Pediatric Assessments Flashcards
Knox Revised Preschool Play Scale (RKPPS)
- Observational assessment of a child’s play, measures
developmental play skills - Purpose = to describe the play age of children
birth - 6yrs - Type = standardized (in how you score0
observational - Advantages = structured observational tool that provides
quantitative findingsreliable tool for discriminating play behaviors in children of typical developme and diff populations beneficial when child can not participate in standardized testing guides intervention, evaluates child and environment
- Disadvantage = Time consuming
does not give standardized scores does not evaluate emotional affect or playfulness large increments between ages, decreased sensitivity for detecting change
Test of Playfulness (TOP)
- Playfulness = the stylistic manner children approach
situations or challenges in a creative and
flexible way. - Based on Bundy’s model of playfulness
Play is process oriented not product oriented
Play can be a means and an endINTERNAL (Control) EXTERNAL
INTRINSIC (Source of motivation) EXTRINSIC
FREE (Freedom to suspend reality) NOT FREE - Standardized norm-referenced observational assessment
of children’s playfulness - Ages 6-18yrs
- Gives overall playfulness score
- Advantages = normative samples not ages
evaluated on over 2000 children with a variety of disabilities provides an interval measure score construct of playfulness able to measured across ability level
- Disadvantage = not readily available
primarily used in research not clinical must be granted permission to use
Test of Environmental Supportiveness (TOES)
- Designed to accompany the Test of Playfulness (TOP)
- Purpose = to assess if particular environment supports
or inhibits playclinical environmental assessment designed to assess play environment
- Advantages = specifically assesses environment
quantitative evaluation physical and social contexts assesses sensory components of enviro
- Disadvantage = non- standardized
unable to gather a meaningful score
- Purpose = to test motor proficiency in children 4-21 yrs
based on engaging goal-directed activitiesmeasures motor skills not occupational perfor compare motor performance with other children their age
- Type = norm-referenced standardized assessment
(scaled scores, standard scores, percentile ranks
age equivalents, descriptive categories) - Advantages = good reliability and validity
pictures accompany instructions development included collaboration with multiple disciplines flexible = instructions may be visual or verbal atypical pop in sample wide age range
- Disadvantages = time consuming to administer entire
expensive some subjectivity for scoring does not evaluate functional occupation
Bayley Scale of Infant Toddler Development
* Gold standard for NICU and post-NICU Multidisciplinary global assessment Cognition Language Motor Social/Emotional Adaptive Behaviors
- Norm-referenced standardized assessment (scaled
scores, composite and percentile ranks) - Observation based and parent questionnaire
- 1-42 mos
- Advantages = almost everything needed is included
reimbursable norm referenced - tested on a variety of populations specific to age group flexible administration format (can take breaks)
- Disadvantages = time consuming to learn how administer
and scoreexpensive small age range
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS-2)
- Quantitative formal measurement tool that assesses a
child’s motor performance relative to age group (norm)Indentifies areas of motor developmental delay - Norm referenced, standardized
- Birth - 5 yrs
- Advantages = quick, easy to admin and score
can admin entire test or subsets interdisciplinary home programing info
- Disadvantage = poor sensitivity especially in grasp sub
poor description of grasp patterns does not allow for flexibility not standardized on children with disabilities or using adaptations
Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory (PEDI)
- Assessment of occupational performance (functional abilities) across childhood settings (inpatient acute/ school/ community) for typical and atypical development
Evaluates self-care, mobility, social
- Norm referenced and criterion referenced
observational and care-giver assessment - Paper version only standardized 6 mos - 7.5 yrs of age
- Advantages = good for child with no delays
reduces respondent burden can be used across continuum of care occupation based = can write goals from results
- Disadvantages = score sheet does not cue for prematurity adjustment
self report - parents may have a higher view of childs performance
Computerized Adapted Test
Birth - 20 yrs with physical and/or behavioral conditions
Daily activities
Results displayed immediately
Sensory Processing Measure (SPM)
To identify sensory concerns by gathering information about a child’s behavior, coordination and participation at home, in community and at school
Norm referenced standardized assessment of sensory processing skills
Home form
Main classroom form
School environment form
5 - 12 yrs of age
- Advantage = write LTG and STG and develop interventions based on test
based on Ayres SI theory, easy to admin and inexpensive can be outcome measure when using Ayres SI
- Disadvantage = care giver report
backwards scoring system negative phrasing
Sensory Processing Measure - Preschool (SPM-P)
Norm referenced standardized assessment of sensory processing skills
Home form
School form - preschool teacher
2 - 5 yrs
- Advantage = write LTG and STG and develop interventions based on test
makes early intervention possible
based on Ayres SI
single tool to address situations covered by IDEA part B and C