Peds HEENT Flashcards
Most likely organism to cause otitis externa
Tx of otitis externa
quinolone abx drops
+/- steroid
PE of serous otitis media
TM is dull with bubbles
No signs of infection; non-erythemous
serous otitis media treatment
self-limiting; 4-6 wks
if no improvement in 3 months, then chronic and needs ET tubes
Ear infection common in pilots and scuba divers
barotitis media (barotrauma)
barotrauma treatment
Common etiologies of acute otitis media
viral: 80%
bacteria: strep pneumo, H-flu, Moraxella
Risk factors for otitis media infection
smoke exposure, nighttime bottle, pacifier use, asthma, allergies, ET tube dysfunction
Signs of otitis media
otalgia, hearing loss, fever, URI, ear tugging
PE: TM erythema, bulging, bubbles
When to use abx to treat otitis media?
< 6 mon: ALWAYS
6 mon - 2 yrs: if severe
over 2 yo: watch and see
ABX of choice for otitis media
Amoxicillin 80-90 mg/kg/day or Augmentin
Cefriaxone x 3 days if 1st line fails
What is a cholesteatoma?
collection of trapped epithelial tissue that grow on surface of TM and may cause erosion of mastoid bone
Possible complications of otitis media
cholesteatoma, acute mastoiditis
How to treat acute mastoiditis?
IV abx to cover strep and staph
Criteria for ET tube placement
- persistent serous OM x 6-12 wks
- recurrent OM 3x/6 mon or 4x/12 mon
“plugged ear” + recent URI + NO fever + retracted TM =
ET dysfunction
Common etiology of acute viral conjunctivitis
How are viral, bacterial, and allergic conjunctivitis differentiated?
viral is watery discharge and lid edema
bacterial purulent discharge with more redness
allergic has watery discharge and periorbital puffiness; h/o allergies
Common etiology of acute bacterial conjunctivitis
staph aureus, staph epidermidis, strep pneumo, H flu
How to treat bacterial conjunctivitis?
*need 24 hrs of abx to return to school
tx of allergic conjunctivitis
PO anti-histamines
diagnostic sign of oral candidiasis
white plaques in mouth that do not scrape off
tx of oral candidiasis
fluconazole (Nystatin)