Pediatrics Flashcards
2 months
Gross motor: Lifts head
Fine motor: Tracks objects with eyes past midline
Language: Alerts to sounds and Coos
Social/Cognitive: Recognizes parents. Has social smile
4 - 5 months
Gross motor: Rolls from belly to back and vice versa
Fine motor: Holds objects
Language: Orients to voice, laughs and squeals
Social/Cognitive: Laughs
6 months
Gross motor: Sits up, moro and rooting reflex dissapear
Fine motor: Switches hands with objects, Raking grasp
Language: Babbles
Social/Cognitive: Stranger anxiety
9 - 10 months
Gross motor: Crawls/Cruises. Can hold railings to stand
Fine motor: Three finger/immature pincer grasp
Language: Says mama/dada
Social/Cognitive: Separation anxiety, waves bye, Stranger anxiety 6-9m.
1 year
Gross motor: Walks unassisted, throws objects, Babinski dissapears
Fine motor: Two finger pincer
Language: first words aside from mama/dada. Knows 1-3 total
Social/Cognitive: Imitates actions, Follows one step commands.
2 years
Gross motor: Can go up or down steps, two feet. Kicks ball(s) Can jump.
Fine motor: Stacks 6 blocks
Language: Uses 2-word sentences
Social/Cognitive: Follows two step commands, can undress. Parallel play
3 years
Gross motor: Climbs stairs one foot at a time. Rides a trike
Fine motor: Copies a circle, uses utensils
Language: 3 word sentences
Social/Cognitive: Brushes teeth with help, washes hands
4 years
Gross motor: Can hop
Fine motor: Copies a cross or a square
Language: Knows names of some colors and numbers
Social/Cognitive: Cooperative play, board games. Can tell detailed stories. Imaginary friends.
5 years
Gross motor: Skips, walks backwards easily
Fine motor: Copies a triangle, ties shoes, can print letters
Language: 5 word sentences
Social/Cognitive: Dresses and grooms themselves, domestic role playing.
Car seats:
Rear facing car seats until 2 years.
Car seat with harness until 4 years.
Booster seat until 8 years.
Don’t sit in front seat until 12 years.
Toilet training
Usually begins at 2 years. Boys complete it later than girls.
Bedwetting is normal until 5 years old.
Positive reinforcement and fluid restriction before bed is best treatment, followed by Desmopressin and anticholinergics for refractory cases.
Neonatal weight loss and gain pattern
Lose up to 10% of body weight in the first few days, should return to birth weight by 2 weeks.
Doubles by 5-6 months.
Triples by 1 year.
Quadruples by 2 years.
Failure to thrive definition
Weight persistently less than the 5th percentile.
Dropping across two major percentile lines on a growth chart. ie, “falling of the growth curve”
Organic FTT: Failure to thrive caused by an underlying medical condition such as CF or congenital heart disease.
Nonorganic FTT: Caused by social factors. Poverty, too much dilution of formula, maternal depression or neglect.
Timeline of puberty in girls
Precocious puberty: Anything before 8 years.
Delayed puberty: No puberty by 13 years.
Amenorrhea: No menses by 13 years with no other chars. No menses by 15 years with other chars.
Average age at onset: 10.5 years
Average age of menarche: 12.5 years
Thelarche -> Pubarche -> Growth spurt -> Menarche
Timeline of puberty in boys
Precocious pubery: Anything before 9 years
Delayed puberty: No puberty by 14 years
Average age is 11.5 years
Gonadarche (enlarged testicles) -> Pubarche -> Adrenarche -> Growth spurt.
What are the defining features of a constitutional growth delay?
The growth curve lags behind others but remains on a consistent curve.
There is delayed bone age.
18 months
Gross motor: Runs, kicks a ball.
Fine motor: removes clothes, stacks 2-4 cubes
Language: 10-20 word vocabulary
Social/Cognitive: Begins pretend play