Family Medicine Flashcards
Normal maximum heart rate
220-patients age
Key symptoms of MI/ angina(6)
Chest heaviness Pressure Pain Radiating to left arm, shoulder, jaw SOB Diaphoresis is a key symptom
Chest pain radiating to shoulder, neck or back, worse with deep breathing or cough
Relieved by sitting up and leaning forward
Severe chest pain radiating to back, associated with unequal pulses or blood pressure in arms
Aortic dissection
Pulmonary embolism
Sharp localized chest pain with reproducible tenderness
Exacerbated by exercise
Drugs to not take if taking stress test
Beta blockers
Pharmacologic stress test
Stress test for CAD positive if patient develops (3)
ECG changes (ST elevation or depression)
Decrease blood pressure
Failure to exercise more than 2 minutes due to cardiac symptoms
Ultrasound of heart
Picture of heart
Can evaluate function
Valvular defects
Strength of heart muscle (ejection fraction)
Wall motion abnormality
Left heart catheterization process
vs right heart catheterization
Wire is inserted through a vessel (radial or femoral) and threaded to coronary vessels
Right heart catheterization is through a vein
Tx Stable angina
Beta blocker (reduces myocardial oxygen demand)
Chest pain certain hour in the morning Chronic - what is it - imaging - tx
Prinzmetal’s angina
- coronary vasospasm
No stenosis or plaque in coronary vessels
ECG may show transient ST elevations
Tx: Calcium channel blockers
Nitrates to reduce vasospasm
Acute coronary syndromes
Unstable angina or actual MI
Imbalance of myocardial oxygen supply and demand
Serum markers for MI
1 hr-4 : myoglobin elevated (peak 6)
3 hrs-12 : Troponin T or I
- very sensitive and specific
- elevated for a week
(peak 18-24)
4-8 hr: creatinine phosphokinase (peak 18-24) -nonspecific - but CK MB is specific - elevated 3-4 days
Patients with acute coronary syndrome should be given
MONA + beta blocker
Asprin (clopidogrel if allergy)
Morphine should be given last
Placed on cardiac monitor (at risk for arrhythmias)
Unfractioned heparin
Closed fist over chest sign
Levine’s sign
Sign of acute coronary syndrome
Streptokinase Urokinase Anistreplase Alteplase Reteplase
Contraindications are risk of bleeding
ACS + ST elevation MI Tx
MONA + beta blocker
Thrombolytics and/or catheterization
TIMI score (7)
scoring system for aptients with NSTEMI to determine if cath necessary
> 65 >= 3 CAD risk factors Prior coronary stenosis ST changes of ECG >= 2 anginal episodes in 24 hrs Use of aspirin in prior week Positive serum markers
TIMI >4 get invasive management
ECG changes in II, III, aVF
Inferior wall MI
Affects right ventricle
Major danger of dropping preload
Tx: maintain preload with aggressive fluids and avoid nitrates
ST elevations in V1, v2, V3
Anteroseptal MI
ST elevations in V5, V6, I, aVL
Lateral wall MI
Tall ST elevation in II, III, AVF, tall R with ST depression in V1, V2, and ST elevation in V4R
Posterior wall MI
Medications for discharge with ACS (5)
Aspirin Beta blocker ACE inhibitor Statin Clopidogrel (if stent placed)
Patient with known history of CHF with a low EF. Most likely cause of death?
Death 4-5 days after MI
Ruptures - free wall -intraventicular septum - papillary muscles (causes mitral regurg)
Death 48 hours after MI
- ventricular tachycardia when myocardium reprofuses
- bradycardia
Death 1-2 after MI
Fever, chest pain, generalized malaise
ECG shows diffuse ST-T changes
Dressler syndrome
Fever, pericarditis, pleural effusions
Tx: NSAIDS and steroids
Left heart failure vs Right
- pulmonary venous congestion
- systemic venous congestion
Right heart failure causes (5)
CAD (MI that damaged the right ventricle) 2nd degree to LHF Pulmonary HTN Endocarditis damaging tricuspid valve Ventricular septal defect
Left Heart failure causes (5)
CAD (MI that has damaged the left ventricle) Hypertension Mitral and aortic valve disease Endocarditis Dilated cardiomyopathy
Left heart failure signs (7)
PE signs (4)
SOB Orthopneu Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (SOB when laying down) Dyspnea on exertion Cough Diaphoresis Nocturia
S3 gallop
Peripheral edema
Right heart failure signs (4)
PE signs (8)
RUQ pain (due to hepatic congestion)
Abdominal swelling (ascites)
Weight gain
Hepatomegaly Hepatojugular reflex JVD Ascites Cirrhosis Abnormal LFTs Peripheral edema Cyanosis
Young patient with sudden death
- name
- heart sound
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Hypertrophy of the interventricular septum narrows the LV outflow tract
High velocity systolic flow draws the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve into the tract causing a dynamic LV outflow tract obstruction.
Sudden death due to arrhythmia
Paradoxical splitting of S2
Muffled heart sounds
Systolic bp drops by 10 mm hg with inspiration
Narrow pulse pressure
Pericardial tamponade
Beck’s triad
- Hypotension
- muffled heart sounds
- jvd
Pulsus paradoxus: drop by 10
Pericardial tamponade ECG
Low voltage or electrical alternans
ECG low voltage, T wave flattening, inversion in V1 and V2, notched P waves
Constrictive pericarditis
- scarring from acute pericarditis
Any disorder that causes dilation of the atria can cause
atrial fibrillation
Loud S2/ tapping apex
Opening snap followed by mid-diastolic rumbling murmur
Mitral stenosis
Holosystolic murmur best heard at the apex with radiation to the axilla
Mitral regurg
Systolic ejection murmur
Crescendo decrescendo
Radiating to the carotids
Low volume pulse
Decreases with valsalva
Aortic stenosis
Early diastolic decrescendo murmur best heard at left 3/4th intercostal space
Aortic regurg
Holosystolic murmur left sternal border
Increased by inspiration
Tricuspid regurg
mid-Diastolic rumbling murmur left sternal border with an opening snap and wide, splitting S1
Tricuspid stenosis
Icterus, edema
Midsystolic click
Wide split of S2
Mitral valve prolapse
Sodium channel blockers
- Suppresses ventricular dysrhythmias
- SE: drowsiness, confusion, psychosis, seizure, av block, respiratory depression
Quinidine - Suppresses ventricular dysrhythmiasa - Suppresses Atrail presmature beats - Suppresses A fib SE: Cinchonishm, tinnitus, eharing loss, visual changes, delirium, torsades de pointes
Procainamide -Suppresses ventricular dysrhythmiasa - Suppresses A fib - A flutter - WPW SE: Myocardial depression, prolonged QT, torsades de points, V-fib
Beta blockers
- 4 examples
- what they treat
- SE of all beta blockerse
Class II
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Acute MI
- acute MI
- thyrotoxicosis
SE all beta blockers
- bronchoconstriction
Class III: prolongs action potentials
- VT, VF, Afib, WPW
SE: bradycardia, av block, corneal deposits, skin discoloration, hepatotoxicity, iodine can cause hypo/hyperthyroidism
- ventricular dysrhythmias
- AV reentry, svt, WPW
SE: bradycardia, CHF, perpherial edema
Calcim channel blockers
SE flusing hypotension
Rate control of Atrial tachydysrhythmia, increased inotrophy for CHf
TOxicity, vomiting, confusion visual changes,
Antihypertensive agents
- malignant htn
- severe htn
- preeclampsia
- direct vasodilator
- central acting agent
- parenteral alpha blocker
- htn due to pheochromocytoma
- PO alpha blocker
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Stimulates insulin secretion from the pancreas
Increase insulin production by the pancrease
Decrease liver’s glucose production and slightly increase muscle glucose uptake
Decreases insulin resistance at the muscle and liver
Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
Slows the digestion of carbohydrates
DDP-4 inhibitor
Increases insulin production and decreases the liver’s production of glucose
GLP-1 analog
Enhances insulin secretion, decreases liver glucose output and may suppress appeitite
Synthetic nalog of hte human homrone amylin that is cosecreted with insulin
Fever, aches
A firm nodule palpable over the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
Trigger thumb
Stenosing flexor tenosynovitis
Tendon sheath thickens creating palpable nodule
Pain with palpation of the anatomic snuffbox
Scaphoid bone fractures
Chronic venous insufficiency presents with
pain, pruritus, discoloration and thickening of the skin and edema
Medication induced myopathy
Statin drugs
Fetal demise
Closed cervix
Missed abortion
Incomplete abortion
Incomplete evacuation of the products of conception from the uterus
Inevitable abortion
Cervix is dilated but no products of conception have yet evacuated
Pregnancy with vomiting and yeast infection
Dont give what? Acetaminophen Bismuth salicylate Clotrimazole Diphenhydramine Loperamide
Dont give bismuth salicylate (aspirin)
Yeast infection prefered antifungal during pregnancy= clotrimazole
Antihistamine during pregnancy for pruritis= diphenhydramine
Safe opioid in pregnancy= Loperamide
Opioid receptor agonist works on mu receptor of large intestine. Decrease activity of bowel movements
Synthetic androgen that decreases the secretion of estradiol in hopes to suppress menstrual cycle
SE: hirsutism, acne, male pattern baldness
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue that suppresses the menstrual cycle by down-regulating LH and FSH secretion
SE: menopause symptoms
Repeat labs if consume what
Tx Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Cefriaxone and doxycycline
Ceftriaxone covers neisseria gonorrheae
Doxy covers chlamydia (or azithromycin)
Patient with cirrhossi
Painless rectal bleeding from what vein
Superior rectal vein
Superior rectal vein drains into the inferior mesenteric vein which is part of portal system
System is under HTN in chronic liver disease
Esophageal varices is due to what vein
Engorgement of left gastric vein
Caputmedusae due to what vein
Engorgement of the paraumbilical vein
Smoker who had trauma to breast. Breast now inflamed and tender. Pus coming out nipple
Periductal mastitis
- inflammatory condition of the breast that occurs in smokers
Smoking damages mamary ductal tissue causing inflammation of the subareolar ducts which can then become infected
Unilateral breast tenderness
Clindamycin if penicillin allergy
Anti-tissue transglutaminase
Allergy to gliadin
Infant with sickle cell needs what vaccine
Reduction of the spleens ability to filter bacteria from the blood
At risk for bacterial infections with encapsulated organisms
- Streptococcus pneuoniae
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Neisseria meningitidis
Pneumococcal polysaccharride vaccine
Prophylaxis tx of animal bite
Tx pasteurella
First line tx for suspected staph infections like cellulitis
Dicloxacillin (beta-lactamase resistant penicillin)
Recurrent pruritic vesicular rash on fingers palms and/or soles
Dyshidrotic eczema
Triggered by allergic response (metals)
Rash persists during times of vacation or when offending agent removed
Yellow thickened nails in asymmetric distribution.
Herpes simplex on fingers
Pruritc fluid filled vesicles on fingers after periods of stress
Lesions will have erythematous bae and progress to pustular and ulcerative lesions
Hyperkeratotic plaques, pruritic papules and scales
Linear burrows
Newborn rash not on palms or soles
Erythema toxicum neonatorum (ETN)
Self limiting
Acne neonatorum
Rash forehead, nose and cheeks.
White heads
Resolves in 4 months
Due to androgen stimulation
If persists suspect excessive androgen production
Generalized rash on infant that involves trunk and extemities
Diffuse mottling
Improves when warmed
Cutis marmorata
Due to infants vascular response to cold temps
white/yellow papules on forehead, cheeks and nose.
Sampling shows keratin within dermis
resolves within 1 month w/o tx
First line medication for prevention and tx of osteoporosis
T score below -2.5
- alendronate
- risedronate
- zoledronate
- ibandronate
MOA: bind to hydroxyapatite to decrease bone resorption and inhibit osteoclast from breaking down bone
SE: erosive esophagitis
- monoclonal ab
Inhibits osteoclasts and decreases bone resorption
Only indicated for tx osteoporosis not prevention
Estrogen in osteoporosis
Prevention only
Prevention and tx osteoporosis
Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and inhibits bone resorption
Does not increase risk of endometrial or breast cancer
Risk of DVt and PE
Bisphosphonates are first line
Parathyroid hormone analogue and anabolic agent indicated in tx of osteoporosis and reduces both vertebral and nonvertebral fractures in postmenopausal women
Elderly man take sildenafil and passes out what happened
Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors
- sildenafil
- tadalafil
- vardenafil
Enhance nitric oxide within the body leading to increased vasodilation and penile erection
Contraindicated in patient who are taking a nitrate medication (nitroglycerin, isosorbide mononitrate, isosorbide dinitrate) due to potentiation of nitric oxide, causing dangerous hypotension and syncope
Alpha receptor antagonists
Dont give beta blocker to
Heart block
Hemodynamic instability
decompensated CHF (decreased ejection fraction leading to bilateral lower extremity edema and pulmonary effusion)
are not hemodynamically stable
CYP450 inhibitors
Inhibition of P450 results in increase in PDE-5 inhibitor levels within serum –> increased nitric oxide and vasodilation
Women with preeclampsia and in labor give what
IV magnesium sulfate
Lung maturity glucocorticoids
Magnesium sulfate
Seizure prophylaxis and tocolytic in pregnancy
Check for toxicity by assessing for hyporeflexia of deep tendon reflexes, pulmonary edema, decreased urine output, cardiopulmonary arrest
Gemfibrozil prevents
Hypertriglyceridemia is associated with increased risk of developing pancreatitis
Dilated bronchi with adjacent companion arteries the are smaller in size with large cystic spaces and honey combing
- patient profile
- sign
- disease process
- imaging
Months to years of a daily cough and mucopurulent sputum, normal spirometry, unresponsive to antibiotics
Signet ring sign
Transmural inflammation and scarring , processses damage the surrounding lung parenchyma by destroying the muscular and elastic components of the bronchial walls.
HRCT imaging
Right Calf pain when walking, decrease in calf muscle size, lack of hair, thickened toe nails, left ankle/foot have stronger pulses
Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD)
Lack of palpable pulses, thinning or lack of hair, increase toe nails all signs of decreased arterial blood flow.
1st: Ankle-brachial index (ABI) (less than 0.9)
Diagnosis: Angiography
Smoking makes worse
Firm or tense musculature, no atrophy, normal pulses, normal ABI. Pain with exertion relieved by rest. Trauma
- test
Compartment syndrome
Needle compartment pressure readings
Asain infant with large blue spots since birth
Congenital dermal malanosis
“Mongolian blue spots”
Darker skinned ethnic groups
Asymptomatic hyperpigmented macules and patches on back and buttocks
Benign disappear by age 2
Think iron-deficiency anemia check what lab
Serum ferritin
Second check iron levels
Patient with low hemoglobin but high MCV check what
macrocytic anemia
check peripheral blood smear
if shows megaloblastic features (hypersegmented neutrophils) , then take reticulocyte count. If less than 2% check B12 and folate
Austin Flint murmur
- is what
- heard
- symptoms(5)
Aortic regurgitation
Diastolic rumbling murmur (doesnt have opening snap like mitral stenosis)
Palpitations are uncomfortable in AR due to the widened pulse pressure.
Head bobbing
Nail bed pulsations
Uvula pulsations
“water hammer’ pulse- rapid distention and collapse upon palpation of the pulse
Harsh crescendo-decrescendo, mid-systolic ejection murmur with a palpable thrill
Pulmonary stenosis
Early diastolic high pitched blowing, decrescendo murmur heard at left second intercostal space
Pulmonary regurgitation
Tumor marker elevated in patients with colorectal cancer
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
AFP elevated in what cancers
Liver cancer
Germ cell cancers
- teratomas
transmembrane glycoprotein known as MUC1 expressed by MUC1 gene
Tumor marker that is overexpressed in malignant breast glandular cells in patients with breast cancer
Used to trended treatment or for recurrence
Not diagnostic
Tumor marker for multiple cancers involving GI tract (pancreatic, gall bladder/ biliary duct, and gastric cancers)
Also elevated in endometrial cancer
Trending for tx
elevated in ovarian cancer
Kidney stone formation in patient with Crohn’s due to what
malabsorption of fatty acids and bile salts.
Decreased urinary citrate excretion as cause for kidney stones is see with
Chronic diarrhea and metabolic acidosis
Which leads to low urinary pH
Screening at 28 weeks pregnancy
gestational diabetes
Screen for group B streptococcal infection at what week
36 weeks
Most common bladder cancer
Transitional cell carcinoma
Uterine cancer is probably what type
Squamous cell carcinoma in the bladder due to
Schistosoma haematobium
Serum testing shows elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein levels, most likely cause
Inaccurate gestational age
If age is accurate consider neural tube defects
Abdominal pain improved with defecation. No blood or pus. Weight loss. Diffuse abdominal tenderness, discrete mass in RLQ
Erythrocyte sedimetantion rate and C reactive protein are elevated
Narrowed thickened ileum, string sign
- Another sign
Crohn’s disease
Normocytic with iron deficiency and elevated ferritin.
IBS imaging
Nothign seen on pathology or radiologic findings
Lead pipe
Bloody diarrhea
Mucous discharge from rectum
Distal rectum
Ulcerative colitis
Infant excessive diaphoresis, poor feeding, and failure to thrive.
Holosystolic murmur at lower left sternal border
Ventricular septal defect
left to right shunt
Wide fixed split S2 and a systolic ejection murmur at the left upper sternal border
Atrial septal defect
Wide pulse pressure
Continuous machinery murmur (present both systole and diastole) at he upper left sternal border
Bounding peripheral pulses
Patent ductus arteriosus
Menstrual migraines tx
NSAID first line
Sumatriptan taken at he onset of symptoms
Frovatriptan is prophylactic but don’t use if trying to get pregnant
75 y.o with painful skin rash on abdomen. Petechiae with scattered hemorrhagic bullae and black eschar
Aspirin Atorvastatin glargine lisinopril metoprolol warfarin
Warfarin skin necrosis
- paresthesias
- sensation of pressure
- extreme pain
Edematous, erythematous flush with developing petechiae that progress to hemorrhagic bullae with necrotic eschar
Adverse effect aspirin
Samter’s triad of asthma
aspirin intolerance
nasal polyps
Aspirin intoxication
- respiratory alkalosis from increased respiratory drive before culminating in an anion gap metabolic acidosis from salicylate toxicity
- AE
competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase
Lower total cholesterol with predominant effect on decreasing low-density lipoprotein
AE: diarrhea and myopathy
- what is it
- AE
Long-acting insulin analogue
Stimulate peripheral glucose uptake by skeletal muscle and fat
Inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and proteolysis and enhancing protein synthesis
AE: hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, local allergic rxn at injection site
- what is it
- AE
ACE inhibitor
Coronary artery disease to lower afterload resistance
DM to protect glomerulus from hyperfiltration injury by preventing constriction of the efferent arteriole
AE: Cough
- what is it
- fxn
- AE
selective beta-1 antagonist
control heart rate in sinus tachycardia and atrial fibrillation
AE: dizziness, headache, bradycardia and wheezing
Beta 1 selective antagonists vs beta blockers
A-M beta 1 selective
- atenolol
- Esmolol
N-Z non selective antagonists
- nadolol
- timolol
outliers (carvedilol, labetalol) non selective
Pemphigoid gestationis
pregnancy associated autoimmune disease
Vesiclse and bullae
C3 deposit on basement membrane
SImilar to bullour pemphigoid and differentiated by “salt split techinique”
Impetigo herpetiformis
type of pustular psoriasis that presents during the second half of pregnancy
Group pustules and erythematous patches and plaques with overlying scale.
Hyperpigmentation common
Inguinal and axillary areas, also well as flexural surface arms and legs.
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPS)
similarly to pemphigoid gestationis but lesions will not progress to tense bullae
Third trimester
Absence seizures medication
Dizziness is more common side effect does not require monitoring
Serious adverse effect is pancytopenia
Check CBC
Group A streptococcus (GAS) pharyngitis tx
Penicillin V
(if cant take oral penicillin G which is IM)
[anaphylactic Penicillin allergy then azithromycin]
[nonanaphylactic penicillin allergy then cephalosporin]
Amoxicillin-clavulanate tx for
Respiratory tract infections
Animal/human bites
75 y.o nipple discharge past week. “creamy” discharge left breast. sometimes bloody. Mammogram last year normal, no lump.
Inverted nipple, normal areola, no erythema, LN normal sized
Ductoscopy reveals dialted ducts filled with secretions and fibrotic debris
Duct ectasia
Benign breast condition of increasing age
[ductal Carcinoma involves areola]
Tx complete duct excision
Nipple inversion
Duct ectasia
Periductal mastitis
Straw colored or clear discharge from breast
Intraductal papilloma
Benign neoplasm in lumen of breast
Trauma or biopsy of breast. pain and small breast masses
Debris-filled dilated duct
Mondor’s disease
Superficial thrombophlebitis of the breast develops when blood clots form in the superficial veins of the breast
Inflammation in the subarolar ducts, no dilation. Younger woman or men.
Associated with
Periductal mastitis
Tx: broad-spectrum antibiotics or drainage since frequently leads to infection
STD with reactive arthritis
Chlamydia trachomatis
Reiters syndrome
keratoderma blennorrhagicum
hyperkeratotic lesions of palms of hands or soles of feet
Reactive arthritis
circinate balanitis
painless erythematous lesion of glans penis
muffled heart sounds
Pericardial tamponade
caused by myocardial rupture
Pleural effusion caused by
Increased pulmonary capillary pressure, decreased capillary oncotic pressure, or increased membrane permeability
SOB, anxiety and cough with pink frothy sputum
Pulmonary edema
HIV positive individual give was vaccine
13 and 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine
Give H. influenzae vaccine to who
Normal weight gain in pregnancy
25-35 lbs
Pregnancy BMI over 30 weight gain
11-20 lbs
Pregnancy BMI under 18.5 weight gain
35-45 lbs
Meningococcal vaccine to
11-18 years old
Leg swelling and fatigue. Has diabetes. Normal breathing sounds. Distended abdomen with positive lfuid wave. 3+ pitting edema. UA found urine protein/ creatinine ratio of 3.4
What do they have?
Nephrotic syndrome
- proteinuria leading to hypoalbuminemia and diffuse edema
DM common cause
Complication is venous thrombosis
Most common diagnosis in obese child with hip pain
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
Urine bright red and has clots indicated
Extraglomerular source of bleeding within the urinary tract
non-glomerular cause
- nephrolithiasis
- tumor
- cystic kidney disease
UA first step
Then ultrasound
obtained when suspicion of post-streptococcus glomerulonephritis.
History sore throat or skin infection preceding hematuria
Hematuria cola colored or HTN then get
Complement C3 level
Red blood cell casts or greater than 2+ protein on UA
C3 levels low in post-infectious glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis or membranoproliferativev glomerulonephritis
Order in child with 2 or more febrile UTI infections
voiding cystourethrogram (VUR)
11 y.o vaccine
Fluoride supplemented water at what age for infant
6 months
primary source needs 0.6 parts ppm
Imaging to get with chest congestion and cough
plain chest radiograph
rule out pneumonia, cardiomegaly, pleural effusions, aortic dissection
Clumsiness (wide based ataxia), incomprehensible speech (explosive dysarthria), bilateral babinski sign, and bilateral loss of deep tendon reflexes
- cardiac abnormality
Friedreich ataxia
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Neurodengenerative disorder of axons within cerebellum and dorsal colums
Japanese male, ataxia, loss of vibratory sense, hyperreflexia. Hyperpigmentation, behavior changes, decreased school performance, spasticity and paralysis
X linked recessive peroxisomal disorder
ABCD1 gene
Very long chain fatty acids into peroxisome
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
autosomal recessive
Deficiency of arylsulfatase A leads to accumulation of cerebroside sulfate.
2 years of age
Loss of previous achieved milestones, tremors, truncal ataxia, hyperreflexia, hypotonia, nystagmus, and optic atrophy
Coarse face, large tongue, electrical cardiac abnormalities, cherry red macular spot. 3-5 months olds. muscle weakness.
Tay-Sachs disease
- no hepatosplenomegaly
Osteoarthritis medication
Patients with CHF should not get NSAIDs
Give Duloxetine
[Acetiaminophen used to be first line but studies show no efficacious]
Diagnostic choice for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
tx hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
beta blocker
Anemia of chronic disease lab values
- iron
- ferritin
- total iron binding capacity
Low iron
High Ferritin
Low total iron binding capacity
Anemia of chronic disease (rheumatoid arthrits) iron is packed in the cells in excess so ferritin is high, serum iron low and TIBC low
Different from iron deficiency anemia
Normal iron
Normal ferritin
normal TIBC
inadequate production of chains of hemoglobin
Microcytic anemia
Non-productive cough, wheezing, dyspnea. Flattening of the inspiratory loop and normal FVC and FEV1/FVC
Vocal cord dysfunction
COPD values
Decrease FEV1/FVC ratio
Normal inspiratory flow loop
Irreversible with bronchodilator
Asthma values
Decrease FEV1/FVC ratio
Normal inspiratory flow loop
reversible with bronchodilator
Restrictive lung disease values
Reduced FVC
Normal FEV/FVC
Productive cough and SOB for 4 months. Started with fever and congestion.
Decrease pulmonary fxn testing
Chronic bronchitis
- obstructive airway disease
Typically cyanotic
PFT <70%
Breathe rapidly
Xray: bullae, flattened diaphragm, hyperinflated lung fields
Chronic cough with sputum production
Purulent, foul smelling sputum for several years to months
Dilated and thickened airways, mucus plugs
Bronchiolitis obliterans
Rare cause of cough in adults
Small airway obstruction caused by fibrosis or inflammation
Present with non-productive cough and dyspnea with wheezing
CT: expiratory air trapping within bronchioles, bronchial wall thickening, ground glass opacities
Pregnant mother with upper respiratory tract infection then baby has hear loss what virus
CMV microscopy
Owl’s eye
Signs of rubella in infant
Hearing loss
Cardiac malformations
Maculopapular rash
Enlarged thick and pale placenta
Persistent maculopapular rash
Failure to move limb (pseudoparalysis due to pain)
Congenital syphilis
- sensiorneural hearing loss, interstitial keratitis, hutchinson teeth
2 y.o child should be able to
Kick a ball
Two word sentences
Stacking ability for years
1 year = 3 cubes
2 year= 6 cubes
3 y.o should be able to
draw circl (pi=3.14)
ride tricycle
three word sentences
4 y.o should be able to
Draw cross or rectangle
Hop on one foot
Recognize colors/ numbers
Cooperative play
5 y.o should be able to
Draw a square Skip Catch a ball Print own name Tie shoelaces
Tumor of jaw
Burkitt lymphoma
- starry sky
- EBV related
- non-hodgkin lymphoma
- t(8;14)
mantle cell lymphoma
Palpable lymphadenopathy
Follicular lymphoma
Germinal centers
BCL-2 over epxression
Large cells with vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli
Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
Reed-Sternberg cells
Binucleated “owl eyed” giant cells in hodgkin lymphoma
Prominent mediastinum
Patient with asthma and recurrent exacerbations of fever, cough, and dyspnea
Brown mucus plugs
Has what?
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillous
Also experience central bronchiectasis
Diagnostic: total serum IgE test (elevated) and allergy skin prick test for IgE antibody to Aspergillus
Who to screen for AAA
65-75 who ever smoked
Dont give aspirin to those with history of
3 y.o with swelling all over body. Denies abodminal pain, hematuria or dysuria. Periorbital edema, abdominal distension with a fluid wave, 3+ pittign edema. 3+ proteinuria.
Minimal change disease
- proteinuria
- hypoalbumenia
- edema
- hyperlipidemia
Younger than 10
Proteinuria > 3.5 grams
Nephropathy associated iwth Hep B/ C infection
Membranous nephropathy
POst-infectious glomerulonephritis characterized by
decreased C3 complement elvels
non-bloody, non-purulent chronic diarrhea
Diffuse abdominal pain relieved by defecation
Painful finger joints
- what is it
- labs
- diagnostic
Crohns disease
Elevated ESR and CRP
Anemia of chronic infxn (normocytic w/ iron def and elevated ferritin)
Diagnostic: colonoscopy with ileoscopy and biopsy
SKip lesions
Noncaseating granulomas
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (antiCCP)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Pain between the toes in the interdigital space, numbness and paresthesias radiating to the toes proximal to the pain
Exacerbated by tight shoe wear
Morton’s neuroma
Mulder’s sign: palpable painful click along with reproducible symptoms
Sesamoid fracture
First toe pain
Due to overuse (runners)
Swelling and tenderness along the medial aspect on the plantar surface of the first metatarsophalangeal joint
Pain worse with dorsiflexion
Granuloma annulare
benign skin lesion that is asymptomatic and presents iwth 1-2 mm flesh colored and/or erythematous papules that coalesce to form 5 cm annular appearing plaque.
Ankles, feet, hands, fingers and extensors of arms and legs
Center of lesion can be hyperpigmented and scaling absent
“Looks like like ring worm”
Violacous, shiny, polygonal papules of varying sizes on flexural surfaces of limbs.
Fine white reticular scales on papules
Lichen planus
Mammogram screening
50-74 every 2 years
Colorectal cancer screening
One of the options:
Fecal occult blood testing annually
Sigmoidoscopy every 5 years
Colonoscopy every 10 years
Screening for 75 y.o female
Alcohol misuse and counseling
Hold up infant hand
4 months
Sit or crawl at age
6 months
Pertussis diagnosis
Macrolides (azithromycin)
Rheumatoid arthritis joints
Recurrent Hematuria after upper respiratory infection. Negative for strep
IgA nephropathy
Occurs are upper respiratory infection o ATHLETIC EXERTION
Mild flank pain
Low grade fever
Associated with cirrhosis, celiac disease, and HIV
Renal biopsy with immunofluorescence reveal the presence of IgA deposit
Acute onset renal failure with UA revealing nephritic sediment (red blood cell casts, dysmorphic red blood cells, white blood cells), mild to moderate proteinuria
Also have SOB, cough and hemoptysis
Good pasture syndrome
Palpable purpura on skin, abdominal pain, arthralgias, and renal insufficiency with hematuria. No proteinuria
Biopsy: granulocytes within the walls of the small arterioles and venules
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
IgA vasculitis
63 y.o alcoholic with nausea, vomiting and diffuse abdominal pain. Has had symptoms before. Metabolic acidosis, elevated serum beta-hydroxybutyrate and urine ketones. Glucose normal adminster what
Thiamine and dextrose
Alcoholic ketoacidosis
Possible Wernicke encephalopathy
Acidosis will resolved self after thiamine, dextrose and saline
Thiamine needed to bring pyruvate to TCA cycle (thiamine deficient leads to shift in pyruvate towards production of lactic acid instead of into TCA cycle)
Pregnant female with pre-existing hypothyroidism
increase by 30%
Urease breath test
H. pylori
Antiparietal ab
autoimmune gastritis
IgA nephropathy
painless gross hematuria that occurs simultaneously with infection
Sore throat 2 weeks ago Hematuria Red blood cell casts Proteinuria Low complement C3 level
Post-infectious glomerulonephritis
young patient with low back pain gradual progression. Space narrowing and sclerosis around sacroiliac joint
Also develop
Ankylosing spondylitis
Calcaneal tendon enthesitis
Plantar fasciitis
ESR and CRP elevated
HLA-B21 genotype
Complication of Crohns disease
B12 deficiency
Macrocytic anemia with a decrease in serum cobalamin (vit B12)
Vaccination during pregnancy
Tdap 27-36 weeks
[Dont give]
- Zoster
- Varicella
- live flu
Lytic lesions and cortical thickening of fibula and tibia
Pagets disease
Elevated alkaline phosphatase
Tx acute exacerbation of asthma
Inhaled beta 2 agonist
Oral corticosteriods
Intermittent asthma
Symptoms less than or equal 2 days per week
Nighttime awakenings less than 2 x per month
Beta agonist 2 x per week
Mild persistent asthma
symptoms greater than 2 days per week
Nighttime awakening 3-4x per month
inhaler > 2 x per week
Moderate persistent asthma
Daily symptoms
Nighttime awakenings > 1 per week
Daily use of inhaler
Severe persistent asthma
Symptoms throughout day
Nightly awakenings
Inhaler several times per day
Niacin deficiency
CHARGE syndrome
CHD7 mutations
Coloboma (defects in iris)
Heart anomalies
Choanal atresia (NG tube cant pass through nasal passage)
Restricted growth
Genital hypoplasia
Ear anomalis (small low set) and deafness
Difficulties feeding
Pregnant uncontrolled DM complication in infant
horseshoe kidney
Patient with hyperthyroid, improve symptoms most rapidly?
Easy bruising
Heavy bleeding
Elevated thromboplastin time
Von Willebrand disease (vWD)
Deficiency of factor VIII- related antigen
Defect in clot formation and coagulation cascade
Isolated defect in clot formation
Increased bleeding time
low platelet levels
PT PTT normal
Isolated defect in coagulation cascade
Hemophilia A / B
A: deficiency of factor VIII
B: def factor IX
Prolonged PTT
Bleeding time and PT normal
Hypercalcemia medication
Thiazide diruetics
Loop diuretics and calcium
Dump calcium
Elevated calcium
Elevated PTH
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Surgicial removal of one or more parathyroid glands
Fenofibrate AE
Can enhance myalgias when combined with statin
Hyperpigmented, thickened, scaly, edematous skin lesion
Lichen simplex chronicus
Christmas tree rash
salmon colored on trunk w/ central clearing
Pityriasis rosea
Sore throat with enlarged tonsils bacteria
Streptococcus pyogenes
Biopsy technique for raised, superficial non-pigmented lesion
Shave biopsy
For nonmelanoma skin cancer
Curettage and electrodessication used when
Treatment not diagnostic method in low risk patients younger than 60 with known diagnosis of a primary babsal cell carcinoma located in an area that is without hair and doesnt require depth of removal
Excisional biopsy use when
Including Mohs surgery
First line tx for SCC and basal cell carcinoma
Ingestion of clostridial spores
causes botulism syndrome in infants under the age of 8 months
Honey to babies
Adults and older children not effected
medication for ALS
muscle relaxer
Used in ALS to relieve spasticity
Can cause weakness, dizziness and sedation
Tx Temporal arteritis
First line prednisone
IV methylprednisolone (if visual disturbances)
ergot alkaloid medication used for abortive tx inpatients presenting to ER with a severe migraine not resonding to other migraine medication
Patients with diabetes should get what screen
urinary spot microalbumin/creatinine ratio
if >30 ug/mg then should be started on ACE (-pril) or angiotensin receptor blocker (-sartan) to prevent hyperfiltration injury
Rapidly gowing, solitary, friable, bright red, papule that bleeds from little trauma
Trauma precedes lesion
Pyogenic granuloma
Painful, small blue-red, blanchable, vascular papules or nodules in deep dermis on distal extremities (palm, wrist, forearm, foot, under nails)
Glomus tumors
Verruca vulgaris
non-genital warts caused by HPV
Thyroid nodule
Test to get
technetium-99m or radioactive iodine
3 y.o with bruising. Sick a month ago. Low platelet count. Normal hemoglobin. Normal blood times
Immune thrombocytopenia
Ab to platelet membrane antigens results in increased platelet clearance by spleen and thrombocytopenia
2-5 y.o following viral infection or young women 20-40s
Resolves 3-6 months
Mucocutaneous bleeding Fever Fatigue Weight loss Bone pian Lymphadenopathy Hepatosplenomegaly
reduced or elevated white count, anemia
Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Hemolytic anemia
Acute kidney injury
Child < 5 with prodromal episode of abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea followed by pallor, fatigue, easy bruising and hematuria
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Thrombocytopenia Hemolytic anemia Renal disease Fever Neurologic changes
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Xray rules for angkel
Unable to bear weight for 4 steps
Tenderness along distal 6 cm of the tibia or fibula
Tenderness over the posterior medial or lateral malleolus
Tenderness at he base of the 5th metatarsal
Tenderness of navicular bone
Streptococcal infection diagnosis
positive rapid antigen detection test for group A streptococcus
Positive throat culture
Elevated anti-streptolysin O (ASO) Ab titer