Pearls Flashcards
Traveler’s Diarrhea
•E. coli
-<7 days, acute, self resolving
- >2 weeks, not bloody, watery, foul smelling
- takes about a week to manifest
•E. histolytica
- >2 weeks, bloody, mucoid
- liver involvement
- watery, no colitis
- short lived in healthy patients
- >2 weeks in immunocompromised
bronchoconstriction + small airway inflammation
cough, wheezing
- asthma
- bronchiolitis
edema + narrowing of proximal trachea
harsh cough, inspiratory stridor
- sign of constipation
- leakage around impacted stool
- close proximity of bladder to rectum leads to decreased functional bladder capacity and instability of detrusor muscle
- urinary incontinence
pheochromocytoma vs. RAS
•both cause secondary HTN, but pheo has labile BP + anxiety and sweating
Target Rashes
•Tinea corporis
•Lyme disease
- erythema migrans
- not as itchy!
•erythema multiforme
Measles vs Rubella Rashes
- cephalocaudal
- lymphadenopathy
- mild
- Forcheimer spots
- cephalocaudal
- coalesces and darkens
- ill appearing, fever, coryza, cough
- Vitamin A (decreases morbidity and mortality!)
In someone immunocompromised [] should never be considered a contaminant.
In someone immunocompromised candidiasis should never be considered a contaminant.
First things you do for a patient with sepsis:
1) fluids within 3 hours
2) antibiotics within 1 hour, but get blood cultures first!
Plantar puncture wounds are usually caused by []!
Plantar puncture wounds are usually caused by Pseudomonas!
NG tubes. What are they good for???
- feeding
- delivering meds
- administering radiographic contents
- removing and evaluating stomach contents (suction)
- decompressing blockages (suction)
For which thyroid cancer would you check calcitonin levels?
Medullary (parafollicular cells)
•secretory granules
- alcohol
- bulimia
- malnutrition
- DM
- liver diseases
Splenic abscess? Think [].
Splenic abscess? Think infective endocarditis.
Infective endocarditis is one of the worst complications of valvular heart disease and is sometimes life-threatening. Splenic abscess is described as a rare complication of left-sided infective endocarditis. Splenic infarctions are more common conditions and are often asymptomatic. Approximately 5% of patients with splenic infarction will eventually develop splenic abscess [1–3]. The spleen may be affected either by bacteremia seeding an infarcted splenic zone, or directly through seeding of the spleen by infected embolized vegetations of the heart valves [4]. Splenic abscesses are associated with high morbidity and mortality rates, but early recognition of the symptoms and prompt treatment should allow for a favorable outcome [5].
Symptoms and signs that could arouse suspicion of splenic abscess are nausea, vomiting, hiccups and back, left flank or left upper quadrant pain, and unexplained abdominal distension [8]. On a chest X-ray, a left-sided pleural effusion or left lower lobe infiltrate may increase suspicion [8]. However, the most common clinical presentation of splenic abscess is persistent or recurrent fever and sepsis, in spite of adequate antimicrobial treatment. The majority of patients with splenic abscesses have no localized findings on clinical examination and chest X-ray findings are nonspecific
AST/ALT in NAFLD vs alcoholism
-AST/ALT >>>1
Tracheobronchial disruption is a sign of [] .
Tracheobronchial disruption is a sign of pneumomediastinum.
•dx: bronchoscopy .
Coughing can lead to a [] .
Coughing can lead to a spontaneous pneumomediastinum.
•dx: X-ray
In the Uworld universe, unilocular adnexal mass =
This is different from a cyst!
•fixed, retroverted uterus = endometriosis
•blue spots on posterior fornix = endometriosis
Nonspecific GI or respiratory symptoms may precede mucocutaneous findings in [] .
Nonspecific GI or respiratory symptoms may precede mucocutaneous findings in Kawasaki disease..
3 Causes of Vaginitis
- trichomoniasis pH > 4.5
- purulent, green-grey frothy discharge
- metronidazole
- trichomonads on wet mount - bacterial vaginosis pH > 4.5
- thin, malodorous, grey-white discharge
- metronidazole
- clue cells - yeast pH < 4.5
- cottage cheese discharge
- oral fluconazole or miconazole or clotrmazole cream
- hyphae and budding yeasts
First treatment for hyperkalemia?
1) calcium gluconate
2) insulin and glucose, sodium polystyrene sulfate, sodium bicarbonate
3) hemodialysis
“Fixed splitting of S2” almost always indicates [].
“Fixed splitting of S2” almost always indicates ASD.
“Mid-systolic click” followed by a late systolic murmur best heard at the apex is almost always [].
“Mid-systolic click” followed by a late systolic murmur best heard at the apex is almost always mitral valve prolapse.
Defects in Tetrology of Fallot
Pulmonary stenosis
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Overriding aorta
Early cyanosis
Which interventions prolong life in COPD patients?
Supplemental O2 and smoking cessation!
Iron deficiency anemia in a male is [] until proven otherwise.
Iron deficiency anemia in a male is colorectal cancer until proven otherwise.
Get an endoscopy!
Differentials for microcytic anemia
Anemia of chronic disease
Iron deficiency anemia
Lead posioning
Sideroblastic anemia
Decreased haptoglobin and increased LDH indicate [].
Decreased haptoglobin and increased LDH indicate lysis of red blood cells.
Haptoglobin binds to a type of hemoglobin that’s made when red blood cells die, leading to anemia. This haptoglobin-hemoglobin complex is removed from your body by your liver. If too much hemoglobin is bound to haptoglobin, the levels of haptoglobin will drop.
What is the target HgbA1C for diabetics?
“Rib notching” =
coarctation of the aorta
increased VMA and HVA in the urine
- childhood tumor that can cause HTN due to catelcholamine release
- no increase in metanephrine and normetanephrine
- also increased metanephrine and normetanephrine
Secretions of pheochromocytoma tumors are catecholamines, including epinephrine, norepinephrine. Secretions of neuroblastoma in the adrenals include catecholamines but not epinephrine.