Pediatric Primary Tooth Anatomy- Dr. Webb Flashcards
Life Cycle of the tooth: Stages
- Initiation
- Proliferation
- Histodifferentiation
- Morphodifferentiation
- Apposition
- Calcification
- Eruption
Initiation stage
- Aka Bud Stage
- 6th week of embryo
- epithelial thickening that becomes dental lamina
- Permanent Molars and primary teeth arise from dental lamina
- Permanent Incisors, canines, and premolars develop from their primary predecessors
Congenital Absence of a tooth
- Lack of initiation or arrest in the proliferation of cells
Supernumerary teeth
Continued budding of teeth
- Aka Cap Stage
- unequal growth of different parts of the bud
- Peripheral cells of the cap form the outer and inner enamel epithelium
Dificiency in proliferation results in
Fewer than normal number of teeth
Excessive proliferation results in
cysts, odontomas or supernumery tooth
- Aka Bell stage (& morphodifferentiation)
- dental papilla cells differentiate into odontoblasts
- inner enamel epithelium differentiate into ameloblasts
Disturbances in histodifferentation results in
- Abnormal structure of dentin or enamel
- amelogenesis imperfecta=most common
Morphodifferentation stage
- Aka Bell stage (&histodifferentiation)
- Formative cells arranged to form the tooth
- Boundary between inner enamel epithelium and odontoblast become DEJ
disturbances in morphdifferentation stage results in
- Abnormal forms and sizes of teeth
- peg teeth (Peg Laterals)
- Microdontia
- Macrodontia
Apposition Stage
- Ameloblasts and odontoblasts secrete tissue matrix
- Begin their work at sites called growth centers
Apposition stage disturbances result in
- Systemic disturbance or local trauma that injures the ameloblasts during enamel formation or arrest in matrix apposition results in ENAMEL hyperplasia
Calcification Stage
- Precipitation of calcium in the matrix
- Further precipitation of original nidus with concentric laminations
- fusion of individual calcopherites
- 11th week in utero=first indication
- 14th week=Primary Central Incisors
- 15.5 week=Primary 1st Molars
- 16th week= Primary Lateral Incisors
- 17th week=Primary Canines
- 18th week= Primary 2nd molar
- 28th week=Permanent 1st molar
Calcification stage disturbance
- Lack of fusino of calcospherites in dentin=Interglobular dentin
Calcification stage: Anterior Primary Teeth, Posterior Primary teeth, Permanent molar
- 11th week in utero=earliest indication
- 14th week=Primary Cental Incisor
- 15.5 week=first primary molar
- 16th week= Primary Lateral incisor
- 17th week=Primary Canine
- 18th week=Second Primary molar
- 28th week= first permanent molar
How many primary teeth are their?
- 20 teeth
- 8 incisors
- 4 canines
- 8 molars
- Missing Premolars!
Primary teeth are also called
- Temporary Teeth
- Milk Teeth
- Baby Teeth
Eruption Sequence
- Mandibular teeth before maxillary teeth
- Teeth erupt in pairs (Left and Right
- Permanent teeth erupt earlier in girls than boys
- Primary Teeth
- Incisors-6 month old
- cuspids-18 month old (Canine)
- Molars- 12 and 24 months
Primary Vs permanent Dentition
- Tooth
- Thinner Enamel
- Primary=0.5-1mm
- Permanent= 1-2mm
- Ligher in color (whiter)
- Apical enamel rods curve toward incisal/occlusal
- Smaller in all dimensions
- except mandibular molars are wider M-D than the premolars
- Wider M-D than their height
- short and squatty
- B-L smaller bc it converges toward the occlusal
- Cervial Ridges (Height of contour) more pronounced
- Thinner Enamel
- Roots
- No Root Trunk
- long, flared and thin
- Pulp Chamber
- Large compared to size of the tooth
- closer to tooth’s surface
- Contact Area
- Broad and flat (Vs point contact)
- more gingival
Primary Dentitioin: Pulp chambers and Pulp Canal
- Crown widths in all direction is large compared to root trunks and cervices
- roots narrow and long
- molar roots thin and flare
- Dentin thickness b/w pulp chamber and enamel is limited
- especially in lower second primary molar
- High Pulp Horns
- Large Pulp Chambers
Primary Maxillary Cental Incisor
- Crown
- Wide> taller
- No developemental lines
- smooth labial surface
- straight incisal edge
- Lingual Surface
- distinct cingulum
- well developed marginal ridge
- Root:
- Cone shaped
- tapered sides

Primary Maxillary Lateral Incisor
- Crown Outline similar to cental incisor,
- crown is smaller in all dimensions
- Length>width
- crown is smaller in all dimensions
- Root outline similar to central incisor
- but longer when compared to crown

Primary Maxillary Canine
- Crown:
- more constricted at cervical region than incisors
- incisal and distal surfaces=more convex
- Sharp Cusp, well developed
- straight incisal edge-incisors
- Root:
- Long, slender, tapering root
- more than 2x length of crown
- curves distally-apical to middle 1/3

Incisal View of Maxillary Primary Anteriors
- Incisal edge:
- straight
- centered over crown
- Labial Surface
- is broader and smoother than lingual surve
- Lingual surface
- tapers toward cingulum

Primary Maxillary First Molar
- Crown:
- Largest dimension: M-D Contact area
- crown converges toward crvical region
- ML cusp:
- largest and sharpest
- DL cusp=not well defined
- small
- rounded
- Buccal Surface
- smooth
- little evidence of developement grooves
- Largest dimension: M-D Contact area
- Roots:
- long, slender
- widely spread/Flared
Primary Maxillary Second Molar
Resembles maxillary 1st molar
- 2 well defined buccal cusps
- developmental groove between them
- Crown is larger than first primary molar
Primary Mandibular Central Incisor
- Crown:
Smaller than maxillary central incisor
- F-L measurement=1mm less
- Buccal
- flat surface
- development grooves
- Lingual
- marginal ridge and cingulum
- Straight incisal edge
- bisects crown labiolingually
Smaller than maxillary central incisor
- Root
- twice as long as the crown
Primary Mandibular Lateral Incisor
- Crown outline similar to central incisor
- except larger in all dimensions except F-L
- Lingual surface
- greater concavity b/w marginal ridges
- Incisal edge
- slopes toward distal
Primary Mandibular Canine
- Similar to maxillary canine except
- shorter crown and roots
- smaller F-L
Primary Mandibular First Molar
- Does not resemble any permanent teeth
Primary Mandibular Second Molar
- resembles mandibular first permanent molar
- but smaller