Pediatric Growth And Development Powerpoint Flashcards
At what month should the baby double birth weight?
Triple brith weight?
1 year old
Height increase by how much per month for how many months?
1 inch per month for 6 months
Infants prefer the human face
And by ___ months they can distinguish between familiar and strangers
6 months
Vision begins at what ?
6 weeks of age
Depth perception stereopsis begins at what ?
7 to 9 months
Hearing is what?
But the head turns toward noise by ?
Present at birth
2-3 months
Cephalocaudral direction of development
Crawling at age?
Creeping at age?
Walk with assist at age?
Walk alone at age?
9 months
11 months
12 months
Fine motor skills
Grasp objects ?
Transfer objects between hands?
Pincer grasp ?
Removed objects from containers?
Builds tower of two blocks?
2-3 months
7 months
10 months
11 months
12 months
Gross motor
Head control
Roll over ?
Sits alone?
Moves from prone sitting position?
7 months
10 months
By the end of first year and infant is able to recognize what?
They are distinct from parents
Objects permanence
Coo,gurgles, laugh by ?
Imitative sounds ?
Understand NO?
Combine syllables by?
3-5 words by?
4 months
6 months
9 months
10-11 months
1 year old
Play time
Global - undifferentiated by
Play alone
Sensorimotor focus
Stanger fear
6-8 months
Watch out for having pacifier in the mouth for too long cause it can cause abnormal teething
During _ years of life begins teething
Age of child in months - 6 = teeth
Child is 8 months, how many teeth?
2 years
8-6 = 2 teeth
Nutrition, breast milk is best for the first ___ months of life
Don’t ever give honey to babies, why?