of PFM
Bottom Line: Make sure prostate has been checked or if pt has been eval’d by urologist
Pharma in Incontinence— ON BOARDS!!! IMPORTANT!!!
- Anticholinergics ***
- Mirabegron
- Imipramine
- Duloxetine
- Estrogen (NOT best case scenario)
- OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox)
Pharma in Incontinence
BLOCK parasympathetic system and hence, acetylcholine
- ACH sends signals that trigger detrusor contractions (you know this!!!)
Pharma in Incontinence
Anticholinergics Mechanism of Action:
- Inhibition of bladder spasms
- Increase bladder capacity
- Delay initial urge to void
Types: Oxybutynin (Ditropan XL), Tolterodine (Detrol), etc..
Anticholinergics SE’s
Dry mouth, blurred vision, diarrhea, Constipation, drowsy, tachycardia
Anticholinergics are the MOST COMMON
Pharma in Incont.
Mirabegron (Myrbetriq)
Relaxes detrusor to inc amt of urine in bladder*
INC amt you are able to urinate @ one time to empty bladder
Pharma in Incont.
Tricyclic antidepressant
Detrusor relaxation, cause smooth mm @ bladder neck to contract
Treats mixed incont.
Pharma in Incont.
Serotonin and NE reuptake inhibitor
Urethral sphincter relax
Helpful for urinary incont. and depression
Pharma in Incont.
*NOTE: NOT best case scenario
LOW dose topical estrogen (cream), rejuvenate deteriorating support tissues in vagina and urinary tract???
DEC sx’s thru estrogen receptors in the urethra and PFM
Pharma in Incont.
OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox)
BLOCKS actions of ACh and paralyzes detrusor
Lasts several months (peaks 2wks)
Prostate Patho’s to know:
- Prostatitis
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)- enlarged prostate
- Prostate Cx
Prostate gland function
Produce elements to keep sperm healthy and alive
What is the most common cause of Prostatitis?
1.Acute 2. Chronic
ACUTE bacterial prostatitis
- Bacteria finds its way into the prostate from kidneys, bladder, etc.
CHRONIC bacterial prostatitis
- Mild bacteria infx lingers several mos
- **Post UTI OR acute bacterial prostatitis
Out of all the Prostate pathologies……
When you see PAIN….. think what???
NOTE: Specific in MEN related to Pelvic Floor*****
Sx’s of Prostatitis
- PAIN anywhere in area*
- WEAK stream of urine
- Diff RELEASING a stream of urine
- PAIN w/ urination*
- “Heavy” scrotum feeling
- PAIN post-ejaculation
BPH aka
Enlarged prostate
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Broken down…
- Benign→ NOT cancerous
- Hyperplasia→ OVERgrowth of cells
What can cause BPH??
- AGE causes Dec in testosterone, Inc in estrogen
- Growth spurt of prostate again in middle age
- Diet, exercise, lvl of sexual act., race, exposure to toxins, gen health
Sx’s of BPH
What is NOT on list?
So.. if you see pain, you know its NOT BPH !!
Sx’s of BPH
Enlarged prostate restricts normal urine flow
- Frequency
- Diff releasing a stream of urine
- DEC in stream
- WEAK flow
- Urinary retention
Sx’s of BPH
Things you need to know!
- PAIN is NOT on list****
**Cx vs. BPH
- Biopsy will show Cx, therefore we know its NOT BPH
- Sx’s are similar SO… people will wait too long to do anything or have it examined thinking its BPH
PSA Density Test
Normal ==== ?
4-10 ng/mL
Prostate Density Test
Normal= 4-10 ng/mL
- Determines if elevated PSA is cancer or benign
- **70-80% of cases w/ elevated PSA→ biopsy shows NO EVIDENCE OF Cx
Digital Rectal Exam
Palpating for nodules/size
Medical Mgmt of BPH
Methods to do so:
- Medication
- Prevention
- Monitoring
- Sx
- Other
Medical Mgmt of BPH
- 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors→ Stops enlargement
- Alpha 1-adrenergic blockers→ Relaxes smooth mm of prostate and bladder neck
- Propecia/proscar→ blocks DHT? (she had an issue w/ this one in lecture so I wouldn’t memorize this one, just recognize its on list***)
Medical Mgmt of BPH
- Anti-oxidants, LOW Fat
- Anti-inflammatory***
Medical Mgmt of BPH
IF blockage NOT severe
Medical Mgmt of BPH
- Prostatectomy
Medical Mgmt of BPH
Other Tx’s
- Microwave, laser, stent placement
TURP Procedure
- TransUrethral Resection of the Prostate
- Gen anesthesia, OP basis
- Catheter 1-3d
Full recovery in 3 weeks
- Retrograde ejaculation due to damage of bladder neck sphincter is a RISK!
Prostate Cx
Can start as what ?
Can start as a tumor on prostate
Can enlarge to block urethra
Prostate Cx
NO known causes
- Digital rectal exam
- PSA*** (remember #’s will be elevated with BOTH BPH and prostate cx)
- Transrectal US
- Biopsy**
Medical Mgmt: Prostate Cx
- Radiation
- Hormone Therapy
- Cryotherapy (outdated, painful)
- Radical Prostatectomy
- Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
Medical Mgmt: Prostate Cx
External beam
Seed implants
Medical Mgmt: Prostate Cx
Radical Prostatectomy
Suprapubic/perineal incision
Medical Mgmt: Prostate Cx
Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
Prostate Cx: Radical Prostatectomy
- Resection of prostate, ligaments, urethra
- Urethra repaired and reconstructed
- Urethra can narrow after healing
Prostate Cx: Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
- Robotic arm
- SAME resection and anastamosis (collateral blood supply)
Post-Op Considerations: Prostatectomy
- Catheter 5-6d
- Weak or absent urge
- Continual leakage←→ leakage only w/ mvmt
- **Can see a PT 6wks post-op
- PSA rechecked
- Erectile Dysfunction?
- Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence (PPI)
Post-Op Considerations: Prostatectomy
Can see a PT when????
Post-Op Considerations: Prostatectomy
Erectile Dysf???
IF had it pre-operatively, MAY be present post-op
*depends on Sx and fibrosis of tissue
Post-Op Considerations: Prostatectomy
Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence (PPI)
Damage to sphincter can cause incont.
MAY be BPH****
PT Interventions for Prostatectomy
- NO straining for BM and lifting: Breath work
- Abdom wall mobilization
- Bladder re-training
- Biofeedback and strengthening
- Coord. of pelvic floor WITH core mm’s***
PT interventions for Prostatectomy
When should WE see them?
Then can see PT 6 weeks Post-Op***
Examination of Pelvic Floor
Key Points*
- Professional responsibility
- Privacy & Consent*
- Communication
- Education
Internal exam? Why?
- Decipher if mm’s are actually contracting, relaxing, or bearing down→ Specialized training***
Pelvic Floor Exam
Key components*
- Spine/hip evals
- Functional mvmt screen (FMS)
- EXT mm palpation
- Perineum observ + sensory testing
- INT mm palpation
- Rectal and/or vaginal
TRAINING the Pelvic Floor***
Goal: Move pt in an active-dynamic way
- NO isometric stability
- Use PFMC during functional acts→ squat, lifting, exercise
*INC awareness of PF w/in pt
- “Clenching”
- Once pt is aware of PF, it is MUCH EASIER to train**
Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions
HypERtonic, discoord. and weak PF mm’s can contribute to:
- Elimination deficits of GI system
- Prolapse and pelvic organ descent
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Bladder disorders
- Sexual dysf, pain (dyspareunia)
Training the PF
Look @ the PF like a _________
Training the PF
Goal and what does it do?
Goal: Move pt in an active-dynamic way
*Promotes flexibility and function, NOT tension
Training the PF
Treat the PF as an _______ issue
Orthopedic ****
Training the PF
Look @ PF like a _______
And what is this made up of?
Diaphragm, PFM, abdominals and multifidi
PF (Cannister) components
Abdominals and Multifidi
Training the PF
INC awareness where??
Awareness of the PF !!!
- No mvmt, laziness, MSK prob bw hip/shoulder→ SCREEN “CANNISTER” !!!
Other pelvic muscles to include in PF examination
- Piriformis & Obturator Internus
- Diaphragm, TA
Coccyx: Important muscle attachment
Insertion site for PF mms’
- when PF mm’s contract→ coccyx pulls FORWARD
Insertion site for PF mms’