Pediatric Growth And Development Powerpoint Flashcards
At what month should the baby double birth weight?
Triple brith weight?
1 year old
Height increase by how much per month for how many months?
1 inch per month for 6 months
Infants prefer the human face
And by ___ months they can distinguish between familiar and strangers
6 months
Vision begins at what ?
6 weeks of age
Depth perception stereopsis begins at what ?
7 to 9 months
Hearing is what?
But the head turns toward noise by ?
Present at birth
2-3 months
Cephalocaudral direction of development
Crawling at age?
Creeping at age?
Walk with assist at age?
Walk alone at age?
9 months
11 months
12 months
Fine motor skills
Grasp objects ?
Transfer objects between hands?
Pincer grasp ?
Removed objects from containers?
Builds tower of two blocks?
2-3 months
7 months
10 months
11 months
12 months
Gross motor
Head control
Roll over ?
Sits alone?
Moves from prone sitting position?
7 months
10 months
By the end of first year and infant is able to recognize what?
They are distinct from parents
Objects permanence
Coo,gurgles, laugh by ?
Imitative sounds ?
Understand NO?
Combine syllables by?
3-5 words by?
4 months
6 months
9 months
10-11 months
1 year old
Play time
Global - undifferentiated by
Play alone
Sensorimotor focus
Stanger fear
6-8 months
Watch out for having pacifier in the mouth for too long cause it can cause abnormal teething
During _ years of life begins teething
Age of child in months - 6 = teeth
Child is 8 months, how many teeth?
2 years
8-6 = 2 teeth
Nutrition, breast milk is best for the first ___ months of life
Don’t ever give honey to babies, why?
Always make the baby sleep on the back in order to avoid SIDS
because it promotes better away, and if they sleep on the stomach, they are more likely to vomit and choke