Pediatrics Flashcards
Selection of ambulatory care for pediatrics is dependent on?
- complexity of procedure
- Anesthesia consideration for safety
- Pain management
- Known incidence of complication associated with procedure
- postoperative monitoring
Non candidates for pediatric ambulatory surgery?
- premature infants with respiratory difficulties
- apneic episodes
- feeding difficulties
- poorly controlled seizures
- uncontrolled diabetes
Candidates for pedi ambulatory surgery must meet what ASA classification
ASA classification scale of Class 1 and II older than six months
Eriksons developmental stage: Neonates
First 28 days extrauterine life
premature remains in this category until three months
Eriksons developmental stage: Infant
- 28 to 18 months
- trust vs mistrust
Eriksons developmental stage: Toddler
18 to 30 months
autonomy vs shame doubt
Eriksons developmental stage: preschool
2.5 to 5 years
imitative vs guilt
Eriksons developmental stage: school age
6 to 12
industry vs inferiority
Eriksons developmental stage: Adolescents
12 to 16
Identity vs Role confusion
What are the fears and stressors of Infants?
- Self separate from environment
- Attached to caregivers
- Make sounds, short words
- comfort from oral sources ( pacifiers)
- Comfort being rock and held
- hospital seen as abandonment
What are the fears and stressors of Toddlers?
- Separation anxiety
- Being left alone
- Strange bed or room
- Loss of comfort of home family and possessions
- in contact with unfamiliar people
- painful procedure
- medical equipment that looks and sound scary
- feeling helpless
- communicate in sentences
- needs familiar objects
What are the fears and stressors of Preschool?
- being away from family and home being left alone
- having part of body damage
- needles and shot
- waking up during surgery
- pain
- the dark
- real and imagined situation
- thinks their in the hospital because they are in trouble
- Uses compound sentences
- provides opportunity for independence
What are the fears and stressors of School Age?
- Being away from school and friends
- identifying with social group
- likes to imitate heroes
- Thinks being in hospital is because they were bad or being punished
- Having part of body destroyed or injured
- loss of control
- pain
- needles and shots
- wants honest explanation
- understand death is permanent
- after of dying during surgery
- communicate well verbally and basic writing skill
- give positive reinforcement for cooperation
What are the fears and stressors of Adolescents?
- Fear loss of privacy
- Body image important
- Understand rules, values, ideas
- Aware of opposite sex
- Globally communicates verbally in writing
What are the respiratory differences in pediatric pt anatomically?
- Smaller than adults
- Tongue of infant relative to oropharynx is larger
- epiglottis is narrower
- In children less than 10 the narrowest portion of the airway is below the vocal cords at the level of the cricoid cartilage
The larynx of a child is what shape?
Funnel shape
What are the consequences of respiratory difference?
- Small amounts of edema or obstruction can significantly reduce pediatric airway diameter and INCREASE resistance to flow
- Posterior displacement of the tongue may cause severe airway obstruction
*What is the difference between and adult ET tube versus a Pediatric?
- ET in children are UNCUFFED unlike adults and can easily be dislodged resulting in accidental extubation
How is a pediatric pt respiratory rate different?
- Respiratory rate is directly correlated with cardiac rhythm in the child
- The faster a child breathe the faster the heart rate
- The slower they breathe the slower the heart rate
What is bradycardia related to in pedi pts?
What is the difference between cardiac arrest in children versus adults?
- Cardiac in children is rare and is linked to AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
- In adults it is due to ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION
What is the cardiovascular difference ?
- Peds do not have physiologic reservoirs ( blood volume) to rely upon in situations in which shock can occur
- If shock or airway problems are not rectified rapidly the pediatric pt status will deteriorate two to three times faster
The the normal blood volume in children is?
How are the levels of hemoglobin in children?
- hemoglobin and hematocrit are high in infants up to three months of age after that they approximate adult normal range
Why do infants need glucose?
- Because their glucose stores are rapidly depleted
Why are body temperature regulations different in pedi pt?
- Peds are very sensitive to heat loss due to large surface areas small amounts of subcutaneous fat and poor vasomotor control
How can RNs help maintain normal body temps?
- Increase room temperature
- Use warming lights
- Warming device placed on pt
Follow manufacture’s instruction for use of any and all equipment
Pain assessment for peds
- Behavioral observation scale
- FLACC (face, legs, activity, cry and consolability)
- To assess a preverbal or non communicative child
What pain assessment scale should be used for pt age 3 and up?
Wong- Baker Face Scale
What pain assessment scale should be used for pt age 7 and up?
- Use 0 to 10 rating scale
Ways to help a child in pain?
- Hold or rock pt if appropriate because it will help relax the child
- Provide glucose in a baby’b bottle reduces pain and relieves anxiety
Pediatric medication safety
- weight should be in kg and pounds to decrease medication errors from (estimating)
Why are infants more prone to dehydration?
- Infants are prone to dehydration due to immature renal function at birth and limited ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine
- Do not overload pediatric with fluids*
Preoperative Fasting Guidelines for Clear liquids
2 hours
Preoperative Fasting Guidelines for Breast milk
4 hours
Preoperative Fasting Guidelines for Infant Formula?
6 Hours
Preoperative Fasting Guidelines for Non human milk?
6 hours
Preoperative Fasting Guidelines for light meal?
6 hours
Informed consent for peds?
- Parents or legal guardian sign for children unless child is emancipated minor as described by law
*What are 3 elements of the universal protocol?
- preoperative verification
- site marking
- time out
Who are an exception to site marking element because skin marks may permanently stain the skin?
Preoperative education for infants include?
- Focusing on parent and caregiver
- keep babies on their routine
- Make plans for at least one parent to be with baby
Preoperative education for toddler include?
- preparation should take place a day or two
- interactive play with doll and stuffed animals can help toddler be more secure in hospital environment
- Keep explanations simple and be careful with your words
- its not unusual for toddlers to regress
Preoperative education for Preschool include?
- Major fear of unknown
- Children should be told of surgery days prior
- provide a tour
- dramatic play is a big part of preschoolers
- use pictures , stuffed animals or toys to help children understand
- Tell the truth in simple term and answer all their questions
Preoperative education for School Age include?
- Should take place a week or two before surgery preparation too far in advance can produce anxiety
- Emphasize surgery is not a punishment
- Have child explain back what is going to happen
- Give child choices to increase sense of control
- Allow visits from friends
- Treat as big kid but may have baby insecurities
- May feel pain intensely
- Use common interest to build trust
- Question child directly and simply
- Offer limited choices
- Don’t tell them not to cry
Preoperative education for Adolescent include?
- Privacy is much a need for teenager
- Allow teens to be part of decision making
- Encourage them to make a list of questions to ask physicians
- Be truthful may become angry if think you’re keeping secrets from them
- Identity and peer relationships are key issues
- Concerned with body image
- Reaction can be over and under exaggerated
- Regression behavior is common
- Concerned with modesty and privacy
Important pediatric reminders
- Use simple words
- use open body language
- don’t ever intentionally lie to a child
- if they ask always tell a child if something is going to hurt
- Explain procedure in simple easily understood terms but not until it is time for the procedure to begin
Communication with parents and caregivers
- Treat children as people
- Learn and use their preferred names
- Treat every child as if they are the most beautiful child
- Listen to what the child says
- Keep children physically and emotionally comfortable as possible
- Basic and advance pain management is important
- Try to relieve fear and anxiety as early as possible
What are preoperative concerns for pediatrics?
- Non verbal communication
- A smile is calming
- get to child’s eye level
- try not to make the child look at you in an awkward angle
- for preverbal children use a happy voice and bring the tone up at the end of the sentences
- Use a soft voice with moderate pace and interrupt only when necessary
- Use noise like uh hum and I see to encourage children to talk
What are intra-operative safety concerns with fluid management?
- For healthy elective patients anesthesia providers start the peripheral IV access line after induction of inhaled anesthetic
- Central venous access devices, central line, intravenous lines can be inserted for emergency access for fluid resuscitation
- An intraosseous needle or bon marrow aspiration needle is placed in the anterior aspect of the tibia place a pillow under the knee and secure and stabalize the line for rapid infusion of fluids
What are intra-operative safety concerns with airway safety?
- Because of use of uncuffed ET tubes it is imperative to secure and maintain the airway for patient safety, ET tubes can easily dislodge
- Pediatric code sheet of emergency medication based on pt weight in kilograms and pound have this immediately available for all perioperative team members
- Never leave child alone safety straps when applicable need to be applieds
- Make sure child is focus on attention
- Attention to blood loss is extremely important
Keeping pediatric patients normothermic?
- Hypothermia increase oxygen consumption leads to hypoxia respiratory depression , acidosis, hypoglycemic and alters medication metabolism
- Hypothermia prolongs neuromuscular blocking agents and delays the emergence from anesthetic agents
Equipment safety
- Use age and size appropriate for all equipment
- Use appropriate energy settings per manufacture instruction
- Defibrillator settings
- ESU settings
Intraoperative concerns: Pediatric foley catheter placement?
-Order from physician’s required before placement
What are common indications for bladder catheterization?
- To obtain a urine specimen
- To monitor urine output
- To relieve urinary retention
- For genitourinary testing procedure such as cystogram
- Lengthy surgical procedures
Intraoperative pt assessment
- Check for allergies
- Avoid latex catheters
- Use silicon catheter if possible
How to select appropriate catheter?
- Select appropriate size
- perform the procedure using sterile technique
- Position patient for the procedure
- Provide adequate lighting
- Sizes go up by weight
Straight and indwelling catheter sizes
Neonate- 5-6 F infant to 3 5-8 F 4-8 yrs 8 F 8 yrs- 10-12 F puberty 12-14 F
- Pediatric pt recovering from anesthesia routinely exhibit hyperactive behavior ( excitement phase)
- It is important to assess the cause
- Drug response
- Hypoxemia
- Pain
- Awakening in strange surrounding
Postoperative concerns
- Check teeth of school age children before and after the procedure especially if loose tooth are present
- If teeth are removed to prevent accidental dislodgement and possible aspiration be sure the patient is given the tooth before leaving
- Note the documentation of the tooth removed in anesthesia record
Recovery position
- The best position for postop is LATERAL
- For children who have had intraoral procedures the best position is SEMIPRONE to facilitate drainage of secretion or blood
- Side rails should be up and padded where necessary
- An infant may need to be cocooned in a blanket to prevent injury
- Safety retraints may need to be applied per facility policy to prevent accidental dislodging of tubes and drains
Peds with Cancer
- It is common for health care organizations to have policy for “consent on file” consistency of RN assignment can help decrease anxiety
Life specialist
- Experts in child development and help pediatric patients cope with hospitalization through play, education, and activities
Child abuse and neglect
- RNs considered mandated reporters
S/s of child abuse
- Shaken baby syndrome
- Unexplained fracture and falls
- Signs of lack of physical and medical care
- Unexplained or deliberate burns, hairloss, multiple skin injuries
Post mortem care
- Trauma is the leading cause of death in pediatric pts
- It is the responsibilty of the physician caring for the pt to communicate to the parents the death of the child