Peds depression Flashcards
How many adolescents with depression are dx b/f they reach adulthood? How many get adequate tx?
- only 50% with depression are dx b/f they reach adulthood
- only 50% of those dx get adequate tx
Prevalence of depression in peds?
- pre-puberty: 1-2%, girls:boys 1:1
- post-puberty: 3-8%, girls:boys 2:1
RFs for depression?
- personal or family hx of depression
- personal or family hx of bipolar disorder
- suicide related behavior
- substance abuse
- other psychiatric illnesses
- significant psychosocial stressors (family crisis, abuse, neglect, trauma)
Screening tools used for depression?
- screen if sxs warrant it and do this yearly
- GAPS (guidelines for adolescent preventive services)
- beck depression inventory
- kutcher adolescent depression scale
- SDQ (strengths and difficulties questionnaire)
- personal interview: HEADSS
What does HEADSS stand for?
- H (home)
- E (education, employment)
- A (activities)
- D (drugs)
- S (sexuality)
- S (suicide/depression)
Criteria for dx of depression (DSM IV-TR and DSM 5)?
- major depressive episode in kids and adolescents typically includes at least 5 of the following sxs during the same 2 wk period
- at least one of the sxs needs to be depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure
Major depressive episode criteria:
- depressed or irritable mood
- diminished interest or loss of pleasure in almost all activities
- sleep disturbance (sleeping all the time, insomnia)
- wt change, appetite disturbance, or failure to achieve expected wt gain
- decreased concentration or indecisiveness
- suicidal ideation or thoughts of death
- psychomotor agitation or retardation
- fatigue or loss of energy
- feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
- sxs are not due to medical condition or other psychiatric disorder (bipolar- want to rule this out first!)
- sxs are not due to direct physiological effects of a substance
- sxs are not better accounted for by bereavement beyond 2 months
Depressive sxs in kids and pre-pubertal youth?
- somatic complaints: HA, belly pain, nausea
- psychomotor agitation
- mood-congruent hallucinations
- school refusal
- phobias/separation anxiety/increase in worrying
Typical sxs of a pre-pubertal child with depression?
- child used to enjoy hanging out with friends now continually complaining of HAs or abdominal pain to get out of school. Withdrawal from sports and extracuricular activities. Expresses constant worry over activities at recess and is biting his fingernails until they bleed, he wants nothing to do with his friends.
Depression sxs in adolescents and post-pubertal youth?
- low self esteem, apathy, boredom
- substance abuse
- change in wt, sleep or grades
- psychomotor depression/hypersomnia
- aggression/antisocial behavior
- social withdrawal
Typical sxs of an adolescent with depression?
- 16 yo female - who was previously a good student, now is skipping school and getting into fights. She is barely passing her classes and has been caught shoplifting 2x. She has also started smoking pot, changed friends and showers only 2-3x a week. Stays locked in her room and won’t join family for meals
Diff in sxs in younger kids and teens?
- younger kids: may present more somatic sxs and more likely to have psychomotor agititation
- teens may be more likely to present with social withdrawal, substance use and psychomotor depression
Signs and sxs of major depression? SIGECAPS
S: sleep disturbance I: interests (decreased) G: guilt (excessive or inapprop.) E: energy (decreased) C: concentration probs A: appetite change P: pleasure (decreased) S: suicidal thoughts or actions
Interviewing the child and parent?
- screening forms specifically for the parents/caregivers to fill out
- directed interview
- remember to maintain confidentiality b/t the parents and the pt
- goal is to est. how much support the pt has and to assess for safety (suicidal behaviors)
What other etiologies should you rule out b/f dx depression?
- infection: mono
- med side effects
- endocrine disorder: thyroid disorder
- tumot
- neuro disorder
- miscellaneous: anemia
DDx of depression?
- normal moodiness of teens
- major depressive disorder
- substance induced mood disorder
- adjustment disorder
- anxiety disorder
- bipolar disorder
- eating disorder
- conduct disorder
How common is suicide in adolescents?
- 3rd leading COD
- risk of suicide may increase at the pt recovers some from depression and has more energy and motivation
- in 2014 - q 12.2 min someone in US died from suicide