Pediatrics - Week 5 Tips Flashcards
Acetaminophen Toxicity Range
↑ 200 mcg/mL
Glucose RangeProgression
Day 1
↑ Day 1
40 - 60
50 - 90
90 - 100 mg/dL
Hct of infant vs. adult Range
48 - 69% day 1
Hgb infant vs adult Range
14.5 - 22.5 g/dL
Fatal Iron poisoning and general range
↑ 1,800 mcg/dL
50 - 250 mcg/dL
Platelets Range of infants
starts at 84,000 - 400,000 but is SAME as adult by 1 week
Therapeutic Salicylate Range
15 - 30 mg/dL
Salicylate function? how?
↓ inflammation by inhibitng prostaglandin synthesis
Leukocyte Range Progression
9.0 - 30.0, ↓ w/ age
BP Range Progression from 1 year
♂ 80/34 ♀ 83/38
↑ with age
Temperatures Peds
36.5 - 37.2 Oral @ 1 year
HR Range Progression
Birth - 1 Week = 100 - 160 bpm
1 week - 3months = 100 - 220min
Starts dropping afterwards…
Respiration Range Progression
Newborn 30 - 60/min ↓ with age
Pain Assessment by Age 2 mo - 7 years 3 years+ 3 - 13 years 5 years+ 3 - 18 years
FLACC Faces Oucher Numeric Non-communicating pain checklist
FLACC (10/10)
Each = 2 points Face Legs Activity Cry Consolability 0 = nothing, 2 = extreme, 1 = inbetween
FACES and Oucher
Scales 1 - 5, but 2x for 0/10 score
Non-communicating Children’s Pain Checklist (VSALP)
Observe behaviors 10 minutes #activities for... Vocal, social, facial, activity, limbs, physiological (0 - 3pts ea)
0 = none
3 = extreme
1 - 2 = inbetween
+11 = modeate/severe
6 - 10 = mild
Traditional Nuclear Family
Married w/ biological kids
Nuclear Family
Parents w/ NOT biological kids
Blended Family
Extended Family
+1 outsider
Binuclear Family
Terminated marriage but continue to parent child
Communal Family
Share ownership property w/out monetary consideration
Freud Stages of Development (5)
Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital
Piaget Stages of Development (5)
Sensorimotor Transition to Preoperational Preoperational Concrete Operations Formal Operations
Gout function? how?
Type of arthritis when dietary proteins are broken down and creates uric acid that crystalizes in joints
Gout Medications (3) and rationale
NSAID Prednisone (Deltasone) - pain
Colchicine (Colgout) - inflammation r/t gout
AllopPURINOL (Zyloprim) - prevents uric acid production
Gout Education (6)
Do NOT eat Fish Yeast Organ meat Legumes Meat extracts Mushrooms
Anti-reabsorptives function
Slow bone removal from resorption/improve bone mass
Antiresorptive medication examples (3)
Alendronate (Fosamax)
Risedronate (Actonel)
Aldronate (Fosamax) ADFX
Associated w/ severe esophagitis, avoid if hx gastric ulcers
Risedronate (Actonel) ADFX
Associated w/ esophageal irritation, take on empty stomach w/ 8 oz water
Antirheumatics treat? how?
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) by delaying progression and s/s relief
Cytotoxic Medications examples (2) and function
Methotrexate (Rheumatrex)
Leflunomide (Arava)
Kill cancer cells
Antimalarial Agent example (1) and education (2)
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)
eye exam; report blurred vision
Anti-inflammatory example (1)
Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
Tetracycline Antibiotic examples (2)
TetraCYCline (Sumycin)
DoxyCYCline (Vibramycin)
MinoCYCline (Minocin)
DemecloCYCline (Declomycin)
How to NSAIDS work?
Inhibit cyclooxygenase which halts COX-1/2 production r/in ↓ platelet aggregation/kidney damage and ↓ inflammation, fever, pain
NSAID examples (7) AIN DKM
Tetracycline function? how?
inhibit micro-organism growth by preventing protein synthesis
Cytotoxic Education
Supresses bone marrow and ↑ r/o infection. CBC q3-6months
Gold Salt: Auranofin Education (3)
GI d/comfort
Blood dyscrasias (observe for bleeding)
STOP if rashes/proteinuria (toxicity)
Tumor Necrosis Factor Antagonists examples (3)
Etanercept (Enbrel)
Infliximab (Remicade)
Adalimumab (Humira)
B-lymphocyte depleting agent example (1)
Rituximab (Rituxan)
Interleukin-1 Receptor antagonist example (1)
Abatacept (Orencia)
Tumor Necrosis Factor Education (2)
Monitor skin for bleeding/reaction (Steven Johnson syndrome)
Monitor for worsening ♥
Steven Johnson Syndrome
reaction to medication/infection starting w/ flu-like symptoms and a painful red/purple rash
Glucocorticoid (Prednisone) ADFX (3)
Pencillamine Education (2)
Obtain CBCs q3-6mo (bone suppression)
Stop w/ rashes (toxicity)
Cytotoxic Medication Education (4)
↑ r/o infection
CBCs q3-6mo (suppression)
inspect gums, throat (Ulcerative stomatitis)
Ø with prego!
Glucocorticoid examples (2)
Prednisone (Deltasone)
Prednisolon (Prelone)
DMARD basic function
slow joint degeneration and progression of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatrx (Methotrexate) is that…?
Most commonly used DMARD
DMARD ADFX antidote?
Folic acid
Antineoplastics (chemotherapy) function?
combat cancer cells
Chemotherapy ADFX
N/V Diarrhea/Constipation Alopecia Anorexia Fatigue/Exhaustion Mouth Sores Easy Bruising
Chemotherapy example (1)
Fluorouracil (5-FU)
Fluorouracil (5-FU) ADFX (6)
Diarrhea Stomach pain Low platelets Anemia Sensitive skin (to sun) Excessive tear formation
Extravasation NR tips (3)
Check site frequently for pain/reddening
Elevate arm
Slowly aspirate back blood back from arm
4 Types of Oral Hypoglycemics
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Oral Hypoglycemia function?
Assist w/ glucose metabolism
Sulfonylurea examples (2), function, 1 ADFX
Tolbutamide (Orinase)
Glyburide (Micronase)
↑ insulin production
Weight gain
Biguanide example, function, 1 ADFX
↓ glucose production in liver
Weight loss
Thiazolidinedione function and 1 ADFX
↓ insulin resistance
↓ glucose production
↑ glucose uptake
Liver damage
Acarbose (Precose), function, 2 ADFX
Acarbose (Precose)
↓ dietary glucose absorption