Pediatrics Flashcards
2 day female, feeding were fine. Now bright green emesis. Distended abdomen but can be compressed. No stool in rectal vault. Xray dilated loops of bowel with a ground glass appearance in RLQ and scant air distally in colon. Next step?
Could be meconium ileus
Test: Upper GI series and contrast enema
Possible tuberculosis in 3 y.o
TST (skin test) even if had vaccine
Interferon gamma release assay not done till 5 y.0
Live vaccines
MMR, Rota, Varricella, intranasal flu
Inactivated vaccines
Hep A, Hep B, Polio, diptheria, streptococcus, pneumococcal, Hib
Vaccines in first year
Hep B, Rota, Dtap, Hib, Streptococcal pneumonia, Polio, influenza
Vaccines given at 12 months
MMR, varicella, Hep A
Bone pain, sunburst pattern, humerus
Associated with
onion skinning w/ lytic appearance, shaft lower extremity
Ewing sarcoma
Click in baby’s hip when examining
Reexamine at 2 weeks
Ultrasound at 4 weeks if persists
Ciprofloxacin drops
Pseudomonas coverage for ear
Otitis externa
Pyloric stenosis
IV fluid first
Then pyloromyotomy
Tetanus question
If they have had 3 lifetime doses of tetanus then no immunoglobulin needed
If recieved less than 10 years ago then no booster either
If >10 years and clean wound or dirty wound 5 years since booster –> Only need tetanus booster
Eczema, thrombocytopenia, frequent infections in young child
- due to what
- tx
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS)
Impaired cytoskeleton changes in leukocytes, platelets
Tx: Stem cell transplant
Low platelets and hematochezia
Renal failure
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Isolated thrombocytopenia
Large immature platelets
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
X linked agammaglobulinemia
Males only
Lacks B cells
Recurrent sinopulmonary infections
Hyper Igm Syndrome
Recurrent infections
High IgM
Low IgA IgG
Conscious but unresponsive and unaware of environment
Maintain motor function
Eyes open
Doesnt interact
Repetitive hand movements
Confusion following
No recollection of event
Complex partial seizure
Alteration in mentation= complex
No tonic-clonic activity (only automatism)= partial
Complex seizure
Alteration in mentation
Complex generalized seizure
Tonic clonic
(Full body convulsions)
Alternation in mentation
Prevent drowing
Life jacket
Cyanotic baby
Persistent hypoxemia that does not improve w/ oxygenation
No murmur
Not improving w/ oxygenation –> none of the inspired oxygen is getting to systemic arterial circulation –> transposition of great vessels
Baby only alive due to patent ductus arteriosus
Must keep patent
Tx Prostaglandins prolongs the duct
[Endomethacin (indomethacin) ends the ductus]
Diagnose coarctation of aorta
Water for infant
120 or lower to decrease chance of burns
Urethra on ventral side of shaft
Delay circumcision so there is foreskin for reconstruction
Kid gets transfusion and has anaphylactic rxn
Recurrent gastrointenstional infections
Selective IgA deficiency
ABO mismatch
2 y.o abdominal pain
Fecal occult blood
Cylindrical mass
Relief w/ pulling feet to chest
Abdominal US
Technetium 99 scan
Meckel’s diverticulum
Presents as asymptomatic GI bleed
Asthma like but no response to therapy
Negative CXR
Infxn w/ RSV
Knee to chest position does what
Increased systemic vascular resistance
Blue baby when eats, resolves
Tetralogy of fallot
2/6 systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur on left sternal border
ventricular septal defect
Transposition of great vessel vs tetralogy of fallot
Transposition diagnosed at birth or baby dies
Nodule of tibial tuberosity in teenager
Xray irregularities and haziness over metaphyseal border of tibia
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Decrease activity and NSAIDS follow by PT
Retinal hemorrhages next step
CT scan of head for subdural hematoma
Leg pain Lytic lesion with clear ring on bone Worse at night NSAIDS help some No fever or WL
Osteoid osteoma
Alcohol consumption Pain in abdomen Resolved by morning No discharge No costovertebral angle tenderness
Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction
Narrowing is distended in setting of large diuresis
2/6 holosystolic murmur
Mitral regurg and ventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect more common
Children do not have MR
Most common congenital heart disease after age 1
Atrial septal defect
Fixed split S2
Atrial septal defect
Infant multiple UTI what test
Voiding cystourethrogram
Increased conjugated bilirubin and Jaundice
Blockage somewhere
Sickle cell on peripheral smear
Howell-Jolly bodies if no spleen
Bite cells
G6PD deficiency
Pain crises w/ jaundice
Reduced hemoglobin
Reticulocyte count of 15%
How to prevent death
Sickle cell disease
Vaccination w/ conjugate capsular polysaccharide
Strep. pneu
H. flu
5 day old infant with eye infection. Gram negative diplococci
Intramuscular ceftiraxone
Tx chlamydia (unilatearl purulent conjunctivitis)
Oral erythrmycin
PO macrolide
Prophylaxis for gonoccal conjunctivitis
Topical silver nitrate
Newborn no urine in 24 hrs
Suprapubic mass
Posterior urethral valves
Suprapubic mass= distended bladder
Straight catheterizeation
2 y.o SOB and barking cough. Improved by going outside. Low grade fever. Wheezing
Racemic epinephrine
10 day old infant. Becoming progressively jaundice. Clay stools
Bilirubin 7 with 6 being unconjugated
Breast milk jaundice
AFTER baby went home –> Breast feeding or breast milk jaundice
Swollen tonsils with white on them, sore throat
At risk for
Risk for glomerulonephritis
Way to prevent painful legs in sickle cell patient
Reduces amount o f sickle hemoglobin in circulation
Contraindications for vaccine
- fever > 105
- Insoluble cry 3 hrs
Bleeding in diaper 20 months old No pain or distress Eating and drinking normal Sort non distended abdomen
Meckel’s diverticulum
Technetium 99 scan
Seizing child
< 1 y.o
Hyparrhythmia on EEG
West syndrome
TX: ACTH (cosyntropin)
Adams forward bend test
Female 4 y.o who keeps wetting diapers. Feels urge and trained on potty but keeps happening
Low implantation of ureter
Toilet training age
Disease of newborn
Intraventricular hemorrhage
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Retinopathy of prematurity
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Air in the stomach and duodenum without any distal air
Annular pancreas or duodenal atresia
Multiple air fluid levels
Vascular insult
intestinal atresia
Distended proximal colon with normal gas pattern distally
Hirschsprung’s disease
Increased soft tissue swelling w/ throat issue
Retropharyngeal abscess
Thumb print
Steeple sign
Bacterial tracheitis
Projectile vomiting of bilious contents is indicative of
multiple air fluid levels
Pathlogic emesis in a newborn
Multiple air fluid levels -> Intestinal atresia –> cocaine
Recurrent abscesses
Absent macrophages oxidative burst seen in chronic granulomatous disease
Typical pathogens staph, aspergillus, serratia
Percentages of body
Head 18% (9% front and back)
Arm- each arm is 9%
Thorax- front and back thorax are 18%
Legs- total is 27%, 13.5 for each leg
Genitals- 1%
Dx esophageal atesia
NG tube and x ray to confirm placement
NEwborn, difficulty feeding. Coughs and spits up his feedings both times it is attempted. Gurgling bubbles form mouth. Infant becomes cyanotic but improves w/ suction
Esophageal atresia
Pre-eclampsia in mother and infant not passing meconium
Check Mg level
Jittery infant with glucose of 20
Diabetic mother
IV administeration of D10 bolus
Infant is hypoglycemic
Baby with two blue dots on butt, there at birth
Congenital Dermal melanocytosis
Mongolian spot
Latin culture
Spontaneously resolve
7 y.o w/ strep and given pencillin develops hives
what to do
Discontinue penicillin
State cephalexin & cetrizine
Lower risk BRUE
> 60 days
45 weeks post conception if over 32 weeks
First occurrence
No CPR by trained provdier
No concerning findings on hx/PE
Higher risk BRUE
Premies Under 2 months < 60 days <45 weeks post conceptional Multiple episodes
Infant given aspirin check what level
Hepatic encephalopathy
6 y.o w/ headache and rash. Has been outside on farm. Rash with ring of erythema surrounding a ring of clearing, surrounding a hyperpigmented lesion at the center
Lyme disease
Tx: Amoxicillin
16 y.o egg allergy wanting flu shot
Inactivated influenza vaccine and observe for 30 min
Legg- Calve Perthes disease
Ischemia and osteonecrosis of the femoral head in a child around 6 y.o
Antalgic gait (limp)
Machine like murmur
Patent ductus arteriosus
3 y.o
Infxn 6 weeks ago
Flank mass
Wilms tumor
4 y.o
Febrile seizure
Hypopigmentation that enhaces under wood’s lamp
Small calcified appearing tumors in brain
Develop later in life?
Tuberous sclerosis
Febrile seizure fails to remit
Ash-leaf lesions
Sebacous adenoma
Failure to pass meconium
Distended abdomen w/ palpable stool
Stool in small bowel w/ some in colon. No stool in rectal vault
Proximal colon dilated and distal colon appears normal
Hirschsprung disease
Contrast enema
Next step after Rectal suction biopsy to confirm
Cleft lip Low set ears Wide spaced eyes Hypocalcemia Reduced PTH Candida in blood
Deletion on chromosome 22
DiGeorge sydnrome
Deficiency of parathyroid gland
9 mn w/ recurrent abscess
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
Nitro blue test positive
Indicates oxidative burst produced by leukocytes present
So not Chronic granulomatous disease
Chediak higashi syndrome
Neuropenia on lab work
Infant w/ downs syndrome most likely heart defect
Ventricular septal defect
Holosystolic murmur at the left sternal border
Take to ER for epistatsis
After 30 min
Growth delay in kid check
Left wrist and hand radiograph
HA, emesis, vision changes, nystagmus and ataxia
Intracranial pathology
Check brainstem
Hearld patch–> generalized rash
What test
pityriasis rosea
Blue sclera
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Skin biopsy
Check serum calcium and phosphorus for
Large newborn with grunts and limp arm
Phrenic nerve disruption
3 infections of neisseria meningitidis
C6, C7, or C8 deficiency
Chronic skin infections, abscess formation, osteomyelitis, and pneumonia
Chronic granulomatous disease
Albino like skin
Ocular albinism
Frequent infections
Chediak Higashi syndrome
Fever, aphthous ulcer, stomatitis, and/ or pharyngitis
Repeated episodes
Cyclic neutropenia
Mother gets nonspecific flu like symptoms
Brown amniotic fluid and preterm
Baby comes out with pustular rash
Listeria monocytogenes
GBS & Ecoli in newborn
Normal appearing baby with nonspecific findings of temperature instability, lethargy and poor feeding
GBS –> progresses rapidly to tachypnea, grunting, retractions, trachycardia and poor perfusion
Tx enlarging red mass on baby butt, present at birth
Hemangioma tends to enlarge over first year then slowly decrease in size
late systolic murmur at apex and midsystolic click
Mitral valve prolapse
Tx beta blocker
Fever 102 (spiking) Swollen red eyes Rash Palms and soles swollen and red Lymphadenopathy
Kawasaki disease
Fever > 5 days Bilateral non-suppurative conjunctivitis Dry fissured lips Injected lips Strawberry tongue
Risk: Coronary artery aneurysms
Myocardial infarction
Scarlet fever
Group A strep
Abrupt onset fever, sore throat, HA, abdominal pain and malaise
Bright red mucous membranes with petechiae on soft palate
Strawberry tognue
CHARGE syndrome
Coloboma Heart defects (septal defects and aorta/aortic arch defects) Choanal atresia Retardation of growth and development Genital anomalies Ear anomalies
Upper limb defect
Cardiac defect
Holt-Oram syndrome
Atrial septal defect
Neonatal jaundice w/ days of phototherapy
Anemia (pallor)
Enlarged spleen w/o hepatomegaly
Hereditary spherocytosis
Hearing localizes to right. bone conduction greater
conductive hearing loss on right
10 y.o fell to floor and acute onset headache
Right central facial weakness
Cannot move right side of body
Eyes deviated to left
Occlusion of middle cerebral artery
Post morning stiffness in child/ after nap. +ANA
At risk for
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Anterior uveitis
lump in eye lid
infxn of lacrimal gland
infection on eye lid
pool of blood in eye
two month old Seizure Doll like appearance Hepatomegaly Low glucose level Lactic acidosis Hyperuricemia Elevated triglycerides
Von Gierke disease
Enlarged heart
Pompe disease
Macroglossia Omphalocele Large umbilical hernia Hypoglycemia Hepatomegaly Enlarged kidneys
Galactokinase deficiency
no mental retardation
Galactosuria and mental retardation
classic galactosemia
injest what
Infants who are small at birth are at risk for
Baby is noisy breather
Inspiratory stridor
(no cyanosis)
Self limiting
Yellow green nail on infant
Meconium in utero
Give Broad spectrum antibiotics
Patient with asthma fails beta agonist and steriods
Test to do
Flexable laryngoscope
Inducible laryngeal obstruction (vocal cord dysfunction)
Child w/ sickle cell and has ischemic stroke what to do
Admit and begin emergency partial exchange transfusion
Cardiac tumor on ultrasound
also see
tuberous sclerosis
Hypopigmented skin lesions
Axillary freckling
Neurofibromatosis 1
Brushfield spots on iris
Down syndrome
CHARGE syndrome and Trisomy 13
Unilateral port-wine lesions
Sturge- Weber syndrome
Risk factors of renal vein thrombosis in infant
Birth asphyxia (apgar scores less than 7)
Diabetic mother
Floppy baby
Continue oxygenation
Mother given narcotic due to pain –> respiratory depression
Strep decision points
1 point [ ]Fever > 100.4 F [ ] No cough [ ] Tonsillar exudate [ ] No mention of cervical lymphadenopathy [ ] Age 3-14
15-44 +0
45+ -1
Score 0= no testing
Score 1= consider rapid strep test
Score 2 or 3= rapid strep
Score 4= tx empirically
Bilateral hydronephrosis on prenatal ultrasonography
Suggests obstuction
(In males posterior urethral valves)
Get renal and bladder ultrasound
Hematemesis in baby with no signs of distress
What exam
Send emesis to lab for Apt-Downey test
Blood from another source
Child delivered with prolonged labor, had non-tender demarcated swelling that doesnt cross suture lines over parietal region
Observe for extension of lesion or jaundice
Neurologic deterioration with exaggerated resposne to noise and no hepatosplenomegaly
Cherry red spot
Normal birth 2-4 y.o Coarse facies Short Hepatosplenomegaly Hearing loss Retinal degeneration Mental retardation
Hunter syndrome
1 y.o course facies corneal clouding Hepatomegaly Heart disease Skeletal deformities Developmental delays
Hurler syndrome
3 months Hepatosplenomegaly Cherry red spot FTT Resp tract infections
Age 6 hypotonia
High fever that goes away and rash develops
Roseola (HHV 6)
Day 2 infant 96.9 F HR 180 Oxygen sat 65% Cyanosis Hepatosplenomegaly
Shock in infant
Day 2 infant
Enhanced right ventricular impulse, normal first heart sound and loud isngle heart sound
Left sided cardiac abnormality
Day 2 closure of ductus in patients with hypoplastic left heart –> cyanosis
Rapid course of altered mental status, fever, shock, and progression of purpura
Cardiac depression
Fever or bloody diarrea week before
Now elevated BUN and CR
Low platelets
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
Single slightly raised orange peel like hairless lesion on scalp of new born
A. Aplasic cutis congenital B. Congenital melanocytic nevi C. Erythema toxicum D. Herpes simplex virus infection E. Mongolian spot F. Neonatal acne G. Nevus sebaceus H. Nevus simplex I. Port wine stain J. Pustular melanosis K. Seborrheic keratosis
Nevus sebaceus
Removal recommended
New born healthy
Multiple erythematous blotchy macrules on face, back, chest and upper extremities. Have like pustules in center
A. Aplasic cutis congenital B. Congenital melanocytic nevi C. Erythema toxicum D. Herpes simplex virus infection E. Mongolian spot F. Neonatal acne G. Nevus sebaceus H. Nevus simplex I. Port wine stain J. Pustular melanosis K. Seborrheic keratosis
Erythema toxicum
Resolves in 14 days
Contains eosinophils
Rash on skin under neck, upper back, lower back and rash appeared in three stages
numberous 2-4 non erythemaous lesions with intact pustules
Ruptured pustules
Rim of thin skin found at endge of denuded pustules
Freckle like lesions of same size noted proximal to previous two lesions
A. Aplasic cutis congenital B. Congenital melanocytic nevi C. Erythema toxicum D. Herpes simplex virus infection E. Mongolian spot F. Neonatal acne G. Nevus sebaceus H. Nevus simplex I. Port wine stain J. Pustular melanosis K. Seborrheic keratosis
Pustular melanosis
Ill-defined red macule over the glabella, nuchal area and symmetrically over eye lids
A. Aplasic cutis congenital B. Congenital melanocytic nevi C. Erythema toxicum D. Herpes simplex virus infection E. Mongolian spot F. Neonatal acne G. Nevus sebaceus H. Nevus simplex I. Port wine stain J. Pustular melanosis K. Seborrheic keratosis
Nevus simplex (salmon patch)
Fade over first months of life
Pustules isolated to cheeks and forehead
A. Aplasic cutis congenital B. Congenital melanocytic nevi C. Erythema toxicum D. Herpes simplex virus infection E. Mongolian spot F. Neonatal acne G. Nevus sebaceus H. Nevus simplex I. Port wine stain J. Pustular melanosis K. Seborrheic keratosis
Neonatal acne
Single lesion on scalp with well-demarcated area of missing skin
A. Aplasic cutis congenital B. Congenital melanocytic nevi C. Erythema toxicum D. Herpes simplex virus infection E. Mongolian spot F. Neonatal acne G. Nevus sebaceus H. Nevus simplex I. Port wine stain J. Pustular melanosis K. Seborrheic keratosis
Aplasic cutis congenital
Autosomal dominant
Teratogen exposure (HSV or varicella)
Trisomy 13
Well circumscribed light brown to black macules (may have hair)
A. Aplasic cutis congenital B. Congenital melanocytic nevi C. Erythema toxicum D. Herpes simplex virus infection E. Mongolian spot F. Neonatal acne G. Nevus sebaceus H. Nevus simplex I. Port wine stain J. Pustular melanosis K. Seborrheic keratosis
Congenital melanocytic nevi
Suspected myelomeningocele
What test
Ultrasound of lower spine
Seen w/ DiGeorge
Cardiac anomalies (tetralogy of fallot, truncus arteriosus, interrupted aortic arch)
Abnormal facies
Thymic hypoplasia
Cleft palate
Chromosome 22
Cleft lip
Mandibular hypoplasia
Downslanted palpebral fissures
Low set notched ears
Microcephaly Wide fontanels Microphthalmia High arched palate Malformed ears heart defect pulmonary hypoplasia omphalocele
Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)
Newborn w/ fever, irritability and poor feeding
Voids 15 x per day
Urine gravity <1.005
No leukocytes
No Leukocyte esterase
Diabetes inspidius
Nephrogenic DI
- water deprivation test
- MRI brain
- trial of desmopressin
Corneal clouding
Murmur (continuous harsh)
Congenital rubella
Murmur= patent ductus arteriosus
Small for gestational age Hepatosplenomegaly Anemia Thrombocytopenia --> petechiae and purpura Microcephaly Deafness cerebral atrophy
Congenital cytomegalovirus
Imaging- calcification in a periventricular pattern
Vaginally born
Week old
Congenital herpes
Mucocutaneous rash
Runny nose
Congenital syphilis
Hutchinson teeth
Mental retardation
Hearing loss
Neurologic sequelae
Congenital toxoplasmosis
Intracranial calcifications
Recurrent oral and genital ulcers
- disease
- look for
- test
- complications (3)
Behcet disease
Look for anterior and posterior uveitis
Positive pathergy skin test
Complication= vasculitis (pulmonary artery aneurysms are fatal) and arthritis
Distal small bowel wall thickening on CT
Crohns disease
Harsh holosystolic ejection murmur at left lower sternal border
Ventricular septal defect
Baby has to stop feeding to catch breath
Ventricular septal defect
Harsh systolic murmur at right sternal border at second intercostal space.
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur
Aortic stenosis
Tenderness of tibial tuberosity bilateral in healthy adolescent
Osgood schlatter disease
Cognitive impairment Small eyes Mid-face hypoplasia Thin upper lip Short nose Flattened nasal bridge
Also see?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Smooth philtrum
Girl 6 months Hypotonia Gross motor developmental delays Loss of eye contact Hand wringing
Rett syndrome
Newborn who develops cyanosis but which worsens w/ oxygen administration
Congenital cyanotic heart disease
Ductal dependent lesion
Tx: Patency of patent ductus arteriosus
- Prostaglandin E1 infusion
Chest pain and hemoptysis
Severe day cough, SOB, and last several weeks fever and achy joints
Bilateral lower extremity edema
CXR: diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
Good pasture syndrome
Urine analysis
Neonatal jaundice w/ excessive phototherapy
Onset of jaundice to sulfa drug
No hepatosplenomegaly
G6PD deficiency
Fave benas
Sulfa meds
Eat alot of carrots and veggies
Jaundice palms and soles and nasolabial folds
Spares sclera
Poor feeding Vomiting FTT Jaundice Hepatomegaly Cataracts Hypotonia
Hereditary galactosemia
Frequent staphylococcal skin infections
Recurrent staph sinusitis/ mastoiditis
COarse facial features
Prominent forehead
Deeply set/ widely placed eyes
Wide fleshy tip nose
Job syndrome
Hyper IgE syndrome
Test: Serum IgE level
Total complement activity
Recurrent infection w/ encapsulated bacteria
12 month old with continuous low hemoglobin and hematocrit
Elevated RBC distribution
Normal platelet
Beta thalassemia
Elevated RBC distruction shows its not iron low)
Tall pediatric patient
Joint laxity
Poor vision
At risk for
Marfan syndrome
Mitral valve prolapse
Aortic dissection
Long thin face
Prominent ears, forehead and jaw
Fragile x syndrome
Viral meningitis
Normal glucose
Protein 80
Negative gram stain
Bacterial - (+) gram stain - CSF neutrophil > 1000 cells CSF protein > 80 Seizure
Fever, HA, Rash
Periorbital edema
Edema hands and feet
Rash on wrist, ankles, proximal arms, legs
Rocky mountain spotted fever
Ceftriaxone tx for
Tx Lyme disease
Penicillin G
Flu like symptoms
Rash several days after in woods
Lyme disease
If meningitis suspected= VI cephalosporin
Infant w/ UTI
Do waht
Renal ultrasound
- Febrile infants
104 fever for one week Rash on chest, abdomen and back (no pustules) Lips, tongue and oral mucosa bright red Immunization up to date Cervical lymphadenopathy
Kawasaki disease
- acute vasculitis
IV immunoglobulin
- prevent coronary artery aneurysms
Tx polyarteritis nodosa
Plasma exchange
4 y.o injested pills
Mildly dilated
twitching legs and arms
Temp 101
BP 115/75
HR 160
Acetaminophen Amlodipine Digoxin Imipramine Propranolol
Cholinergic inhibition
Mydriasis Tachycardia hyperthermia Sedation Coma Twitching Seizure Hypotension Arrhythmia
- Imipramine
Activated charcoal
If hypotension, arrhythmia or QRS prolongation= sodium bicarbonate
Ingested med
Pulmonary edema
Beta-adrenergic blockade
Fluids & glucagon= tx hypotension
Bradycardia tx= glucagon, atropine, isoproterenol
Airway protection
Activated charcoal is sustained release
Ingested medication
AV block
Calcium channel inhibition
- Fluids
- Beta agonist
- calcium infusions
AV block
Ventricular tachycardia
Severe hyperkalemia
Digoxin overdose
Tx: Anti-digitalis ab
HA, Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, orthostasis, weakness
Football player
Heart exhaustion
ice packs to axilla and groin
[Heat stroke= CNS disturbances, seizure temp > 104, then submerge in tub]
Hearing loss in child w/ strong family hx of deafness
Screening test?
Alport syndrome
- hematuria
Enlarging jaw tumor
- what is it
- tissue sample shows
- caused by
- translocation
Burkitt lymphoma
Starry sky appearance
Pathologic tissue sample shows CD4 T cells
- name
- what is it
- resembles
- does what
- tx
- part of
Mycosis fungoides
T cell lymphoma
Resembles eczema
Metastasize to internal organs
Tx Radiation
Mycosis fungoides w/ splenomegaly and peripheral bloodstream involvement= sezary syndrome
Pathologic tissue sample shows CD5+ cells w/ T (11;14)
- what is it
- affects who
- PE finding
Mantle cell lymphoma
Palpable lymphadenopathy
Pathologic tissue sample shows cells w/ flower shaped nuclei
- name
- caused by
- prognosis
- also seen (3)
Adult T cell leukemia/ lymphoma
Bony lesions
Skin lesions
Pathologic tissue sample shows germinal centers
- name
- part of
- tx
- translocation
- overexpression
Follciular lymphoma
Chemotherapy [CHOP} Cyclophosphamide Doxorubicin Vincristine Prednisone \+ rituximab
BCL-2 over expression
Pathologic tissue sample shows large cells w/ vesicular chromatin
- name
- part of
- also seen
- prognosis
- PE
- Tx
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Prominent nucleoli
Rapidly enlarging masses that can be located anywhere
Pathologic tissue sample shows binucleated giant cells
- name
- cells
- description of cells
Hodgkin lymphoma
Reed-sternberg cells
Owl eye
Pregnant female w/ fever, sore throat, HA, tender posterior auricular and suboccipital lymphadenopathy
Diffuse rose pink colored maculopapular rash
baby at risk for?
Sensioneural hearing loss
low hairline
appropriate adrenarche
Failure of breast development
Turner syndrome
Primary amenorrhea
Infant with bright red blood in rectum
Born at home
Vitamin K deficiency
Vit K given to prevent hemorrhagic disease of newborn
Repeat episodes of dehydration
Triangular facies w/ prominent forehead
Large eyes
Droopy mouth
Protruding ears
Bartter syndrome
Consangeuineuous marriage
Maternal polyhydramnios
Child w/ repeated coughing w/ feeding
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Down syndrome child that is vomiting after feeding
Duodenal atresia
Mother antibodies which cross placenta and provide partial protection to herpes
1-6 y.o Widespread petechiae Bruises (shin/arms) Nose bleeding Gingival bleeding
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
3 months old Recurrent diarrhea Otits media Thrush Resp infxn FTT
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (disease of capillaries in which they leak, loss of RBC through destruction)
Thrombocytopenic purpura
Neurologic abnromalities
Renal disease
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
Reduced levels of Metalloproteinase
5 month old
Hyperdynamic precordium (heart moves too much)
Cyanosis when crying
Normal first heart sound
Second heart sound is single
Harsh ejection murmur loudest over the left sternal border, extending down the entire left sternal border
Murmur softer w/ crying and cyanosis
Tetralogy of Fallot
Pulmonary stenosis
Lessening of murmur w/ crying and worsening cyanosis= indicates decreased pulmonary blood flow
Hypoplastic heart syndrome
- time line
- symptoms (6)
- not seen
- imaging shows (2)
first 48 hours
Mild tachycardia Resp distress Cyanosis Poor perfusion hepatoslenomegaly profound acidosis
No murmur
Small ventricle and ascending aorta
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
- timeline
- symptoms (4)
- imaging (2)
24 hours age
Respiratory distress
Profound cyanosis
Figure 8
Snowman on CXR
tricuspid atresia
24 hours old
Profound cyanosis
Child w/ sickle cells and painful wrist what to do
Electrophoreiss to confirm diagnosis
Tx analgesic until resolution
Explosive foul smelling watery diarrhea
What to do?
Empiric therapy
- Tinidazole
Elevated blood pressure and serum renin levels in child
Renal artery stenosis
Low renin
Elevated rine pH
Renal tubular acidosis type 1
Hypoglycemia Hypotension Fatigue Abdominal pain Weakness Lack of energy
Adrenal insufficency (addison)
Recurrent dehydration
Poor growth
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
Fanconi syndrome
newborn w/ respiratory distress. When crying baby is pink but turns cyanotic when calms down
Bilateral choanal atresia
Issue in nasopharynx
Fever, HA, red cheeks infant
Will develop what
Fifth disease (erytehma infectosum)
Lace-like rash develops over trunk, arms legs
Normal CBC
Repeat otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia
Non palpable lymph nodes
Minimal tonsilar tissue
X linked agammaglobulinemia
Bruton agammaglobulinemia
Microcephalic Anemia Thrombocytopenia Jaundice Deafness
Calcifications scattered in cerebral cortex
TORCH infection
Scalp w/ greasy scaly plaques
Seborrheic dermatitis
Cradle cap
Tx: Topical seleniu sulfide
Tx lice
Topical permethrin
Topical mupirocin
Tx staphylococcal or streptococcal infections of skin (impetigo)
Poor tone
Hoarse cry in baby
Sleep alot
Congenital hypothyroidism
Fever Vomiting Hepatomegaly Liver disease - Jaundice - elevated transaminases - hypoglycemia
Boiled cabbage
Sweaty feet odor
Isovaleric acidemia
Severe acidosis finding
Child on phenytoin
At risk for
Folate deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia with hypersegmented polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Basophilic stippling
Lead intoxication
Physiologic jaundice
Peaks around second to fourth day
Newborn girl
Swollen hands and feet
Hyperconvex nails
Redundant neck folds
Reduced pulses in lower extremities
Risk for?
Turner syndrome
Short stature
Swollen hands and feet, hyperconvex nails
Redundant neck folds suggests lymphedema
Reduced pulses indicates coarctation
4 y.o
Stridor, sore throat, fever, cough. Drooling and muffled voice
Uptodate on vacciantions
Retropharyngeal abscess
Week of bloody diarrhea, fever and emesis
RLQ pain
YErsinia enterocolitica
Progressive muscle weakness that worsens over the day
Blurred vision
Difficulty swallowing
Muscle weakness w/ repeat use
Myasthenia gravis
Circulating antibodies blocking neurotransmitter receptors
Cat bite on hand
Amoxicillin-clavulanate orally
Pasteurella multocida
hand and foot, face, and groin considered high risk
Otherwise clean and observe
Human bite tx
Normal age of development
Beefy rash w/ satellite lesions in the groin of the child
Previous tx w/ amoxicillin
Candida yeast infxn
Large amount of painless bleeding from rectum
Meckel diverticulum
Technetium 99 scan
Unilateral red patch on newborn face
Further testing including imaging of the brain an ophthalmology consultation is required
Slit lamp evaluation
Thin membrane partially covering the introitus
Labial adhesion
Application of estrogen cream to membrane
Meningococcal vaccine
First given at 11 y.o and booster at 16
Recurrent cough and pneumonia that doesnt fully recover
Good movement on left lung
Persistent atelectasis of the right middle lobe
Foreign body
Recurrent fevers Headache Anemia (pallor) jaundice GI complaints
Been to New york, africa and london
Itching, tearing redness and discharge of both eyes
Viral etiology
White plaques on tongue and cheeks
Oral candidiasis
Tx Nystatin oral suspension
Newborn w/ eye discharge at 1 week
tx molluscum contagiosum
self limiting
Kleihauer betke test
determine if an anemic newborns rbc are present in maternal circulatory system
Preterm infant with bulge in groin, enlarges w/ crying does not transiluminate
Inguinal hernia
Pediatric surgery outpatient visit
barking cough
epinephrine nebulized therapy
Oral dexamethason
Infants borns to SLE mothers at risk for
third degree heart block
hypopigmented iris (blue iris)
flat nasal bridge
waardenburg syndrome
IV fluid for diabetic ketoacidosis
Normal saline w/ potassium chloride 40 mEQ/l
Single painless ulcer on penis
Rapid plasma reagin
Tzanck smear
Primary herpes simplex
Hx of GERD not responsive ot therapies and increased eosinophils
Eosinophilic esophagitis
Common in sickle cell patient who gets viral illness
Aplastic crisis
Profound anemia
Healthy newborn baby with tiny amount of blood in front of diaper at a week of age
Estrogen withdrawal
White mucoid discharge found as well
Functional murmurs
Soft systolic murmur (3/6 intensity) that is louder when supine and disappear when upright
Physiologic splitting of S2 is present
Vibratory or musical in nature
Do nothing
afebrile child
Recent URI
Groin and thigh pain
Mild limp
Lack fever
minimal tenderness on exam
Elevated ESR
Toxic Transient synovitis
7-10 days after infection
linear abrasion on foot
Femoral node
INguinal node
Cat scratch fever
Azithromycin and TMP-SMX
5 week projectile vomiting test to diagnose
Pyloric stenosis
Normal newborn superficial boggy area that crosses suture lines
Caput succedaneum
Few days old
Hard irregularly defined pitted subcutaneous plaque that is red/purple in color on butt and trunk
Subcutaneous fat necrosis
Vacuum extraction
Boggy mass over occiput
Subgaleal hematoma
Topical benzocaine can cause
Acute cyanosis that is unresponsive to oxygen
Blood is chocoalte brown
Tx Methylene blue
URI 10 days ago
Swelling around eyes
Lower extremity and scrotal edema
Absence of hematuria & HTN suggests
Nephrotic syndrome
Tx otitis media in infant
High dose oral amoxicillin
URI hx w/ ongoing nasal discharge 10 days after
Give antibiotics
Diabetic mother and large baby at risk for
Small left colon syndrome
Child to farm
Fever, chills, HA, myalgia
Painful ulcer
Healthy Child from central america who has had vaccinations
what to check for
Serum lead level
Abdominal pain after eating that doesnt improve with PPI
eosinophilic esophagitis
Circular rings and esophageal furrows
What does croup cause
Edema and narrowing of the proximal trachea
Rapid meningitis
Neisseria meningitidis
Monoarticular arthritis which migrates
Lyme arthritis
Borrelia burgdorferi
Timeline of nutrition
Breast feed till 6 months
Introduce pureed foods
1 year: cow milk
Supplement Vit D and iron
Guillain barre affects what
Peripheral nerve fibers (muscle weakness)
Illnesses that involve anterior horn cells
Spinal muscular atrophy (paralysis)
Tx lead poisoning
Obtain venous samples (if screening performed by capillary sample)
Identify and remove lead sources
Chelation therapy if < 45
Dimercaprol if 45-69
EDTA > 70
Tx Ethylene glycol or methanol ingestion
TxAcetaminophen poisoning
High fever
Rash on body
limb sparing
Desquamation of hands and feet
Kawasaki disease
Cyanosis when feeding
Relieved by crying
Choanal atresia
Primary amenorrhea
What test to do
Absence of menarche > 13 y.o
No breast development
Get pelvic u/s
Primary amenorrhea
Has uterus and small ovaries
Elevated FSH
Increased LH
Turner syndrome Deletion of an x chromosome
Loss of estrogen
Test for hereditary spherocytosis
Eosin-5 maleimide binding (EMA)
Acidified glycerol lysis test
Erythrocyte CD55 and CD59 protein testing
Paroxysmal nocturanl hemoglobinuria
5 day old Fussy Nonbloddy, nonbilious vomiting after feeds Poor tone and jaundice Anterior fontanelle sunken Bilateral cataracts Hepatomegaly
GALT deficiency
Inability to metabolize breast milk
Increased risk of Ecoli sepsis
Vit K deficiency does what
Reduced coagulation factor carboxylation
Von willebrand
Easy bruising
Prolong PTT
Normal PT
UTI in infant tx
E. coli
Third generation cephalosporin (cefixime)
10 y.o HA, vomiting and visual disturbances
Limited upward gaze
Upper eyelid retraction (collier sign)
Pupillary abnormalities
Pineal gland mass
Parinaud syndrome
[Limited upward gaze, upper eyelid retraction/ collier sign, pupillary abnormalities]
What to do when IV peripheral line cant be accesses
Attempt intraosseous cannulation
Diffuse facial swelling after stress or tooth extraction
C1 inhibitor deficiency
Primary amenorrhea
Normal uterus and ovaries
Low FSH and LH
Kallmann syndrome
46, XX
Associated w/ Downs syndrome (8)
Early onset alzheimers ASD Duodenal atresia Hirschsprung disease Hypothyroidism Type 1 DM Acute leukemia Atlantoaxial instability
Punctate calcifications around ventricular margin
at risk for
Sensorineural hearing loss
Werdnig-Hoffman syndrome
Floppy baby syndrome
Degeneration of anterior horn cells and cranial nerve motor nuclei
Muscle weakness Atrophy Myotonia Testicular atrophy Baldness
Myotonic congenital myopathy
Normal breast development
Normal ovaries
No uterus
Mullerian agenesis
Failure of mullerian duct formation
Optic nerve glioma associated with
Neurofibromatosis type 1
Pheochromoctyomas associated with
Von Hippel-lindau (VHL)
Bilateral vestibular schwannomas associated with
neurofibromatosis type 2
Serratia or Aspergillus infxn
x linked
Chronic granulomatous disease
Neutrophil fxn testing
- dihydrorhodamine 123 test
- nitroblue tetrazolium test
follicular conjunctiivitis
Chlamydia trachomatis
Roommate of patient with meningitis that recently had vaccine.
What to do
Give dose of ceftriaxoen immediately
Or Rifampin
Abdominal mass
Jerking of arms
Periorbital ecchymoses
Elevated catecholamine
Small round blue cells on histology
Carriers of sickle cell at risk for
Doll like Seizures Hypoglycmeia Lactic acidosis Hyperuricemia Hyperlipidemia
G6P deficiency
Impaired glycogen to glucose conversion
Medication for tourettes
Antidopaminergic agents
Alpha 2 adrenergic agonists
- guanfacine
- clonidine
Nasal congestiona nd rhinorrhea previously
Now fever and respiratory distress
Viral myocarditis
Coxsackievirus B
CXR shows
- cardiomegaly
Acute rheumatic fever
Arthritis after untreated group A strep
Intermittent collapse of arytenoid cartilages during crying
With inspiration
Inspiratory stridor
Low pitched
Rattling sounds
Caused by secretions in the bronchi
Rabies time line
1-3 months after exposure
Nevus flammerus
Port wine stain
Do not regress
Unilaterally located on face
Nevus simplex
Organophosphate poisoning
Atropine tx
Then Pralidoxime
2-8 weeks jaundice
light colored stools
Direct hyperbilirubinemia
Biliary atresia
Sick from cook out
Started w/ abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea
Now blood in stool
Not drinking
Scleral icterus
- Condition
- Caused by
- Lab findings (7)
- Tx (3)
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Shiga toxin (Ecoli)
Vascular damage and microthrombi formation
Hemolytic anemia
(Schistocytes, Increased bilirubin)
Acute kidney injury (Increased BUN, Cr)
Blood transfusion
Routine newborn care
Newborn screen (metabolic/ genetic disorders)
Hearing screen
Pre/Post ductal pulse oximetry (congenital heart disease)
heat rash
ingrown hair
Elevated red blood cell distribution width
Iron deficiency anemia
Increased bilirubin
INcreased AST, ALT
Ecoli infxn
INadequate NADPH production for oxidative injury
G6PD deficiency
Hemolytic anemia
Transaminases normal
Mutation of the proteins linking the red blood cell membrane to its cytoskeleton
A single AA substitution within the beta globin chain
Sickle cell
Severe cough w/ apnea
Posttussive emesis
Tx Azithromycin
Sensorineural hearing loss caused by
Damage to inner ear
Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Concave abdomen
Barrel shaped chest
Respiratory distress
Breath sounds only one lung
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Incomplete fusion of pleuroperitoneal folds
Tx minimal change disease
Minimal change disease
Asymmetric bowing of femurs
Delayed closure of fontanels or enlarged
Nutritonal rickets
Def Vit D
Low hemoglobin
High reticulocytes
RBC elevated
Thalassemia minor
Abnormal gait
Loss of position
Loss of vibratory sense
Friedriech ataxia
Hereditary spherocytosis
3 day old Red reflex absent Harsh continous murmur over left upper sternal border Hepatosplenomegaly Failed hearing test
Rubella (german measles)
Complications associated with myopia
Retinal detachment
Macular degeneration
Chronic arthritis
Daily fever
Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Gray vesicles that progress to fibrin coated ulcers
Coxsackie A virus
Gray vesicles/ ulcers
Tx supportive
ALL causes
Decreased in platelet production
Contraindication to Rotavirus vaccination
Hx of intussecption
Hearing loss
- Name
- Mutation
- Inherited
- Biopsy
Alport syndrome
Mutation of type IV collagen
X linked
Longitudinal splitting of GBM
Effacement of podocyte foot processes
- name
- symptoms (4)
Minimal change disease
No hematuria
Renal insufficiency
Linear deposition of IgG along the glomerular basement membrane
Good pasture
Renal & Pulmonary
Mesangial and glomerular capillary deposition of Cd and IgG
- Name
- Symptoms (4)
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
C3 level decreased
Mesangial deposition of IgA
- Name
- Symptoms (2)
IgA nephropathy
Gross hematuria
Benign heart murmur
Normal child No family hx Early or mid systolic Grade 1 or II Decreases w/ standing & valsalva Low pitched Musical
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
21 hydroxylase deficiency
Ambiguous genitalia in girls
Salt wasting syndrome
- Hypotension
- dehydration
- vomiting
High 17-hydroxyprogesterone
low na, glucose
high potassium
Placental aromatase deficency
Prevents conversion of androgens into estrogens
Virilization of female fetus and mother
Radial head subluxation tx
Nursemaid elbow
Hyperpronation of forearm
Supination of forearm & flexion of elbow
ADHD alternative medication
5% hemoglobin A2
95% hemoglobin F
Beta thalassemia
Absent beta globin expression
Tx Transfusion &
Chelation therpay
Hematocrit >65%
Urinating frequently
Low urine specific gravity
Mother w/ sickle cell
Sickle cell trait
<32 weeks need what exam
Head ultrasound
Painful pustules on arm
Honey crusted
Staph aureus
Tx: Mupirocin
Tx pertussis
Tan colored lesions in the iris
Neurofibromatosis type 1
Lead poisoning house
Before 1978
Muscle weakness
Calf pseudohypertrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Tx Glucocorticoids
Chronic rhinosinusitis
Nasal polyposis
Malabsorption (diarrhea weight loss)
Cystic fibrosis
Hole in eye structure
Nasal catheter cant pass through
Atresia choanae
Tx pin worm
Pyrantel pamoate
Septic arthritis
Purplish nonblanching rash on buttocks and posterior thigh
Abdominal pain
Difficulty walking
Trace protein
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
IgA mediated vasculitis
Palpable purpura
Abdominal pain/ intussusception
Renal disease
Supportive tx
How to prevent spread of measles (rubeola)
Airborne precautions
Tall stature Long thin limbs Joint hyperlaxity Ectopic lens Fair hair and eyes Developmental delay Cerebrovascular accident
Thrombosis is common
Error in methionine metabolism
Cystathionine synthase def
Rash on legs and back
Henoch Schoenlein purpura
Thickening of the glomerular basement membrane
Membranous nephropathy
Glomerular basement membrane thinning
Alport syndrome
Abnromalites in type IV collagen
Sensorineural hearing loss
Ocular abnormalities
Linear deposition of IgG on the BM
Good pasture
Ab against BM
Pulmonary hemorrhage
Localized areas of mesangial sclerosis and collapse
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Mesangial deposition of IgA
Henoch Schonlein purpura
Podocyte fusion
Minimal change disease
Nephrotic syndrome
(Edema Proteinuria)
Fusion/flattening of podocytes
Low white blood cell count
Neonatal sepsis
Group B strep
4 y.o
Right sided scrotal mass
Doesnt reduce supine
IVC compression by fixed mass (wilms tumor)
Abdominal U/S
Left sided varicocele
no concern
Compression of left renal vein between SMA and aorta
Incompetent venous valves
Empiric tx for epiglottitis
Lower resp tract infections by atypical bacteria
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Chlamydia pneumonia
Whooping cough (bordetella pertussis)
psuedomonas infxn
pulmonary infxn w/ cystic fibrosis
Dermatophyte infxn
Tinea capitis
African americans
Scaly erythematous patch of hair loss
ORal griseofluvin or terbinafine
Elevated indirect bilirubin
Elevated TSH
Low Thyroxine
Large tongue
Hoarse cry
Thyroid dysgenesis
Congenital hypothyroidism
Watery diarrhea
Now dark red mucus diarrhea
Shigella sonnei
High fever
Supportive care
Nephrotic syndrome
Urine protein elevated
No hematuria
Minimal change for peds
- Membranous nephropathy
- Membranoproliferative glomer
Nephritic syndrome
HTN Oliguria Hematuria Proteinuria Casts
Post strep glomerulonephritis
Nephrotic syndrome
Hep B infxn
Membranous nephropathy
> 3 hrs a day >3 days a week
3 months
No reason
3 day old Vomiting Seizures Hypotonia Jaundice Hepatomegaly
Elevated direct bilirubin
Elevated ammonia
Decreased glucose
+ urine reducing substance
Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT) deficiency
–> seizures
Staphylococcal scaleded skin
Superficial flaccid bullae
Extensive exfoliation of skin
Infancy doesnt occur beyond 5
Rash red underarms and private areas
Sore throat
Peeling of hands
Scarlet fever
tx pencillin (amoxicillin)
Webbed neck
Carpal and pedal edema
Nail dysplasia
Horseshoe kidney
Turner syndrome
Congenital lymphedema due to lymphatic network dysgenesis
Chest pain in sickle cell patient
Aplastic crisis
[not acute chest syndrome]
Knee pain
worse at night
Tender immobile mass on left knee
Moth eaten
Ewing sarcoma
Risk factors for Respiratory distress syndrome
Male sex
Perinatal asphyxia
Maternal diabetes
Cesarean section w/ labor
Hearing loss
Red reflex absent
Tx unilateral cervical lymphadenitis
Staph aureua
Strep pyogenes
Bilious emesis
Abdominal distension
Metabolic acidosis
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Xray with air in the bowel wall and portal veins
Tx Neonatal conjunctivitis
Oral azithromycin
Neonatal exposure to
High pitched cry Sleeping Difficulty feeding Sneezing Vomiting
Neonatal exposure to cocaine
Excessive sucking
Hyperactive Moro reflex
Premature adrenarche
Early activation of adrenal androgens
Pubic and axillary hair
Seizure Low grade fever Perioral cyanosis Lethargic Anterior fontanel full Hemorrhage in left temporal lobe No calcifications
Herpes simplex virus
Refeeding syndrome increase in what
Tx Neisseria meningitidis
Trigger for intussception (8)
Hypertrophied peyer patches
Viral illness
Rotavirus vaccination
Congenital malformation of the intestine
Henoch Schonlein purpura
Celiac disease
Intestinal tumor
Sudden onset uncontrollable continuous writhing of arms and hands
Grimacing of face
Month ago sick w/ sore throat and fever
Pericardial friction rub
Elevated ESR
Prolonged PR interval and diffuse ST elevations
What organism
Acute rheumatic fever
Streptococcus pyogenes
Risk: Mitral regurg/ stenosis
Friction rub= carditis
Chorea (jerks)
Parvovirus B19
slap cheek
Streptococcus mutans
Dental caries
Trypanosoma cruzi
Chagas disease
(due to myopericarditis)
Hypotonia at birth
Delay muscle development
Spasticity and dystonia
Biting fingers and hands
Now hypotonic
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Deficiency of hypoxanthine guanine phosphorbosyltransferase
Hypoxanthine and uric acid accumulation
vomiting labs
metabolic alkalosis
WBC > 1000
Glucose < 40
Protein >250
Bacterial meningitis
WBC 5-1000
Glucose < 10
Protein > 250
Tuberculous meningitis
WBC 10-500
Glucose 40-70
Protein < 150
Viral meningitis
Group B Coxsackie virus
Knee chest position does what
Increased systemic vascular resistance
Respiratory distress
Decreased lung aeration (pulmonary hypoplasia)
Flattened facies
Limb deformities
Abdominal distension
Suprapubic mass
Potter syndrome
Abdominal distension + suprapubic mass= bladder distension from urinary tract obstruction
Due to posterior urethral valves
Increased reticulocytes
elevated mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
Negative coombs
Hereditary spheroctyosis
Increased reticulocytes
Low mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
Negative coombs
G6PD deficiency
Breast development
Elevated LH
Advanced bone age
MRI of brain
Central precocious puberty
Premature activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
Pulmonary abscess
Recurrent cutaneous abscesses
Aspergillus infxn
Chronic granulomatous disease
Catalase positive pathogens (staph aureus, serratia, burkholderia, aspergillus)
Mutation of phagocytic oxidative burst
Dihydrohodamine 123 test
Nitroblue tetrazolium test
Delayed motor milestones
10 mn cant stand
Cerebral palsy
WAGR syndrome
11p deletion
Deletion on chr 11p13
Wilms tumor
Aniridia (lack iris)
Genitourinary abnromalities (hypospadias)
Mental retardation
Mental delays
Fragile X syndrome
Prominent forehead Large ears Long narrow face Prominent chin Macro-orchidism
CGG repeat
Seen w/ cystic fibrosis
Pancreatic insufficiency
Greasy stools (steatorrhea)
Vit K deficiency
Lytic bone lesion
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Joint pain
1 wk after pencillin for strep pharyngitis
Serum sickness like rxn
Tumor of pituitary stalk
Hypopigmented macules
Hypoplastic and thenar eminences are flattened
Fanconi anemia
DNA repair defect
Infant botulism
Poor feeding
Oculobulbar palsies
(absent gag reflex)
Symmetric, descending paralysis
Autonomic dysfunction (decreased salivation, fluctuating HR/BP)
Unilateral cervical lymphadenitis
1) Most common
2) Dental caries/ periodontal disease
3) Hx of contact w/ infected animal
4) Nontender, violaceous
5) Bilateral
1) Staph aureus
Strep pyogenes
2) Anaerobic bacteria (prevotella)
3) Francisella tularensis
4) Mycobacterium avium
5) Adenovirus
Absence vs focal seizure
Focal seizure
- Motor, sensory or autonomic
- underlying structural abnormality
- impairment of awareness
- Assoc w/ chewing
- Postictal confusion/ lethargy
- One hemisphere
Absence - both hemispheres - staring spells 10-20 seconds - provoked by hyperventilation - no postictal period
Intellectual disability
Slow spike and wave
Lennox Gastaut syndrome
Large primary lesions
Other lesion follow tension lines
Pityriasis rosea
6 y.o
Insidious hip pain and limp
Restricted hip abduction, internal rotation
Normal Lab and Xray previously
Legg-Calve Perthes disease
Early stage: normal
Later: Femoral head flattening, fragmentation, sclerosis
MRI: avascular necrotic femoral head
Howell jolly bodies
persistance RBC precursor nuclei
single round blue inclusion