Peads Cardiac Yao Flashcards
What is TOF?
In 1888, French physician Étienne-Louis Arthur Fallot described a congenital heart defect with four characteristics: (1) large VSD, (2) right ventricular (RV) outflow obstruction, (3) overriding aorta, and (4) right ventricle hypertrophy (RVH). Broadly defined, TOF is a complex of anatomic malformations consisting of a large malaligned conoventricular VSD; rightward and anterior displacement of the aorta such that it overrides the VSD; and a variable degree of subvalvar RVOT obstruction due to anterior, superior, and leftward deviation of the conal(infundibular) ventricular septum. In addition, RV abnormalities in the septal and parietal bands of the crista supraventricularis exacerbate the infundibular RVOT obstruction. RVH is the result of chronic RVOT obstruction. The most common associated lesion is a right aortic arch with mirror image arch vessel branching that occurs in 25% of patients with TOF. In this lesion, the innominate artery gives rise to the left carotid and left subclavian arteries and the right carotid and subclavian arteries arise separately. TOF/PS and TOF with pulmonary atresia are two broad subsets of TOF. A third rare variant of TOF occurs when the pulmonary valve is absent.
Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Stenosis
TOF/PS has the four features of TOF in conjunction with varying degrees of valvar PS. At one end of the spectrum, the pulmonary valve annulus is mildly hypoplastic with minimal fusion of the pulmonary valve leaflets (Fig. 38.1A). At the other end of the spectrum, the pulmonary annulus is very small and the pulmonary valve leaflets are nearly fused. RVOT from valvar PS is fixed, whereas the subvalvar component of RVOT obstruction is dynamic. If left uncorrected, compensatory RVH from valvar or subvalvar components of the RVOT increases the mass of the RV and the infundibulum and worsens subvalvar obstruction. The anatomy of TOF/PS can usually be definitively delineated by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography, so further imaging with cardiac catheterization is rarely necessary or indicated.
Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia
TOF with pulmonary atresia has the features of TOF with infundibular and pulmonary valvar atresia in conjunction with varying degrees of pulmonary artery (PA) atresia. TOF with pulmonary atresia patients are divided into four groups based on the degree of PA atresia. Group 1 patients have isolated infundibular and pulmonary valve atresia with main PA and branch PAs of near-normal size and architecture. In some of these patients, the main PA may extend to the atretic infundibulum. In others, atresia involves a short segment of the main PA (Fig. 38.2). Patients in this group have pulmonary blood flow supplied from a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). In group 2 patients, the main PA is absent, but the left and right PAs are in continuity and supplied by a PDA. Group 3 patients have severely hypoplastic native PAs, and the left and right PAsmay not be in continuity. Pulmonary blood flow is from collateral vessels from the aorta to the PAs, known as major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs). A PDA may be present as well. Some segments of lung may be perfused from MAPCAs, some only by the native PAs, and others by both sources (Fig. 38.3). Group 4 patients have no native PAs, and all pulmonary blood flow is derived entirely from MAPCAs.The anatomy of MAPCAs in TOF with pulmonary atresia can almost never be clearly delineated by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography alone. Cardiac catheterization and/or magnetic resonance imaging or magnetic resonance angiography are usually necessary to delineate collateral anatomy and determine QP:QS.
Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve
TOF with absent pulmonary valve is the least common variant of TOF and accounts for only 3% to 6% of cases of TOF. Thesepatients have a displaced infundibulum, VSD, and varying degrees of RVOT obstruction as well as aneurysmal dilation of the main and branch PAs from in utero pulmonary regurgitation. The pathophysiology of TOF is complicated by symptoms of tracheobronchial compression that are similar to those caused by an anterior mediastinal mass. These patients usually must be positioned on their sides even when mechanically ventilated.
What is the pathophysiology of TOF/PS?
The pathophysiology of TOF/PS is a right-to-left (R-L) shunt characterized by the presence of an interventricular communication (VSD) and partial obstruction to RV outflow caused by RV infundibular and valvar stenosis. This is a complex shunt because resistance to RV outflow is a combination of the resistance from the obstructive lesions and the PVR. If the resistance from the RV obstructive lesions is high, changes in PVR will have little effect on shunt magnitude and direction. In most patients with TOF/PS, there is a fixed (valvar) and dynamic (variations in caliber of the RV infundibulum) component to RVOT obstruction. In addition, because the aorta overrides the VSD and the RV, desaturated systemic venous blood tends to stream out of the RV directly to the aorta, even in the presence of mild RVOT obstruction resulting in further systemic desaturation. The degree of cyanosis is related to the percentage of desaturated hemoglobin. A markedly hypoxemic child with baseline arterial saturations in the 70% range who is anemic may appear less cyanotic than another child with similar oxygen saturation and a hematocrit of 65%. The SaO2 is determined by the relative volumes and saturations of recirculated systemic venous blood and effective systemic blood flows that have mixed and reached the aorta. This is summarized in the following equation:This is demonstrated in Figure 38.4. Notice that the patient has a QP:QS = 0.5:1.
What is shunting, and how is QP:QS calculated?
Shunting is the process whereby venous return from one circulatory system is recirculated into the arterial outflow of the same circulatory system. Flow of blood from the systemic venous atrium (right atrium) to the aorta produces a physiologic R-L shunt with recirculation of systemic venous blood. Flow of blood from the pulmonary venous atrium (left atrium) to the PA produces a physiologic left-to-right (L-R) shunt withrecirculation of pulmonary venous blood. A physiologic R-L or L-R shunt is usually caused by a communication (orifice) at the level of the cardiac chambers or great vessels; however, physiologic shunts can exist in the absence of an anatomic shunt; transposition physiology is the best example. Effective blood flow is the quantity of venous blood from one circulatory system reaching the arterial system of the other circulatory system. Effective pulmonary blood flow is the volume of systemic venous blood reaching the pulmonary circulation, whereas effective systemic blood flow is the volume of pulmonary venous blood reaching the systemic circulation. Effective pulmonary and effective systemic blood flows are always equal, no matter how complex the lesions. Effective blood flow usually is the result of a normal pathway through the heart, but it may occur as the result of an anatomic R-L or L-R shunt. Total pulmonary blood flow (QP) is the sum of effective pulmonary blood flow and recirculated pulmonary blood flow. Total systemic blood flow (QS) is the sum of effective systemic blood flow and recirculated systemic blood flow. Total pulmonary blood flow and total systemic blood flow do not have to be equal because the amount of recirculated systemic or pulmonary venous blood do not have to equal. QS (systemic cardiac output) tends to remain constant to maintain end-organ blood supply, even in the presence of a physiologic R-L shunt (systemic venous recirculation), although the SaO2 will be lower. Conversely, a physiologic L-R shunt (pulmonary recirculation) causes pulmonary volume overload. The calculation of QP:QS can be made by the Fick equation, where the pulmonary and systemic blood flows (QP and QS) are calculated individually by dividing the rate of oxygen extraction by the change in oxygen content in the arterial and venous sideof each circulation. The rate of oxygen extraction is the same as effective systemic or pulmonary blood flow and must be equal, so these numbers cancel out in the equation. The calculation of oxygen content is simplified when the determination is made using low inspired concentrations of oxygen (fraction of inspired oxygen [FIO2]), the contribution of oxygen carried in solution (PO2 × 0.003) can be ignored, so calculation of QP:QS can be simplified using oxygen saturations. Failure to account for the contribution of oxygen carried in solution, when calculation oxygen content of blood, will introduce substantial error. (SAO2 − SSVCO2) / (SPVO2 − SPAO2) where A = arterial, SVC = superior vena cava, PV = pulmonary vein that can be assumed to be 98% in the absence of significant pulmonary disease, and PA = pulmonary artery.
What is the pathophysiology of TOF with pulmonary atresia?
The pathophysiology of TOF with pulmonary atresia is characterized as single ventricle physiology because there is a VSD and little or no antegrade flow from the RV. In single ventricle physiology, there is complete mixing of pulmonary venous and systemic venous blood at the atrial or ventricular level and the ventricle(s) distributes output to both the systemic and pulmonary vascular beds. As a result of this physiology, the following are observed: Ventricular output is the sum of pulmonary blood flow (QP) and systemic blood flow (QS). Distribution of systemic and pulmonary blood flow isdependent on the relative resistances to flow (both intracardiac and extracardiac) into the two parallel circuits. Oxygen saturations are the same in the aorta and the PA. Single ventricle physiology can exist with one hypoplastic ventricle and one well-developed ventricle or with two wellformed anatomic ventricles when there is atresia or near atresia of outflow from one of the ventricles. Examples include the following: TOF with pulmonary atresia where pulmonary blood flow is supplied through a large PDA or MAPCAs Truncus arteriosus Severe neonatal aortic stenosis and interrupted aortic arch; in both lesions, a substantial portion of systemic blood flow is supplied through a PDA. Heterotaxy syndrome In cases where there is a single anatomic ventricle, there is complete or near-complete obstruction to inflow and/or outflow from the hypoplastic ventricle, so there must be an alternate source of either systemic or pulmonary blood flow to ensure postnatal survival. An example of alternate source of blood flow is in ductal-dependent circulation where a PDA forms a direct connection between the aorta and the PDA is the alternate (sole) source of systemic blood flow in hypoplastic left heart syndrome or of pulmonary blood flow in PA with intact ventricular septum. In other instances of a single anatomic ventricle, intracardiac pathways provide both systemic and pulmonary blood flow as in tricuspid atresia with normally related great vessels, a nonrestrictive VSD and minimal or absent PS.
. How is SaO2 determined in single ventriclephysiology?
The SaO2 is determined by the relative volumes and saturations of pulmonary venous and systemic venous blood flows that have mixed and reached the aorta. This is summarized in the following equation:The primary goal in the management of patients with single ventricle physiology is the optimization of systemic oxygen delivery and perfusion pressure to prevent end-organ (myocardial, renal, hepatic, splanchnic) dysfunction, so the systemic and pulmonary circulations must be balanced. The term balanced circulation is used because both laboratory and clinical evaluations have demonstrated that maximal systemic oxygen delivery (the product of systemic oxygen content and systemic blood flow) is achieved for single ventricle lesions when QP:QS is at or just below 1:1. Increases in QP:QS in excess of 1:1 are associated with a progressive decrease in systemic oxygen delivery because the subsequent increase in systemic oxygen content is more than offset by the progressive decrease in systemic blood flow and by diastolic hypotension due to runoff into the pulmonary circulation. Decreases in QP:QS below 0.7 to 0.8:1 are associated with a precipitous decrease in systemic oxygen delivery because the subsequent increase in systemic blood flow is more than offset by the dramatic decrease in systemic oxygen content.
What is a “pink Tet”?
The term pink Tet refers to any patient with TOF/PS or TOF with pulmonary atresia who is not cyanotic. In these patients, QP:QS is sufficiently high (usually greater than 0.8:1 in the presence of a normal mixed venous saturation and pulmonary vein saturations) to maintain a deoxyhemoglobin concentration less than 5 g per dL with SaO2 generally >80%. Examples are TOF/PS patients with minimal valvar and subvalvar PS and all patients with TOF with pulmonary atresia where pulmonary blood flow is supplied from a large PDA and/or MAPCAs.
What are hypercyanotic spells? How are they treated?
Hypercyanotic or “Tet” spells are sudden episodes of profound cyanosis in TOF patients that may be life-threatening. These spells occur more frequently in patients who are severely cyanotic at baseline but may occur in any patient with TOF. The peak frequency of spells is between 2 and 3 months of age. The onset of spells usually prompts urgent surgical intervention, so the anesthesiologist may care for an infant who is at great risk for spells during the perioperative period. The etiology of spells is not completely understood, but acute infundibular spasm that acutely decreases flow through the RV outflow tract and increased the magnitude of the R-L shunt through the VSD is thought to be causal. Crying, defecation, feeding, fever, and awakening from sleep all can be precipitating events. Paroxysmal hyperpnea is the initial finding with an increase in the rate and depth of respirations followed by increasing cyanosis and potential syncope, convulsions, or death. During a spell, the infant will appear pale and limp secondary to poor cardiac output. Hyperpnea maintains and worsens hypoxic spellsby increasing oxygen consumption and lowering the mean intrathoracic pressure, which increases systemic venous return. RV volume and pressure increase because there is an obstruction to RV outflow increasing the R-L shunt and the degree of cyanosis. During a spell, the infant will appear pale and limp secondary to poor cardiac output. Hyperpnea has several deleterious effects that can maintain and worsen a hypoxic spell. Hyperpnea increases oxygen consumption through the increased work of breathing. Hypoxia induces a decrease in SVR, which further increases the magnitude of the R-L shunt. Treatment of a “Tet spell” is focused on increasing pulmonary blood flow and decreasing the magnitude of the R-L shunt. It includes the following: Administration of 100% oxygen Compression of the femoral arteries or placing the patient in a knee-chest position to transiently increase SVR and reduce the magnitude of the R-L shunt Manual compression of the abdominal aorta to increase SVR and reduce the R-L shunt. This maneuver is particularly effective in the anesthetized patient. A cardiac surgeon can manually compress the ascending aorta to increase impedance to left ventricle (LV) ejection and reduce the R-L shunt. Administration of IV morphine sulfate (0.05 to 0.1 mg per kg) for sedation reduces oxygen demand and reduces hyperpnea by depressing the respiratory drive. Administration of 15 to 30 mL per kg of a crystalloid solution IV. Increasing preload to the heart increases the diameter of the RVOT and reduces dynamic RVOT obstruction. Administration of sodium bicarbonate to treat the severe metabolic acidosis that can be seen during a spell. Correction of the metabolic acidosis will help normalize SVR and reduce hyperpnea. Empiric administration of sodium bicarbonato 2 mEq per kg IV) in the absence of a blood gas determination should be considered during a spell. Phenylephrine (5 to 10 μg per kg IV or 2 to 5 μg/kg/min as an infusion) can be used to increase SVR and reduce R-L shunting. In the presence of severe RV outflow obstruction, phenylephrine-induced increases of PVR will have little or no effect on RV outflow resistance. Treatment with phenylephrine increases SVR and may decrease R-L shunting across the VSD and augment preload by decreasing unstressed venous volume, but the underlying cause of the spell is not treated. β-Adrenergic agonists are absolutely contraindicated. By increasing contractility, they will cause further narrowing of the stenotic infundibulum. Administration of β-adrenergic antagonists such as propranolol (0.1 mg per kg IV) or esmolol (0.5 mg per kg IV followed by an infusion of 50 to 300 μg/kg/min) may reduce infundibular spasm by depressing contractility. In addition, slowing of heart rate may increase preload by improving diastolic filling, increasing heart size, and the diameter RV outflow tract. Caution is warranted when administering βadrenergic agonists after administering α-adrenergic agonists because the LV may not tolerate the increased SVR after βmediated reduction in contractility. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation resuscitation is another alternative in refractory episodes when immediate operative intervention is not possible.
What palliative surgical procedures are available for treating patients with TOF/PS?
Palliative shunt procedures to increase pulmonary blood flowand relieve cyanosis are used when complicated surgical anatomy or institutional practice precludes definitive repair at the time of presentation. The palliative shunts are systemic-topulmonary artery (L-R) shunts that increase pulmonary blood flow. The volume load imposed on the LV by these shunts parallels the increases in pulmonary flow that they produce. The progressive hypertrophy of the body and infundibulum of the RV that is characteristic of TOF is unchanged, so RV outflow tract obstruction increases in the interval from shunt placement to definitive repair. The shunts can be summarized as follows: Waterston shunt: a side-to-side anastomosis between the ascending aorta and the right PA. This procedure is performed through a right thoracotomy without CPB. Potts shunt: a side-to-side anastomosis between the descending aorta and the left PA. This procedure is performed through a left thoracotomy without CPB. Waterston and Potts shunts are of historic interest only. These shunts were difficult to size—too small of an orifice overly restricted pulmonary blood flow, whereas too large an orifice resulted in pulmonary overperfusion and congestion and predisposed the patient to development of unilateral pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Furthermore, these shunts were difficult to take down at the time of the procedure and frequently distorted PA anatomy making definitive repair more difficult. Central shunt: a synthetic tube graft between the ascending aorta and the main or branch PA. This shunt can be performed with or without CPB through a thoracotomy or median sternotomy. It is usually only used when prior shunt procedures have failed. Blalock-Taussig shunt (BTS): an end-to-side anastomosis of the right or left subclavian artery to the ipsilateral branch PA. Currently, a modification of this procedure known as the MBTS is used. A Gore-Tex tube graft (usually 3.5 to 4.0 mm diameterin infants) is interposed between the subclavian or innominate artery and the branch PA. These shunts usually are performed on the side opposite the aortic arch through a thoracotomy without CPB (Fig. 38.5).
What palliative catheter-based procedures are available for patients with TOF?
A catheter-based palliative RVOT stent is an alternative to a systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt in patients who are not candidates for a complete repair. These patients are usually symptomatic low birth weight infants with multiple comorbidities or infants with unfavorable anatomy (small PAs).The procedure is performed in the cardiac catheterization lab or an operating room with biplane fluoroscopy. The stent is placed through a femoral vein or a hybrid perventricular approach where the apex of the RV is approached through a subxiphoid incision. The indications for the procedure are not clearly defined and vary from institution to institution. Results including early morbidity, time to complete repair, and rate of PA growth have been encouraging when compared to an MBTS.
What definitive surgical procedures are available for treating patients with TOF/PS?
Most patients with TOF/PS have an elective full correction between the ages of 2 and 10 months. Definitive repair for TOF/PS in the neonatal period is done in some centers if favorable anatomy is present, whereas other centers delay surgery as long as possible until cyanotic episodes require urgent repair. Surgery is aimed at relieving the RV outflow obstruction by resection of the hypertrophied muscles that obstruct the RV outflow tract and enlargement of the RV outflow tract with a pericardial patch. A transannular pericardial patch is placed across the pulmonary valve annulus and into the main PA unless the pulmonic annulus is near-normal size and the pulmonary valve is only mildly stenotic. A transannular patch is avoided if possible because the pulmonary valve is rendered insufficient and free pulmonary regurgitation is present until the valve is repaired or replaced at an older age. If stenosis of the PA extends to the bifurcation, the pericardial patch can be extended beyond the bifurcation of the PAs. In neonates, the VSD is closed through the right ventriculotomy that was created for resection of the RVOT obstruction and placement of thetransannular patch. In infants and older children, the VSD can be closed through the right atrium and the tricuspid valve. An important surgical consideration for patients with TOF/PS is the presence of coronary artery abnormalities. Approximately 8% of patients have either the left main coronary artery or the left anterior descending artery as a branch of the right coronary artery. In these cases, a right ventriculotomy to enlarge the RVOT could endanger the left coronary artery. In such cases, an extracardiac conduit (RV to main PA) may be necessary to bypass the outflow tract obstruction and avoid injury to the coronary artery.
What palliative and definitive surgical procedures are available for patients with TOF with pulmonary atresia?
Patients with TOF with pulmonary atresia in groups 1 and 2 are dependent on prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) to maintain pulmonary blood flow through a PDA so surgery to establish a reliable source of pulmonary blood flow must be performed in the neonatal period. These patients may undergo a palliative shunt procedure or a definitive procedure. A definitive procedure includes placement of an RV to PA and closure of VSD, usually through the ventriculotomy used for the proximal attachment of the RV to PA conduit. Patients in groups 3 and 4 are more challenging to manage. These patients have single ventricle physiology with a tendencytoward excessive pulmonary blood flow (QP:QS >2 to 3:1) as the PVR drops in the neonatal period. In group 3 patients, neonatal repair with placement of an RV to PA conduit is undertaken to place the PAs in continuity with the RV in an effort to promote native PA growth. In this circumstance, the VSD is left open as a source of R-L shunting and delivery of desaturated blood to the systemic circulation because the RV cannot deliver an adequate cardiac output to the left atrium across the hypoplastic pulmonary vascular bed. These infants then undergo multiple cardiac catheterization procedures in order to dilate and stent the hypoplastic native PAs and to embolize MAPCAs, which provide pulmonary blood flow that is competitive to the blood flow supplied by native PAs. MAPCAs that provide pulmonary blood flow to segments of lung not supplied by native PAs must be unifocalized to the proximal pulmonary circulation. Unifocalization involves removal of the collateral vessel from the aorta with anastomosis to the RV to PA conduit or a proximal PA branch. This establishes antegrade blood flow from the RV to the pulmonary vascular bed. Usually, 80% to 90% of the pulmonary vascular bed (10 to 12 bronchopulmonary segments) must be in direct continuity with the RV to ensure that adequate cardiac output can cross the pulmonary bed and the VSD can be closed. In group 4 patients, the initial intervention may be to create an RV to PA conduit and unifocalize several large collaterals to the distal end of conduit from the RV. Alternatively, several large collaterals can be unifocalized to an MBTS or central shunt. These procedures serve to promote pulmonary vascular growth, prevent the development of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease, and control the QP:QS.
What are the long-term outcomes of patients with TOF?
Complete surgical repair of TOF has been performed for over 40 years with actuarial survival of 85% at 30 to 35 years. Most patients are largely asymptomatic and RV dysfunction may only be evident on echocardiography and exercise stress testing. Factors that adversely affect long-term survival include older age at initial repair, initial palliative procedures, and presence of residual PS and/or pulmonary regurgitation. RV dysfunction from chronic pressure and volume overload as well as the development of ventricular dysrhythmias may prompt pulmonary valve repair or replacement.
What preoperative history and physical examination information do you want?
The medical history and review of systems should include an assessment of ability to perform age-appropriate activities that will aid in the evaluation of cardiac function and reserve. The observation by a parent that the patient cannot keep the same pace as siblings is often a reliable clinical sign that cyanosis or congestive heart failure is worsening. Symptoms of low cardiac reserve include sweating, dyspnea, and circumoral cyanosis that may first occur during feeding, which is a strenuous activity for a newborn. Interpretation of vital signs must be age specific.Growth curves also are useful because congestive heart failure will inhibit age-appropriate gains in weight, height, and head circumference. It is not unusual for patients with severe congestive heart failure to weigh less at 3 or 4 months of age than at birth. Interestingly, cyanotic children often do not manifest this failure to thrive. It is often difficult to differentiate signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure from a mild upper respiratory tract infection in infants and children, so surgery may need to proceed even when the diagnosis is not clear. Children and infants with increased pulmonary blood flow are predisposed to multiple respiratory tract infections so surgery may need to proceed in these patients to reduce pulmonary blood flow and the propensity for chronic lung infections. Physical examination might reveal cyanosis, clubbing, or signs of congestive heart failure similar to those seen in adults, such as hepatomegaly, ascites, edema, or tachypnea. Some manifestations of congestive heart failure such as rales may not be heard in infants and children, so the severity of heart failure may be more reliably assessed by the signs and symptoms outlined previously. Physical examination should include an evaluation of the limitations to vascular access and monitoring sites imposed by previous surgeries. A child who has undergone a BT or MBT palliative shunt procedure may have a diminished pulse or unobtainable blood pressure in the ipsilateral arm, preventing accurate blood pressure and pulse oximetry measurement in that extremity. Venous access should also be assessed preoperatively because this may affect the mode of induction of anesthesia.
Which other abnormalities need to be considered inthis patient?
Approximately 8% of children with congenital heart disease have other congenital abnormalities. Patients with TOF/PS or TOF with pulmonary atresia have a higher incidence of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Different phenotypes of this syndrome include DiGeorge syndrome, velocardiofacial syndrome, and conotruncal anomaly face syndrome. These syndromes are characterized by hypocalcemia; immunodeficiency; facial dysmorphia; palate anomalies; velopharyngeal dysfunction; renal anomalies; possible tracheoesophageal fistula; as well as speech, feeding, neurocognitive, behavioral, and psychiatric disorders. Many of these defects may complicate airway management.
What premedication will you give to a child with congenital heart disease?
Premedication alleviates anxiety and eases separation of children from parents. In infants, premedication facilitates placement of an IV catheter for induction of anesthesia, alone or in combination with inhaled anesthetics. Midazolam (1 mg per kg PO) may be sufficient in infants and young children, but the addition of ketamine (3 to 5 mg per kg PO) is sometimes necessary in older children with heightened anxiety or in patients who are tolerant to benzodiazepines from previous procedures. Intramuscular (IM) ketamine (2 to 3 mg per kg) and glycopyrrolate (10 μg per kg) alone or in combination with midazolam (0.1 mg per kg) works well in children who will not take oral medications.
How will you induce anesthesia in this patient if intravenous (IV) access cannot be obtained?
Induction of anesthesia with IM ketamine (3 to 5 mg per kg IM), succinylcholine (5 mg per kg IM), and glycopyrrolate (10 μg per kg IM) is an alternative to IV induction in infants and neonates with difficult peripheral IV access. Glycopyrrolate is an important adjunct to reduce airway secretions associated with ketamine administration and to prevent the bradycardia, which may be associated with succinylcholine. This technique provides prompt induction of anesthesia, allowing for immediate control of the airway with endotracheal intubation. This is useful in circumstances where it is anticipated that initial IV access will have to be obtained through the external jugular vein, femoral vein, or internal jugular vein. IM rocuronium (1 mg per kg IM) can be substituted for the succinylcholine, but the time to adequate intubating conditions and duration of action is variable.
Why would end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) monitoring be of particular use in a patient with TOF/PS?
EtCO2 monitoring is particularly helpful in patients with congenital heart disease because the difference between arterial CO2 and alveolar CO2 reflects physiologic dead space ventilation and is indicative of changes in lung perfusion. Anacute reduction in pulmonary blood flow (decreased cardiac output, pulmonary embolus, or increased intracardiac R-L shunting) will increase this gradient. In a patient with TOF/PS, a gradual reduction in EtCO2 often precedes a decrease in SaO2 as the first manifestation of the increased R-L intracardiac shunting during a “Tet spell.”
What is near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and what does it measure?
NIRS is a real-time, online monitor of cerebral tissue oxygenation. This technology is based on the physical principle that light of an appropriate wavelength passing through a solution of a colored compound (chromophore) will be absorbed by the compound. As a result of this absorption, the intensity of the light emerging from the solution will be lower than the intensity of the light projected into the solution. This principle through application of the Beer-Lambert equation “log [IO / I] = c α d” allows quantification of the concentration (c) of a chromophore if the emergent light intensity (I) is measured and the following are known: Extinction coefficient (α), a constant that describes the absorption characteristics of a particular chromophore at a given wavelength of light Thickness of the solution (d) Incident light intensity (IO) NIRS technology is particularly suited to use in neonates and infants because the thin skull and small head allow light to be transmitted through one side of the head and detected on the other side, a technique known as transmission spectrometry. Cerebral oxygen saturation (ScO2) as measured by all NIRStechnology is the combined oxygen saturation of an uncertain mix of arterioles, capillaries, and venules. Traditional pulse oximetry differs in this respect from NIRS because it is capable of isolating and measuring the arteriole component by gating measurements to arterial pulsatility. It has been previously assumed that ScO2 represented contributions of cerebral arterial and venous blood in a ratio of 25:75, with the contribution of capillary blood felt to be negligible. More recent data suggest that in children, the average ratio is 15:85. The issue is further complicated by the fact that there is significant variability in the ratio (from 0:100 to 40:60) between patients.
What are the important management issues during creation of a palliative shunt?
Unilateral lung retraction will be required for surgical exposure if a thoracotomy approach is used. The resulting atelectasis may severely compromise ventilation and worsen oxygenation and CO2 removal. The main or branch PAs will have to be partially occluded by a clamp to allow creation of the distal anastomosis of all palliative systemic to PA shunts. The resulting increase in physiologic dead space and PaCO2 and EtCO2 gradients may compromise oxygenation and CO2 removal. Efforts to optimize ventilation, reduce PVR, and increase pulmonary blood flow should be initiated before PA occlusion. Partial occlusion of the aorta with a clamp will be necessaryduring creation of Waterston, Potts, and central shunts. The resulting increase in LV afterload may compromise LV systolic function, and inotropic support may need to be initiated. All of the palliative shunts impose a volume load on the LV. Inotropic support may be necessary to ensure systemic and shunt perfusion after shunt creation. Palliative shunts are mildly restrictive simple shunts. It is important to maintain SVR and reduce PVR to maintain pulmonary blood flow in these patients. Be prepared to treat an episode of hypercyanosis.
What is the effect of inhalation anesthetics on airway reflexes, myocardial contractility, systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in children?
Sevoflurane, isoflurane, and desflurane induce a dose-dependent reduction in cardiac output and SVR with mild depression of contractility at 1 and 1.5 minimal alveolar concentration (MAC). At these concentrations, sevoflurane and isoflurane do not alter the ratio of PVR to SVR enough to induce any change in QP:QS. Isoflurane and desflurane are not good choices for inhalational induction because their pungency is responsible for a high incidence of airway complications in children. Sevoflurane has cardiovascular effects similar to isoflurane and is a good agent for inhalational induction.
What are the pre-cardiopulmonary bypass (preCPB) anesthetic goals for a patient undergoing definitive surgical correction of TOF/PS?
Maintain heart rate, contractility, and preload to maintain cardiac output. Maintaining euvolemia is important to prevent exacerbation of dynamic RVOT obstruction from hypovolemia and reflex increases in heart rate and contractility. Avoid increases in the PVR:SVR ratio. Increases in PVR relative to SVR and decreases in SVR relative to PVR will increase R-L shunting, reduce pulmonary blood flow, and produce or worsen cyanosis. This effect is more pronounced when the RV outflow obstruction is not severe. Maintain or increase SVR. This is particularly important when RV outflow obstruction is severe, and changes in PVR will have little or no effect on shunt magnitude and direction. Treat episodes of hypercyanosis. Maintain contractility. Depression of contractility, particularly in the face of severe RV outflow obstruction, may produce RV afterload mismatch and drastically reduce pulmonary blood flow. The exception to this is a patient in whom the dynamic component of infundibular obstruction is active. Reducing contractility in these patients may reduce RV outflow obstruction through relaxation of the infundibulum.pulmonary vasoconstriction. An arterial O2 tension lower than 50 mmHg increases PVR over a wide range of arterial pH values. This effect is most pronounced when the pH is lower than 7.40. Reduce PCO2. Consistent reductions in PVR and increases in pulmonary blood flow and PO2 are seen in children with R-L shunts who are hyperventilated to a PCO2 near 30 mmHg and a pH near 7.50. Hypocarbia reduces PVR through production of an alkalosis, but hypercarbia increases PVR independent of changes in arterial pH. Patient with preoperative pulmonary hypertension who are hyperventilated post-CPB to a PCO2 of 30 to 35 mmHg and a pH of 7.50 to 7.56 have a reduction in PVR when compared with ventilation that produces normocarbia or hypercarbia. Reduce pH. Both respiratory and metabolic alkalosis reduce PVR, whereas respiratory and metabolic acidosis increase PVR. Variation in lung volumes. At small lung volumes, atelectasis compresses extra-alveolar vessels, whereas at high lung volumes, hyperinflation of alveoli compresses intra-alveolar vessels. Therefore, PVR is normally lowest at lung volumes at/or near the functional residual capacity. Positive endexpiratory pressure (PEEP) may cause an increase in PVR by increasing alveolar pressure through hyperinflation. However, a decrease in PVR generally is seen in situations in which PEEP works to recruit atelectatic alveoli and increase arterial PO2. Vasodilator agents. PGE1, prostaglandin I2 (PGI2), nitroglycerin, sodium nitroprusside, and tolazoline are IV drugs that induce pulmonary vasodilation as well as systemic vasodilation. There is no IV drug that selectively acts as a pulmonary vasodilator. Inhaled nitric oxide, PGE1, and PGI2 are the only specific pulmonary vasodilators available.
How does heparin administration and activated coagulation time (ACT) monitoring for CPB differ in children as compared with adults?
Adequate anticoagulation, usually defined as an ACT greater than 400 seconds, is necessary before cannulation and the commencement of CPB. Most of the evidence for assessing the adequacy of anticoagulation in children during heart surgery has been extrapolated from the adult literature. The ACT will overestimate the antifactor IIa and Xa effects of heparin in children because the ACT is also prolonged by hypothermia, hemodilution, platelet dysfunction, and low coagulation factor levels. These factors are more significant in children than in adults during CPB because of their small size relative to the CPB circuits. Most institutions use an age- or weight-based protocol to administer the initial pre-CPB dose of heparin. An example of a simple weight-based protocol is all patients weighing less than 30 kg receive 300 IU heparin per kg and patients greater than 30 kg receive 400 IU per kg. The large circuit prime volume to blood volume ratio in infants and children would be expected to decrease plasma heparin levels with initiation of CPB unless an appropriate quantity of heparin is added to the CPB prime. Most institutions add heparin to the CPB prime as follows: 3.0 IU heparin added per mL of CPB prime for patients less than 30 kg and 2.5 IU heparin added per mL of CPB prime in patients greater than 30 kg. Heparin should always be given into a central line through which venous return can be demonstrated easily or directly into the heart by the surgeon. This is necessary to ensure that the heparin dose has reached the central circulation. An ACT can bedrawn within minutes of heparin administration as peak arterial ACT prolongation occurs within 30 seconds and peak venous ACT prolongation within 60 seconds.
How is heparin reversed?
Systemic heparin is reversed with protamine, a polyvalent cation derived from salmon sperm. Protamine normally is given once the patient’s hemodynamics have stabilized after termination of CPB and the team is satisfied with the repair. The cardiotomy suction should not be used and the arterial and venous cannulas should be removed before protamine neutralization of heparin begins. This prevents contamination of the heparinized CPB circuit with protamine so that prompt reinstitution of CPB is possible, if necessary. There are several approaches to the neutralization of heparin with protamine, all with reportedly good clinical results. Some centers titrate the amount of protamine to the amount of heparin determined to exist at the termination of CPB using the in vitro protamine-heparin neutralization ratio of 1.3:1.0. This method had been criticized because the amount of heparin present postCPB is calculated based on the ACT, and the ACT can be affected by factors other than the concentration of heparin, such as CPB-induced platelet dysfunction, hypothermia, and hemodilution. This may result in an overestimation of the heparin present at the termination of CPB and results in a larger than necessary calculated protamine dose. Other centers administer a fixed dose of protamine based on the patient’sweight (3 to 4 mg per kg IV) regardless of the ACT or heparin dose administered, whereas others administer 1.0 to 1.3 mg of protamine for each 100 units of heparin administered prior to and during CPB.
What is the incidence of protamine reactions in children?
The incidence of protamine reactions in children following cardiac surgery is substantially lower than in adults. Acute reactions to protamine may be mild with transient erythema and hypotension or severe with bronchoconstriction, PA hypertension, and cardiovascular collapse. The mechanism has not been fully characterized. A recent retrospective analysis of 1,249 children showed the incidence of hypotension (defined as a 25% decrease in mean arterial pressure) following protamine administration to be 1.76% to 2.88%, depending on the stringency of criteria linking the hypotensive episode to protamine administration. In this series, no episodes of pulmonary hypertension or RV dysfunction were noted. Clinical experience indicates that pulmonary hypertensive episodes in children following protamine administration are very rare.
What is the role of transesophagealechocardiography (TEE) in this patient?
TEE has a major impact on post-CPB decision making, such as return to CPB to repair residual lesions in approximately 15% of cases when it is used nonselectively in children. In the subset of patients undergoing valve repair and outflow tract reconstruction (such as this patient), the impact of TEE would be expected to be greater by providing immediate assessment of the adequacy of the operative procedure and directing the revision, if necessary. Although detection of retained intracardiac air is facilitated by the use of intraoperative TEE, it remains to be determined what role TEE will play in improving cardiac deairing algorithms particularly in neonates/infants. The role of TEE in the detection of residual VSDs following repair of both simple and complex defects deserves some discussion. Residual defects smaller than 3 mm are detectable by TEE but generally do not require immediate reoperation because they are hemodynamically insignificant. The majority (75%) of these small defects are not present at the time of hospital discharge as determined by transthoracic echocardiography. Residual defects greater than 3 mm detected by TEE require immediate reoperation only when intraoperative assessment suggests that the defect will be hemodynamically significant. Examples of concerning findings are elevated left atrial pressure and/or PA pressure in the presence of good ventricular function, right atrium to PA oxygen saturation step-up with FIO2 ≤0.50, and oximetric measurement of QP:QS >1.5
What effect would a residual ventricular septal defect (VSD) have in this patient following separationfrom CPB?
A residual VSD is likely to be poorly tolerated in patients with repaired TOF/PS. There is potential for a large L-R shunt through a residual VSD because RVOT obstruction will be completely or near completely eliminated postrepair and the PVR is likely to be low and the pulmonary vasculature very compliant. This will acutely place a large volume load on both the LV and RV. The RV is not likely to tolerate the volume load because the RV compliance is reduced from the preoperative concentric hypertrophy and the function may be impaired postbypass and from the ventriculotomy. The most likely manifestation will be low cardiac output associated with an elevated heart rate, elevated left atrial pressure, and elevated PA pressure (low cardiac output syndrome).
How should postoperative ventilation be managed in this patient following placement of a transannular patch for TOF/PS?
The inspiratory phase of mechanical positive pressure ventilation should be adjusted to minimize mean airway pressure. The inspiratory phase of mechanical positive pressure ventilation increases impedance to RV ejection and RV afterload by elevating alveolar pressure and creating more West zone I (alveolar pressure greater than arterial and venous pressure) and West zone II (alveolar pressure greater than venous pressure) lung segments. This is directly related to the duration of inspiration (respiratory rate and inspiratory-to-expiratory [I:E] ratio) and to mean airway pressure. Increasing RV afterload willimpede antegrade pulmonary blood flow and exacerbate the extent of pulmonary insufficiency induced by the transannular patch. RV afterload will also be increased by elevations in PVR. As discussed in section C.7, ventilation and gas mixture should be adjusted to minimize PVR. This is usually accomplished with a tidal volume of 10 to 15 mL per kg, 3 to 5 mmHg of PEEP, and a respiratory rate and I:E ratio adjusted to minimize mean airway pressure
Following complete repair of TOF/PS in an infant, what SaO2 is acceptable?
Following complete repair of TOF/PS with no residual lesions and minimal intrapulmonary shunt, the SaO2 should be 100%. The surgeon may choose to leave a small (3 to 4 mm) atrial level communication or patent foramen ovale in infants and small children, particularly in those patients with pulmonary insufficiency as the result of a transannular patch and those expected to have restrictive RV function as a result of a ventriculotomy and/or extensive RV hypertrophy. This will allow intracardiac R-L shunting, with the ability to augment systemic cardiac output at the expense of systemic oxygen saturation in the setting of RV dysfunction by allowing direct delivery of desaturated venous blood to the left atrium. In these patients, a PaO2 of 40 to 50 mmHg and a SaO2 of 70% to 80% are acceptable until RV function improves over the course of days.
Following placement of a modified Blalock-Taussigshunt (MBTS) for TOF/PS in an infant, what SaO2 is acceptable?
As illustrated in Figure 38.5B, the expected SaO2 would be 80% to 90% in the presence of some antegrade pulmonary blood flow. In the absence of any antegrade pulmonary blood flow, single ventricle physiology exists and a SaO2 of 70% to 80% would be expected. SaO2 is determined by the relative volumes and saturations of recirculated systemic venous blood and effective systemic blood flows that have mixed and reached the aorta. This is summarized in the following equation:This is demonstrated in Figure 38.5B. Three variables will ultimately affect SaO2: 1. The ratio of total pulmonary to total systemic blood flow (QP:QS). A greater proportion of the arterial blood will consist of saturated blood (pulmonary venous blood) than of desaturated blood (systemic venous blood) when QP:QS ≥ 1:1. QP:QS will be increased when systemic arterial blood pressure is high and PVR is low. 2. Systemic venous saturation. For a given QP:QS and pulmonary venous saturation, a decrease in systemic venous saturation will result in a decreased arterial saturation. Decreases in systemic venous saturation occur as the result of decreases in systemic oxygen delivery or increases in systemic oxygen consumption. Recall that systemic oxygen delivery is the product of systemic blood flow and arterial oxygen content. Arterial oxygen content, in turn, is dependent on the hemoglobin concentration and the arterial saturation. Efforts should be made to increase hematocritinto the range of 35% to 45%, increase cardiac output with inotropes, and reduce systemic O2 consumption with appropriate levels of sedation/anesthesia and muscle relaxation if necessary. 3. Pulmonary venous saturation. For any given systemic venous saturation and QP:QS, a reduction in pulmonary venous saturation will result in a decreased arterial saturation. In the absence of large intrapulmonary shunts and/or ventilation/perfusion mismatch, pulmonary venous saturation should be close to 100% when breathing room air. In the presence of pulmonary parenchymal disease, pulmonary venous saturation may be reduced. The mismatched component of pulmonary venous desaturation will be largely eliminated with an FIO2 of 1.0, whereas the intrapulmonary shunt contribution will not be eliminated
What is junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET)?
Postoperative JET is a transient tachyarrhythmia that can occur immediately following congenital heart surgery. A rare form of congenital JET exists as well. JET is due to enhanced automaticity in the area of the atrioventricular (AV) node or proximal His bundle. Patients who develop JET have a higher than average incidence of postoperative AV block. The incidence of JET following TOF/PS repair may be as high as 20% and is felt to be secondary to trauma from surgical retraction near the AV node that is necessary to expose the VSD and RVOT from across the tricuspid valve. JET typically manifests with a junctional rate only slightly faster than the sinus node rate. It is the only narrow complex tachycardia in which the atrial rate is less than the ventricular rate (A:V ratio <1:1). In fewer than 10% of cases of JET, theremay be retrograde activation of the atrium with inverted P waves and an A:V ratio of 1:1. Cardiac output is reduced because there is a loss of AV synchrony, which reduces the atrial transport factor (atrial kick). In many instances, this arrhythmia is well tolerated, but JET with heart rate greater than 170 beats per minute is associated with hemodynamic instability and increased postoperative mortality. The most effective therapy for JET is atrial pacing at a rate slightly faster than the junctional rate such that AV synchrony is reinitiated. This therapy is effective unless the junctional rate is very high (>160 to 170 beats per minute), at which point atrial pacing at a faster rate is unlikely to improve hemodynamics because the reinitiation of AV synchrony is offset by the dramatic reduction in diastolic filling time present at these rates. In this circumstance, the most effective therapy is multimodal. The goal of multimodal therapy is to terminate JET or reduce the rate to the point where atrial pacing can be reinitiated. Note that cardioversion and adenosine are not effective. The following modalities are applied in this order: Fever is aggressively treated with antipyretics. Sedation and hemodynamics are optimized. Doses of inotropic agents are reduced because most of these agents have positive chronotropic effects. This may be difficult in the setting of hemodynamic instability and low cardiac output syndrome. Mild systemic hypothermia is introduced. A cooling blanket and icepacks are used to reduce patient temperature to 32°C (89.6°F) to 35°C (95°F). This usually requires sedation and paralysis to prevent shivering. Procainamide or amiodarone therapy is initiated. JET requiring aggressive treatment prolongs postoperative ventilation times and intensive care unit stay.
What defines the cardiac situs?
Cardiac situs refers to the orientation of the morphologic right atrium (RA). If the RA is to the right of midline, cardiac situs is “solitus”; otherwise, the cardiac situs is “inversus” (morphologic RA to the left atrium [LA]) or “ambiguous” when the situs is indeterminate. Cardiac structures may not be in the expected location, so echocardiography can help characterize the anatomy of the atria, atrioventricular (AV) valves, ventricles, ventriculoarterial (VA) valves, and great arteries. A few anatomic characteristics are consistent. The RA receives the vena cava and coronary sinus. There is always concordance (agreement) between the AV valves and the ventricle, so the tricuspid valve is always the inflow valve for the right ventricle (RV) and the mitral valve the inflow valve for the left ventricle (LV). A muscular conus (infundibulum) always separates the AV (tricuspid) and VA (pulmonary) valves of the RV and the inflow/AV (mitral) and VA (aortic) valves of the LV are always in fibrous continuity.
What is transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA)?
D-TGA is a common congenital heart lesion accounting for 5% to 7% of all congenital cardiac defects, second in frequency only to isolated ventricular septal defects (VSDs). In D-TGA, there is concordance of the AV connections and discordance of the VA connections. The segmental anatomy is S, D, D, with atrial situs Solitus, D-loop ventricles, and D-loop great arteries. A rightsided RA connects through a right-sided tricuspid valve and RV to a right-sided and anterior aorta. A left-sided LA connects through a left-sided mitral valve and LV to a left-sided and posterior pulmonary artery (PA). As a result, there is fibrous continuity between the mitral and pulmonic valves with a lack of fibrous continuity (conus) between the tricuspid and aortic valves. The combination of AV concordance (RA to RV and LA to LV) and VA discordance (RV to aorta and LV to PA) produces a parallel rather than a normal series circulation.
What additional cardiac lesions are associated with D-TGA?
The most commonly associated cardiac anomalies are a persistent patent foramen ovale (PFO), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), VSD, and subpulmonic stenosis resulting in LVOT obstruction. Approximately 50% of patients with D-TGA will present with a PDA before prostaglandin E1 administration and diagnosis of D-TGA. There is almost always a PFO, but a truesecundum atrial septal defect (ASD) exists in approximately 5% of patients. Although angiographically detectable, VSDs occur in 30% to 40% of patients, only approximately one-third of these defects are hemodynamically significant. Therefore, for practical purposes, 75% of patients have an intact ventricular septum (IVS). LVOT obstruction is present in approximately 30% of patients with VSD and is most often due to an extensive subpulmonic fibromuscular ring or posterior malposition of the outlet portion of the ventricular septum.
What is the natural history of D-TGA?
Survival in the neonatal period is dependent on sufficient mixing of the parallel systemic and pulmonary circulations at the atrial, ventricular, or arterial level. Patency of the ductus arteriosus can be maintained with prostaglandin E1, allowing for mixing at the arterial level. An emergent Rashkind-Miller balloon atrial septostomy can be performed to increase mixing at the atrial level in those infants who do not have adequate mixing through the PDA or VSD. Forty-five percent of patients with D-TGA will die within the first month, and 90% will die within the first year of life without intervention, despite being largely free from other extracardiac defects. Following stabilization, as a neonate, many of these infants can be offered the ASO, a definitive surgical procedure that will give them a quality of life similar to that of normal children. Infants with D-TGA who have anatomy that is not favorable for the ASO are offered palliative surgeries. Hypoxia and intractable congestive heart failure (CHF) are the two primary causes of death in infants without intervention who survive the neonatal period. Infants with D-TGA are at particular risk for early-onset accelerated pulmonary arteryhypertension (PAH). The etiology is most likely related to systemic hypoxemia, the presence of bronchopulmonary collaterals (which deliver deoxygenated blood to the precapillary pulmonary arterioles), polycythemia, and platelet aggregation. Infants with D-TGA and a large VSD without LVOT obstruction are at highest risk for the early development of PAH due to exposure of the pulmonary vascular bed to systemic pressures with unrestricted flow. Advanced, nonreversible pulmonary hypertension reduces the corrective surgical options available to the patient.
What is the pathophysiology of D-TGA?
Systemic and pulmonary circulations are in a parallel with varying degrees of intercirculatory mixing. Deoxygenated systemic venous blood recirculates through the systemic circulation (a physiologic right-to-left shunt) and oxygenated pulmonary venous blood recirculates through the pulmonary circulation (a physiologic left-to-right shunt). The physiologic shunt fraction or the percentage of venous blood from one system that recirculates in the arterial outflow of the same system is 100% for both circuits in parallel. This is why there must be a connection at the atrial, ventricular, or arterial level to allow for any survival, even in the neonatal period. The sites available for intercirculatory mixing in D-TGA can be intracardiac (PFO, ASD, VSD) or extracardiac (PDA, bronchopulmonary collaterals). Several factors affect the amount of intercirculatory mixing. The number, size, and position of anatomic communications are important. One large nonrestrictive communication will provide better mixing than two or three restrictive communications. The position of thecommunication is also important because poor mixing can occur with large anterior muscular VSDs if their orientation is not favorable. Reduced ventricular compliance and elevated systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance (SVR and PVR) tend to reduce intercirculatory mixing by impeding flow across the anatomic communications. In the presence of anatomically adequate intercirculatory mixing sites, mixing is directly related to the total pulmonary blood flow. Patients with reduced pulmonary blood flow secondary to subpulmonic stenosis or PAH will have reduced intercirculatory mixing
What determines the oxygen saturation in patients with D-TGA?
Arterial saturation (SaO2) is determined by the relative volumes and saturations of the recirculated systemic and effective systemic blood flows reaching theThe anatomic left-to-right shunt produces effective systemic blood flow, which is the volume of pulmonary venous blood reaching the systemic circulation. The anatomic left-to-right shunt is the result of intercirculatory mixing at the atrial, ventricular, and arterial levels and must equal the amount of the right-to-left shunt at the same sites. The greater the effective systemic blood flow (intercirculatory mixing) relative to the recirculated systemic blood flow, the greater the SaO2. For a given amount of intercirculatory mixing and total systemicblood flow, a decrease in systemic venous or pulmonary venous saturation will result in a decrease in SaO2. Total systemic blood flow is the sum of recirculated systemic venous blood plus effective systemic blood flow. Likewise, total pulmonary blood flow is the sum of recirculated pulmonary venous blood plus effective pulmonary blood flow. Recirculated blood makes up the largest portion of total pulmonary and systemic blood flow, with effective blood flows contributing only a small portion of the total flows. This is particularly true in the pulmonary circuit where the total pulmonary blood flow and the volume of the pulmonary circuit (LA, LV, PA) is three to four times larger than the total systemic blood flow and the volume of the systemic circuit (RA, RV, aorta). The net result is transposition physiology, where the PA oxygen saturation is greater than the aortic oxygen saturation. Figure 39.1 further elucidates these concepts.
Why did this infant have reverse differential cyanosis?
In D-TGA with IVS, the anatomic mixing sites are usually a PDA and a PFO. The dynamics of intercirculatory mixing in DTGA with IVS are complex. Anatomic shunting at the atrial level is ultimately determined by the size of the atrial communication and the cyclic pressure variations between the left and right atria. The volume and compliance of the atria, ventricles, and vascular beds in each circuit as well as heart rate (HR) and phase of respiration influence this relationship. Shunting is from the RA to the LA during diastole as the result of the reduced ventricular and vascular compliance of the systemic circuit (RV and systemic arterial circuit). In systole, shunt is from the LA to the RA primarily because of the large volume of blood returning to the LA as a result of the high volume of recirculated pulmonary blood flow. The direction of shunting across the PDA largely depends on the PVR and the size of the intra-atrial communication. When the PVR is low and the intra-atrial communication isnonrestrictive, shunting is predominantly from the aorta to the PA through the PDA (effective pulmonary blood flow) and predominantly from the LA to RA across the atrial septum (effective systemic blood flow). When PVR is elevated, shunting across the PDA is likely to be bidirectional that in turn encourages bidirectional shunting across the atrial septum. When PVR is high and PA pressure exceeds aortic pressure, shunting at the PDA will be predominantly from the PA to the aorta. This will create reverse differential cyanosis—physiology wherein the preductal arterial saturation (right arm) is lower than the postductal arterial saturation (legs). This physiology is usually the result of a restrictive atrial communication producing left atrial hypertension and is associated with low effective blood flows (poor mixing) and hypoxemia. A balloon atrial septostomy can be lifesaving in this setting. Decompression of the LA promotes mixing at the atrial level and also reduces PVR and PA pressure promoting mixing at the PDA. Other causes of reverse differential cyanosis to be considered in D-TGA are the presence of an interrupted aortic arch or severe aortic coarctation.What are the preoperative issues pertaining to the coronary arteries in D-TGA?
What are the preoperative issues pertaining to the coronary arteries in D-TGA?
As in normally related great vessels, the coronary arteries in DTGA arise from the aortic sinuses that face the PA. In normally related vessels, these sinuses are located on the anterior portion of the aorta, whereas in D-TGA, they are located posteriorly. In most D-TGA patients (70%), the right sinus is the origin of the right coronary artery, whereas the left sinus is the origin of the left main coronary artery. In the remainder of cases, there isconsiderable variability, with the most common variations being shown in Figure 39.2.Patients with certain types of coronary anatomy (intramural coronaries, single coronary artery) are at risk for postoperative myocardial ischemia and early mortality because reimplantation can result in the distortion of the coronary ostia or the narrowing of the artery itself. Patients with intramural coronaries generally require resuspension of the posterior leaflet of neopulmonary valve once the coronaries and a surrounding tissue cuff are excised. The presence of a single coronary artery or intramural coronary arteries is a risk factor for mortality, and this risk has persisted over the last two decades despite improvement in surgical technique.
What are the clinical subsets of D-TGA?
The four clinical subsets of D-TGA are characterized by differences in anatomy, amount of pulmonary blood flow, and sites of intercirculatory mixing. These are summarized in Table 39.1.
What is the differential diagnosis of D-TGA and how is the diagnosis made?
D-TGA may be associated with either cyanosis or CHF. Cyanosis is severe in patients with limited intercirculatory mixing. Infants with a large quantity of intercirculatory mixing have increased pulmonary blood flow, mild cyanosis, and symptoms of CHF. Chest radiographs may appear normal in the first few weeks of life in infants with D-TGA and IVS. Eventually, the triad of an enlarged egg-shaped heart (large RA and RV), narrow superior mediastinum, and increased pulmonary vascular markings evolve. In patients with D-TGA and VSD without LVOT obstruction, a large cardiac silhouette and prominent pulmonary vascular markings are seen at birth. Right axis deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy are the electrocardiographic (ECG) findings in D-TGA with IVS, whereas right axis deviation, LV hypertrophy, and RV hypertrophy are seen with D-TGA and VSD. Two-dimensional echocardiography is the diagnostic modality of choice in the diagnosis and assessment of infants with D-TGA. It accurately establishes the diagnosis of D-TGA and reliably identifies associated abnormalities, such as VSD, mitral valve, and tricuspid valve abnormalities, and LVOT obstruction. It also reliably delineates coronary artery anatomy. Echocardiographic analysis of the IVS position or LV geometry is also used to noninvasively assess the LV to RV pressure ratio and IV mass in neonates with D-TGA and IVS who are being evaluated as candidates for an ASO. In institutions with high-level echocardiography, a comprehensive cardiac catheterization is no longer routinely performed in neonates with D-TGA. A limited catheterization may be performed in conjunction with a balloon atrial septostomy. In the rare instance where coronary anatomy cannot be clearly delineated by echocardiography, coronary angiography may be indicated. During catheterization of infantsD-TGA may be associated with either cyanosis or CHF. Cyanosis is severe in patients with limited intercirculatory mixing. Infants with a large quantity of intercirculatory mixing have increased pulmonary blood flow, mild cyanosis, and symptoms of CHF. Chest radiographs may appear normal in the first few weeks of life in infants with D-TGA and IVS. Eventually, the triad of an enlarged egg-shaped heart (large RA and RV), narrow superior mediastinum, and increased pulmonary vascular markings evolve. In patients with D-TGA and VSD without LVOT obstruction, a large cardiac silhouette and prominent pulmonary vascular markings are seen at birth. Right axis deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy are the electrocardiographic (ECG) findings in D-TGA with IVS, whereas right axis deviation, LV hypertrophy, and RV hypertrophy are seen with D-TGA and VSD. Two-dimensional echocardiography is the diagnostic modality of choice in the diagnosis and assessment of infants with D-TGA. It accurately establishes the diagnosis of D-TGA and reliably identifies associated abnormalities, such as VSD, mitral valve, and tricuspid valve abnormalities, and LVOT obstruction. It also reliably delineates coronary artery anatomy. Echocardiographic analysis of the IVS position or LV geometry is also used to noninvasively assess the LV to RV pressure ratio and IV mass in neonates with D-TGA and IVS who are being evaluated as candidates for an ASO. In institutions with high-level echocardiography, a comprehensive cardiac catheterization is no longer routinely performed in neonates with D-TGA. A limited catheterization may be performed in conjunction with a balloon atrial septostomy. In the rare instance where coronary anatomy cannot be clearly delineated by echocardiography, coronary angiography may be indicated. During catheterization of infantswith PAH, a trial of ventilation at an fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) of 1.0 may be used to determine whether PVR is fixed or remains responsive to oxygen-induced pulmonary vasodilation.
What preoperative interventions can help stabilize a patient with D-TGA?
Intact Ventricular Septum Most neonates with D-TGA and IVS will be hypoxemic (arterial saturation ≤60%) within the first day of life. A proportion of these patients will have severely reduced effective pulmonary and systemic blood flow resulting in a PaO2 less than 20 mmHg, hypercarbia, and an evolving metabolic acidosis secondary to poor tissue oxygen delivery. Prostaglandin E1 (0.01 to 0.05 μg/kg/min) is administered to dilate and maintain the patency of the ductus arteriosus. This will be effective in increasing effective pulmonary and systemic blood flow and in improving PaO2 and tissue oxygen delivery if (1) PVR is less than SVR and (2) there is a nonrestrictive or minimally restrictive atrial septal communication. Prostaglandin E1 infusion is associated with apnea, pyrexia, fluid retention, and platelet dysfunction. An emergent balloon atrial septostomy is performed in the catheterization laboratory utilizing angiography or in the ICU utilizing echocardiography if prostaglandin E1 does not improve tissue oxygen delivery. This increases the amount of intercirculatory mixing at the atrial level. Recall that for a given amount of intercirculatory mixing and total systemic blood flow, an increase in pulmonary venous or systemic venous saturation will result in an increase in arterial saturation. Pulmonary venous saturation will be increased by tracheal intubation andmechanical ventilation with oxygen. This will also reduce ventilation/perfusion (/) mismatch and reduce PVR through induction of a respiratory alkalosis. Sedation and muscle relaxation reduce oxygen consumption, thereby increasing mixed venous oxygen saturation and arterial saturation. In some centers, all neonates stabilized on prostaglandin E1 have a balloon atrial septostomy to enlarge the atrial septal communication so that prostaglandin E1 can be stopped and surgery scheduled on a semi-elective basis. In rare instances, the combination of prostaglandin E1, an atrial septostomy, and mechanical ventilation with sedation/muscle relaxation will be ineffective. In this circumstance, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (either venoarterial or venovenous) support to improve tissue oxygenation and to reverse end-organ insult and lactic acidosis before surgery is an alternative approach to emergent surgery in a critically ill neonate.
Ventricular Septal Defect Infants in this subset are mildly cyanotic with symptoms of CHF. Pulmonary blood flow is elevated, and there is extensive intercirculatory mixing. Reducing PVR to further augment pulmonary blood flow and intercirculatory mixing will not greatly influence the systemic oxygenation. Reducing PVR in these patients may increase the recirculated volume in the pulmonary circuit by increasing the compliance of the pulmonary circulation. Maintaining systemic blood flow will then necessitate an increase in cardiac output from a heart that is already volume overloaded. These patients are usually stable enough not to require immediate surgical or catheterization laboratory intervention. An ASO needs to be performed before intractable CHF or advanced PAH develops.
Ventricular Septal Defect and Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction The degree of cyanosis in these infants will depend on the degree of LVOT obstruction. LVOT obstruction not only reduces pulmonary blood flow and intercirculatory mixing but also protects the pulmonary vasculature from increased pressures and volumes that accelerate the development of PAH. Efforts to increase pulmonary blood flow by decreasing PVR are less effective when LVOT obstruction is severe. These infants will be severely cyanotic and will develop erythrocytosis and may require a palliative aortopulmonary shunt to increase pulmonary blood flow prior to definitive repair. The Rastelli, LeCompte, and Nikaidoh procedures are performed for D-TGA with LVOT obstruction.
Pulmonary Artery Hypertension The goal of diagnosis and treatment of infants with D-TGA is to intervene surgically before the development of PAH. As PAH progresses, the child becomes progressively cyanotic and polycythemic. Efforts to reduce PVR will increase pulmonary blood flow and intercirculatory mixing in infants where PVR is not fixed. Infants with advanced PAH (PVR >10 Wood units; histologic grade 4) are generally candidates only for palliative therapy. In particular, closure of a VSD in the presence of advanced pulmonary hypertension carries a high mortality rate owing to the afterload mismatch and the resultant pulmonary ventricular (LV) dysfunction. These patients are candidates for a palliative intra-atrial physiologic repair (Mustard or Senning procedure) without closure or with fenestrated closure (4- to 5mm hole in the center of the VSD patch) of the VSD.
What are the surgical options for repair? Why is one chosen over the others?
Arterial Anatomic Repair: Arterial Switch (Jatene) Operation The ASO anatomically corrects the discordant VA connections and is the procedure of choice for patients with D-TGA. Following repair, the RV is connected to the PA and the LV to the aorta. Clinical success with the ASO, summarized in Figure 39.4, was achieved in 1975. In order for the ASO to be successful, the original pulmonary ventricle (LV) must have sufficient mass to be capable of functioning, as the systemic ventricle following the switch. Patient selection and the timing of the surgical procedure are important variables in determining the success of this procedure. The ASO was originally described in patients with D-TGA and a large VSD or a large PDA. In these patients, the pulmonary ventricle (LV) remains exposed to systemic pressures, and the LV mass remains sufficient to support the systemic circulation. For this subset of patients, the ASO is generally performed within the first 2 to 3 months of life before intractable CHF or irreversible PAH develops.Patients with D-TGA and IVS have a progressive reduction in LV mass over the first 3 or 4 weeks of life as the physiologic pulmonary hypertension present at birth resolves. Adequate mass to support the systemic circulation reliably exists in these patients only for the first 3 or 4 weeks of life, so a primary ASOmust be performed in this period. Most are performed in the first few days of life. Historically, favorable candidates for a primary ASO in the neonatal period were identified by cardiac catheterization with an LV to RV pressure ratio of at least 0.6. Currently, two-dimensional echocardiography is used to noninvasively assess the LV to RV pressure ratio. Three types of ventricular septal geometry have been described. Patients in whom the ventricular septum bulges to the left (type 3), indicating a low pressure in the pulmonary ventricle (LV), are not candidates for a neonatal ASO. Patients with septal bulging to the right (type 1), indicating a high pressure in the pulmonary ventricle (LV), and those patients with an intermediate septal position (type 2) are considered good candidates. Most neonates with D-TGA and IVS who are suitable candidates for an ASO have type 2 septal geometry. The staged ASO for D-TGA with IVS is used for those neonates in whom surgery cannot be performed in the first month of life secondary to events such as prematurity, sepsis, low birth weight (<1.0 kg), or late referral. The first step of a staged procedure retrains the LV to accept the systemic workload and usually involves the creation of a nonrestrictive atrial septum (if it does not already exist), placement of a PA band, and creation of an aortopulmonary shunt with entry to the PA distal to the band. The PA band must be tight enough to increase pressure in the pulmonary ventricle (LV) to approximately one-half to two-thirds of that in the systemic ventricle (RV). This will increase the afterload sufficiently to stimulate an increase in LV mass. In the past, the PA band was left on for 3 to 6 months, after which the PA was debanded, the shunt taken down, and an ASO was performed. Currently, a rapid two-stage repair is favored where the ASO is performed as early as 1 week after preparatory PA banding, often during the same hospitalization. This approach is possible because the LVmass usually doubles after 1 week of PA banding. Establishing the appropriate tightness of the band can be challenging, and the PA band as well as the systemic to PA shunt can distort the PA making the ASO difficult. Intraoperative echocardiography is useful in guiding placement of the PA band. The band is tightened enough to flatten the IVS by shifting it toward the RV.
Intra-atrial Physiologic Repairs: Mustard and Senning Procedures The Mustard and the Senning procedures are atrial switch procedures that surgically create discordant AV connections so that there is a physiologic correction of the VA discordance. Systemic venous blood is routed to the anatomic LV and the PA, whereas pulmonary venous blood is routed to the anatomic RV and the aorta. This is not an anatomic correction because the RV becomes the systemic ventricle. These atrial switch procedures are primarily of historic interest, as the ASO is nearly universally performed for D-TGA.
Rastelli, LeCompte, and Nikaidoh Procedures These procedures are used to correct D-TGA with VSD and LVOT (subpulmonic and/or pulmonic) obstruction. Performance of an ASO under these circumstances would leave the infant with residual neoaortic or subneoaortic (LVOT) obstruction. In the Rastelli procedure, the subpulmonic LVOT obstruction is resected and the LVOT is baffled to the aorta with the patch used to close the VSD. An RV-PA conduit is created. The LeCompte procedure involves resecting the LV outlet septum,closing the VSD to route the LV blood to the aorta, and bringing the PAs anteriorly to be reanastomosed to the RV. The Nikaidoh procedure is an aortic translocation procedure where the aortic root and coronary arteries are resected and reanastomosed to the RV after the outlet septum has been resected and the RVOT is reconstructed with a pericardial patch or homograft.
What information is important to prepare for this case?
The preoperative evaluation should begin with a careful history and physical examination. Gestational age, birth complications, family history, and any other medical problems should be noted. A comprehensive airway evaluation should be performed and any previously used endotracheal tube sizes and leak pressure should be noted. Arterial and intravenous access should be assessed. A type and cross must be sent to the blood bank to ensure adequate red blood cells and blood component therapies are available in the operating room. The preoperative ECG, chest radiograph, and echocardiograms should be reviewed. Particular attention should be paid to septal geometry, biventricular function, coronary anatomy, and adequacy of mixing at the atrial septal and ductalevels. The duct may remain patent even if prostaglandin E1 has been discontinued. Laboratory data should include a complete blood count, electrolytes, platelet count, arterial blood gas, calcium, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, liver function tests, and blood glucose. Given that this infant presented with severe hypoxemia, endorgan dysfunction must be ruled out. The liver function tests and creatinine should be normal; if they are elevated, consideration should be given to further medical optimization. A head ultrasonographic examination should be performed to rule out intraventricular hemorrhage.
What are the anesthetic goals before cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)?
Maintain HR, contractility, and preload to maintain cardiac output; decreases in cardiac output decrease systemic venous saturation with a resultant fall in arterial saturation. Maintain ductal patency with prostaglandin E1 (0.01 to 0.05 μg/kg/min) in ductal-dependent patients. Avoid increases in PVR relative to SVR. Increases in PVR will decrease pulmonary blood flow and reduce intercirculatory mixing. In patients with PAH, ventilatory interventions should be used to reduce PVR. In patients with LVOT obstruction that is not severe, ventilatory interventions to reduce PVR will increase pulmonary blood flow and intercirculatory mixing. Reductions in SVR relative to PVR should be avoided. Reducing SVR increases recirculation of systemic venous blood and decreases arterial saturation. In patients with D-TGA and VSD with symptoms of CHF,ventilatory interventions to reduce PVR are not warranted because they will produce small improvements in arterial saturation at the expense of a reduction in systemic perfusion.
What is the plan for glucose management in this patient?
Maintenance for caloric requirements in the awake neonate/infant are 100 kcal/kg/day or 4 kcal/kg/hr. This caloric requirement can be met with glucose 25 g/kg/day or 1 g/kg/hr. From a practical point of view, this glucose requirement can be met with 10% dextrose (100 mg per mL) run at the maintenance volume replacement rate of 4 mL/kg/hr. Ten percent dextrose run at half this rate (2 mL/kg/hr) is usually sufficient to meet the caloric requirements of an anesthetized infant while avoiding both the hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia that can be detrimental to neurologic outcome particularly following DHCA. Dextrose infusions should be discontinued before commencement of CPB because the associated neuroendocrine response to CPB generally produces mild hyperglycemia. Some infants receive nutritional support as part of medical stabilization before surgery. High-calorie total parenteral nutrition and intralipid therapy should be discontinued and replaced with a 10% dextrose infusion several hours before transport to the operating room. Continued administration of these high-calorie infusions makes intraoperative serum glucose management problematic. In these patients, higher dextrose infusion rates may be necessary pre-CPB to avoid rebound hypoglycemia.
How would you monitor this infant?
Preinduction monitoring should include noninvasive blood pressure, ECG, and pulse oximetry. Pulse oximeter probes should be placed on the right upper and left upper or lower extremities to measure preductal and postductal oxygen saturations, respectively. An intraarterial catheter is placed for invasive blood pressure monitoring and a double-lumen central venous line is usually placed for monitoring and drug administration. A nasopharyngeal temperature probe is important to estimate brain temperature, and a rectal or bladder temperature probe is important to measure core body temperature. Infants transferred from the ICU will have an umbilical artery or femoral artery catheter in place. A bladder catheter to measure urine output should be placed. A TEE probe can be inserted if the patient is large enough, otherwise a transthoracic echocardiogram is performed after endotracheal intubation and stabilization. In reality, a pulse oximeter and an ECG may be all that is practical in the early stages of induction. The other monitors are then quickly added as induction progresses. An epicardial echocardiogram is usually performed after the repair to assess the coronary artery anastomoses and intracardiac repairs if a TEE probe was not placed.
What would be the best method of induction for this patient?
An IV induction is indicated for this patient. Infants born withD-TGA are stabilized in an ICU so peripheral or central IV access and possibly invasive arterial monitoring would have been established. Anesthesia is generally induced and maintained with a synthetic opioid, such as fentanyl or sufentanil. In a high-dose opioid technique, the opioid is the primary anesthetic. Twenty-five to 100 μg per kg fentanyl or 2.5 to 10 μg per kg sufentanil is usually required for the entire case. Inhalational agents or benzodiazepines supplement opioids in a low or moderate opioid technique, so only 5 to 25 μg per kg fentanyl or 0.5 to 2.5 μg per kg sufentanil is usually required for the case. The high-dose opioid technique is particularly useful in neonates and infants, since opioids provide hemodynamic stability, do not depress the myocardium, and blunt reactive pulmonary hypertension.
Is CPB in infants and children different from adults?
Flows of 2.0 to 2.5 L/min/m2 are commonly used for infants, children, and adults during mild to moderate systemic hypothermia. Flow rates (expressed in mL/kg/min) will be substantially higher in the neonate than in the adult because of age-related differences in surface area to weight ratios. The recommended full flow rates for pediatric CPB are summarizedThe vast majority of operative procedures in children require the use of either total CPB or DHCA. Arterial and venous cannulation can be particularly challenging in neonates and infants. Venous cannulation for DHCA is usually accomplished with a single large venous cannula in the RA. Once cooling is complete, CPB flow rates are reduced to zero and the venous cannula is removed to allow for maximum surgical exposure. In cases requiring total CPB, the superior and inferior cavae and other sources of systemic venous return are cannulated and surgical tourniquets or tapes are passed around the externalcircumference of the vessels. When these tapes are tightened around the cannulae, the right heart can be isolated completely and opened without entrainment of air into the venous circuit or obscuration of the surgical field by venous blood. At least one tape must be left untightened during delivery of antegrade cardioplegia to allow egress of cardioplegia solution from the coronary sinus without distention of the RA. The superior vena cava (SVC) is larger than the inferior vena cava (IVC) in neonates and infants, so the larger venous cannula is usually placed in the SVC. The opposite is true in older children where two-thirds of systemic venous return is from the IVC. Aortic cannulation in children may be complicated by a hypoplastic ascending aorta or aortic arch, as in patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. In these cases, systemic circulation is ductal dependent, so it may be necessary to establish systemic perfusion through the ductus arteriosus by cannulating the PA. If the aortic arch is interrupted, cannulation of the aorta proximal and distal to the interruption is necessary. In infants and children, the arterial cannula is large relative to the size of the aorta, so constant vigilance is necessary to avoid complete or partial obstruction of the aorta by the cannula. Signs of this include dampening of the arterial pressure tracing, distension of the systemic ventricle, and an increase in the aortic line pressure during placement or manipulation of the aortic cannula. The surgeon must reposition the line to ensure adequate perfusion. Some centers utilize near-infrared spectroscopy and transcranial Doppler ultrasonographic technology as adjunctive methods to assess cerebral blood flow during CPB.
What is modified ultrafiltration (MUF)?
Ultrafiltration removes excess fluid from blood by hydrostatic pressure across a semipermeable membrane. The devices are the same, as those used in hemodialysis, but no dialysate is used. When used in conjunction with CPB, they are commonly called hemoconcentrators because they produce an increase in hematocrit by removing excess fluid. These devices consist of a core of microporous hollow fibers made of polysulfone, polyamide, or polyacrylonitrile material arranged in a bundle. The pore size is generally 0.30 to 0.40 μm. Blood inflow must be from the arterial side of the CPB circuit because of the pressure drop across the device. Outflow is diverted to the cardiotomy reservoir or venous reservoir. The ultrafiltrate composition is similar to a glomerular filtrate. It is collected in a container connected to a vacuum source and discarded. The rate at which ultrafiltrate is produced is dependent on the transmembrane pressure (TMP) gradient. TMP is determined by the arterial inlet pressure (Pa), the venous outlet pressure (Pv), the absolute value of applied suction at the outlet (Pn), the oncotic pressure at the inlet (Pi), and the oncotic pressure at the outlet (Po): Pn is increased by adjusting the regulated vacuum source connected to the outlet of the device. TMP should not exceed 500 mmHg. MUF is a technique used to ultrafiltrate blood after weaning from CPB while maintaining the integrity of the bypass circuit. MUF may be performed using either an arteriovenous or venovenous system. In the arteriovenous system, blood flowsfrom the aortic cannula through a separate circuit and roller pump to the inflow of the hemoconcentrator before returning to the RA. Blood volume is kept constant as ultrafiltrate is lost by replacing the ultrafiltrate volume with blood from the venous reservoir of the CPB circuit, which also passes through the hemoconcentrator circuit before returning to the RA. In this way, the patient’s blood as well as the CPB circuit blood is hemoconcentrated and the CPB circuit remains primed. In the venovenous system, blood passes from the IVC cannula through a separate circuit and roller pump to the inflow of the hemoconcentrator before returning to the patient through the SVC cannula. Blood volume is also kept constant in this system by replacing ultrafiltrate volume with blood from the CPB circuit, which also passes through the ultrafiltrator before returning to the patient. The end point for termination of MUF following CPB varies from institution to institution, with institutions terminating MUF after a set time interval (15 to 20 minutes), a set hematocrit (40%), or a set volume removed (750 mL per m2). Heparin anticoagulation must be maintained during MUF, with protamine reversal of heparin initiated after termination of MUF. Neonates and infants are the patients who most benefit from MUF because the volume of the CPB circuit is large relative to their blood volume. Hemoconcentration increases the hematocrit and concentration of coagulation factors and reduces total body water. MUF may be an effective method of attenuating the deleterious consequences of using large asanguinous primes, particularly in neonates and infants. In studies comparing MUF to no ultrafiltration, a large asanguinous pump prime was usually defined as a 400 to 900 mL prime with packed red blood cells added to reach a hematocrit of 15% to 20%. Continuous ultrafiltration is a similar MUF except it can occur only during CPB and only when there is sufficient volumein the CPB circuit. MUF and continuous ultrafiltration are indistinguishable in their effect on hematocrit, mean arterial pressure, HR, and LV shortening fraction when equal volumes of fluid are removed.
Briefly describe the surgical techniques of the Mustard/Senning, ASO, and Rastelli procedures.
Intra-atrial Physiologic Repairs: Mustard and Senning Procedures The Mustard and Senning procedure are atrial switch procedures where the interatrial septum is excised and a baffle is used to redirect pulmonary and systemic venous blood. In the Mustard procedure, the baffle is made of native pericardium or synthetic material. The Senning procedure uses autologous tissue from the right atrial wall and interatrial septum. In both procedures, the pulmonary blood flows over the baffle and is directed across the tricuspid valve into the RV and aorta, and the systemic venous blood flows on the underside of the baffle and is directed across the mitral valve into the LV and out the PA. This results in a physiologic but not anatomic correction of D-TGA because the morphologic RV becomes the systemic ventricle. These procedures are performed with total hypothermic CPB, bicaval cannulation, aortic cross-clamping during cardioplegic arrest, and sometimes LFCPB.
Arterial Anatomic Repair: Arterial Switch (Jatene)Operation In the ASO, the great arteries are switched so that VA concordance is restored. First, the PA and the aorta are transected distal to their respective valve and then the coronary arteries are explanted from the ascending aorta with 3 to 4 mm of surrounding tissue and reimplanted into the proximal PA (neoaorta). The explant sites are repaired either with pericardium or synthetic material. The distal PA is brought anterior to the aorta (LeCompte maneuver) to be reanastomosed to the old proximal aorta (right ventricular outflow) and the distal aorta reanastomosed to the old proximal PA (left ventricular outflow). The ASO is a complete anatomic and physiologic repair of D-TGA. The ASO is done using total hypothermic CPB with aortic cross-clamping and cardioplegic arrest. Intervals of LFCPB are customarily used, and a short interval of DHCA may be employed to close the atrial septum or VSD if a single venous cannula rather than bicaval venous cannulation is used. Closure of a VSD is preferentially done with a transatrial approach through the tricuspid valve to avoid a ventriculotomy that could contribute to postoperative RV dysfunction.
Rastelli Procedure The Rastelli procedure is a physiologic repair for D-TGA with VSD and subpulmonic stenosis, where the LV and aorta are brought into continuity with a patch tunnel that also closes the VSD. The PA must be transected and ligated and the RV and proximal PA are brought into continuity with a valved conduitor homograft. The VSD may have to be enlarged in some cases to prevent subaortic stenosis. The patch tunnel that connects the LV to the aorta bypasses subpulmonic and pulmonic stenosis. This procedure is performed under similar conditions as the ASO, with total hypothermic CPB, bicaval cannulation, aortic cross-clamping during cardioplegic arrest, and intervals of LFCPB. Historically, most of these patients had a palliative systemic to PA shunt placed in the newborn period and then returned for the Rastelli procedure and takedown of the shunt at 2 to 3 years of age. The delay was felt necessary to avoid performing a right ventriculotomy in infants with immature myocardium and limited contractile elements and to allow adequate growth of the RV and PAs to permit placement of an RV to PA conduit. In the current era, with improvements in myocardial protection, CPB technology, and surgical technique, this procedure can be performed as a primary procedure in the neonatal period.
What is hypothermia, and how is it classified? What is low-flow cardiopulmonary bypass (LFCPB)? What is deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA)?
The levels of systemic hypothermia employed during CPB are generally defined as follows: mild (35°C [95.0°F] to 32°C [89.6°F]), moderate (31°C [87.8°F] to 26°C [78.8°F]), deep (25°C [77°F] to 20°C [68°F]), and profound (<20°C [68°F]). It is not uncommon for temperatures less than 20°C (68°F) used in conjunction with pediatric cardiac surgery to be called deep hypothermia. LFCPB in neonates/infants conducted inconjunction with temperatures of 18°C (64.4°F) to 25°C (77°F) is generally defined as flow rates 50 to 70 mL/kg/min or approximately 1.0 to 1.5 L/min/m2. Profound hypothermic circulatory arrest, commonly referred to as DHCA, is conducted at temperatures of 18°C (64.4°F) to 20°C (68°F) and allows cessation of CPB, venous and arterial cannula removal, and exsanguination of the patient into the venous reservoir of the CPB circuit. This technique used to improve exposure of intracardiac defects and to facilitate aortic arch reconstruction in infants and children. There has been substantial refinement of the technique of DHCA since its successful inception in the 1970s. In the current era, DHCA is used selectively and for short intervals. It is utilized primarily for the aortic arch reconstruction component of the Norwood procedure, repair of interrupted aortic arch, neonatal repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, and complicated intracardiac repairs such as complete AV canal defects in small (<2.0 kg) neonates and infants.
Why is hypothermia beneficial to the brain during LFCPB and DHCA?
Hypothermia is arguably the most important component of LFCPB and DHCA. The hypothermia-induced reduction in cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2) slows the rate of depletion of high-energy phosphates and the development ofintracellular acidosis and delays or prevents the neuronal energy failure that leads to terminal membrane depolarization and subsequent neuronal injury or death during an ischemic episode. Q10 defines the ratio of organ oxygen consumption at a defined temperature to the oxygen consumption at a temperature 10°C (18°F) lower. The cerebral Q10 is approximately 3.65 in children and 2.3 in adults. The cerebral metabolic rate will still be approximately 10% to 15% of its normothermic baseline at 15°C (59°F). If it is assumed that 3 to 5 minutes of cerebral ischemia can be tolerated at 37°C (98.6°F) and the Q10 is 3.0, 9 to 15 minutes of ischemia can be tolerated at 27°C (80.6°F) and 27 to 45 minutes can be tolerated at 17°C (62.6°F). In addition to reducing CMRO2, hypothermia also serves to ameliorate some of the sequelae of neuronal ischemia when instituted before the ischemia insult. Specifically, hypothermia markedly reduces release of the excitatory neurotransmitters glutamate, aspartate, and glycine that accompany cerebral ischemia and subsequent reperfusion. In energy-deprived cells, glutamate in particular is neurotoxic in part due to the role it plays in inducing massive calcium influx through N-methyl-Daspartic acid receptors. Hypothermia also blunts the inhibitory effect of hypoxia on nitroxidergic (postganglionic parasympathetic nerve where nitric oxide is the neurotransmitter)-induced cerebral vasodilation. In addition, there is evidence that hypothermia may attenuate neutrophil migration into ischemic tissue.
Explain the difference between α-stat and pH-stat blood gas management.
pH-stat and α-stat are acid–base management strategies that address the temperature-induced differences in blood pH, oxygen solubility, and CO2 solubility. These management strategies directly influence blood flow to the brain and other organs during hypothermic CPB or DHCA. The difference between these two strategies becomes marked because patient temperature progressively decreases below 37°C (98.6°F) but is not clinically relevant until patient temperature is less than 30°C (86°F). At normothermia (37°C [98.6°F]), there is no difference between pH-stat and α-stat management. Although pH-stat and α-stat acid–base management are commonly mentioned in association with temperature-corrected and temperature-uncorrected interpretation of blood gases, these are entirely different concepts. The method of blood gas interpretation (corrected or uncorrected) does not dictate the method of acid–base management (pH-stat or α-stat). α-Stat or pH-stat management is possible with use of both temperaturecorrected and temperature-uncorrected blood gases. When a blood gas sample is drawn from a hypothermic patient at 25°C (77°F) and sent to the blood gas laboratory, the sample is warmed to 37°C (98.6°F) before measurement. The values obtained at 37°C (98.6°F) are called the temperatureuncorrected values. These values are converted to temperaturecorrected values using a nomogram. The nomogram accounts for temperature-induced changes in pH, oxygen solubility, and CO2 solubility in a closed-blood system. When blood in a closed system is cooled to a lower temperature, the electrochemically neutral pH is higher and the associated PCO2 is lower than in a closed blood system at 37°C (98.6°F). Therefore, electrochemical neutrality is maintained by keeping pH alkaloticin temperature-corrected blood gases and normal in temperatureuncorrected gases. This is known as α-stat regulation. For practical purposes, it is easier to use uncorrected gases and keep pH and PCO2 in the range considered normal at 37°C (98.6°F). It has been demonstrated clinically that cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption are appropriately coupled when α-stat regulation is used. Deep hypothermia in the presence of α-stat regulation produces loss of cerebral autoregulation such that cerebral blood flow varies directly with arterial pressure. pH-stat regulation refers to maintaining pH and PCO2 at normal values for blood at 37°C (98.6°F) regardless of actual blood temperature. With this strategy, a blood sample will have a normal pH and PCO2 when temperature-corrected gases are used, and acidotic pH and PCO2 values when temperatureuncorrected gases are used. For practical purposes, pH-stat is maintained by adding CO2 to the ventilating gas during hypothermic CPB to increase PCO2 and decrease the pH. In contrast to α-stat regulation, in which total CO2 content is kept constant, pH-stat regulation results in an increase in total CO2 content. The cerebral vasculature maintains vasomotor responses to varying PCO2 during hypothermic CPB. This response is maintained during both moderate and deep hypothermia despite the fact that deep hypothermia induces loss of cerebral blood flow autoregulation. It has been demonstrated clinically that when pH-stat regulation is used with moderate hypothermic CPB, there is uncoupling of cerebral blood flow and metabolism and loss of cerebral autoregulation. As a result, cerebral blood flow varies linearly with arterial blood pressure, and cerebral hyperperfusion exists with cerebral blood flow far in excess of that dictated by cerebral metabolic rate. This hyperperfusion state is the result of (1) reduced cerebral oxygen consumption induced by hypothermia and (2) cerebralvasodilation resulting from a disproportionately high PCO2 for the degree of hypothermia present. The potential danger of the hyperperfused state is that it may result in increased delivery of microemboli into the cerebral circulation.
What are the immediate post-CPB issues following ASO?
Hemorrhage from the extensive suture lines can require emergent surgical repair on CPB or can be caused by post-CPB coagulopathy. Temporarily reducing arterial blood pressure with vasodilating agents can be helpful. Aggressive blood component therapy is often required and may require 1 to 2 units of platelets (0.25 to 0.5 units per kg) to obtain a therapeutic platelet count increase in neonates. Because platelets are suspended in fresh frozen plasma, a platelet transfusion of this size usually results in a fresh frozen plasma transfusion of 10 to 15 mL per kg. Cryoprecipitate transfusion is sometimes necessary to restore fibrin levels to presurgical levels. Point of care assessment and characterization of coagulopathy using thromboelastography or rotational thromboelastometry may be helpful. Myocardial ischemia following reimplantation of the coronary arteries is a potential problem following the ASO. Epicardial or transesophageal echocardiography is helpful to assess the patency of the reimplanted coronary arteries and to prevent coronary artery air emboli by ensuring adequate removal of air from the LA and LV before termination of CPB. Maintenance of high perfusion pressures on CPB after aorticcross-clamp removal will facilitate the distal migration of air emboli. In other instances, kinking of the reimplanted artery or compromise of the implanted coronary ostia may require immediate surgical intervention. Pharmacologic intervention with traditional therapies to improve the balance of myocardial oxygen demand and delivery such as nitroglycerin and βblockade are never a long-term alternative to prompt surgical revision of the appropriate anastomosis. Despite comprehensive preoperative evaluation, the LV of patients undergoing an ASO may be marginal in its ability to support the systemic circulation in the post-CPB period. This may occur as the result of myocardial ischemia, inadequate LV mass, poor protection of the LV during aortic cross-clamping, or a combination of these variables. Echocardiography is useful in identifying and continuously evaluating both global and regional LV systolic dysfunction. It also detects mitral regurgitation, which may occur secondary to papillary muscle dysfunction or to dilation of the mitral valve annulus. Inotropic support of the LV and afterload reduction may be necessary to terminate CPB.
How is myocardial ischemia addressed in the intensive care unit (ICU) following the ASO?
Myocardial ischemia in the ICU following an ASO is usually heralded by ST-segment/T-wave changes or the development of atrial or ventricular arrhythmias. Myocardial ischemia should be considered to be mechanical in nature until proved otherwiseThrombin soaked absorbable gelatin pads are sometimes used for hemostasis around the coronary anastomoses and can compress the coronary ostia, as can adjacent thrombi. Surgical reexploration is indicated and likely to be immediately therapeutic. LV dilation can initiate and exacerbate myocardial ischemia in patients who have undergone an ASO. Myocardial ischemia, afterload mismatch, or overzealous volume infusion can result in LV distension and LA hypertension. This is more likely if there is mitral insufficiency from either papillary muscle dysfunction or dilation of the mitral valve annulus. LV distention may result in stretching or kinking of the coronary reanastomosis sites causing a cycle of worsening myocardial ischemia and LV dilation. LA hypertension produces elevations in PA pressure and distention of the PA and can compress or place tension on the coronary ostia because the LeCompte maneuver brings the distal PA anterior to the ascending aorta. The resulting myocardial ischemia produces further LV dilation, progressive elevations in LA and PA pressures, and continuing compromise of coronary blood flow. Attempts to induce coronary vasodilation with nitroglycerin are unlikely to be beneficial in this setting, although the reduction in preload and afterload may be beneficial. Afterload reduction with nitroprusside or milrinone also might be helpful.
What immediate postoperative problems would be anticipated following the Rastelli procedure?
Right (pulmonary) ventricular dysfunction related to the ventriculotomy used to close the VSD and create the new pulmonary outflow tract can occur, as can heart block given theproximity of the VSD to the intraventricular conduction pathways. A residual VSD following repair is always possible, as is LV outflow tract obstruction around the tunnel used to create LV and aortic continuity.
What intermediate and long-term surgical problems are seen after ASO?
Supravalvar pulmonary stenosis is probably the most common complication of ASO. This stenosis is usually caused by retraction of the tissue used to repair the PA in the area of the explanted coronaries, but in most patients is not extensive enough to result in valvular pulmonary stenosis. Series with long-term follow-up (15 years) confirms that the incidence of supravalvar stenosis severe enough to require reoperation (generally a gradient >50 to 60 mmHg) is approximately 4% to 8%. The second most common complication of the ASO is aortic insufficiency and occurs in approximately 10% to 15% of patients at long-term follow-up, with the majority (96%) graded as trivial or mild. This is a rare source of morbidity or indication for reoperation following the ASO. Early concerns of the long-term patency and growth potential of the reimplanted coronary arteries following the ASO have not materialized on a large scale.
What are the long-term outcomes after ASO?
patients with D-TGA and IVS and 83% for patients with D-TGA and VSD. A review of 470 patients from one institution experienced in the ASO revealed a 1-year survival rate of 92% and an 8-year survival rate of 91% for patients with both DTGA and IVS and D-TGA and VSD. A similar review of 1,200 patients from another experienced institution revealed a 1- and 15-year survival rate of 92% for patients with D-TGA and IVS, and 1- and 15-year survival of 81% and 80% for D-TGA and VSD, respectively. A recent multi-institution review of 631 patients with D-TGA and 167 patients with D-TGA and VSD revealed similar initial and long-term (15 years) outcomes. Freedom from adverse cardiovascular events has recently been shown to be 93% at 25 years. Ninety to 97% of patients with D-TGA have normal-sized, patent coronary arteries as assessed by coronary angiography. A recent study of a large cohort demonstrated that survival without coronary events (death from myocardial infarction, sudden death, and reoperation for coronary stenosis) is 92.7% at 1 year and 88.2% at 15 years. The incidence of coronary events is bimodal with a high early and low late event rate. Eighty-nine percent of all coronary events occurred in the first 3 months after ASO. The event rate did not increase again until 6 years after ASO. Abnormal coronary, specifically a single coronary artery origin or two coronaries originating close to each other at a facing commissure were risk factors for a coronary event. One of the potential advantages of the ASO over the atrial switch procedure is the use of the native LV as the systemic ventricle. Long-term follow-up indicates that patients who have undergone an ASO have higher systemic ventricular ejectionfractions than do patients who have undergone atrial switch procedures. In fact, patients who had D-TGA and IVS repaired in infancy and patients who had D-TGA and VSD repaired later have LV end-diastolic dimensions and contractile indices similar to normal patients. Myocardial contractility in patients having undergone a rapid or traditional two-stage arterial switch is mildly depressed as compared to patients having undergone a primary arterial switch. No progression of this ventricular dysfunction has been noted at either intermediate or long-term follow-up.
What are the long-term outcomes after Rastelli repair for patients with D-TGA with left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction?
Outcome following the Rastelli procedure for TGV with VSD and LVOT obstruction is good, with a near 100% early survival rate. A recent series reports survival to be 93% at 5, 10, and 20 years. The need for reintervention (either surgical or catheterization) increases over time. Intervention to relieve right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) (RV to PA conduit) obstruction accounts for 75% of all interventions, with pacemaker insertion and relief of LVOT obstruction (aortic outflow) accounting for most of the remaining interventions. In an effort to reduce the need to intervene again for LVOT obstruction associated with the Rastelli procedure, someinstitutions are making greater use of the LeCompte and Nikaidoh procedures
What is long-term neurologic outcome like after ASO?
The best assessment of neurologic outcome following ASO is data from the Boston Circulatory Arrest Trial. In this trial, 171 infants undergoing ASO for D-TGA with IVS or VSD were randomized to strategy of either DHCA or LFCPB using α-stat pH management. Infants in the DHCA group underwent an average of 52 minutes of DHCA, whereas those in the LFCPB group underwent 14 minutes of DHCA. Children in this cohort had overall physical and psychosocial health status similar to the general population. However, at age 8 years, parents of children in both groups reported more problems with attention, learning, speech, and the frequency of developmental delay than parents of children in a normative sample. There was no association between physical and psychosocial scores and the presence or absence of a VSD or the use of LFCPB versus DHCA. Neurodevelopmental outcome in this cohort was generally not adversely affected unless the duration of DHCA exceeded 41 minutes. Beyond 41 minutes, there was a nonlinear (steadily worsening) outcome with increasing duration of DHCAEight-year and 16-year data from the trial also demonstrated that neurologic status, IQ, academic achievement, memory, problem solving, and visual–motor integration did not differ between the DHCA and LFCPB groups. Nonetheless, DHCA was associated with greater functional deficiencies in motor function, visual–motor tracking, phonic awareness and speech apraxia, whereas patients in the LFCPB exhibited more impulsive behavior and worse behavior in school as rated by teachers.