OB Shelf Flashcards
Hyperglycemia leads to increased risk of
Macrosomic infant
Excess fluid around infant
- assoc with
Fetal hydrops
- Rh incompatabilty
Meconium aspiration risks (3)
Placental insufficiency
maternal HTN
Tx acute bacterial mastitis
- nonMRSA
NonMRSA= dicloxacillin
- staph aureus
MRSA= Clindamycin
Tx vulvar lichen sclerosis
clobetasol propionate (topical corticosteroid)
cryotherapy tx for
Selective estrogen receptor modulator
Increased risk for endometrial carcinoma
Endometriosis risk factor for
ovarian cancer
NSAIDS –> oral contracept –> laparoscopy
1st pregnancy was preterm
Second pregnancy given
Asthma levels
- Mild intermittent
Less than 2 days a week
Less than 2 nights/ month
Asthma level
- Mild persistent
More than 2 days a week but less than 1x a day
More than 2 nights/ month
Asthma level
- Moderate persistent
More than 1 night per week
Asthma level
- severe persistent
Mild persistent asthma in pregnancy tx
Low dose inhaled corticosteriods (buesonide)
Epinephrine in pregnancy causes
Uteroplacental vasoconstriction
Severe presistent asthma tx
Prednisone (oral glucocorticoid)
Modersate persistent asthma tx
Long acting inhaled beta agonist
Cancer with history of endometrosis
Clear cell carcinoma
Breast cyst with no pain tx
Forceps assisted delivery risk of
perineal laceration
Medication for pregnant alcoholic
Maculopapular rash on face, trunk and extermities
pinpoint papules
Generalized LAD
- Causes in infant
Rubella (torch)
- Deafness, cataracts or retinopathy, PDA, encephalitis, hepatosplenomegaly w/ jaundice, petechial purpural rash (blueberry muffin)
Prolonged second stage of labor
Failure of fetus to descend after 10 cm dilation for 2 hrs in nulliparious or 3 hrs if epidural
1 hr multiparious or 2 hr w/ epidural
Prolonged second stage of labor risk
- ascending bacterial infection after rupture of membranes
Tx UTI in pregnancy
Nitrofurantion (Oral)
Ceftriaxone and gentamicin are IV
Tx to post partumhemorrhage - STep 1 - STep 2 - STep 3 - STep 4 Last resort
Step 1: bimanual massage of uterus
Step 2: Oxytocin
Step 3:
- Misoprostol (if HTN and asthma)
- Carboprost (15-methyl-PGF2-alpha) [Fast acting uterotonic, constrict smooth muscle of uterus to close the bleeding) (CI in asthma)
- Methylergonovine (ergot alkaloid) directly constrict blood vessels (CI inHTN)
STep 4: balloon tamponade
Last resort: SUrgical exploration
Raynaud syndrome
Blood vessels narrow when cold or stressed
5 y.o w/ bleeding and adnexal mass
Precocious puberty
Granulosa tumor
Increased inhibin
Granulosa tumor
Granulosa tumor increase in
Increase in alpha feto protein
Yolk sac tumor
Elevated lactate dehydrogenase
Sensitive to chemo and radiation
Choriocarcinomas have increased
Chorionic villus sample timeline
10-14 weeks
Amniocentesis time line
15 weeks
Hyperprolactinemia decreases
FSH, LH, Estrogen
Initial assessment of newborn
Heart rate Respiratory effect Muscle tone reflex irritabilty color
Kleihauer-Betke (KB test)
measures amount of fetal blood passed into maternal circulation
tells amount of Rh immunoglobulin to be given in Rh (-) mothers
Detects fetomaternal hemorrhage
PROM risks
smoking Substance abuse Maternal age less than 18 or greater than 40 PPROM in prior pregnancy insuffiecent prenatal care infection
Fetal biophysical profile
Amniotic fluid vol Fetal breathing Fetal movements Fetal tone non stress test
(NOT size)
Lower abdominal pain bilateral Fever Diffuse abdominal tenderness in lower quadrant rebound tenderness Adnexal tenderness
PID tx
Ceftrixone and doxycycline (outpatient)
Cefoxitin and doxycycline (inpatient) or clindamycin or gentamicin
Chlamydia tx
Urethritis tx
cover chlamydia and gonorrhea
ceftriaxone + azithromycin
Gonorrhea tx
Tichomonas vaginalis tx
Ceftriaxone, doxycycline, metronidazole
Asymptomatic bacteriuria tx
Baby w/ neonatal abstience syndrome of heroin
Sleep wake disturbanes
hyperactive reflexes
difficulty feeding
Cocaine in baby
Episodes of apnea or tachypnea
First line tx prolonged heavy bleeding
ORal estrogen
D& C if unstable
NSAID if cant take estrogen
Depression in pregnancy or breast feeding
Sertraline (SSRI)
Second line= bupropion or venlafaxine
3rd norttiptyline
Paroxetine CI
Seizure prophylaxis
Magnesium sulfate
Anti HTN therapy
Pregnancy values that increase
CO HR SV Plasma volume Red blood cell mass Thyroid binding globulin
Pregnancy values that decrease
Systemic vascular resistance Hemoglobin Hematocrit Residual volume Functional residual capacity Mean arterial pressure Serum creatinine
TSH in first trimester
Menopause + hx of pulm embolism
Estrogen contraindicated
Tx= SSRI (paroxetine)
Sterile fashion
Iodine/ betadine
Shell fish allergy
Hellp syndrome
Hemolysis ( burr cell, bilirubin > 1.2)
Elevated liver enzymes
Low platelets <100
No HTN or proteinuria
Recurrent pregnancy loss
3 or more consecutive spontaneous abortions in first trimester with same partner
- SOnohysterography for anatomy
Immunology workup
anticardiolipin and lupus Ab
Induces ovulation
Clomiphene citrate
Flu vaccine give
in fall and winter
Condyloma acuminate tx in pregnancy (warts
Trichloroacetic acid
Cryoblastion if fails
Mullerian agenesis
congenital abence of both the uterus and vagina
Normal ovaries
Normal secondary sexual characteristics
Order of developemnt
Growth spurt
D & C done at
before or at 16 weeks
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Uterus enlarged
Boggy (soft) and tender
Breasts, no pubic hair, vagina with blind pouch, no uterus or ovaries
Androgen insensitivity
Papp-a test
11- 14 weeks
Alpha fetoprotein test
15-22 weeks
Maculopapular rash over body Multiple partnrs Muscle aches Fever Night sweats
Acute HIV infection
marker for adrenal dysfunction
Lower abdominal pain Pain w/ intercourse Fever before onset of pain Abdominal distension Guarding and severe tenderness
tuboovarian abscess
Rupture (hypotension, tachhycardia, fever)
Tuboovarian abscess
CLindamycin, metronidazole, cefoxitin
Varicella zoster infxn can cause
Limb hypoplasia, IUGR, cicatricial (scarred) skin lesions, chorioretinitis
Tx: varicella zoster immune globulin (last 10 days)
Minimize risk of vertical transmission of herpes simplex
Tx toxoplasmosis
Uterine tenderness
Purulent lochia after postpartum
Increased neutrophil
Postpartum endometritis
- Clindamycin and gentamicin
PMS tx
SSRI (sertraline)
tx depression plus want to stop smoking
Preeclampsia occurs as a result of
Hypoperfusion to the placenta due to abnormal remodeling of spiral arteries with fail to expand as expected causing hypoperfusion and ischemia
Amorphic calcifications in unilateral breast
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Unilateral breast discharge
Intraductal papilloma
Heavy vaginal bleeding
pelvic pressure
hCG > 100,000
hydatidiform moles
Post partum hemorrhage =
risk factor
> 500 ml during vaginal
> 1000 during c-section
Fetal macrosomia
Irregular menstrual bleedign w/ lighter periods > 6 months after D&C or endomyometritis with previous nromal menses
uterine synechiae (asherman syndrome) - intrauterine adhesions
Cause methotrexate to fail
hCG > 5000,
gestational sac larger tahn 3 to 4 cm
fetal heart tones
Poorly controlled blood sugars leads to in baby
Low grade squamous lesions over 25 y.o
Turners risk of
Tx precocious puberty
GnRH agonist (leuprolide)
Most common complication of c section
Post op ileus
Middle pain
Lower abdominal or pelvic pain that occur midway during menstrual cyclat at time of ovulation
Bacterial vaginosis tx
- character
Thin grey white malodorous discharge, ph 4.5-5, clue cells
Condition that only occurs in pregnant diabetics
Sacral agenesis
White classification A B C D R F H T
A: Gestational B: > 20 y.o for less than 10 yr C: 10-19 y.o, for 10-19 years D: < 10 y.o, for 20 years F: Nephrolopathy, proteinuria ** H:Heart R: retinopathy T: renal transplant
Chronic HTN if present how long after
> 12 weeks
Dont give magnesium sulfate in
myasthenia gravis
Betamethasone increases what in mother
STeroid therapy
New onset HTN Proteinuria > 300 mg Edema Headache Visual disturbances Abdominal pain
Fever nausea
Abdominal pain periumbilicus –> RLQ or upper abdomen
Upper abdominal pain to back
Elevated amylase and lipase
Hair bearing skin, scalp, anils, oral mucous membranes, vulva
Inflammation, mucocutaneous eruptions and blisters that flare and remission
Burning itching
Lacy reticulated lesions on labia
No scarring or fibrosis
Lichen planus
Trisomy 21 labs
AFP down
Estriol down
hCG up
Inhibin up
growth rate
- 15 weeks
- 20 weeks
- 20-32 weeks
- 32-34
- 15 weeks= 5 grams
- 20 weeks= 10 grams
- 20-32 weeks= 20 grams
- 32-34= 30 grams
Metoclopramide causes
Vasectomy not effective for
3 months
Text for uterine leiomyomas (fibroids)
Transvaginal ultrasonography
+ BRCA test
Mammography + MRI every 6 months alternating
Primary dysmenorrhea cuases by
excess of protstaglandins
Tx : NSAID (COX1/2 inhbitor)
Threatened miscarriage time
< 20 weeks
Vaccum assisted delivery risk
Cephalohematoma –> hyperbilirubinemia
Heavy menstrual bleeding check
PT and PTT
Pencillin allergy
Clindamycin + gentamicin
Early term
37 weeks 0 days to 38 weeks 6 days
Full term
39 weeks 0 days –> 40 weeks 6 days
Post term
after 42 weeks
Cardinal movements of labor
Engagement Descent Flexion Internal rotation Extension External rotation Explusion
What other organ system at risk w/ menopause
Cardiovascular disease
Estrogen cardioprotective and decreases LDL
Dia Dia twin time line
first 72 hours
Mono dia twin separation
4 to 8 days
Mono mono twins sep
8-12 days
Conjoined twins sep
13 days
imaging of uterus
fluids into uterus via cervix to examine lining
xray of uterus and fallopian tubes (infertility)
Hyperemesis –>
Ketouria and weight loss
Reduce post op infection for c section
Prophlaxis cefaxolin
Painless, erythematous round firm ulcer with raised edges
Pencillin G
Painful vesicles
Oral acyclovir
Ppaule or shallow ulcer w/o raised border, painless
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Oral doxycycline
Painful demarcated non indurated ulcer
IM ceftrixone
CMV infection
hearing impairment
Amniocentesis test
Fetal growth resistriction < 10 % –>
cerebral palsy
hypoxic damage to brain
Increasing branching of the ductular trees and increased secretory gland formation
1st trimester
Breast changes
- Initial stages
- First trimester
- 2nd trimester
- 2nd/3rd trimester
- 3rd trimestser (36 wk)
- Time of labor
Initial stages
- Increased bud branching
- Increased secretory glands on each bud
First trimester
- Increasing branching of ductular tree
- Increase secretory gland formation
2nd trimester
- glandular tissue proliferation w/ ductal homogrenization
2nd/3rd trimester
- Lobular formation and enlargement
- ELiminating fat and stroma for glandular tissue and ductal trees
(enlargement and tenderness)
3rd trimestser (36 wk) - Distension of lumens by accumulation of secretory material
Time of labor
- glandular proliferation and mitosis
- glandular tissue proliferation w/ ductal homogrenization
2nd trimester
Increased bud branching
Initial stages
- Distension of lumens by accumulation of secretory material
3rd trimestser (36 wk)
- Increasing branching of ductular tree
- Increase secretory gland formation
First trimester
Increased secretory glands on each bud
Initial stages
- glandular proliferation and mitosis
Time of labor
Febrile illness w/ myalgia, arthralgias, LAD, lacy erythematous rash
Parvovirus B 19
Infant w/ anemia
High output congestive heart failure
Parvovirus B 19
Antiviral for Hep B
Pregnancy weight gain
BMI less tahn 18.5 = 28 to 40
25- 29.9 –> 15 to 25 lbs
> 30 gain 11 to 20