PEADS PPQ Flashcards


Briefly discuss how participation in sport may positively affect a child’s development. (4)

  • Participation in sports is linked to positive attributes towards child development as it allows for
  • Better grades
  • Improved/better general behaviour
  • Lower absenteeism
  • Better development of executive fucntion
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What are the risk factors for childhood sports injuries? (6)

  • Training errors
  • Muscullo-tendinous imbalance of strength, flexibility or bulk
  • Anatomical malalignment of the lower extremities
  • Improper footwear
  • Faulty playing surfaces
  • Associated pathology of the lower extremities either an old injury or specified pathology or re-injury
  • Growth factors
  • Nutritional status in a South Africa context-current and during development
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Describe the signs of respiratory distress in a young child. (12)

  • Tachypnoea- is the first sign of respiratory distress. Infants and young children increase rate of breathing rather than depth of breathing. This must be identified early as rapidly breathing children will eventually tire leading to respiratory arrest.
  • Nasal/alar flaring –an attempt to decrease resistance to airflow.
  • Grunting- is a sound heard during expiration as an r passes through a partially closed glottis. This is an automatic reaction to respiratory insufficiency, providing the lungs with increased expiratory pressures in order optimise gaseous exchange by splinting airways open.
  • Recessions- or retractions are indrawing of the thoracic soft tissues during inspiration due to the very compliant chest wall. They may be subcostal, intercostal, supracostal, suprasternal or substernal.
  • Head bobbing may occur in infants, indcaiting use of accessory muscles of respiration.
  • Abnormal positioning- includes a refusal to lie down and the child assuming the tripod or sniffing position to instinctively open the airways and use the accessory muscles of ventilation most effectively. Respiratory opisthotonus (extensor posturing of the neck) should not be corrected.
  • Expiratory wheeze/prolonged expiration may indicate an inhaled foreign body.
  • Stridor- audible sound on inspiration indicating of upper airway obstruction which is a medical emergency.
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Dangers of suctioning a non-intubated infant


Infection – use a clean (not sterile) procedure.
Mucosal damage – use an appropriate size catheter, be gentle
Laryngospasm – measure correctly and don’t insert the catheter too far
Aspiration – wait one hour after feeds. NEVER suction the child in supine
Hypoxia – don’t carry on for too long, monitor for signs of respiratory distress increase the oxygen if necessary
Make sure you have everything you need and that the suction unit works before you start suctioning.
Suction pressure should be as low as possible but high enough to clear secretions Suction pressure should be 60-80mmHg for a neonate and 80-100mmHg for a paediatric patient.

Always reassess the child when you have finished suctioning. Re-assess:
✓ Replace O2 mask (if applied)
✓ Reassess outcome measures: vital signs; auscultation and patient comfort

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Discuss how you could introduce activity through play into a paediatric orthopaedic ward. (6)

  • After completion of objective and subjective assessments to help determine the child’s favourite subject if enrolled to school and favourite sport to play or hobbies. Assuming they have chest problems such in ability to clear secretions effectively, using blow bubbles for PEP or suctioning bread tags from one cup into another using a foldable straw to imitate an incentive spirometer. Then using toys on an elevated bed-side adjustable table to level of clavicle to encourage above head activities with upper extremities if child is on traction. Throwing activities to hit bowling pins to enhance dynamic sitting balance and rhythmic stabilisation with play. Then using my phone to play military trench sounds, educate and facilitate buttocks shuffling or scooting in bed using upper extremities within precaution to promote bed mobility, sense of independence and prevention of pressure sores. If off traction then on the floor i would create an obstacle course with differently shaped bloxks and cylinders thst requires the child to climb, crawl, manoeuvre with bum shuffling to promote creativity, balance training using different heightened blocks, improving proprioceptive input using different terrains for tactile input and sensory stimulation training .
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Related precautions of suctioning a non-intubated infant


Infection – use a clean (not sterile) procedure.
Mucosal damage – use an appropriate size catheter, be gentle
Laryngospasm – measure correctly and don’t insert the catheter too far
Aspiration – wait one hour after feeds. NEVER suction the child in supine
Hypoxia – don’t carry on for too long, monitor for signs of respiratory distress increase the oxygen if necessary
Make sure you have everything you need and that the suction unit works before you start suctioning.
Suction pressure should be as low as possible but high enough to clear secretions Suction pressure should be 60-80mmHg for a neonate and 80-100mmHg for a paediatric patient.

Always reassess the child when you have finished suctioning. Re-assess:
✓ Replace O2 mask (if applied)
✓ Reassess outcome measures: vital signs; auscultation and patient comfort

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What advice would you give to parents on what they can do to increase their children’s levels of physical activity? (4)


Basic principles
* Sleep : 0-3 months old=14-17 hours; 12-16 months old=12-16 hours; 1-2 y/o=11-14 hours of sleep; 3-5 y/o=10-13 hours of sleep
* Limit screen time, 0-18 months no screentime; 18-24 months <1 hour; 2-5 y/o 0-3 hours; 6-17 y/o is 2 hours; >18 y/o 2-4 hours of screen time.
* Encourage physical activity by following the 24-hour movement guidelines Woza Mntwana
* Participation in competitive sports and organised community sports
* Play a game of basketball
* Walk a dog
* Dance to their favourite song
* Jump rope
* Ride a bicycle
* Remove TV sets from child’s bedroom

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What factors would you consider when choosing a developmental screening tool? (10)

  • Age Range and Developmental Domains: Choose a screening tool that is appropriate for the child’s age and covers the relevant developmental domains. These domains typically include areas like communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, problem-solving, and social-emotional development.
  • Validity and Reliability: The screening tool should have demonstrated validity (measuring what it’s intended to measure) and reliability (consistency of results) through research and testing. Look for tools that have been validated and standardized on diverse populations.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Ensure that the tool is culturally sensitive and applicable to the population being assessed. Consider the child’s cultural background, language, and family dynamics to choose a tool that respects diversity.
  • Ease of Administration: The tool should be easy for professionals to administer and score. It should also be user-friendly for parents or caregivers who might be involved in the assessment process.
  • Accessibility: Choose a tool that is readily available and accessible. This includes availability of materials, training resources, and support for using the tool effectively.
  • Sensitivity and Specificity: A good screening tool should strike a balance between sensitivity (ability to correctly identify children with developmental concerns) and specificity (ability to correctly identify children without developmental concerns). High sensitivity and specificity contribute to accurate identification of children who may need further evaluation.
  • Ease of Interpretation: The results of the screening tool should be easy to interpret. Clear guidelines should be provided for determining whether a child’s developmental skills are within the expected range or if further assessment is needed.
  • Standardization: The screening tool should have established normative data to compare a child’s performance against the average developmental milestones for their age group.
  • Administrative Time: Consider the time required to administer the tool. While some tools can be completed quickly, others may take longer, which can affect the feasibility of using the tool in different settings.
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Write short notes on three of the following common neonatal conditions. (9)

  • Meconium aspiration- this occurs in gestation when the foetus breaths in faeces and amniotic fluid which leads to aspiration. This occurs before delivery. The results of this include alveoli collapse, difficulty breathing leading to respiratory distress. PT management of this includes chest clearance techniques, positioning and suctioning to clear the foreign material in the lung tissue.
  • Pulmonary air leak- escape of air from the lungs to the extrapulmonary space where air is not normally found. Common in conditions such as pneumothorax or pulmonary interstitial emphysema, usually begins with a rupture of over-distended alveolar due to air trapping. Common in infants. Symptoms include sudden chest pain and SOB. PT management includes positioning and mobilising.
  • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia- occurs when a gap forms in the sheet of muscle (diaphragm) causing the bowel, stomach and liver to move into the chest cavity. It is likely to be accompanied by under-developed lungs leading to reduced lung capacity and volume leading to breathing difficulties/problems. Child likely to have pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension. PT management aims to improve lung volumes, FRC, mucociliary escalator function and increase gaseous exchange.
  • Oesophageal atresia- a birth defect characterised by underdeveloped oesophagus, it forms as a pouch instead of a connecting tube to the stomach. It can lead to coughing or choking, difficulty breathing, reflux and pneumonia. PT management includes positioning and chest clearance and lung squeeze.
  • Gastoschisis and omphalocoele- Defects of the abdominal wall resulting in herniation of intestines from abdominal cavity and this can be detected prenatally. They will experience feeding difficulties, failure to thrive and reflux and respiratory distress.PT management includes positioning, facilitating milestones, chest clearance.
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Explain why adolescent girls are at higher risk of ACL and lateral ankle ligament injuries than adolescent boys. (6)


Postulated to be due to:
* Anatomical variances- increased Q-angle, dropped navicular bone and excessive pronation.
* Hormonal status- testosterone is converted into oestrogen in fat cells increasing susceptibility to osteopenia thus resulting in stress fractures.
* Neuromuscular control differences
* Biomechanical variances- i.e. landing mechanics and muscle strength
* Guessing: girls mature faster than boys as they usually have their growth spurts at 11-17 years. The growing cartilage (elbow (osteochondritis), knee, ankle) has low resistance to repetitive trauma or shear and impact forces- micro trauma to cartilage or underlying growth plate. The shear or fracture can lead to epiphyseal displacement (the apophysis becomes weaker during the growth phase, long bones elongate/grows quicker than soft tissue which results in relative stretching of the musculotendinous structures). There is a relative loss of flexibility and a tightening of these structures. Thesse structures are loaded in a lengthened position. Thus therapy would focus in improving techniques and training.

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List the benefits of Kangaroo Mother Care. (10)


Kangaroo mother care (KMC) is a method of caring for preterm or low birth weight infants by providing skin-to-skin contact between the baby and the parent, typically the mother. This approach offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the parents. Some of the key benefits of Kangaroo Mother Care include:
1. Thermoregulation encourages less hypothermia
2. Regulates and stabilises heart rate and respiratory rate (Cristóbal Cañadas et al., 2022)
3. Decreased risk of nosocomial infections
4. Improved sleep
5. Decreased mortality
6. Improved breastfeeding: improved lactation of the infant and increased milk production in the mother (Cristóbal Cañadas et al., 2022)
7. Decreased hospital length of stay
8. Enhances growth with positive effects on neurological, cognitive, emotional, behavioural and social development in the short and long term (Cristóbal Cañadas et al., 2022)
9. Improved oxygen saturation and respiratory rate with Higher SaO2, fewer desaturations (Cristóbal Cañadas et al., 2022)
10. Procedural pain is less in premature infants

  • Temperature Regulation: Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate the baby’s body temperature, reducing the risk of hypothermia that is common among premature infants.
  • Stabilised Heart Rate and Breathing: KMC has been shown to help stabilise the baby’s heart rate and breathing patterns, leading to better overall cardiorespiratory stability.
  • Improved weight gain: Babies receiving KMC tend to gain weight more rapidly due to improved breastfeeding success and nutrient absorption.
  • Enhanced Bonding: The close physical contact fosters a strong emotional bond between the parent and the baby, promoting a sense of security and comfort.
  • Breastfeeding Promotion: KMC encourages early and exclusive breastfeeding, as the baby is in close proximity to the mother’s breast, making it easier to initiate and maintain breastfeeding.
  • Increased milk supply: Regular breastfeeding and close contact with the baby can stimulate te mother’s milk production, leading to an increased supply of breast milk.
  • Reduced infections: the skin-to-skin contact has been associated with decrease in hospital-acquired infections in premature babies.
  • Improved Brain Development: The calming effects of KMC and the parent’s heartbeat may contribute to improved brain development and neurological outcomes for premature infants.
  • Reduced Stress: The soothing touch and presence of the parent can help reduce stress levels for both the baby and parent, leading to improved overall well-being.
  • Shorter Hospital Stays: Babies receiving KMC often have shorter hospital stays compared to those who do not, as they tend to show better weight gain and overall health.
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Based on pathophysiology and clinical presentation of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), justify why chest physiotherapy is not indicated for infants with RDS.(10)


Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), also known as hyaline membrane disease, primarily affects premature infants due to their underdeveloped lungs and insufficient production of surfactant—a substance that helps keep the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs) open. RDS leads to significant respiratory compromise, with symptoms including tachypnea (rapid breathing), grunting, nasal flaring, retractions (visible sinking of the skin between the ribs), and cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin).
Chest physiotherapy involves techniques such as percussion, vibration, postural drainage, and breathing exercises to assist in clearing excess mucus and promoting better lung function. However, in the case of infants with RDS, chest physiotherapy is generally not indicated for several reasons:
* Fragile Lung Tissue: Premature infants with RDS have extremely delicate and fragile lung tissue. The alveoli are prone to collapse and damage due to their lack of surfactant. The application of forceful techniques like percussion and vibration could potentially cause harm by further damaging these fragile structures.
* Risk of Barotrauma: Infants with RDS often require mechanical ventilation or oxygen therapy to support their breathing. Their lungs are susceptible to barotrauma, which refers to lung injury caused by excessive airway pressure. Chest physiotherapy, especially if performed inappropriately or excessively, could increase the risk of barotrauma and worsen the existing respiratory compromise.
* Potential Discomfort: Newborns and premature infants are highly sensitive to external stimuli. The physical manipulation involved in chest physiotherapy could cause discomfort, stress, and even pain for the already distressed infants, potentially leading to an increase in oxygen consumption and worsening of their respiratory status.
* Lack of Evidence: The effectiveness of chest physiotherapy in infants with RDS is not well established. Studies have shown mixed results, and the potential benefits of these techniques may not outweigh the risks and uncertainties, especially given the vulnerable state of the premature lungs.
* Alternative Treatment Focus: The primary focus in managing RDS is to provide respiratory support, stabilize oxygen levels, and administer exogenous surfactant if necessary. The mainstay of treatment includes providing mechanical ventilation, maintaining a stable oxygen environment, and addressing any underlying issues contributing to the respiratory distress.

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Explain why children are at risk for apophyseal avulsion factures. (4)

  • The growing cartilage (elbow (osteochondritis), knee, ankle) has low resistance to repetitive trauma or shear and impact forces- micro trauma to cartilage or underlying growth plate.
  • The shear or fracture can lead to epiphyseal displacement.
  • The apophysis becomes weaker during the growth phase, long bones elongate/grows quicker than soft tissue which results in relative stretching of the musculotendinous structures.
  • There is a relative loss of flexibility and a tightening of these structures. These structures are loaded in a lengthened position. Thus, therapy would focus in improving techniques and training.
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Discuss how you could introduce activity through play into a paediatric burn unit. (6)

  • After completion of objective and subjective assessments to help determine the child’s favourite subject if enrolled to school and favourite sport to play or hobbies.
  • Assuming they have chest problems such in ability to clear secretions effectively, using blow bubbles for PEP or suctioning bread tags from one cup into another using a foldable straw to imitate an incentive spirometer.
  • Then using toys on an elevated bed-side adjustable table to level of clavicle to encourage above head activities with upper extremities if child is on traction.
  • Throwing activities to hit bowling pins to enhance dynamic sitting balance and rhythmic stabilisation with play.
  • Then using my phone to play military trench sounds, educate and facilitate buttocks shuffling or scooting in bed using upper extremities within precaution to promote bed mobility, sense of independence and prevention of pressure sores.
  • then on the floor i would create an obstacle course with differently shaped bloxks and cylinders thst requires the child to climb, crawl, manoeuvre with bum shuffling to promote creativity, balance training using different heightened blocks, improving proprioceptive input using different terrains for tactile input and sensory stimulation training.
  • 4-point puppy prone if hands are clear and assuming lower extremities can bend to 90 degrees. For UL the child would use horizontal flexion and trunk rotation to take objects from contralateral side of body to the ipsilateral side this would improve core strength, balance, WS & WB, for the lower extremities fire hydrant kick backs and hip abduction would allow for improved hip extension and abduction AROM required for improving cadence, stride length, gait pattern for pelvic-trunk dissociation when walking to bathroom or to the car on DC.
  • Gait retraining starting off with a walking frame to enhance BoS and improve confidence with walking with support.
  • From chosen sports or hobbies we would play games such as soccer for static and dynamic balance training with rhythmic stabilisation by kicking the ball forward, side-ways, backwards.
  • for standing UL above head play we would do basketball/netball or soccer throw ins to hit bowling pins. Also wall creeps/spider-man climbs to improve shoulder flexion and abduction AROM and strength with activity.
  • All these activities need be done in moderation and within precaution respecting pain.
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Explain why babies in respiratory distress often have intercostal recessions. (5)


Babies in respiratory distress often exhibit intercostal (ribcage) retractions or recessions due to the increased effort required for breathing. Intercostal recessions occur when the muscles between the ribs, known as the intercostal muscles, are forced to contract more forcefully than usual to assist in expanding the chest during inhalation. This phenomenon is a sign that the baby is struggling to move air in and out of their lungs effectively. Here’s why intercostal recessions occur in babies with respiratory distress:
* Underdeveloped Muscles: Premature babies or infants with certain respiratory conditions may have underdeveloped or weaker muscles, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. This weakness makes it harder for them to generate the necessary negative pressure in the chest to draw air into the lungs during inhalation.
* Obstruction or Resistance: In respiratory distress, there might be obstructions or increased resistance within the airways, making it difficult for air to flow freely into the lungs. This can happen due to conditions like bronchiolitis, pneumonia, or other respiratory infections. The intercostal muscles are recruited to assist in overcoming this resistance and pulling the ribs upward to create more space for the lungs to expand.
* Increased Effort: Babies with respiratory distress need to exert extra effort to move air in and out of their lungs due to compromised lung function. This can result from conditions like respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN), or meconium aspiration syndrome, where the lungs are not able to inflate fully or have difficulty maintaining proper oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. The intercostal muscles work harder to lift the chest wall and create a larger volume in the chest cavity, attempting to enhance air entry into the lungs.
* Negative Pressure Breathing: Normally, during inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and the intercostal muscles relax. This increases the volume of the chest cavity, creating a negative pressure that draws air into the lungs . In cases of respiratory distress, the intercostal muscles might be utilized more intensively to support the weakened diaphragm, causing visible retractions between the ribs during inhalation.
* Sign of Struggle: Intercostal recessions are a visible indicator that a baby is having difficulty breathing. Healthcare professionals can recognize these retractions as a clear sign of respiratory distress and the need for intervention. It helps them assess the severity of the baby’s condition and decide on appropriate treatments or interventions.

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List three indications and three contraindications for chest physiotherapy in neonates. (6)

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Describe some of the complications that are seen post fracture in children which are preventable with optimal management. (10)

  • Malunion or Growth Disturbance: If a fracture is not aligned properly during the healing process, it can lead to malunion, where the bone heals in a deformed position. This can also disrupt the growth plate, leading to growth disturbance in the affected bone. Optimal management involves accurate reduction of the fracture (realignment) and appropriate immobilization, which can prevent malunion and minimize growth disturbance risks
  • Delayed Union or Nonunion: Fractures typically heal within a certain timeframe. However, if the healing process is delayed or the bone fails to heal completely, it’s known as delayed union or nonunion. Optimal management involves assessing the stability of the fracture, providing proper immobilization, and monitoring the healing progress through regular follow-up visits. In some cases, surgical intervention might be necessary to stimulate bone healing.
  • Infection: Inadequate wound care or improper pin or wire placement (in cases of surgical intervention) can lead to infection at the fracture site. Optimal management includes maintaining proper hygiene, careful wound care, and using sterile techniques during surgical procedures to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Compartment Syndrome: This occurs when swelling within the muscles and tissues becomes excessive after a fracture, leading to increased pressure within a confined space (compartment). It can result in reduced blood flow and damage to nerves and muscles. Optimal management involves careful monitoring of swelling, timely elevation of the affected limb, and, in severe cases, surgical intervention to relieve pressure.
  • Nerve or Blood Vessel Injury: Fractures, especially those involving displaced bone fragments, can potentially injure nearby nerves or blood vessels. Optimal management requires careful examination to assess for any signs of nerve or vascular compromise and adjusting the treatment plan accordingly. Surgical intervention may be necessary to repair damaged structures.
  • Joint Stiffness: Immobilization during fracture healing can lead to joint stiffness if not managed properly. Physical therapy and controlled range-of-motion exercises, guided by a healthcare professional, can help prevent joint stiffness during the healing process.
  • Psychological Impact: Fractures can have a psychological impact on children, affecting their confidence and emotional well-being. Optimal management includes providing proper emotional support, explaining the treatment process in a child-friendly manner, and involving them in their own care.
  • Osteomyelitis: This is a bone infection that can occur as a complication of an open fracture or a fracture-related surgery. Proper wound care, appropriate antibiotic treatment, and vigilant monitoring can help prevent osteomyelitis.
  • Overuse Injuries: After the fracture has healed, returning to regular activities too quickly or engaging in high-impact activities before proper strength and bone density is regained can lead to overuse injuries. Optimal management involves guiding children through a gradual return to physical activities and ensuring they understand their limitations during the recovery period.
  • Allergic Reactions or Irritations: Materials like casts, splints, or dressings can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some children. Optimal management involves choosing hypoallergenic materials and ensuring proper padding and protection to prevent skin issues.
  • Avascular necrosis
  • physeal injuries
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Write short notes on skeletal system development from prenatal to adolescence and comment on the injuries which are common at each stage. (12)


Components of the skeletal system include cartilage, bone, and joints
Skeletal system development:
Prenatal period
* Ossification is seen from the 5th week post conception and starts in the upper extremity.
Infancy and childhood
* Time of bone growth modelling and remodelling
* Secondary ossification centres in the epiphyses continue throughout childhood and adolescence.
* Genetics, nutrition, health status and hormonal levels affect growth rate
* Bone continues to grow and remodel in response to loading stresses.
* Growth spurt in girls begins at 12-13 years of age, boys at 14-15.
* Bone growth may exceed muscle growth resulting in decreased flexibility.
* Deformities eg scoliosis may become more apparent.
Age related skeletal concerns related to physical activity
* Prenatal: Intrauterine moulding late in gestation
* Newborn: Epiphyseal infection
* Childhood:
o Epiphyseal injury
o Apophyseal avulsion
o Greenstick fractures
* Adolescence:
o Scoliosis
o Epiphyseal injury
o Apophyseal avulsion
o Stress fractures
Skeletal maturity
* Attained when the epiphyseal plates close
* Usually complete by 25 years of age.
* Occurs earlier in girls than boys.

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Discuss three of the myths that have plagued paediatric pain management. (9)

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Explain why premature infants are at high risk of having neurological sequelae. (10)

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Explain why a decrease in respiratory rate may be a red flag in an infant with a respiratory tract infection. (3)

  • Falling respiratory rate or gasping are considered alarm bells because one of the first signs of respiratory distress is tachypnoea. Infants and young children first increase the rate rather than the depth of breathing. This must be recognised early as rapidly breathing children will eventually tire leading to respiratory arrest.
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Explain why manual chest physiotherapy must be done with extreme care in premature infants. (10)


in addition to multiple sequelae of their underdeveloped bodies and being in the hospital setting, Chest physiotherapy can result in a number of complications,depending on the type application
Chest Techniques like Percussions may predispose child to shaken baby syndrome
They have very compliant chest chest wall might lead collaple
The ribs are fragile and may result in rib fracture
There can also be development of other complications like, apnea, hypoxia, intracranial haemorrhages and pneumothoraces

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Explain why children with meningitis are at high risk of neurological complications. (5)

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Differentiate between periventricular leukomalacia, intraventricular haemorrhage and periventricular haemorrhagic infarction. (15)


· 1. Periventricular leukomalacia
· Necrosis of white matter around the ventricals
· Caused by poor blood flow to the area
· Presents days to weeks after birth
· Associated with prematurity, cardiovascular disturbance, infection, ventilation
· May result in CP- especially spastic diplegia

  1. Intraventricular haemorrhage
    · Appears in the 1st week of life
    · Strongly associated with prematurity
    · Bleeding from the fragile germinal matrix into the lateral ventricals
    · Mild bleeds (gr1 and 2) usually resolve but more extensive bleeds (gr3 and 4) extend into the surrounding tissue and cause damage- may result in CP (spastic diplegia)
  2. Periventricular haemorrhagic infarction
    · Haemorrhagic necrosis in the white matter around the ventricals
    · Often associated with IVH and a problem with venous circulation
    · Onset within 72 hrs
    · Is a strong predictor of disability
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Write short notes on muscular system development from prenatal to adolescence. Comment on sex differences at each stage. (10)


Skeletal muscle development
* Muscle develops from mesoderm
* Myoblasts→ myotubes→ myofibres→ fibroblasts
* Changes in fibre types
* Primary myotubes→ type I fibres
* Secondary myotubes→ type II fibres
* Type I fibres are innervated first. Type II fibres are only seen after 30 weeks gestation.
* Control of muscle development and differentiation is genetically coded
Infancy to Adolescence
* Size and number of fibres increases throughout the 1st year.
* Differentiation of fibre types continues post-natally even up to young adulthood.
* Muscle maturation occurs in childhood.
* Strength gains in childhood follow a typical growth curve. Changes in strength are associated with increases in muscle size and muscle maturation.
* Strength differences between genders are apparent from as young as 3 years of age and intensify at puberty.


Briefly discuss the role of the physiotherapist in the management of children with cancer. (10)

  • Chest physiotherapy to help clear retained secretions to improve ventilation
  • Bed mobility education to promote positioning to be prevent pressure sores
  • Mainatainance programme to keep available PROM, prevent contracture formation, loss of AROM, and muscle atrophy
  • Strengthening programme to improve strength required to walk, eat, and overall independence with activities of daily living
  • Endurance training using the 6-minute push test if their wheelchair bound amd the 10-meter test if mobilise to determine their normal vs fast pace required to clear a road crossing
  • Pain management to prevent execerbation of pain symptoms from either the cancer induced pain, post-operativepain, or radiotherapy side effects. The aim to preent suffering and promote function within precaution to pain.
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Reintergration the family to the child, child’s return to society and school.
  • Counselling and Education the family and child on the condition, signs & symptoms, managements, complications associated with management. This is to enahnce their knowledge and acceptance to living with cancer.
  • Referral to social workers for application to disability grants and helping associate with support groups or fiancial resources, then psychology for evaluation and management by using coping mechanisms.

Justify why some groups of children may be more prone to fractures than the general population. (6)


● Prone to risky behaviours
● Try to do stuff older/ bigger kids are doing


What are the four categories of palliative care? (8)

  • All share the need to address elements which will affect the quality of the child’d death mediated by
    o Medical
    o Psychosocial
    o Cultural
    o Spiritual concerns

Physical Domain: This aspect of palliative care addresses the physical symptoms and challenges associated with the illness. It includes pain management, symptom control (such as nausea, shortness of breath, and fatigue), addressing side effects of treatments, and maintaining overall comfort. The goal is to enhance the patient’s physical well-being and relieve any distressing symptoms.

Psychological Domain: The psychological domain of palliative care focuses on addressing the emotional and psychological well-being of patients and their families. This involves providing emotional support, helping patients cope with anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges, and promoting a sense of dignity and control. Psychological support extends to addressing fears, uncertainties, and emotional distress related to the illness and its impact on the patient’s life.

Social Domain: The social domain involves addressing the patient’s social and practical needs. This may include assistance with communication and decision-making, facilitating discussions about treatment options and end-of-life choices, helping patients maintain relationships with loved ones, and providing guidance on practical matters such as financial concerns and advance care planning. Social support helps patients maintain connections and a sense of belonging.

Spiritual and Existential Domain: This domain acknowledges the importance of addressing the spiritual and existential dimensions of patients’ lives. It involves providing support to patients and families in exploring their beliefs, values, and sense of meaning. Whether through religious or non-religious avenues, addressing existential concerns can help individuals find comfort, purpose, and a sense of peace in the face of serious illness.


Children with acute meningitis are often very irritable and resist being moved. Discuss why this may be the case. (5)


Children with acute meningitis often exhibit irritability and resistance to movement due to the inflammatory and infectious nature of the condition affecting the central nervous system. Meningitis is characterized by the inflammation of the meninges, which are the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Several factors contribute to the irritability and discomfort observed in these children:

Inflammation and Pain: The inflammation of the meninges leads to irritation of the nerves and tissues within the brain and spinal cord. This can cause severe headaches, muscle pain, and overall discomfort. Children, especially those who are unable to communicate their pain effectively, may respond with irritability when experiencing such discomfort.

Sensitivity to Light and Sound: Meningitis can lead to increased sensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia). These sensitivities can intensify the discomfort experienced by children, making them resist movement or any activity that may exacerbate these sensitivities.

Stiff Neck and Muscle Rigidity: Meningitis can cause neck stiffness and muscle rigidity due to inflammation. Attempting to move the head or body can worsen this discomfort, leading to resistance to movement.

Fever and Fatigue: Children with meningitis often have fever, which can contribute to overall malaise and fatigue. Feeling unwell and fatigued can lead to irritability and a desire to remain still.

Generalized Discomfort: The inflammation and infection affecting the central nervous system can cause a general feeling of unease. This discomfort can result in irritability and restlessness, as the child tries to find a position that provides some relief.

Change in Routine: Hospitalization and medical procedures associated with treating meningitis can disrupt a child’s routine and comfort. This change can contribute to irritability as the child reacts to unfamiliar surroundings and experiences.

Communication Challenges: Infants and very young children may not have developed effective verbal communication skills. They may cry or become agitated as their way of expressing discomfort, making it challenging for caregivers to identify the source of their distress.

Cerebral Irritation: The inflammation within the central nervous system can lead to cerebral irritation, which affects behavior and mood. This can manifest as irritability, restlessness, and difficulty in calming the child.


Discuss how the impairments commonly associated with extensive burns (>40% body surface area) may lead to limitations in a four year old child’s activities and participation. (10)

  • Chest and skin is a common site for sepsis, therefore chest physiotherapy is aimed to clearing retained secretions and facilitate supported coughing. Children usually struggle to clear secretions effectively. The child if not educated on hygiene they may neglect it due to fear of debridement and sterile wound washing increasing chances of secnodary infections and delayed healing affecting participation in training and prolonging rehabilitation
  • AROM can be reduced by pain, bandages, or split skin graft thus if left untreated skin/dermis may heal in that shortened position thus limiting activity in the affected limbs causing permanent loss of AROM obstructing play and independence
  • Pain would most likely be 10/10 (Faces pain scale) with moderate to high SIN. Thus, the 4 year with 40% body surface area burns won’t be able to manage the pain without medication. This would encourage the child to not move to avoid execerbating the pai therefore affecting rececption to therapy and general movement increasing susceptibility to contractures formationor decreased bed mobility
  • Balance for either sitting or standing may be impaired given to affected proprioception and increased sensitisation due to hypersensitivity of the affected areas thus limiting functions such as seated eating, or walking to the bathroom
  • Strength is usually affected by either pain or prolonged immobility depending on the availability of supportive/rehabilitative services like physiotherapy, ST, or OT. Child would be discouraged to use affected limbs and immobilise either as indicated by doctor after SSG or fear, given that muscle atrophy starts after 24 hours of immobility weakness is to be expected
  • Depression and fear are common psychosocial aspects usually neglected or not prioritised. Thus, referral to a paediatric psychologist for evaluation and management to assist with developing coping strategies to aid improve mood and overall wellbeing
  • All these factors will affect function, independence, and overall well-being of the child. The child would then struggle with bed mobility, hygiene, balance, toileting, walking, feeding, sometimes speaking, and avoiding contraction of secondary hospital or community infections

Discuss the risk factors for injury in childhood and adolescent sports and the role physiotherapists can play in mitigating these. (15)

  • Training errors
  • Musculo-tendinous imbalance of strength, flexibility or bulk
  • Anatomical malalignment of the lower extremities
  • Improper footwear
  • Faulty playing surfaces
  • Associated pathology of the lower extremities either an old injury or specified pathology or re-injury
  • Growth factors
  • Nutritional status in a South Africa context-current and during development

Explain why early mobilisation may be beneficial to children in PICU. (5)

  • Fewer days on ventilator
  • Fewer days with delirium
  • Decreased length of stay
  • Higher functional status at discharge
  • Decreased mortality
    -less pain
    -encourages active rehabilitation

Describe five signs of respiratory distress in a young (<6 months) child. (10)

  • Tachypnoea- is the first sign of respiratory distress. Infants and young children increase rate of breathing rather than depth of breathing. This must be identified early as rapidly breathing children will eventually tire leading to respiratory arrest.
  • Nasal/alar flaring –an attempt to decrease resistance to airflow.
  • Grunting- is a sound heard during expiration as an r passes through a partially closed glottis. This is an automatic reaction to respiratory insufficiency, providing the lungs with increased expiratory pressures in order optimise gaseous exchange by splinting airways open.
  • Recessions- or retractions are indrawing of the thoracic soft tissues during inspiration due to the very compliant chest wall. They may be subcostal, intercostal, supracostal, suprasternal or substernal.
  • Head bobbing may occur in infants, indcaiting use of accessory muscles of respiration.
  • Abnormal positioning- includes a refusal to lie down and the child assuming the tripod or sniffing position to instinctively open the airways and use the accessory muscles of ventilation most effectively. Respiratory opisthotonus (extensor posturing of the neck) should not be corrected.
  • Expiratory wheeze/prolonged expiration may indicate an inhaled foreign body.
  • Stridor- audible sound on inspiration indicating of upper airway obstruction which is a medical emergency.

Explain why infants in respiratory distress increase the rate rather than the depth of
respiration. (6)

  • infants in respiratory distress increase the rate rather than the depth of respiration. This must be recognised early as rapidly breathing children will eventually tire leading to respiratory arrest.
  • As RDS is caused by surfactant deficiency, undeveloped lungs
  • Neonates has a high larynx- nose breathers until 8 months
  • Ribs of a newborn are horizontal and intercostals are weak
  • Very compliant chest wall
  • Diaphragm fatigues easily
  • Soft and pliable airways with very small diameter airways
  • Fewer B2 receptors than in adults due to paucity of smooth muscle
  • Unestablished collateral ventilation pathways if under the age of 6
  • Infants and young children ventilate the uppermost lung preferentially. This has important implications for positioning.

Justify the role of the physiotherapist in the treatment of children infected with HIV. (12)


Physiotherapy can be used to treat the following impairments caused by HIV:
● Myopathy and muscle weakness
● Respiratory diseases
● Chronic lung diseases and cardiac dysfunction - may affect endurance
● Quality of life
● Pain
● Mobility
● Endurance and fatigue

HIV has neurological effects and can lead encephalopathy which can, in turn, cause developmental delays. A physiotherapist should assess or monitor the child’s development and provide adequate treatment. HIV can result in peripheral neuropathy.

There is myopathy and muscle weakness related to HIV,due it causing protein malabsorption, protein loss and abnormal protein metabolism.

Hiv has respiratory impairments, 90% develop resp illness especially pneumonias for which we are trained to provide intervention

A decrease pof endurance can result from chronic lung disease and cardiac dysfunction

Children with HIV results in pain,fatique ,sleep disturbances fatigue and mobility challenges


Explain why it is so difficult to mechanically ventilate an infant born at 25 weeks gestational age. (4)


● Baby is still in the canalicular stage of lung development where the respiratory bronchioles form and divide into alveolar ducts.
● Tracheal cartilage is not yet fully developed
● Lung tissue is still underdeveloped as lungs are some of the last organs to develop
● Lung tissue may not be very vascular yet


Explain why fracture patterns and healing rates are different in children compared to adults. (13)


● Periosteum is metabolically active (good blood supply)
● Periosteum has increased thickness and strength
● Children have an active growth plate
● Increased ratio of cartilage to bone improves resilience
● Fractures that damage the germinal zone are not common. If the germinal zone is not affected the growth of the bone will continue normally.
● In fractures vascular complications are uncommon, nerve injuries usually recover with time and range of motion recovers spontaneously.
● Higher metabolic rate: Children generally have a faster metabolic rate than adults, which results in increased cellular activity and faster tissue repair. This metabolic advantage aids in more efficient healing and remodeling of fractures.
● Lower prevalence of comorbidities: Children generally have fewer underlying health conditions compared to adults, which can impact the healing process. The absence of comorbidities allows children to allocate more resources towards healing and remodeling, leading to better outcomes


classification of burns. (10x ½= 5)


Partial/ Superficial thickness
1. histologic- epidermis, papillary dermis
2.Sensation- increased sensitivity
3. Colour- Red/pink
4. Surfaces appearance- blisters/weeping
5. Healing- 7-21 days, some scarring


classification of burns. (10x ½= 5)


1. histologic-epidermis
3. Colour-Bright Red
4. Surfaces appearance-Dry, no blisters
5. Healing- 3-7 days peeling


classification of burns. (10x ½= 5)


1. histologic- epidermis, papillary and reticular dermis
2.Sensation- increased sensitivity
3. Colour- mottled white/pink
4. Surfaces appearance- pseudoeschar
5. Healing- 21-35 days, scarring


classification of burns. (10x ½= 5)


Full thickness
1. histologic- total destruction of epidermis and dermis
2.Sensation- no pain/temperature
3. Colour- white/brown/charred
4. Surfaces appearance- dry/leathery
5. Healing- requires skin graft


List four factors that affect growth rate in children. (4)


● Genetics
● Nutrition
● Health status
● Hormonal levels


Explain how physeal bridges occur and why it is important that they are managed correctly. (5)


Physeal bridges occur when the cartilage barrier of the zone of provisional calcification (bone transition) is breached due to trauma or infection. The germinal zone is thus affected by the trauma or infection as it spans across the physis.
This may lead to the germinal cells being affected and thus growth of the bone being affected.
These bridges need to be managed correctly, as they may result in bone deformities or muscle imbalances as a result of bones not being the same length. Another reason for their management is to ensure that the child does not lose function of the growth plate.


Explain why you may expect a child of eight years old who is HIV positive to have muscle weakness and poor endurance. (8)


● HIV has been associated with protein malabsorption, a loss of body protein and a abnormal protein metabolism. All of these would affect muscle weakness due to a lack of sufficient protein to assist in muscle growth
● The child could have an undiagnosed asymptomatic myopathy which would contribute to muscle weakness
● The child may have reduced endurance due to chronic lung disease or cardiac dysfunction
● The interaction between endurance and muscle strength will also leave the child prone to having a deficit in another (a child with poor endurance will not perform enough physical activity and thus be prone to developing muscle weakness)
● A child may be sheltered and not allowed to play with other kids due to the stigma associated with HIV by the community etc thus leaving the child unable to improve muscle strength and endurance through play


Explain how the respiratory system of infants differs from that of adults. (15)

  • Neonates has a high larynx- nose breathers until 8 months
  • the toungue is disproportionately large
  • Ribs of a newborn are horizontal and intercostals are weak
  • Very compliant chest wall
  • Angle of insertion of diaphragm less acute
  • Diaphragm fatigues easily
  • Premature babies may not have a cough reflex (<32 weeks)
  • Soft and pliable airways
  • very small diameter airways
  • Fewer B2 receptors than in adults due to paucity of smooth muscle
  • Unestablished collateral ventilation pathways if under the age of 6
  • Infants and young children ventilate the uppermost lung preferentially. This has important implications for positioning.
  • Osteopaenia is common in infants with severe prolonged respiratory illness. They therefore have weak, fragile, bones that are prone to fracture
  • No autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in premature infants. Cerebral blood pressure follows systemic blood pressure changes.

List the physiotherapy principles of burn management. (10)

  • Maintain a clear dry chest
  • Monitor burn wounds
  • Maintaining mobility of joints
  • Mainatining or increasing strength in LL’s and UL’s
  • Maintain good circulation and pressure care
  • Keep patient at highest functional level possible
  • Educate the patient and family on injury, contraindications, and precautions
  • Administer a bed exercise program
  • Respect pain
  • Infection control
  • Mobilisation

Explain why intraventricular haemorrhages may cause diplegic cerebral palsy. (3)


IVH is a bleed that occurs from the fragile germinal matrix which is vulnerable to hypoxia into the lateral ventricles.
Extensive bleeds (Gr 3 & 4) may extend into the surrounding tissue and release harmful substances into the CSF. The bleed causes hypoxia due to loss of blood and an increase in ICP resulting in decreased vertebral perfusion and secondary ischaemia in the periventricular white matter. The tissue closest to the lateral ventricles are the medial fibres of the motor homunculus that controls the lower limbs. Thus damage to this area may result in damage to the UMN of the LL resulting in cerebral palsy spastic diplegia.

● Intraventricular haemorrhage refers to bleeding into the lateral ventricles from the germinal matrix due to weak/fragile blood vessels in that area. There are 4 stages of haemorrhage. Stage 3 and 4 are more extensive and can lead to CP (spastic diplegia) as they are characterised by bleeding into the surroundingtissues including the periventricular region in which the corticospinal tracts run close to.


Discuss the adolescent growth spurt and its clinical implications


Female 11-17 years
Male 13-21 years
Bone growth may exceed muscle growth resulting in decreased flexibility. Bones are long but muscle hasn’t caught up in terms of length and strength. And nerves also haven’t caught up resulting in neural tension known as growing pains.
Deformities such as scoliosis may become more apparent due to imbalance of loading forces.
* The growing cartilage (elbow (osteochondritis), knee, ankle) has low resistance to repetitive trauma or shear and impact forces- micro trauma to cartilage or underlying growth plate.
* The shear or fracture can lead to epiphyseal displacement
* (the apophysis becomes weaker during the growth phase, long bones elongate/grows quicker than soft tissue which results in relative stretching of the musculotendinous structures).
* There is a relative loss of flexibility and a tightening of these structures.
* These structures are loaded in a lengthened position.
Effects of growth spurt
* Loss of body awareness
* Loss of proprioception
* Loss of motor control
* Loss of muscle strength
* Loss of muscle flexibility
* Loss of coordination
* gangly
Implications for sport:
● Need to focus on technique while the spurt is happening
● Reduced sprint, throw and coordination will affect performance.
● Need to be wary of injuries


What are some skeletal injuries that are common during adolescence? (4)


● Epiphyseal fractures
● Apophyseal avulsion fractures
● Overuse injuries
● Sprains/ Strains
● Ligament tears
● Scoliosis
● Stress fractures


Compare and contrast the Infant Gross Motor screening test (IGMST) and the Alberta Infant Motor screening tool (AIMS). (10)


Observational screening tool used to assess gross motor skills in infants of the age 6-18 months with HIV.
5 items per age group is testing
6-8 months
9-12 months
13-16 months
17-18 months
Items needed:
IGMST tool
IGMST instructions


Compare and contrast the Infant Gross Motor screening test (IGMST) and the Alberta
Infant Motor screening tool (AIMS). (10)


Standardised observational examination tool used to assess the maturation of gross motor skills of infants in the first 18 months post-term.
58-item observational scoring tool.
Prone (21 items)
Supine (9 items)
Sitting (12 items)
Standing (16 items)
Items needed:
AIMS Manual
AIMS Score Sheet and Graph
Examining table or other raised surface for younger infants
Firm mat or carpet for older infants
Low bench or chair for some items on the scale
Toys appropriate for infants younger than 18 months


Explain why avulsion fractures are more common in children than in adults. (3)


The ligaments are stronger than the bones in children, thus when there is pulling of a muscle the bone is more likely to devalue than the ligament is to tear.


Explain why tachypnea is one of the first signs of respiratory distress in a neonate. (5)

  • infants in respiratory distress increase the rate rather than the depth of respiration. This must be recognised early as rapidly breathing children will eventually tire leading to respiratory arrest.
    This is due to:
  • Compliant chest wall
  • Horizontal ribs
  • Angle of insertion of diaphragm is less acute
  • Diaphragm fatigues easily
  • Small diameter airways
  • As RDS is caused by surfactant deficiency, undeveloped lungs, compliant chest wall with soft and pliable narrow airways. This increases the incidence of possible aspiration, atelactasis, or lobar collapse thus increased work of breathing aided by ventilating only uppermost lung segments this would cause a relative increase in RR thus causing tachypnoea.

Discuss the properties of the Infant Gross Motor Screening Test (IGMST) which make it suitable for screening infants in a developing country. (10)


● Easy to understand
● Easy to record
● No additional items needed to complete the test
● Only observational so no motor learning occurs
● Has been tested on HIV children in a developing country
● Has only 5 different items per age group
● Items do not need be done in sequential order


Describe two possible neurological complications commonly associated with prematurity. (5)

  • High risk for developmental disability incl CP, hydrocephalus, visual, hearing learning problems
  • Children born prematurely may suffer from:
  • cerebral palsy
  • mental retardation
  • visual problems
  • hearing problems
  • hydrocephalus
  • developmental delay: language, motor, cognitive → school problems etc.

Explain why all infants infected with HIV should be screened for developmental delay. (10)


HIV is usually infective of Neurological structures, The child’s initial infection stage causes brain infestation of virus and this leads to brain damage, there then can be a further development of HIV virus encephalopathy which later on leads to Developmental delays.

HIV encephalopathy is well described in literature and has been found to cause developmental delay in all facets of developfment.
The severity of the encephalopathy is dependent on:
- Timing of infection
- Stage of maternal disease at delivery
- Disease progression dependent on immune suppression
- High plasma viral load
The presence of neurodevelopmental delay is very high but has been proven to be reduced after ART access increased.
HIV is able to attack the child’s brain immediately as they have a much more porous BBB than an adult. As the virus is able to more readily cross the BBB it is able to inflict more damage on structures that have not yet fully developed.
Studies have revealed moderate to severe delay in cognitive, motor and language development in children affected with HIV.
The sooner we can screen children for DD- the sooner we can intervene and minimize the effects.


Discuss the aetiology and presentation of respiratory distress syndrome e of infants.

  1. Aetiology-Due to surfactant deficiency of abnormality
    Usually due to prematurity
  2. Presentation- Increased work of breathing.
    Signs of respiratory distress.
    X-ray diffuse symmetrical reticular granular pattern with air bronchograms.
    Clinical signs present from 4 hours after delivery
  3. management- Beta-2 stimulants to mother if premature labour is expected.
    Exogenous surfactant given to the baby at birth.

Discuss the aetiology and presentation of chronic lung disease of infants.

  1. Aetiology- Def- Infants who are still oxygen dependent at one month.
    Multi-factorial and includes prematurity, genetic predisposition and low antioxidant status.
  2. Presentation- Increased work of breathing.
    -Signs of respiratory distress
  3. Management- Wean infants ASAP

Define neural plasticity.


The ability of cells to undergo alterations in their form and function depending on environmental influences.
The ability of the brain to change and adapt by forming new connections with neurons or reorganising current neural networks based on external environmental stimuli and learning.


What are the common signs and symptoms of an acute brain injury in a child (following a
motor vehicle accident)? (10)


● Confusion
● Stunned or dazed appearance
● Mood/personality changes
● Headache (pressurized feeling in the head)
● Motor difficulties (clumsy/balance problems)
● Vomiting/nausea
● Photophobia/blurred vision
● Memory loss
● Unusual sensitivity to sound
● Not feeling “right”


Discuss the factors that the physiotherapist needs to consider when formulating treatment goals for a child with a traumatic brain injury. (10)


● All types of injuries present (fractures etc.)
● Time elapsed since the brain injury (2 days vs 2 months)
● Rate of recovery
● Prior interventions
● Age of the child
● Child’s consciousness and cognitive state


List the signs and symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury (concussive injury). (10)

  • A mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), often referred to as a concussive injury, is characterized by a brief alteration in mental status or consciousness following a blow to the head or a jolt to the body. While the symptoms can vary from person to person, here are some common signs and symptoms associated with mild TBIs:
  • Confusion or Disorientation: The person may feel confused, dazed, or have difficulty understanding their surroundings or situation.
  • Memory Problems: Short-term memory loss is common, with the person having trouble recalling events that occurred immediately before or after the injury.
  • Headache: Headaches are a frequent symptom after a mild TBI, often occurring soon after the injury.
  • Dizziness or Vertigo: The person may feel unsteady, dizzy, or experience a spinning sensation (vertigo).
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Nausea and the urge to vomit can result from the injury’s impact on the brain’s control of balance and coordination.
  • Sensitivity to Light and Noise: Bright lights and loud noises may cause discomfort or exacerbate symptoms.
  • Fatigue or Sleep Disturbances: Feeling unusually tired, having trouble falling asleep, or experiencing changes in sleep patterns can occur.
  • Irritability or Mood Changes: Personality changes, mood swings, increased irritability, or emotional sensitivity are common.
  • Trouble Concentrating: Difficulty focusing, paying attention, or processing information may arise.
  • Slurred Speech: Speech may become slurred or slowed down.
  • Visual Disturbances: Blurred or double vision, as well as sensitivity to visual stimuli, may occur.
  • Balance and Coordination Problems: Difficulties with balance, coordination, and motor skills are common.
  • Ringin in Ears (Tinnitus): A sensation of ringing or noise in the ears may occur.
  • Difficulty with Smell or Taste: Changes in the sense of smell or taste can happen.