ID Flashcards
Occurs in South and Southeast Asia. Flu-like febrile illness, myalgias, joint pains, HA and Retro-Orbital Pain, Rash, petechial, thrombocytonepia, elevated LFTS. Dx? Rx?
Dengue Fever. Supportive Care.
Fever, anemia, splenomegaly, cerebral endema can occur. Dx? Rx?
Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria.
Intestinal perforation is a complication of this condition, fever, chills, bradycardiac, Abdominal Pain, Rose Spots. Dx? Rx?
Typhoid Fever.
Associated with outpatient exposure, Fresh water swimming, household pets. GI symptoms, Conjunctival suffusion, Juanidce, renal failure.
Leptospirosis. Jaundice and renal failure is Weils syndrome.
Infection arises in soil and organic matter, associated with outdoor activities or occupations. Starts as a papular lesion then ulcerates over time, non purulent dishcarge. Dx? Rx?
Sporotrichosis (fungal infection). Itracanazole.
Candidal infeciton that can cause pneumonia or manifest on skin and bones. Dx?
Associated with cervicofacial disease (gingivitis, dental caries, extraction). Humans are the only reservoir. Dx?
Airbone fungus that causes cough, hemoptysis and erythema nodosum.
Rx for Mild C. diff? Rx Severe? Rx if patient has illeus? Rx? for Toxic megacolon?
Oral flagyl. PO Vanc (and IV flagyl). IV flagyl and Rectal Vanc. Surgery.
Fever, hypotension, swelling and erythema of leg. Pain out of proportion to findings. Dx? Rx?
Necrotizing Fascitis. Urgent Surgical debreidement and abx (Zosyn or Carbepenem +Vanc +Clindamycin)
Fever, pharyngitis, posterior or diffuse cervical lymphadenapathy, hepatosplenomegaly. Dx? What is a possible complication after treatment?
Infectious Mononucelosis. Viral exanthema after improper administration of abx, immune mediated due to antibodies to penicillin.
Associated with foreign body insertion, pt become febrile, lethargic, tachy, hypotensive Dx? Rx?
TSS. Clindamycin (prevents release of staph exotoxin) +/- Vanc
What is the appropriate antimicrobial ppx to give pts who have been in close contact with a pt with neisseria meningitidis?
Rifampin, cipro, ceftriaxone
Fever, cervical and occipital lymph nodes, maculopapular rash that begings on face and spreads caudally.
German measles Rubella. Supportive rx.
Fever, malaise, HA, petechial rash that begins on the distal extremities palms and soles and then spreads to trunk.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
High fever that rapidly resolves. Then eruption of rosy non pruritic rash that begins on trunk and spreads to extremities.
Severe illness associated with cough, conjunctivitis and coryza, blue-white koplik spots found on buccal mucosa. Rash that begins on face and spreads down.
Occurs in HIV pt with CD4 count < 100 charastetic lesion is umblicaiton with central necrosis resembling molluscum contagiousum. Dx?
Disseminated Cryptococcus. Cutaneous Cryptococcus
Pt underwent appendectomy now presents 2 weeks later with swinging fever, cough and shoulder pain. Dx? Next step in management?
Possible intra abdominal abscess or subphrenic abscess. Get US.
What is the next step in mangement when health care workers have been exposed to a TB pt whose results come back positive on aFb?
PPD if first result negative then repeat PPD in 3 months.
CSF analysis for bacterial meningitis ?
WBC > 1,000 Glucose <40 Protein > 250 (low glucose, high protein)
CSF analysis for viral meningitis ?
WBC 100-1,000 Glucose > 40 Protein <100 (normal glucose, low protein)
CSF analysis for TB meningitis ?
5-1,000 Glucose <10 Protein>250 (very low glucose, high protein)
Immunocompromised pt, HIV develops focal neurological deficits MRI shows non-enhancing demyleinating lesions. Dx?
PML. CNS lymphoma and Toxo have ring enhancing lesions.