Pediatric Cardiac Exam Flashcards
What should be included in the Gestational and Natal History?
Birth Weight and Gest Age Infections Medication Smoking/Alcohol Maternal Conditions
What should be included in the Post-natal History?
Weight Gain and Development Cyanosis Tachypnia and Dyspnia Exercise intolerance Heart Murmur Chest Pain Palpitations Medications
What should be included in the Familyl History?
Hereditary Diseases and Synd
Congenital Heart Disease
What should be included in the Physical Exam?
Blood Pressure
What are Palpitations?
Subjective feeling of Rapid Heart Beats
What are the Hereditary Diseases and Syndromes to be aware of?
Marfan Syndrome Noonan Syndrome Williams Syndrome(Lead Pipe, Arteries not as extensible as they should be) Long QT synd Mucopolysaccharidosis Muscular Dystrophy
What is dangerous about Long QT syndrome?
Increases Probability of Torsades
What do you want to be aware of in inspection of the patient?
General Appearance and Nutritional State Chromosomal Synd Hereditary Syndromes Color Clubbing Resp. rate, dyspnea, retractions Chest -precordial bulge -Chest deformities
What do you want to be aware of in palpation of the patient?
Peripheral Pulses Apical impulse Point of maximal impulse Precordial Activity Thrill- vibration you can feel with your hands
What do you want to be aware of in Reading Blood Pressure of the patient?
Use the correct cuff size
Use the normal values based on Gender, age, and height
Look for difference between arm and leg (leg BP higher than arm)
unless Coarctation
What do you want to be aware of in Auscultation of the patient?
Bell is for low frequency, diaphragm is for high frequency Heart rate and regularity Heart sounds Systolic And diastolic sounds Heart Murmurs
What do you want to be aware of in Auscultation of the First Heart sound?
Closure of Mitral and Tricuspid valve Best heard at APEX or LLSB Splitting may be normal Splitting of S1 vs systolic ejection click (Aortic Click) Does NOT vary with respirations
What do you want to be aware of in Auscultation of the Second Heart sound?
Aortic and Pulmonary valves
P2 slightly after A2 moves with respiration
Audible at LUSB
Single S2 or fixedly split S2 is abnormal
Intensity of P2 important
What are the 3 impacting factors of a heart murmur?
Flow -CO Viscosity -Anemia vs. Polycythemia Orifice Size
What are the 6 elements of Murmurs?
Intensity Grade 1-6 Timing: S1 and S2 Shape: diamond, decrescendo Location: max intensity Radiation: Axillae, neck, back Quality: Vibratory, harsh, blowing
What are the types of murmurs?
Systolic -Ejection -Regurgitation -Vibratory Diastolic Continuous
What are the Considerations with Systolic Murmurs?
Most are systolic
Depends on timing in relation to S1
Ejection murmur
Regurgitant Murmur
What can cause Systolic Ejection murmurs?
Aortic Stenosis Subvalar of supravalvar aortic stenosis Pulmonary Stenosis Branch Pulmonary artery stenosis Tetrology of Fallot Coarction of the aorta
What can cause Systolic Regurgitant murmurs?
Atrioventricular septal defect
Miral Regurg
Tricuspid Regurg(only if pulm HTN)
What are the causes of Diastolic Murmurs?
Aortic Insufficiency
Pulmonary Insufficiency(Pulm HTN)
Mitral Stenosis
What are the Causes of Continuous Murmurs?
Aortopulmonary or Arteriovenous connection -PDA -Systemic to PA shunt Disturbed venous flow -Common in kids Disturbed arterial flow -Rare in kids
What is different about the ECG in kids?
RV dominance in infants
Rates, axes, intervals all change with age
What is the Purpose of Exercise testing in Peds?
Quantify the severity of an abnormality Assess effectiveness of management Helpful for: -structural HD -functional HD -Arrhythmias -Adolescents with Chest Pain
What are the reasons for Catheter interventions in kids?
Baloon Atrial Septostomy Baloon valvuloplasty Baloon angioplasty and stent place CLosure of ASD Closure of PDA CLosure of VSD Embolization of Collateral vessels