Peds Nephro/GU Flashcards
Asymptomatic patient with 5+ RBC on UA and normal BUN/Cr. Possible dx?
Benign Familial Hematuria - check FHX
Color of blood from pre-renal, renal, and post-renal?
pre-renal (myoglobin) = dark red
renal (kidneys) = tea/cola
post-renal = bright red
Concern of adult smoker with painless gross hematuria?
transitional cell carcinoma of bladder; refer to urology
hematuria + hearing loss + visual changes =
Alport syndrome
Treatment of Alport syndrome
- progressive; no tx
- Refer to nephrology because leads to kidney failure
- Need dialysis and transplant
hematuria + ASO titer =
Post-Strep Glomerulonephritis (PSGN)
UA results of PSGN
red cell casts
Supportive therapy for patients with proteinuria
HTN control (ACE-I)
gross hematuria + URI
IgA Nephropathy (Berger’s Disease)
IgA nephropathy treatment
Possible causes of Myoglobinuria
extreme exercise, high fever, crush injury, burn, sepsis
Labs in myoglobinuria
elevated CK, LDH
UA: dark urine, no blood
Myoglobinuria treatment
increase hydration
Alkalinize urine
Definition of hematuria
+5 RBC per high powered field on 2 separate occasions (microscopic or gross)
HUS is preceded by ______ infection 3-7 days prior.
E. coli
HA and petechial rash with decreased urination and dark urine following an episode of bloody diarrhea. Classic presentation of what dx?
Lab results of HUS
- Anemia, thrombocytopenia
- Elevated LDH, bili, PTT, d-dimer, BUN/Cr
- Hematuria with RBC casts
HUS treatment
If HUS suspected, then what also must be checked for?
MAHA on peripheral blood smear
E. coli O157:H7 in stool
Henoch Schonlein Purpura triad
- vague abd pain
- arthritis
- rash - petechial, purpuric; ONLY waist down
Always check ______ levels when petechial rash.
platelet (order CBC)
What is major similarity and difference between HUS and HSP?
HUS has thrombocytopenia (low platelets) and HSP doesn’t
Both have petechial rash and hematuria
Henoch Schonlein Purpura treatment
steroids for bloody stool
Gold standard lab for proteinuria
24 hr urine collection
Benign, asx proteinuria common in school-aged children.
orthostatic proteinuria
Sudden onset edema of eyes and genitals in patient < 6 yo with +2 proteins in urine and elevated triglycerides. Likely dx?
Minimal Change Disease
Signs of nephrotic syndrome (seen in Minimal Change Disease but not in orthostatic proteinuria)
low albumin (low blood protein)
Signs of UTI in pediatrics
Fever without source Poor feeding, vomiting Sudden incontinence or enuresis Strong smelling urine Abdominal tenderness
Renal U/S vs VCUG for UTI evaluation in children?
US: boy, < 2 yo, GU anomalies, recurrent UTI (+3/yr)
VCUG: UTI fails to respond after 2 days of abx, < 2 yo with 2nd UTI, recurrent UTI any age