Peds Exam 3 Flashcards
What is the head lag reflex
When the infant is lifted from the bed, the head will fall back because the newborn cannot maintain neutral head position. disappears by 6 months
What is the rooting reflex
causes the infants head to turn in the direction of anything that touches it’s cheek in anticipation of food.. disappears around 3- 4 months
What is the tonic neck reflex
When sleeping or quiet the infants head turns to one side and the arm and leg on the side that are extended, while the opposite arm and leg are flexed, disappears around 5 months
What is the palmar grasp
place an object in the hand of a newborn and the newborn will grasp it tightly, disappears by 4 months
What is the moro relex
reaction to a sudden movement in which the infants arms and legs extend and abduct and the fingers are splayed in a C position. Then the infants arms return to the midline in an embracing position. disappears around 3-6 months
What is the babinski reflex
stroke the sole of the foot, the big toe will dorsiflex and the toes will flare out.
what is the blinking response
the infant will blink when hearing a loud noise disappears around 3-6 months
what is the sucking response
the infant will suck on a finger or nipple when placed in mouth, disappears around 7-12 months
What is the dancing relex
the infant when held upright above a table will lift their foot up on contact with the surface disappears around 4-5 months
What is molding in a newborn
shaping of the fetal head to facilitate movement into the birth canal
WHat are fontanelles
openings at the point of the union of skull bones, soft spots
signs of dehydration in newborn
sunken fontanel, cold, clammy skin, reduced activity, dry skin, lips dry, fewer wet diapers, lack of tears
what is lanugo
fine hair that covers the infants body, tends to disappear during the first week of life.
what is milia
white pinpoint pimples caused by obstructed sebaceous glands
What is the range for a newborns head circumference
from 12.4 inches to 14.1 inches or 32 to 36 cm
What are the functions of the fontanelles
to allow for the head to adapt to the birth canal, and to allow for future brain growth
Shape of the anterior fontanelles and how long until closure
diamond- 12-18 months
shape of the posterior fontanelle and how long until closure
triangle and by the end of the 2nd month
Types of murmurs found in newborns and what they are
functional- functioning murmur, normal murmur, due to blood passing through normal heart valves.
abnormal or organic is abnormal and due to abnormal openings or normal openings that have not yet closed.
Normal newborn vital signs
Temp: axillary- 36.6-37.2 (97.8-98.9)
Pulse- 110-160 bpm
Respirations- 30-60 per minute
Erikson’s first task for infant
trust vs. mistrust
Social development for an infant of 2 months
tears appear, they can hold head erect in midposition, can following moving light with eyes and hold a rattle briefly
Social development for an infant of 4 months
can play with a rattle and dangling toys, rooting, tonic neck, moro and extrusion reflexes are no longer present
social development for an infant of 6 months
cries loudly when interrupted from play, increased interest in world. babbles and squeals, sucks food from spoon.
social development for 12 months
friendly, repeats acts that elicit a response, recognizes no
At what age does the parachute relex appear
7 to 9 months
How to deal with an irritable infant or infant with colic
Breast feeding mothers should avoid gas producing foods, and the infants should be burped frequently, holding the infant face down and close to the body while supporting the abdomen. Using gentle formulas such as enfamil gentlease or similac gentle