Burns: Thermal Injuries Lecture + Burns Quiz Flashcards
How Common?
Males>Females until >70yo
*Why??→ Geriatric smoking on O2
What are Burns?
5 Categories/Types to discuss:
- Thermal
- Electrical (Entrance/Exit wound)
- Chemical
- Radiation (think Cx)
- Other
Classification: Burn Depth
Breaking the components down
1st Deg:
- Superficial Thickness
2nd Deg:
- Superficial Partial Thickness
- Deep Partial Thickness
3rd Deg:
- Full Thickness
4th Deg:
- Subdermal
Classification: Burn Depth
Breaking it down by Epidermis, Dermis, SubQ Tissues
- Epidermis: SUPERFICIAL BURN: 1st Degree
- Superficial partial thick
- Deep partial thick
- SubQ Tissues: FULL-THICKNESS BURN: 3rd or 4th Degree
Name the 5 Depths of Burns
- Superficial Thickness→ 1st Degree
- Sunburn
- Superficial Partial Thickness→ 2nd Degree
- Partially thru dermis
- Deep Partial Thickness→ 2nd Degree
- All way thru dermis
Full (think Fat) Thickness→ 3rd Degree
- SubQ fat to bone
- Subdermal→ 4th Degree
- Bones, ligs, mm’s, tendons
Burn Descriptions + Pics
Superficial Thickness Burn= 1st Degree Burn
“Classic sunburn”
- Red
- Dry
- Painful→ always bc epidermis
*Usually heals w/in 3-4d w/out scar
Burn Descriptions + Pics
Superficial Partial-Thickness Burn= 2nd Degree Burn
- Pink-red
- bc dermis still intact
- Blisters*, Moist, Blanching, Edema
*Heals 7-10d w/ min. scarring and min. wound contraction
Any time you see PARTIAL-THICKNESS you know its __________
2nd Degree Burn*****
Then just distinguish bw Superf OR Deep!!!!!!!
Burn Descriptions + Pics
Deep Partial Thickness Burn= 2nd Degree Burn
- Pale*
- Painful→ pot. pain or NO pain, depends on depth*
- LESS moist
- Cap refill absent or prolonged
- Edema
- Diminished Sensation
- Deep pressure intact, Pinprick may not be
*May heal 21-35d→ Most likely req grafting, Hypertrophic or keloid scarring w/ pot. sig wound contraction
Burn Descriptions + Pics
Full Thickness Burn= 3rd Degree Burn
*thru epi and dermis
“The black, charred, leathery, waxy eschar one”
- Black charred, or mottled red/brown, or pale, or waxy white eschar formation
- Leathery appearance
- May be insensate
- NO cap refill
- Edema
- NO pain bc vascularization burned
*May heal 4-6wks; grafting req’d, sig hypertrophic scarring and wound contraction
Burn Descriptions + Pics
Subdermal Burn= 4th Degree Burn
MM or bone exposed one
- Complete destruction: epidermis, dermis, and SubQ tissue
- Charred appear., mm or bone may be exposed
*Always req’s grafting; poss. mm flap for coverage; definite hypertrophic scarring
Classification: Burn Size
Total Burn Surface Area (TBSA)
3 Methods
- Rule of Nines→ NPTE*****
- Lund & Browder Chart
- Palm Method
Classification: Burn Size
Rule of Nines***
100-age-%surf area burned==> chance survival
See pics
- Adult Values
- Head/Neck= 9%
- Anterior trunk= 18%*
- Posterior trunk= 18%
- Anterior arm, forearm, hand= 9%
- Genitals= 1%
- Anterior leg, foot= 18%
- Posterior leg, foot= 18%
Child <1yo
- Has 9% taken from LE and added to the head/neck region.
- 1% is distributed back to the LEs for ea yr of life until 9yo→ when head considered same size as adult*
- Has 9% taken from LE and added to the head/neck region.
Classification: Burn Size
Lund and Browder Burn Chart
Classification: Burn Size
Palm Method (exactly what it sounds like)
- The palm of the adult hand (just palm) is Equal to→ .5% TBSA (Total Burn Surface Area)
- 2 palms= 1%
3 Classifications of Burns:
- Burn Depth→ Thickness
- Burn Size→ How much surface area
- MOI→ How it happened
Classification: Mech of Injury (MOI)
5 Classes
- Thermal
- Electrical (Enter/Exit wound)
- Chemical
- Radiation (think Cx)
- Other
Classification: Mech of Injury (MOI)
Thermal Injury
- Flames, hot liquids (scalded), steam, semi-solids, contact w/ hot obj
Classification: Mech of Injury (MOI)
Electrical Injury
- Pure→ Entrance AND Exit sites
- Arc→ Electricity flows external to body
- From→ faulty electrical wiring, high-voltage power lines, lightening
**Effects ALL body tissues in its path
- Nerves→ blood vessels→ Mm→ Skin→ Tendon→ Fat→ Bone
Effects ALL body tissue in its path****
Nerves→ blood vessels→ mm→ skin→ tendon→ fat→ bone
Electrical Injuries***
Entrance/Exit wounds
Electrical Injuries****
Classification: MOI
Chemical Burn
Strong Acid
- Industrial cleaners, household rust removers
Alkali (base)
- Lime, lye, household cleaners, hydroxides
Classification: Mech of Injury (MOI)
Radiation Burn
- Sunburn**
- Medical (oncology radiation, excess X-ray exposure, etc.)
- Nuclear power plant explosions; Atomic bombs
Classification: Mech of Injury (MOI)
Other “Burns”
- Road Rash
- Need to be cleaned well, debris/foreign bodies removed*
- Frost Bite
- Occurs when tissue temp is 35.6*F (2*C)
- NOTE: W/ frostbite→ body shunts blood to proximal trunk to keep warm, therefore no bloodflow to distal extremities (hence, black frostbitten toes)
- Occurs when tissue temp is 35.6*F (2*C)
Systems Affected by Burns:
One she mentions
CV, Pulmonary, Renal, Metabolic/GI Tract
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
Location will dictate (is assocd w/) 2 things:
- Location influences severity
- Location is associated w/ specific complications*
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
Cardiac Systemic Response
*24-48 hr survival link
3 in red:
- Decd blood pressure
- Decd CO or SV (CO=HR*SV)
- Incd HR
- Microvascular fluid shift (fluid TO burn area)
- Gen impairs in cell memb function
- Inc in burn tissue osmotic pressure
- Hypovolemia, edema*
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
Cardiac Systemic Response
Vascular Edema
- Most pronounced first 72hrs
- *Limits ROM/function
- Maybe limit venous return
- Fluid resuscitation INCs edema formation
- Mgmt of edema is an important role of rehab of burns
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
Pulmonary Systemic Responses
- Injury occurs to lungs in several ways:
- Direct heat trauma, Lack of O2, Inhaled chemicals
- Edema→ Obstruction (OLDs common)→ Impaired gas exchange→ ARDS→ Edema (restarts cycle)
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
Pulmonary Systemic Responses
Inhalation Injury
20% of burn mortalities
Signs of Inhalation Injury:
- Facial burn, Singed nasal hair
- Harsh cough, Hoarseness
- Resp distress, Hypoxemia
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
Renal Systemic Responses
- Hormone secretion:
- Aldosterone→ vasodilator
- BOTH= fluid retention
- Renal failure
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
GI Systemic Response
- 2-3x the BMR*
- Lasts up to 1yr
- Greater nutritional needs→ think about it…your metabolism is now TRIPLE to heal the burns… think PRO, Meat!!!
- Ileus→ blockage in GI system
- Wt loss—- bc metabolism so HIGH, tough to keep up!!!
Classification: Burn Location/Systems Affected by Burns
Bone Fx’s
*think Electrical (bc effects everything in path) or Chemical burns
- Electrical or Chemical burns
- Can effect any bone in body
- Vertebral compression fx’s OR Long bone fx’s
Burn Sequela from falls or other traumas
Think about it…. if trauma or a fall from high window or anywhere….
- Fx’s
Healing Systems with Burns
Those involved in…. OR take these into account as working when we have severe burn
- PNS→ more pain as nerves regen
- Infx→ extensive burns lead to infx’s
- Hypertrophic Scar Formation→ scars mean healing
Mature Scars
Triple P→ P,P,P
How scars SHOULD BE:
- Pale
- Planar
- Pliable
Scar Development: Timeline of Scar Tissue Restriction
How quickly will this scar form and restrict indiv?
- Burn Scar Contracture→ 1-4d
- Tendons and Sheaths→ 5-21d
- Adaptive MM Shortening→ 2-3wks
- Ligament & Joint Capsule→ 1-3mos
NOTE:** Timing of Scar Mgmt is key to prevention and producing **permanent change*
Scar Development: Timeline of Scar Tissue Restriction
How quickly will this scar form and restrict indiv?
Burn Scar Contracture
Scar Development: Timeline of Scar Tissue Restriction
How quickly will this scar form and restrict indiv?
Tendons and Sheaths
Scar Development: Timeline of Scar Tissue Restriction
How quickly will this scar form and restrict indiv?
Adaptive MM Shortening
Scar Development: Timeline of Scar Tissue Restriction
How quickly will this scar form and restrict indiv?
Ligament & Jt Capsule
Keloid Scarring
*think “raised up and puffy” one
Overgrowth OUTSIDE of wound margin, puffy*
Hypertrophic Scarring
*Think “scar tissue” one
- Thick scar tissue, raised from wound surface BUT remains in area of injury, contracts, produces scar bands, painful/itchy
Burns and Abuse
Child Abuse w/ Burns
see pics but NOTE:
- Familiar obj patterns→ cigarettes, forks, curling iron, stove top
- Burns suggestive of forced immersion→ stocking presentation
- The burns are in isolated areas (see pics) that are in areas where surrounding area is NOT burned, or areas where looks like child was forced to stay in one position while being burned, or cig burns
Sx Mgmt of Burn Wounds
Name all first:
- Autografts (skin from self)
- Homografts/Allografts (Temporary)
- Heterografts (Temporary)
- Free Flap/Free tissue transfer
- Pedicle graft
- Skin substitutes
Sx Mgmt of Burn Wounds:
2 types:
STSG- Split Thickness Skin Grafts
- Epi + Part of dermis
FTSG- Full Thickness Skin Grafts
- Epi + ALL of dermis
Sx Mgmt of Burn Wounds
Homografts/Allografts (temp)
Heterografts (temp)
- Homo/Allografts (temp)
- Cadaver
- Fetal memb’s
- Hetero (temp)
- Xenograft (pigskin)
Graft Procedure pics
Steps 1-3
Note the Mesh-like material
*this allows granulated tissue to come up thru mesh and heal wound
Split Thickness Skin Grafts (STSG’s)
see pics
Notice the mesh, then they just stitch or staple around edges!!!
Mobilization Guidelines AFTER Skin Graft
AKA Protocols
LE Graft Over Joint(s)
POD# 1-4
- POD #1: Lateral move bed to chair, *NO ROM
POD #2: Observe graft during dressing change
- Amb w/ ACE wrap support if no graft shift or bleeding
- *Limtd AROM only
- POD #3: Observe graft, Amb w/ ACE, *Full AAROM if graft stable
- POD #4: Observe graft, *PROM permitted (only NOW can we put hands on them for ROM)
Mobilization Guidelines AFTER Skin Graft
AKA Protocols
LE Graft NOT Over Joint(s)
- POD #1: Amb w/ ACE wrap support if no graft shift or bleeding, AROM, AAROM, PROM OK for surrounding joints*
Mobilization Guidelines AFTER Skin Graft
AKA Protocols
Buttock Grafts
NO OOB Rx until POD #2***
PT Wound Care for Grafts
Only 2 dressings used for skin graft:
Composite Dressings (big band-aid one)
Foam Dressings
see pics and go back to charts!!!!
Characteristics assocd w/ Superficial Thickness Burn (1st Degree Burn)
Dry and Painful
Dmg ONLY to epidermis, classic terrible sunburn
Characteristics assocd w/ Superficial or Deep Partial Thickness Burn (2nd Degree Burn)?
Blisters or Pale and Painful
pain w/ edema
Superf→ wet w/ blisters AND blanchable
Deep→ moist and pale NOT blanchable
Characteristics assocd w/ Full Thickness Burn (3rd Degree Burn)?
White waxy eschar formation
dry as leather, NOT painful bc insensate, NOT blanchable, w/ edema
common in burn ICU*
Characteristics assocd w/ Subdermal Burn (4th Degree Burn)?
Charred w/ exposed mm
Destroy epi, dermis, subQ tissue
Charred w/ exposed tendons, mms, bones
*think stage 4 pressure ulcer
MOST ACCURATE method of calculating Total Burn Surface Area (TBSA)
Lund and Browder Chart
Which MOI of a burn can cause bone fx, nerve damage; vascular damage and Exit wounds?
Electrical Injury
Which terms describe healthy, mature, scar?
Pliable, Planar, Pale
Correct body pos. for a burn pt in bed w/ shoulder burn is ___________
Shoulder ABD 90*