last weeks Flashcards
stop codons?
what binds them?
NOT any tRNAs. They are bound by Releasing Factors, RF1, RF2, RF3.
Sturge Weber inheritance and mnemnonic
S - Sporadic, stain, and seizures
T - Tram track calcifications of the white matter
U - Unilateral
R - Retardation
G - GNAQ gene activating mutation.
E - Epilepsy,
SPORADIC, non-inherited developmental disroder
Von Geirke disease defect
What sugars should be avoided in von gierkes disease
Fructose and galactose - they increase the Glucose 6 phosphate concentration, VG disease is a Glucose 6 phosphatase deficiency.
Pompe Disease defect
Lysosomal acid 1,4 glucosidase with 1,6 glucosidase activity, aka acid maltase
Cori disease
Debranching enzyme 1,6 glucosidase
What is the use and mechanism of
Fomepizole inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase.
Used to treat Methanol, Isopropyl alcohol, or Ethylene Glycol poisoning
Treatment for Salicylate overdose
NaHCO3, sodium bicarb, to alaklinize the urine,
also helps alkalinize the blood to counter the met acidosis from salicylate
Treatment for TCA overdose
NaHCO3, sodium bicarb, alkalinize urine, and the increased Na+ helps prevent TCA binding to Na channels.
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarct
Lateral medullary syndrome, Wallenberg syndrome
Loss of pain and temp sensation on ipsilateral face
Loss of pain and temp sensation from contralateral body
Speech and swallowing difficulty,
Dysarthria and Dysphagia
Loss of ipsilateral gag reflex
Ipsilateral horner syndrome
Ipsilateral clumsiness, ataxia, and intention tremor.
Medial medullary syndrome
Infarct of penetrating branches of the Anterior spinal artery or basilar artery in the medulla.
Lesions to:
- Corticospinal tract in the pyramids - hemiparesis and UMN lesion to contralateral body. (decussates just below the pyramids)
- Medial lemniscus - Loss of vibration, fine touch, and proprioception from contralateral arm and leg
- Hypoglossal nucleus and nerve - Tongue weakness and atrophy, deviates toward the lesion, a LMN lesion of hypoglossal
Lesion at the Genu of the internal capsule
Paralysis of the contralateral lower half of face.
Lesion to the posterior limb of internal capsule
Combined motor and sensory loss of contralateral body.
Lesion to the Ventral Posterior Thalamus
Loss of sensation from the contralateral face and body.
VPL - body sensation
VPM - face sensation from CNV.
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
Antibodies against purkinje cell antigens
Small cell lung cancer - anti-Hu
Breast and uterine cancers anti-Yo
Hodgkin lymphoma anti-Tr
Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis
Small cell lung cancer
Anti-Hu in neurons
Opsoclonus-myoclonus ataxia syndrome
Dancing eyes, dancing feet.
Neuroblastoma in children
SCLC in adults
Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
Pyschiatric change
Memory loss
Ovarian teratoma
Sterile platelet thrombi on the heart valves
Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
Adenocarcinomas, especially pancreas, as paraneoplastic
Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
Maternal virilization during pregnancy
Placental aromatase deficiency
XX female fetus
presents with ambiduous genetalia
inability to synthesize estrogen from androgens
Gabapentin and Pregabalin mechanisms and use
Inhibit voltage gated Calcium channels
Increase presynaptic GABA release.
Post-herpetic neuralgia
sometimes as antiepileptics
Vigabatrin and Tiagabine mechanisms and use
Vigabatrin inhibits GABA transaminase, increasing CNS GABA levels
Tiagabine inhibits synaptic GABA reuptake.
Used as adjunct treatments for partial seizure disorders.
Unclear mechanism inhibiting muscle stretch refelx in spinal cord.
Used to treat acute spasms due to injury or inflammation
Strong antimuscarinic effects.