Pediatirc Shelf Flashcards
What causes Acute cerebellar ataxia, opsoclonus, myoclonic encephalopathy?
Where does Neuroblastoma’s arise from?
Neural crest cells
In a kid what can give you an abdominal mass, fever, anemia and weight loss?
What is “dancing eyes and dancing feet” associated with?
What are the diagnostic test for Neuroblastoma?
CT scan or ultrasound of the abdomen. Urine VMA, HVA
What gives you a poor outcome in Neuroblastoma?
High MYCN gene expression456
What childhood tumor is associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Wilms tumor
What is associated with aniridia (absent iris), macroglossia, visceromegally and hemihypertrophy?
Wilms Tumor
What is the diagnostic test for Wilms tumor?
CBC, BUN, Cr, UA and abdominal ultrasound
In a 5 yr old kid what can give you fever, HTN, nontender abdominal mass, abdominal pain and hematuria
Wilms Tumor
What tumor in a kid presents with flank pain, hematuria and a mass?
Renal Cell Carcinoma
What is the most common soft tissue malignancy in childhood?
What is the most common malignant bone tumor in children?
What translocation is associated with Ewing Sarcoma?
11:22 translocation
What bone tumor gives you cancer in the midshaft of long bones, leukocytosis, elevated sedimentation rate, and lytic bone lesions with onion skin periosteal reaction on x-ray?
Ewing Sarcoma
Which bone tumor in kids give you cancer in the metaphyses, elevated alkaline phosphatase and sunburst lytic bone lesions?
Tennis-racquet shaped birbeck granules are seen? And where are these granules found?
Langerhans cell histiocytosis. These granules are found in the histiocytes
What condition can mimic retinoblastoma?
Ocular toxocariasis
What would the CBC show in toxocariasis?
How would you diagnose retinoblastoma?
Slit lamp exam
Where do you fine juvenile polyps and what symptom do they cause?
Found in the colon and they cause painless rectal bleeding
Where are astrocytomas commonly found?
What brain tumor is associated with neurofibromatosis?
Brain stem glioma
Uniform enlargement of the testicle?
Painless mass in the right hypochondrium leading to weight loss, anorexia, nausea and vomiting
What is the treatment for Pertussis?
Macrolide like azithromycin, erythromycin, and clarithromycin
How do you treat lyme disease?
If 8 doxyclycline
What kind of hearing loss do you get with ear infections?
Conductive hearing loss
What kind of hearing loss do you get with congenital rubella infection?
Sensorinueural hearing loss
What is post-exposure prophylaxis for rabies?
Rabies immunoglobulin and vaccine
What is the most common cause of viral meningitis?
Enteroviruses like echovirus and coxsacjie virus
What are the causes of neonatal bacterial meningitis?
- Group B strep
- E.coli
- Listeria
What are the causes of bacterial meningitis >1month
- Strep Pneumo
- Nisseria meningitidis
- H. Flu
How would you treat bacterial meningtis in a neonate?
Ampicillin and Gentamicin
What is the treatment for bacterial meningitis in childen
What are the most common causes of osteomyelitis in sickle cell disease?
Salmonella and staph aureus
What is the treatment for pinworms?
What are the symptoms for congenital syphilis?
Jaundice, anemoa, lesions on palms and soles, hepatosplenomegaly, rhinnorhea
How do you treat unilateral cervical lymphadenitis?
What is the most common complication of mumps?
What is the treatment for minor cat bite wounds?
What organisms are a big concern for sickle cell patients?
- Strep pneumo
- H. Flu
- N. meningitis
- Salmonella
What organisms cause bacterial rhinosinusitis?
Strep pneumo, h.flu(nontypeable), moraxella catarrhalis
What is the treatment for rhinosinusitis?
What is the treatment of choice for impetigo?
Topical mupirocin
When should you start to supplement iron in a baby?
After 4months if baby is breastfed
What is the iron requirment in breast fed babies after 4months? After 6months? After 1yr
4 months= 1mg/kg/day
6-12months= 11mg/day
1yr-3yr= 7mg/day
What is the iron requirement for premies and why do they need this?
Premies need supplemental iron from the start because most maternal iron is transferred via placenta in the 3rd trimester. They need 2mg/kg/day until weaned from breastmilk
When do you start to supplement fluoride in babies?
At 6 months
How long is breastmilk the best source of nutrition for a baby?
First 6 months of life
What is wrong with goat milk?
It lacks iron and folic acid which can cause a megaloblastic anemia. It may also contain toxoplasma gondii
How do you determine how much formula per oz is needed in a baby?
age in months + 3= oz of formula per feed
When is it appropriate to start giving table foods?
What is the sequence of introducing juice and foods in a baby?
At 6months you can start introducing fruit juice, cereal, and boiled eggs. After that then vegetables one at a time, then fruit one at a time, then meats
What is physiologic carotenemia?
Its a condition where babies have yellow skin without icterus due to eating vegetables that has carotene in them. Usually occurs around 6-18months. Benign condition
What are some things you should not give the baby to eat in the first year of life?
Cow milk, goat milk, formula without iron, honey, corn syrup, egg whites
When should infants regain their birthweight?
10days of life
When does a baby Coos. socially smiles
When does a baby Follows an object at 180 degrees on ventral suspension
When does a baby Moro reflex disappears. Reaches out and misses object
When does a baby Reaches out and grasps object and puts in mouth. No head lag, pushes down with feet, good truncal support, head held at 90 degrees to body in prone position.
When does a baby Rolls over prone to supine. transfers objects from one hand to another. Babbles and bounces
When does a baby Sits up unaided. Pulls to standing position. assisted pincer movement. mama and dada
When does a baby Cruise. know two words other than mama and dada. unassisted pincer movement
When does a baby Whines when diaper wet and done eating. walks upstairs assisted. speaks 10words.
When does a baby Walks up and down stairs. gets in trouble. puts words together
When does a baby Goes upstairs alternating feet. Jumps. Knows full name. Uses “I”
When does a baby Rides tricycle. copies a circle. counts 3 objects. builds a bridge of 3 cubes
When does a baby Hops. cuts picture with scissors. plays with other children. throws a ball overhand. tells a story. goes to toilet.
When does a baby SKips, name colors, ask lots of questions. dresses and undresses
When is the first dental visit recommended?
When should a kid begin potty training and brushing teeth?
What is thin white odorless muciod vaginal discharge preceeding menarche by 3-6months?
Physiologic leukorrhea
What is the treatment for central precocious puberty?
GnRH agonist like leuprolide acetate
What age should you be worried about delayed puberty in girls?
What age should you be worried about delayed puberty in boys?
What is the signal for pubertal GnRH release?
What does FSH do?
Stimulates ovarian follicle and seminiferous tubules
What does LH do?
Stimulates leydig cells and theca cells
What are the sign of a craniophyriangioma?
Growth failure, diabetes insipidus, bitemporal hemianopsia
What are the signs of mild dehydration?
What are the signs of moderate dehydration?
sunken eyes, sunken fontanelle, dry mucous membranes, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, oliguria, transient tenting
What are the signs of severe dehydration?
deeply sunken eyes, deeply sunken fontanelles, parches mucous membranes, hypotension, thready pulse, persistent tenting, anuria
What is oliguria?
dcrease urine output= 0.5mL/kg/hr
What is the normal urine output for a child?
What is the sequence of events for neonatal resuscitation in a baby who is not breathing/crying or have good tone?
- Stimulate baby
- Positive pressure ventilation
- Correct positive pressure ventilation
- Intubate, chest compression, positive pressure ventilation
- IV epinephrine
What is the sequence of asphyxia?
apnea–>bradycardia–>cardiac arrest
What condition would you use therapeutic hypothermia for?
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
What kind of problems should you be worried about post resuscitation?
- Hypothermia
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypoxia and Acidosis
- Hypotension/Hypovolemia
- Sepsis
What does symptomatic hypoglycemia in a baby look like?
Jitterness, apnea, lethargy, poor feeding, tachypnea, cyanosis, seizures
What could happen if you give sodium bicarbonate to a premature baby to rapidly?
Intraventricular hemorrhage
What is considered hypotension in a neonate?
Blood pressure
What is a choledochus cyst?
Its a condition in older children where there is impaired excretion of bilirubin and presents with sudden abdominal pain, RUQ mass, and jaundice
What is the picture for ABO incompatibility?
Mom is O and baby is either A or B
What level of bilirubin should you start worrying about kernicterus?
> 20mg/dL
What gives you familial intrahepatic cholestasis, long nose w/bulbous tip, short stature, heart disease?
Alagille Syndrome
What is the contraindication for phototherapy?
How many hrs qualify you for prolonged rupture of membranes?
> 18hrs
What is the best test to diagnose esophageal atresia?
Chest x-ray
What is the best test to diagnose choanal atresia?
- NG tube
2. CT scan
What is the best test to diagnose duodenal atresia?
Abdominal x-ray
What is the best test for pyloric stenosis?
Abdominal ultrasound
What is the best test for hirschsprung disease?
- Abdominal x-ray
2. Rectal suction biopsy
What age determines precocious puberty for african american girl?
What age determines precocious puberty for boys?
What age determines precocious puberty for caucasian girls?
What would the WBC count show for neonatal sepsis?
What age in weeks determines premature preterm rupture of membranes?
What are the signs of respiratory distress in a neonate?
Tachpnea, grunting, nasal flaring, retracting, and cyanosis
What are risk factors for RDS?
- Prematurity
What can decrease the risk of RDS?
Prolonged rupture of membranes
What does the blood gas profile show for RDS?
Combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis
How would you give surfactant to a baby in RDS?
Through endotracheal tube
What can you give the mother to try and prevent RDS in a premature baby and when would you give it?
Give betamethasone or dexamethasone 24-48hrs before delivery
What are risk factors for meconium aspiration?
- Fetal distress
- Post-term
- Breech deliveries
What is the chest x-ray finding in meconium aspiration?
Honeycomb lung and later the white out effect
What is a complication of chronic in-utero meconium aspiration?
Persistent pulmonary HTN
What are two risk factors for a baby to get a pneumothorax?
2. Meconium aspiration
If you have a vigourous infant with meconium present, do you suction the baby?
What part of the intestines is involved in necrotizing enterocolitis?
Terminal ileum and colon
Who do you see necrotizing enterocolitis most often present in?
Premature babies who are formula fed
What are the x-ray findings in necrotizing enterocolitis?
- Dilated loops of bowel
- Pneumotosis intestinalis
- Ascites
- Pneumoperitoneum
What is the treatment for necrotizing enterocolitis?
NPO, NG tube, IV fluids, antibiotics
What is the best inital test for volvulus?
Abdominal x-ray
What is the best initial test for duodenal atresia?
Abdominal x-ray
What is the best initial test for intersucception?
What is the double bubble sign associated with?
Duodenal atresia
What is the donut sign associated with?
What kind of atopic tissue is found in meckels diverticulum?
Gastric and pancreatic tissue
What is the pathopneumonic sign for meckels diverticulum?
Painless rectal bleeding
What is the best test for meckels diverticulum?
Technitium 99 scan
What would you suspect with a kid who comes in that has been playing in a stream of water with profuse foul smelling diarrhea?
Giardia infection
How do you treat Giardia infectious diarrhea?
When should you suspect cryptosporidia?
Immunocompromised patient with diarrhea
What are the causes of infectious diarrhea?
Yersinia, e.coli, salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, c.diff
What is the most common cause of diarrhea in children under age 2?
What gives you a fever, vomiting, watery non bloody diarrhea?
Where does HSV-1 lie dormant?
Trigeminal ganglion
Where does HSV-2 lie dormant?
Sacral ganglion
What is the treatment for Herpetic gingivo stomatitis?
Ice cream
Where does the varicella zoster virus lie dormant?
Dorsal root ganglia
What causes a rash in patient with infectious mono?
Giving ampicillin or amoxicillin
What gives you a fever, sore throat, cervical lymph nodes, pruritic sandpaper rash?
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
What is the treatment for arcanobacterium haemolyticum?
What is the cause of rocky mountain spotted fever?
Rickettisia rickettsii
What is the rash characteristic of rocky mountain spotted fever?
rash on wrists ankles hands and feet
What is the quick way to diagose rocky mountain spotted fever?
Immunoflourescent of skin lesions
What is the treatment for rocky mountain spotted fever?
Doxycycline and rocephin
What causes lyme disease?
Borrelia burgdorferi tick
What are the symptoms of lyme disease?
- Erythema migrans
- Neurologic symptoms like facial weakness and pseudotumor cerebri
- arthritis
What is the treatment for lyme disease?
Doxycycline or amoxicillin
How do you treat babesiosis?
What is herpangina and what causes it?
Condition that leads to vesicles on the tonsilar pillars and fever. Caused by coxsackie A virus
What other condition does coxsackie A cause?
Hand foot and mouth disease
What condition gives you a lacy rash and slapped cheeks? What causes it?
Erythema infectiosum. Caused by parvovirus B19
What condition gives you a christmas tree rash on the trunk and is preceded by a herald patch?
Pityriasis rosea
What causes pityriasis rosea?
What is the treatment for meningococcal disease?
IV penicillin
What is the treatment for kawasaki disease?
Aspirin and gamma globin
What bug causes otitis externa?
- Pseudomonas
2. Staph aureus
What is acute myringitis?
Inflammation of the ear drum
What is Lemierres disease?
This is a condition that is usually preceded by an oropharyngeal infection and causes suppurative thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein
What causes Lemierres disease?
Fusobacterium necrophorum
What is the best test for Lemierres disease?
What is constitutional growth delay?
Bone age
What is familial short stature?
Bone age=real age. Kid and parents all short
In what condition is the bone age> real age?
When is urinary continence obtained by?
When is fecal continence obtained by?
What is the pharmacologic treatment for urinary incontinence?
Desmopressin or imipramine
What immunizations are due at birth?
Hep B
What immunizations are due at 2mo,4mo,6mo?
- Rotavirus
- H.flu
- Hep B
What immunization starts at 6mo and is given yearly?
What immunizations are given at 12mo?
MMR, Varicella, Hep A
What immunization is given at 12yrs?
TDAP booster, HPV, meningococcal vaccine
What immunization is given at 2yrs?
DTAP and HepA
What immunizations are due before kindergarden?
Last IPV and DTAP, MMR and varicella
What is a contraindication to flu vaccine?
Egg allergy
What is a contraindication to MMR vaccine?
Allergy to neomycin or streptomycin which is a component of MMR vaccine
Why cant you give MMR and varicella before 12months?
Because they are live vaccines and kids under 12months cant have live vaccines
What arrhythmia is associated with ebstein anomaly heart defect?
Wolf parkinson white
What is the heart defect associated with digeorge syndrome?
Truncus arteriosus
What is the most common congenital heart lesion?
What is the most common heart defect in down syndrome?
endocardial cushion defect
What is the treatment for measles?
Vitamin A and supportive care
Kid has multiple excoriations on his arms and is itchy at night, what is this?
How do you treat scabies?
Permetrin for whole family
What is the treatment for otitis externa?
Topical ciprofloxacin
What is the treatment for strep pharyngitis?
Kid comes in with a hot potatoe voice and uvula is deviated, what is this?
Peritonsillar abscess
What is the treatment for croup?
Racemic epinephrine
What is staccato cough associated with?
Chlamydia pneumonia
What is the treatment for pertussis?
What vaccinations does a sickle cell patient need?
23 valent pneumococcus, H. Flu, neisseria meningitis
What kind of prophylactic measures does a patient with sickle cell need?
Penicillin from 2mo-6yrs
What syndrome has low platelets, low WBCs, profound anemia, cafe-au-lait spots, microcephaly, and absent thumbs
Fanconi anemia
What is the problem in PKU?
Deficient in phenyalanine hydroxylase so you get a build up of phenyalanine which can affect the brain
What are the symptoms of homocystinuria?
mental retardation, thromboembolic events, marfan like features, seizures, lens malposition
What is the treatment for homocystinuria?
B6 and folic acid
What is the problem in maple syrup disease?
Failure of decarboxylation of leucine, isoleuicine, and valine so they accumulate in the blood and cause FTT, vomiting, lethargy, seizures and hypoglycemia
How do you treat maple syrup disease?
IV fluids and diet low in branched amino acids
What is alcaptonuria?
When you have a deficiency in HGA oxidase and HGA is excreted in the urine and you get a black stained diaper
What can give you poor feeding, vomiting, seizures and hyperammonia and elevated ALT and AST?
Urea cycle defect
What is the value for a normal anion gap?
What are some conditions that can cause elavated ammonia levels in the blood?
Reye syndrome, urea cycle defects, fatty acid oxidation defects, organic acidemias
What is Von Gierkes disease?
This is a glycogen storage disease that causes hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly through a deficiency in glucose 6 phosphatase
What is Pompe disease?
This is a glycogen storage disease that causes hypotonia and hepatomegaly through a deficiency in alpha 1, 4 glucosidase
What condition gives you prolonged jaundice, poor feeding, weight loss, vomiting, hypoglycemia, hepatomegaly and cataracts?
What can cause a gray/white membrane in the pharynx and bull neck?
What is the treatment for Diphtheria?
Antitoxin and penicillin
What causes epiglottis?
H. Flu type B
What causes viral croup?
Parainfluenza virus
What causes bacterial tracheitis?
Staph aureus
What is the diagnosis if a patient has stridor with an absent thymus?
DiGeorge syndrome
What are the three most common causes of congenital stridor?
Laryngomalacia, vocal cord paralysis, congenital subglottic stenosis
What causes laryngeal papillomatosis?
HPV 6 and 11
What is the most common complication/cause of death for pertussis?
Pneumonia due to staph or strep pneumo
What kind of asthma gives you daily symptoms and atleast 1x per week night time awakenings?
Moderate persistent asthma
What kind of asthma gives you symptoms
Intermittent asthma
What kind of asthma gives you symptoms throughout the day and often night time awakenings?
Severe persistent asthma
What kind of asthma gives you symptoms >2 days per week and 3-4 times per month?
Mild persistent asthma
Wheezing child with nasal polyps what do you think of?
Cystic fibrosis
What is the inheritance of Bruton agammaglobinemia?
What is unique about Bruton agammaglobinemia?
Absent B cells, absent tonsils,
What is the inheritance pattern of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome?
X-linked recessive
What is the pneumonic for Wiskott Aldrich syndrome and what does it stand for?
A big guy with a big TOE
Thrombocytopenia, otits media, eczema
What causes hereditary angioedema?
C1 esterase deficency
What is the CATCH 22 syndrome associated with and what does it stand for?
Associated with DiGeorge syndrome
Cardiac abnormalities, abnormal facies, thymic hypoplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcemia
What abdominal problem is rotavirus vaccine associated with?
What is unique about CVID disease?
Frequent GI and respiratory
Low IgG and IgA
What can give you an EEG pattern of hypsarrhythmia?
Infantile spasms
What is the treatment for infantile spasms?
What is the imaging test of choice in patients with seizures?
What is a akinetic seizure?
Brief loss of muscle tone causing a patient to fall to the ground
What is the inheritance pattern for Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
X-linked recessive
What is the inheritance pattern for myotonic muscular dystrophy?
Autsomal dominant
What is the inheritance pattern for Becker muscular dystrophy?
X-linked recessive
What signs would you get with a anterior fossa basilar fracture?
CSF rhinorrhea and periorbital ecchymoses
What signs would you get with a middle fossa fracture?
hemotympanum, CSF otorrhea, mastoid ecchymoses
What signs would you get with a posterior fossa fracture?
brainstem compression
Which bug can cause a pseudoappendicitis?
What bacteria is associated with guillian barre syndrome?
Bag of worms is associated with?
What inflammatory bowel disease gives you pseudopolyps?
Ulcerative colitis
What would you see on colonoscopy in ulcerative colitis?
Air filled colon with loss of haustral striations
Which inflammatory bowl disease can give you granulomas?
Crohns disease
What is the diagmostic test for crohns disease?
Upper GI series and SBFT
What is the diagnostic test for ulcerative colitis?
Colonoscopy with biopsy
What is the treatment for IBS?
Antispasmodics, increased fiber, probiotics
What disease is associated wit dermatitis herpatiformis?
Celiac disease
String sign on barium enema is associated with what condition?
Pyloric stenosis
Bilious vomiting without abdominal distention occurring after birth is what?
Duodenal atresia
Bilious vomiting with abdominal distension in a baby can alert you to what?
What condition presents with bilious vomiting, abdominal distension, absent stools, and Multiple air fluid levels(multiple bubbles) on abdominal x-ray?
Atresia of jejunum and ileum
What is the treatment of meconium ileus?
Gastrograffin enema
Whats the diagnostic test for hirschsprund disease?
Barium enema
What condition gives you dilated loops of bowel of abdominal x-ray, abdominal distension, bilious vomiting, and failure to pass meconium for 48hrs?
Neonatal hypoplastic left colon syndrome
What should you think of with painless rectal bleeding in a toddler?
Meckels diverticulum
What cardiac defect gives you the most severe cyanosis at birth and what is the chest x-ray finding?
Transposition of the great vessels and egg on side appearance
What cardiac defect can give you all weak or absent pulses and what would the chest x-ray show?
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome and cardiomegaly on x-ray
What cardiac condition is exactly like an ASD? What differentiates these two conditions?
Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. Cyanosis differentiates the two conditions.
What is the chest x-ray finding in total anomalous pulmonary venous return?
Snow man appearance
What are the features of tetrology of fallot?
- Pulmonic stenosis
- Overriding aorta
- Right ventricular hypertrophy
What is the chest x-ray finding in tetrology of fallot?
Boot shaped heart
What is ebstein anomaly and what causes it?
Ebstein anomaly is a cardiac defect due to lithium exposure in the first trimester that causes a downward shift of the tricuspid valve into the right venticle causes a bigger right atrium and smaller right venrticle. In this defect a patent foramen ovale is present to shunt blood
What is a complication of having an ebstein anomaly other than cyanosis?
Paraoxysmal supraventricular tachycardias
What are the symptoms for acute myocarditis and what causes it?
(2 tachys and 2 megalies) 1. Tachycardia 2. Tachypnea 3. Cardiomegaly 4. Hepatomegaly 5. Chest pain, grunting, retractions Caused by coxsackie B, adenovirus, chagas
What are some treatment for SVT?
carotid massage, valsalva, ice on face. adenosine
What is the inheritance pattern for HOCM?
autosomal dominant
What is the treatment for HOCM?
beta blockers
What coagulation factors does liver disease affect?
What coagulation factors does vitamin K deficiency affect?
2, 7, 9, 10
What chromosome defect is associated with retinoblastoma?
Chromosome 13
What is the inheritance pattern for retinoblastoma?
Autosomal dominant
What is the diagnostic test for retinoblastoma?
Slit lamp exam
What would these values look like foe central diabetes insipidus? urine specific gravity, serum Na, serum osmolality, urine osmolality
- Specific gravity low
- Serum Na elevated (hypernatremia)
- Serum osmolality high >300
- Urine osmolality low
What is the key diagmostic principle for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus?
No response to desmopressin
If a baby presents with a large posterior fontanel, lethargy, poor feeding, large tongue, hoarse cry, dry skin, and prolonged jaundice what is causing this?
Congenital hypothyroidism
What condition are these antibodies associated with? Thyroid antiperoxidase antibodies and antithyroglobin antibodies
Hashimoto thyroiditis
What is the treatment of thyroid storm?
What is the treatment for hyperthyroidism?
What is the treatment for hypothyroidism?
What is the treatment for subacute thyroiditis?
Beta blockers and steroids
What are the lab values for hypoparathyroidism?
- Low PTH
- Low calcium
- High phosphorus
What are the lab values for psuedohypoparathyroidism?
- High PTH
- Low calcium
- High phosphorus
What are the lab values for hyperparathyroidism?
- High PTH
- High calcium
- Low phosphorus
What are the 3 zones of the adrenal gland and what do they produce?
Zone 1–>zona glomerulosa–>aldosterone
Zone 2–>zona fasciculata–>cortisol
Zone 3–>zona reticularis–> androgens
What is the pathway to epinephrine? and where is it made?
Made in the adrenal medulla
tyrosine–>DOPA–>Dopamine–>norepinephrine–> epinephrine
What is the treatment for raynaud disease?
calcium channel blockers
What is the treatment for acute rheumatic fever?
oral penicillin or erythromycin
What is the mnemonic for acute rheumatic fever?