Pelvic, Abdominal and Thoracic Region Flashcards
What organs do the pelvic, abdominal and thoracic cavities contain?
- Heart.
- Lungs.
- Liver.
- Kidney.
- Spleen.
- Pancreas.
- Stomach.
- Intestines.
- Reproductive organs.
- Bladder.
- Rectum.
What muscles protect the organs anteriorly?
- Rectus abdominus.
- Internal and external obliques.
- Transverse abdominus.
What muscles protect the organs posteriorly?
- Erector spinae.
- Latissimus dorsi.
- Trapezius.
What are the signs and symptoms of severe abdominal injuries?
- Severe pain.
- Bruising.
- External bleeding.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting blood.
- Pain tenderness or tight feeling.
- Signs and symptoms of shock.
- Protruding organs.
How do you treat protruding organs?
- Summon EMS.
- Carefully place casualty on their back.
- Avoid direct pressure.
- Leave organs as they are.
- Remove clothing from around the area.
- Apply warm moist sterile dressings loosely over the injury.
- Cover dressings with loose plastic.
- Cover with light blanket or towel to keep warm.
- Administer oxygen.
What is the function of the kidneys and its most common mechanism of injury?
Removes waste products from the blood and initiates excursion to urinary bladder.
Common MOI: a blow to the back.
What are the signs and symptoms of an injury to the kidneys?
- Spasm of back muscles and severe pain.
- Signs and symptoms of shock.
- Blood in the urine.
- Shock
What is the function of the spleen and its most common mechanism of injury?
Produces red blood cells as well as white blood cells and also has a lymphatic function.
MOI: direct blow (can rupture).
What are the signs and symptoms of an injury to the spleen?
- Abdominal rigidity.
- Nausea.
- Kehr’s sign: pain referred to lower left chest and shoulder area.
What are the signs and symptoms of an injury to the bladder?
- Will feel the need to urinate but won’t be able to.
- Blood in urine (can occur up to 48 hours).
How do you treat an injury to male genitalia?
- Do not pump legs or lift and drop the athlete (there may be an associated pelvic fracture).
- Lay on back with hips flexed, high towards chest.
- Use an ice compress.
What are the different mechanisms of injury for a thoracic injury?
- Direct blow: from a helmet or hitting the ground.
- Indirect blow: falling on an object (ex. falling while holding a football against the ribs which causes a fracture).
What are the different types of thoracic injuries?
- Pneumothorax.
- Haemothorax.
- Puncture sucking chest wound.
- Flail chest.
What is a pneumothorax?
Occurs when the pleural cavity is punctured, the air escapes and the lung collapses.
What is a haemothorax?
Occurs when the lung is punctured and the pleural cavity and the lung fills with blood.
What is a sucking chest wound?
Results in air passing freely from any puncture wound that penetrates the rib cage.
How do you treat a sucking chest wound?
- Place casualty in a comfortable position (usually leaning to affected side).
- Activate EMS.
- Administer oxygen.
- Seal the wound area with an occlusive dressing and taping it to the chest on 3 sides (lowest side open).
What is a flail chest?
Occurs when multiple ribs (3 or more) fracture and in more than one place.
The flail segment will move opposite to the rest of the rib cage during inspiration and expiration.
What is the most common soft tissue injury?
A contusion to the solar plexus.
How do you treat an injury to the solar plexus?
- Do not pump individuals legs.
- Loosen clothing.
- Try and get them to concentrate on something else.
- Any paralysis will not last longer than 15 seconds (will pass out due to the bodies own reflexes).
What is the mechanism of injury for a heart contusion?
A violent chest blow forces the sternum back and it hits the heart which may result in a irregular heart beat (call 911).