Peds Flashcards
What are some risk factors for an undescended testicles?
Prematurity Low birth weight Genetic susceptibility Maternal exposure to estrogens Maternal smoking Maternal alcohol consumption Maternal analgesic consumption
What should you tell her family about the timing of surgery for an undescended testicles?
It should occur between six and 18 months as many undescended testes will descend within the first 6 months of life, but rarely descends after 6
What do you do if you transect the vas deferens during a pediatric inguinal orchiopexy?
Attempt a re-anastomosis and cancel the family
Does orchiopexy completely reduce the risk of testicular cancer?
No, the risk is reduced but it is not back down to normal. These patients should be counseled regarding testicular self exam beginning of puberty.
Does orchiopexy restore fertility to normal levels?
Almost, but not completely. There is a slightly increased risk of infertility although fertility rates are still approximately 90%.
What are possible findings during diagnostic laparoscopy of non-palpable testis?
Atretic vessels going to closed inguinal ring suggesting a vanishing testis (died 2/2 no blood supply)
A small hypoplastic testis (orch)
(In both cases can consider contralateral pexy)
Intraabdominal testis and will have to then determine if you can do a pexy or if you will have to divide the vessels (and then need to decide between 1 and 2 stage division)
Second stage happens 6 months later
Which hypospadias babies need a karyotype and hormonal panel?
This with a perineal hypospadias, or a proximal hypospadias with UDT, or some major congenital abnormality
What is the recommended timing of hypospadias repair?
6-12 months
What is recommendation regarding abx in baby with VUR<1 year old?
Need prophylaxis except if no history of UTI and VUR is grade 1-2
What is recommendation for abx prophylaxis in a kid >1 year?
They can be off it only if no BBD, recurrent UTIs, or scarring, but it remains an option
What is recommended followup for kids with VUR?
Annual BP, height, weight, UA, ultrasound
Repeat VCUG 1 year
Nuclear renogram only for cause (worsening hydro, suspicion for scarring)
What are absolute indications for surgical treatment of VUR?
Breakthrough UTI on prophylaxis
Noncompliance with prophylaxis
Progressive renal scarring
What testing is required after all surgeries for VUR?
RUS 1 month later
What is the incidence of VUR in siblings and when is screening warranted?
Any suggestion of reflux:
- RUS with abormalities to suggest reflux, hydro, scarring
- nuclear renogram with scar
Indications for operating on a MCDK?
Respiratory distress or difficulty with feeding due to mass effect
Differential diagnosis for renal mass in a child?
Wilms Tumor Neuroblastoma Congenital mesoblastic nephroma Clear cell sarcoma Rhabdoid tumor AML RCC
What are important things to ask about when considering a prenatal ultrasound?
- Were the kidneys appropriate size for gestational age?
- Were the ureters seen and were they dilated?
- does the bladder cycle?
- does any hydro relate to bladder filling
- is the rest of anatomy normal?