Peds Infectious Rashes OME Flashcards
baby with red cheeks rash + fever for the last few days that now has lacy or reticular rash on arms and trunk. dx?
parvovirus B19
pregnant women gets infected with parvo…whats the comp?
hydrops fetalis for baby =(
what population will have complications with a parvo infection?
those with SS or other hemoglobinopathies = aplastic crisis
sx of measles?
fever +rash, cough, runny nose that starts at head and moves down the body. + Koplik spots = white spots on buccal mucosa
complication of measles later in life?
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
koplik spots vs forchheimer spots
koplik = white spots in mouth = measles
forchheimer = red spots my be blochy in mouth = rubella
whats the biggest difference between rubella and measles?
rubella has a prodrome generalized tender lympadenopathy
sx of rubella
rash + fever that starts at head and moves down body = faster than measles, forchheimer spots = red spots in mouth
*prodrome = tender generalized lymphadeopathy
kid who doesnt have MMR vac comes in with rash on face + fever that is starting to spread to the rest of hte body…what do you need to look for to dx?
tender lymphadenopathy! = this will tell u rubella vs measles
kid with HIGH fever (104) then fever goes away and rash starts on trunk and spreads, kid had a seizure yesterday. dx?
Roseola = HHV-6
how do you tx febrile seizures? what infectious rash is this associated with?
Benzos for seizures & acetomenophen for fever! (do not use ASA as it will cause ryes syndrome!)
HHV6 = Roseola
2 kids come in with rashes. one has rash on face the other has it on the trunk and it has begun to spread outward. PE: vescular rash on erythematus base in various stages of healing. dx?
Chicken pox! = Varicella zoster virus
what are 2 complications of chickenpox?
scarring and scondary infectiosn with staph and GAS.
when do you do pox parties?
NEVER! get vaccinated(MMRV)! bc now we know singles is fucking shit
describe a shingles rash
painful rash in dermatomal distrubtion of DRG, NEVER crosses midline, seen in immunocomp pt
long term complication of shingles. tx?
postherpetic neuralgia after rash has resolves
tx: TCA or gabapentin
bilateral parotid swelling and orchitis in pebertal males. dx?
what bug causes “Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease(HFMD)”?
Coxsackie A virus
kid with vesicles on erythematous base in mouth(soft palate, tonsils, uvula), hands, feet & butt. dx?
HFMD = Coxsackie A virus