Peds: ID/Pulm Flashcards
Hydrocephalus with intracranial calcifications and chorioretinitis. Dx? Test?
Toxoplasmosis. IgM
Cataracts, deafness, heart defects blueberry muffin spots. Dx? Test?
Rubella. IgM
Microcephaly, periventricular calcifications, petechia, thrombocytopenia. Dx? Test?
CMV. Urine or salive CMV culture. Serum IgM in newborn confirms congenital CMV.
First week PNA and Shock, 2nd week skin vesicules, keratoconjunctivitis Dx? Test?
Herpes. Tzanck smear/culture. HSV PCR.
Osteochrondirits, desqaumating skin rash of palms and soles. Dx? Test?
Syphilis VDRL. Specific FTA-ABS
Cutaneous scars and limb hypoplasia. Dx? Rx?
Varicella. IgM
Most common cause of Stridor in Children. Fever, runny nose, coryza. Barking cough, stridor on inspiration, respiratory distress. Dx Test? Rx?
Croup. Infection of the Subglottic space caused by parainfluenza. Test: Clinical diagnosis can see Steeple sign on CXR. Rx: Racemic nebulized epinephrine.
Pt has fever, drooling (hurts to swallow) and refuses to lean back (hurts to lean back), speaks in muffled sounds. CXF there is thumb print sign. Dx? Next step in management? Rx?
Epiglottis. Ceftriaxone/Cefuroxime.
Toddler choked on some coins. Pt is drooling and is in respiratory distress. Decreased breath sounds on the R with intercostal retractions. Dx? Test? Rx?
Foreign Body in airway. CXR then bronchoscopy for definiitve diagnosis. Rigid Bronchoscopy removes foreign object. Unless it’s GI then do flexible endoscope down esophagus- ingestion of foreign body.
Rx for inpatient child pneumonia? Rx for out patient child pneumonia.
Inpatient - Ceftriaxone or (Azthro/Erythromycin for 1-3 month) olds Outpatient - Ampicillin, Amoxicillin or Azithro/Erythromycin
Fever > 104, Cough, Coryza, Conjunctivityis, Kpolik spots in mouth (whitish spots on buccal mucousa) Dx? Test? Rx?
Rubeola (Measles). Clinical Diagnosis. Supportive.
Fever precedes classic gland swelling with possible orchitis. Dx? Test? Rx?
Mumps. Clinical Diagnosis. Supportive.
Delayed immunizations, paroxysmal cough, facial petechiae, conjunctival hemorrahages, post-tussive emesis. Dx? Test? Rx?
Whooping cough by Bordetella Pertussis. Test: Clinical Diagnosis and PCR can confirm. Rx: PO Erythromycin for 14 days - helps shorten the course of the illness during the infectious stage and Treat Family members (very contagious) and vaccinate anyone who has not been vaccinated yet.
This presents in >12 year olds. Pt presents with Hot Potato Voice/Muffled Voice and the Uvula is displaced midline. Clinical diagnosis. Dx? Rx?
Peritonsillar Abscess. I and D and abx.
Brassy cough, high fever, respiratory distress no drooling or dysphagia, occurs after viral URI. Dx? Test?
Bacterial tracheitis. CXR shows subglottic narrowing + ragged tracheal air column.
Fever, SOB, Tacypnea, paroxysmal wheezing and cough in a child < 2 years. Dx? Test? Rx?
Bronchiolitis. CXR shows hyperinflation. Viral antigen testing (adenovirus, parainfluenza, RSV. ) Supportive care with nasal suctioning, nebulized hypertonic saline, supplemental 02, trial of beta agonist. Ribavirin, intubation if severe.
Rx of CF?
Ivacaftor (restores mutant function of CF gene and decreases sweat chloride levels) Ibuprofen- decrease inflammation, Azithromycin slows rate of decline in FEV1, Abx delay progression of lung disease. Mild dz- give macrolide Dz w/ S. aureus or Pseudomnoas - pipercillin + tobramycin
Fever without focus that last < 1 week and occurs in children < 36 months.
fever w/o focus in young child. Neonate cover group B strept , E. coli, listeria. Infant cover for strept PNA. Well appearing single dose IM ceftriaxone. Toxic: empiric IV abx
Rx of neonatal sepsis? If meningitis what rx? If child < 28 days old what rx?
Amp + gentamicin. Cefotaxime. Acyclovir
Fever, sore throat in child with vesicles and ulcers on POSTERIOR oropharynx
Fever, vesicles & ulcers on ANTERIOR oral mucosa and around the mouth
Herpes gingiovostomatitis
Tonsillar exudates, fever, anterior cervical lymphadenopathy
Group A strept
Tonsillar exudates, fever DIFFUSE cervical lymphadenopathy +/- hepatosplenomegaly
infectious mono
Recurrent ulcers in mouth w/ no systemic signs? Rx?
Apthous Stomatitis. Prednisone.