PEDS Review Flashcards
Neonatal jaundice with breast feeding< 6 times/d:
breastfeeding jaundice.
TTT Of breast feeding jaundice:
increase frequency of breast feeding.
Neonatal jaundice with breast feeding>8 times/d:
breast milk jaundice.
TTT of breast milk jaundice:
temporary cessation of breast feeding for 2ds then resume breast feeding.
Jaundice at 1st day:
hemolytic disease of new born(DT Rh incompatability).
Jaundice at 3rd day:
physiological jaundice.
Direct Jaundice after 7th day:
biliary atresia.
1st step in management Of neonatal jaundice:
total & direct bilirubin.
Bilirubin> 270 micromol/L :
Bilirubin> 340 micromol/L :
exchange transfusion.
Asymptomatic Indirect hyperbilirubinemia in healthy adult:
gilbert $.
TTT of neonatal hypoglycemia… 1st line:
IV glucose.. if failed: IM glucagon.
Cyanosis with feeding which improve with crying… Dx:
choanal atresia.
Test of choice if choanal atresia suspected:
catheter test.
Inv. Of choice for Dx of choanal atresia:
CT scan with contrast.
1st step in management of choanal atresia:
airway to keep mouth open.
Neonate with microcephaly, pigmented retina:
congenital CMV infection.
Inv of choice of congenital CMV infection
urine antigen
innocent murmur management:
reassure; BUT, refer to pediatrician is the right answer if found.
MCC of omphalitis :
staph. Aureus.
MC source of infection in omphalitis:
MCC of cleft lip, cleft palate:
Fused labia:
leave it alone (if DOC is asked: estrogen cream)… never to pull them apart.
MCC of club foot:
postural (esp. in primigravida).
3 days of fever followed by maculopapular rash.. Dx:
roseola infantum.
VURTI+ koplik spot on buccal mucosa then maculopapular rash.. Dx:
After Dx of measles, you must notify.
Most imp. Complication of measles:
Most imp. Vitamin to be given in measles:
vit. A.
VURTI+ slapped check… Dx:
erythema infectiosum. CO: parvovirus B19.
Parvovirus B19 infection in pt with SCA or HS:
aplastic anemia.
Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy:
hydrops fetalis in fetus.
No school exclusion for pt with parvovirus B19 inf. (pregnant teacher shouldn’t go to school).
Strawberry tongue circumoral pallor sandpaper rash=?
scarlet fever.
Ulceration on post. Pharynx, uvula, palate only:
The same+ ulceration on hand and foot=?
hand foot mouth disease.
School exclusion in hand, foot and mouth disease
till all lesions crust
Organism causing herpangina & hand foot mouth diseases:
Ulceration on lips only:
HSV infection.
Wheezes in child<2ys with URTI… Dx:
bronchiolitis …… CO: RSV.
Child with bronchiolitis is at greater risk of bronchial asthma.
TTT of bronchiolitis:
only supportive (O2 by nasal cannula& fluid)…. No abs.
Inspiratory stridor worse on lying down+ barking cough =?
Organism of croup:
parainfluenza virus.
TTT of Mild to moderate croup:
inhaled cortisone.
TTT of severe croup:
inhaled “nebulized” adrenaline.
Very high fever, expiratory stridor, drooling of saliva..Dx:
Organism of epiglottitis:
TTT of epiglottitis:
admission & intubation.
Fever for 5ds+ 4 of the following (CREAM; Conjunctivitis, Rash, Erythema, Adenopathy N MM involvement) = ?
Kawasaki disease.
Most imp. Inv for kawasaki?
Most serious complication of kawasaki
myocarditis, coronary aneurysm.
1st line of TTT of Kawasaki:
2nd line of TTT of Kawasaki
Child with fever, crying pulling on his ear… Dx:
MCC of OM:
stept. Pneumonia.
Most specific finding on otoscopy:
loss of mobility of ear drum.
Drug of choice of otitis media ( current updates)
paracetamol only
If no response……….amox
If still no response,………amox-clav
Most imp test after recovery :
hearing assessment.
Swelling behind the ear after PM.. Dx:
mastoiditis.. inv of choice: CT scan.
TTT of chronic OM:
aural toilet.
Drug of choice for chronic OM
ciprofloxacin drops
Varicella post-exposure proph:
vaccine for immune-competent within 72 hs & IVIG for pregnant immune-compromised.
School exclusion for varicella:
until blisters dried or at least 5 ds after the rash.
MC compl of mumps in children:
MC compl of mumps in adult:
30 yrs old Pt on sulfasalazine with H/O mumps when he was a child. now he has abnormal semen analysis.. cause:
Long standing H/O dry cough esp. at night :
Long standing H/O dry cough with fever:
Inv of choice at 1st 3 Ws of pertussis presentation:
PCR of nasopharyngeal swab.
Inv of choice after 3 Ws:
Prevention of pertussis:
School exclusion for pertussis:
at least 3Ws of cough or 5ds of Abs TTT.
Regardless of age or immunization status, all close contact to a case of pertussis must receive erythromycin.
Give vaccine to non-immunized & those who received last dose in >10 yrs.
Accidently discovering of abdominal mass in a child:
INV. Of choice of nephroblastoma:
CT scan.
Painful mass which may crosses midline periorbital ecchymosis
Uneven thigh skin folds, discrepancy of leg length… Dx:
Diagnostic tests of DDH:
barlow test, ortolani test.
Inv of choice of DDH:
<4 ms: US …. >4 ms: x-ray.
pavlik- harness maneuver.
Painless limp with collapsed femur head in x-ray:
perthe’s disease.
Painful limp in obese male teenager with limitation of movement:
x-ray of SCFE:
displaced femoral head medially and posteriorly.
emergently surgery. (DT fear of avascular necrosis).
Limitation of movement in perthes SCFE:
abduction and internal rotation.
1st step in management of any child with limping:
x-ray EXEPT in clear cases of transient synovitis; 1st step: US.
H/O camping then malabsorption $… Dx:
giardiasis TTT: meronidazole.
Best inv. Of giardiasis:
intestinal biopsy.
Newborn with frothy saliva & milk regurge.. Dx:
esophageal atresia.
1st step in esophageal atresia
passage of wide bore catheter following by x-ray.
TTT of esophageal atresia:
Inflammation of penis+ inability to retract in backward=?
TTT of phimosis:
cortisone cream.
Inflammation of penis+ inability to retract in forward=?
TTT of paraphimosis:
urgent manual reduction… if failed: incision.
Whitish discharge on glans penis in a child=?
From medical point of view:
circumcision is NOT recommended.
Urethral opening at the ventral surface of penis:
hypospadias… next step: never to do circumcision (the foreskin will be used in the surgery).
Child with Difficulty in initiation of micturition s H/O urinary cath.=?
urethral stenosis.
Inv. Of choice for Dx of urethral stenosis:
TTT of urethral stenosis?
repeated dilation…. If failed: surgery.
Diarrhea in a complete healthy child<5ys old with normal inv:
toddler diarrhea.
Excessive fruit juice:
tooth caries, obesity, and diarrhea.
MCC of constipation in pediatric:
Maximum timing of constipation
after weaning
Constipation since birth
Meconium ileus or hirschsprung
Cp……in functional constipation
full rectum with stool
MCC of anal fissure in infancy
MCC of rectal prolapse in kids
TTT of acute constipation
Most effective Tx of acute constipation?
bowel training
MCC of rectal prolapse in children:
Rectal prolapse recurrent chest inf.+ FTT =?
Cystic fibrosis
Most imp Q to be asked in a child with rectal prolapse:
bowel habit.
Abdominal cramping + diarrhea after lactation/dairy products = ?
lactose intolerance.
Inv. Of choice of lactase intolerance:
hydrogen breath test.
TTT of lactase intolerance:
lactose free diet (lactose free formula in infants).eg: soy based formula
MCC of epistaxis in children :
hot weather.
Healthy Child with leg pain that may awaken the pt from sleep, all inv. Are normal….. Dx:
growing pain… management: reassure.
Healthy child crying & pull his leg to his abdomen, all inv are normal.. Dx: infantile colic…. Management:
reassure and diet modification.
Crying followed by cyanosis and then convulsion.. Dx:
breath holding spells.
Convulsion then cyanosis:
Involuntary passage of stool> 4yrs = ?
TTT of encopresis?
toilet training… if failed: diet modification… if failed: laxatives.
Involuntary passage of urine> 5yrs =?
MCC of enuresis:
psychological BUT, urine culture MUST be done 1st.
MC organic cause of enuresis:
Most imp inv. To be done in enuresis:
urine culture.
Pt with enuresis, ‘ll go camping after 1-2 ds, best management:
Best long term TTT of enuresis:
alarm clock.
Inv of choice of hydrocephalus:
CT scan (not US) “MRI>CT>US”.
Limping after VURTI or with the onset of URTI =?
Most common cause of limping in kids
Inv of choice of transient tenosynovitis:
TTT of US?
analgesics, joint traction.
N.B. 1st inv of choice of limping child:
And kid with limping should be referred
N.B. 1ST inv of choice of limping after VURTI:
Fluid the child need every day:
150mg/ kg.
4 Ws infant with excessive vomiting, good general condition… Dx:
4 Ws infant with excessive vomiting, bad general condition.. Dx:
Best inv of GERD:
24 Hs ph monitoring.
Best advice to mother with an infant with GERD:
upright position after feeding.
Mother lose consciousness in daughter wedding, normal physical exam, normal test.. most imp Q to ask:
H/O separation anxiety while child.
Separation anxiety in children is NOT part of normal development; need psych TTT.
MCC of painless bleeding in child<2ys old:
meckel’s diverticulum.
TTT of mickel’s diverticulum:
TTT of choice of allergic rhinitis:
intra-nasal cortisone at night.
Chronic cough + rhinorrhea which improve with antihistaminic:
post-nasal drip.
Hives, Hypotension, wheezy chest+/- lip and tongue swelling after bee sting/ peanut ingestion=?
Hives, pruritus, flushing after bee sting/peanut ingestion= ?
urticaria (allergy).
MCC of anaphylaxis:
food> bee sting> drugs.
MC components of cake causing anaphylaxis:
nuts> sugar, egg.. etc.
TTT of anaphylaxis:
IM epinephrine at the thigh.
Epinephrine dose:
1. Adult>12 ys: 0.5mg IM
0.5mg IM
- Child 6-12 ys:
0.3mg IM
- Child <6 ys:
0.15mg IM
Pt with recurrent anaphylaxis:
epinephrine pin.
Sudden onset respiratory distress localized wheezes in children:
FB inhalation.
Most serious cause of localized wheezes in adult:
Male child with recurrent chest, GIT infection >6ms of age + decrease in all ig and lymphoid tissue.. Dx:
X-linked agammaglobulinemia.
TTT of x-linked agammaglobulinemia:
Recurrent infections recurrent suppurative lymphadenitis and multiple gingival abscesses=?
MC affected WBC in CGD:
neutrophils. (enlarged LNs that may ooze pus with neutrophils And bacteria inside).
MC organism causing infection in CGD:
staph aureus.
Which Enzyme is affected in CGD?
NADPH oxidase.
Specific test to diagnose CGD:
nitroblue tetrazolium test.
Head trauma Child with skull fracture (open, depressed or basal) develop convulsion, recurrent vomiting or altered mental status
CT is a must.
Head trauma child with no loss of consc. &; only 1 episode of vomiting
Head trauma child with persistent headache & 2 episodes of vomiting
observe for 4 hours.
If GCS less than 8
immediate intubation
Assessment of child growth:
always follow growth chart (not given percentage).
growth: between 5th-85th percentile=?
normal growth.
growth: between 85th-95th percentile=?
growth >95th percentile= ?
growth <5th percentile=?
Most affected parameter by acute malnutrition:
Period of accelerated growth that follow periods of arrested growth:
catch up growth.
Best clinical indicator for overwt & underwt in children:
BMI growth chart (not numbers).
MCC of obesity overall:
over feeding.
Failure To Thrive (FTT):
Most common cause
FTT + constipation only
hirschprung disease
FTT + constipation + recurrent chest infection
.cystic fibrosis
FTT+ steatorrhea + recurrent chest infection
cystic fibrosis
FTT + steatorrhea
If FTT is DT neglect
Report to child protective authority.
Vaccination schedule for premature infants:
the same schedule & dose as mature infants.
Child with VURTI, now time of vaccination:
give as schedule.
Child missed vaccination dose:
catch up vaccine schedule (give him missed vaccines now).
“Imp. Ex.” MMR vaccine:
1st dose at 12 m& 2nd dose at 18 m.
Egg allergy is NOT a contra-indication to MMR vaccine.
Somalian kid previously received doses of OPV comes to u, WT NEXT??
Give IPV.
Mam refused to give vaccines to her kid. 1st step:
talk 2 her, if refused: refer for counseling, if still refused: report to child protective authority
MCC of short stature:
normal variant “constitutional”.
1st step in assessment of short stature, delayed puberty, precocious puberty:
x-ray to detect bona age (BA).
If CA> BA:
REASSURE… if BA>CA: very bad.
TTT of Obese child:
exercise prog (NOT diet as food is vital 4 development).
MCC of iron deficiency anemia in infants:
prolonged exclusive breastfeeding.
Start weaning at 4 ms (very imp. To start give iron fortified cereals).
MCC of decreased breast milk:
decreased frequency.
Frequency of breastfeeding:
at least 8 times/ day.
Choking in infants:
slapping on the back.
Chocking in adults:
heimlich maneuver.
Sudden onset cough, dyspnea localized wheezes=?
FB aspiration (1st step: x-ray).
Unilateral offensive nasal discharge in mentally retarded kid=?
FB in the nose.
TTT of FB in the nose:
removal under anesthesia.
Infant with an insect in ear.. 1st step:
kill it by oil.. then removal with forceps or ear toilet.
Child with fish bone in larynx:
Child ingests battery; x-ray shows it at the esophagus:
remove it by endoscope.
MCC of bloody vaginal discharge in infants:
FB in the vagina.
TTT of FB in the vagina:
removal under general anesthesia.
Immigrant infant from Sudan; most imp to check:
Ca& vit. D (high risk of rickets).
Cause of neonatal gynecomastia:
passage of maternal hormones.
Management of neonatal gynecomastia:
observe (never squeeze).
Best way to asses fetal IUG:
Defect in both BPD, abdominal width=?
Symmetrical IUGR (MCC: chromosomal abnormalities, congenital infection).
Defect in abdominal width, normal BPD= ?
asymmetrical IUGR (MCC: placental problems as preeclampsia).
Risk of high flow O2 to premature:
1.Retinopathy of prematurity. 2. Lung dysplasia.
1st step in management of Meconium stained amniotic fluid:
CTG &; scalp pH monitoring
suction NOT recommended any more in cases with meconium staining
1st step in meconium stating
mask ventilation
If very low apgar score with no response :
Tachypnea in neonate delivered by CS with normal CXR:
transient tachypnea of neonate……. TTT: O2.
Subconjunctival Hge in neonate:
MCC of facial n. palsy in neonates:
forceps delivery.
Bluish discolouration on buttocks since birth=?
Mongolian spots.
Management of Mongolian spot:
Red strawberry mass raising above surface of face of neonate=?
TTT of hemangioma:
reassure (‘ll spontaneously disappear at 7-8 ys)… if not: cortisone is the 1st line TTT.
Dark purple color at face of neonate (at trigeminal distribution) not raising above the skin=?
port wine stain= capillary malformation.
Most imp inv to be done for pt with port wine stain:
brain CT (to exclude sturge- weber $).
Translucent cyst since birth=?
cystic hygroma.
MC site of cystic hygroma:
Cyst at neck side=?
branchial cyst…. TTT: remove by surgery.
Most common fate of branchial cyst
Firm painless swelling at birth & later, head tilt to one side=?
congenital torticollis.
Excessive watery tears in infants.. Dx:
blocked naso-lacrimal duct.
Most imp advice for naso lacrimal duct blockage?
massage of the duct several times/day (improvement occurs at 6-12 ms).
Dyspnea, cyanosis at birth with scaphoid abdomen, intestinal sound at chest, intestinal shadow IN THE CHEST at X-ray… Dx:
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
TTT of Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
decompression, resuscitation and immediate surgery.
MC complication in infant of diabetic mother:
Neonate to mother with DM.1st: good apgar score then: depressed……………..MCC:
MCC of neonatal RDS:
Prevention of RDS:
antenatal cortisone.
A treatment strategy of early (within 20 to 30 min after birth) surfactant therapy is associated with significant decrease in duration of mechanical ventilation, lesser incidence of air-leak syndromes, and lower incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Persistent non-bilious vomiting at 2-6 Ws of age:
Persistent Bilious vomiting since birth.. Dx:
duodenal atresia.
Inv of choice in duodenal atresia:
abdominal x-ray (double bubble sign).
TTT of duodenal atresia:
No passing of stool since birth, no anal opening..Dx:
imperforate anus.
Inv of choice of imperforate anus:
x-ray with the pt upside down.
Neonate with High pitched cry, sweating, tremor, vomiting, diarrhea and may be convulsion …Dx:
neonatal abstinence $ (neonate to opioid abusing mother).
TTT of neonatal abstinence $:
Neonate with low apgar score, confusion, decrease in RR, BP, PR and may be pinpoint pupils. cause:
passage of opioid to fetus during labor (maternal anesthesia)……
School exclusion:
Chicken pox………
until vesicles dried.
School exclusion: Hand foot mouth disease
until vesicles dried.
School exclusion: Impetig:
until 24hs from starting abs TTT.
School exclusion: Measles:
for 4 ds after rash appearance.
School exclusion:Pertussis:
for 5 ds after abs TTT or 3 Ws of cough.
School exclusion: Erythema infctiosum:
exclusion of pregnant teacher not the infected kid.
Child living in low socioeconomic status environment develop abdominal pain, constipation & change in behaviour…Dx:
lead poisoning.
When u suspect paracetamol toxicity; assessment of paracetamol level in blood 4 hs after ingestion:
If paracetamol ingested is <200mg/kg?
no TTT.
If paracetamol ingested is >200mg/kg?
give antidote.
Antidote for paracetamol toxicity:
IV N-acetyl cysteine.
Pt presented with symptoms of Paracetamol toxicity, time of ingestion is not known…. Next step:
give antidote.
Vomiting, tinnitus, hyperventilation after ingestion of large dose of medication………..Dx:
aspirin toxicity.
Metabolic changes in Aspirin toxicity:
respiratory alkalosis DT hyperventilation
metabolic alkalosis DT defect in metabolism.
Pt work in close garage, BBQ party with geadache, irritability, lethargy and cherry red skin color…Dx:
CO poisoning….
high flow O2.
Farmer presented with lacrimation, salivation, urination, defecation, rhinorrhea, bronchorrhea/wheezy chest, decrease in BP, PR and may be pin point pupil……………….Dx:
OPC poisoning.
1st step in TTT of OPC poisoning:
remove pt clothes.
Antidote of OPC poisoning:
Child ingested pills which appear opaque in abdominal x-ray
iron poisoning.
TTT of iron poisoning:
Child ingest white pills develop arrhythmia….1st step:
ECG… then if ECG changes: give NAHCO3.
Genetics of important diseases:
Essential tremors
Marfan syndrome
Adult Polycystic kidney disease
Familial adenomatous polyps
Tourette syndrome
Sickle cell anemia
Type of toothpaste used under 17 ys old
low fluoride
Preferred type of milk in lactose intolerance
soy based milk
Most common cause of delayed milestones is?
Delayed milestones + H/O prolonged jaundice or prolonged stay in the ICU
consider neurological problem
First step in dehydrated in kid
oral feeding if failed then Iv feeding
When to say direct hyperbilirubinemia
when direct is more than 20% of the total
Direct hyperbilirubinemia after 1st week
biliary atresia
prolonged jaundice, constipation, hypotonia, enlarged tongue, umbilical or inguinal hernia, mental retardation
congenital hypothyroidism
Most common cause of delayed milestones is?
After sting bite if the child develops?????
Rash only or limited swelling
oral antihistamine(oral promethazine)
Rash+wheezy chest+hypotension or vomiting, what to give?
IM adrenaline
Most imp inv with a drowsy kid in the morning
blood sugar
9 yrs kid started menstruation
normal puberty
2 yrs kid started menstruation
precocious puberty
2 yrs kid with breast enlargement only
Head increased rapidly in size in a baby
Tall boy, infertile, gynecomastia with mental retardation
klinefelter SYNDROME
1ST inv in infertility in pt with klinefelters
testosterone level
tx of infant presenting with opiod withdrawal?
Baby with hx of sudden bending of trunk, what is this?
Infantile spasm
Most common congenital heart defect?
Tx of infantile spasm?
- Steroids
2. Can use ACTH
Most common complication of long QT?
Torsades de Point
MC deficiency in celiac disease
difference b/w autism and Asperger
Autism = language delay
6/2 rule for hernia diagnosis and repair
brith and 6 weeks — 2 days to repair
6 weeks to 6 months —-2 weeks to repair
>6 months—–2 months to repair
Most ominous sign in croup
after ochioplexy, what risk does not change?
amount of adrenalin given for anaphylaxis
0.01ml per kg
Tx of choice for kid with WPW and SVT
Baby with gasping, gags and turning blue with occasional apnea, think?
Tx of pertusis?
how do u measure severity of perusis?
degree of lymphocytosis
combination of Laba and ICS does what in kids with asthma?
Increases severe excacerbation
persistant drainage from umbilicus that is non purulent, what is it?
Tx choice
Umbilical Granuloma
Silver nitrate