Medically based service delivery Flashcards
Pediatric Service Delivery Setting
Early Intervention
community based setting
occupational therapist is primary provider
work with ages birth - 3
naturalistic setting - must be in home or daycare
Pediatric Service Delivery Setting
Educational/School-based setting
funded by government
services ages 3-21 must impact their education
provided in least restricted environment
teacher is primary provider, OT related provider
intervention must be educationally relevant
intervention can be direct, consultative and monitoring
Pediatric Service Delivery Setting
Medical setting
Inpatient ( 1-2 wks) Rehabilitation ( 2-8 wks) Outpatient ( 6 mos) day-patient residential day treatment centers OT is primary provider intervention focus on habilitation and rehabilitation establish/restore, modify/adapt, advocate, educate
services are provided to persons experiencing deficits in key areas of function
provide tools and techniques needed to attain desired levels of independence and self-determination
(have been typically developing)
assist people in acquiring, improving, minimizing the deterioration of, compensating for an impairment, maintaining partially or fully skills
Health care laws
Americans with Disabilities Act = prohibits discrimination of individuals with disabilities, establishes standards for employment and access to public venues, allows for reasonable accommodations to be made for work, school and environment
Health care laws
Autism Cares Act
used to be called Combatting Autism Act
first to be diagnosis specific
fosters collaborative partnerships with NIH and CDC to promote better health, education and resources
federal funding to help research on autism
Health care laws
Affordable Health Care Act
Obama care
pre-existing condition could not be denied
children covered under parents insurance until 26
agencies have to cover woman’s healthcare and birth control
Revisions to Affordable Healthcare Act under Trump administration
alternative healthcare plans, cheaper but don’t cover as much
HSA and FSA can increase amount and not taxed
state by state
Government assistance program for
children, pregnant woman, elderly and individuals with disabilities or families who fall below the national poverty level (based on annual income)
Each state controls optional eligibility
KS and MO rejected Medicaid expansion = family of 4 annual income has to be less then $23,550
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
provides services to children whose families do not have medicaid b/c they make too much but still are low income
Accrediting Agencies that oversee medically based services
Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations ( JCAHO) = accrediting agencies for hospitals
Commission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities ( CARF) rehabilitation facilities
Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA)
federal entity responsible for setting safety and environmental regulations
Acute setting
LTG = 1-2 wks
STG = a few days
something you can change within 4-8 sessions
Inpatient Rehab
Traditional: LTG = 1 month STG = 1 wk 3 hrs of therapy per day, 5 days per week fewer hours on weekend
Neuro-Trauma Status:
< 3 hrs per day
reduced therapy status dur to medical severity or due to young age
may focus on family education
Pediatric Rehabilitation FORs
Biomechanical = ROM, tone, track and tolerate sensory stimulation
NDT = weight bearing, synergistic patterns, trunk control
Sensory processing = lighting, music
Visual information processing