PEACEMAKING - The armistice Flashcards
What was Armistice?
An agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, so that a more permanent peace can be negociated.
Why did Germany want armistice?
1) millions dead and injured
2) Too much money spent
3) In political chaos
Why did Allies want armistice?
1) too much money spent
2) too costly to force german army back to central germany
Why did Wilson want ‘No secret treaties’ in his 14 points?
A system of alliances between countries had been an important cause of WW1
What was Wilson’s point 2) and 3)?
2) free access to the sea for all
3) free trade between countries
Why was disarmament important for wilson?
Disarming to the lowest level (without risking domestic safety) reduced threat and war
What was wilson’s points 5) 6) and 7)
5) Colonies to have a say in their future
6) Russia to be free of german troops
7) Belgium to be independent
Why was alsace - Lorraine important to france? (this is wilson’s point 8)
Alsace-Lorraine was culturally and resourcefully significant to France. It had repeatedly changed hands between Germany and France.
What was wilson’s point 9)?
New frontier between Austria and Italy
Why was self-determination for eastern europe unpopular (point 10 - wilson)?
s-d = right for countries to govern themselves. Countries like britain with huge empires rejected this.
What was wilson’s points 11) 12) and 13)?
11) Serbia to have access to the sea
12) self-determination for turkish people
13) Poland to be an independent country with access to the sea (seen in the polish corridor)
Why did Wilson want LON (point 14)?
He had a vision for peace based discussions rather than military action.
What was Clemeneau’s aims in the armistice?
1) German army to be weakened so it wouldn’t pose as a threat to France
2) Wanted to keep treaties with other countries as it protected France
3) Naval blockade on Germany
4) wanted Alsace - Lorraine (acted as a border)
What was Lloyd George’s aims in the armistice?
1) Punish Germany but not too harshly so they could still trade
How did Clemenceau achieve his aim?
1) German troops were evacuated from the Rhineland, France and Belgium
2) Germany took blame for the war
3) Germany paid reparations
4) Naval blockade
How did Lloyd George achieve his aim?
1) Naval blockade
2) Germany took blame and paid reparations
How did Wilson achieve his aim?
1) Germany gave up their heavy weapons
2) German troops evacuated Belgium and France