Peace and Conflict Flashcards
why is peace important to Muslims?
- Islam teaches that accepting Islam brings inner peace through submitting to the will of Allah.
- the Qur’an teaches Muslims that “an amicable settlement .. is best”
- the hadith says that whenever the Prophet had an option between course of action he always chose the non-confrontational one.
SOW for Muslim attitudes towards peace?
The Qur’an says that God guides good people ‘to ways of peace and safety’
‘war is a deception’
what is the definition for Dar as Salaam?
the house of peace
Muslims believe justice is important part of peacemaking because if a society and its laws are unjust:
- people will campaign against them, which will lead to trouble in society
-people may start a civil war ( e.g in Syria where the Sunni Muslims began a civil war because they thought the Alawi Assad laws were treating them unfairly)
What is the definition for Alawi?
A Twelver Shi’a group which is part of the ruling group in Syria
Why do Muslims believe forgiveness and reconciliation are important in peacemaking?
- God is compassionate and merciful to sinners, and so Muslims should be merciful and forgiving to those who cause them offence
-Muslims cannot ask for God’s forgiveness on the Day of Judgement if they are not prepared to forgive
-The Qur’an says that Muslims should forgive other people’s sins against them
What is Ahmadiyya?
a Muslim sect founded in Pakistan that is against war
What is reconciliation
bringing together people who were opposed to each other
How do the Ahmadiyya work for peace?
- having the motto ‘love for all, hatred for none’ on all their publications
-holding an annual peace symposium about how Islam could come together with other religions and tackle the causes of war and terrorism
what is prophetic jihad?
jihad as understood and practiced by the Prophet Muhammad
SOW for the role of Muslims in peacemaking
- The Qur’an says that Muslims are a single brotherhood who should make peace and reconciliation whenever there are quarrels
What problems do War and conflict cause?
- death and injury - example: there have been 400,000 deaths in Syrian civil war.
- refugees the UNHCR is currently looking after more than 16 million refugees
- economic problems - wars disrupt the economy of the countries
what are common reasons for wars to occur?
- religion - differences in religion often lead to war.
- Nationalism/ethnicity - one form of nationalism is when different ethnic groups think they should have their own country because they have a different culture.
- resources - conflict can occur when one country has resources another country want or needs such as water or oil.
Muslim responses to the causes of war:
most Muslims believe that if a war is just the a Muslim must fight in it.
However, Muslims should not fight in wars because:
- where they could be classed as the aggressor
- where resources are being taken from someone else
- that are forcing another country or people to become Muslim
Atheist and Humanists responses to the causes of war:
Most humanists believe that w good way to end wars is to get rid of religion. They believe that challenging religious leaders and believers can help to bring peace.
Many Humanists are pacifists as would not fight in wars.
SOW for attitudes to conflict
The Qur’an says that Muslims must fight in self-defence, but should keep to God’s rules for fighting wars.
- there is a hadith which says that Muhammad said . ‘War is deception’
What is pacifism?
Pacifism is opposition to war, militarism and violence.
what is passive resistance?
non-violent opposition to authority.
why would most Muslims would not agree with passive resistance?
- the Qur’an encourages all Muslims to ‘struggle in the way of Islam’ and the Arabic word for struggle is jihad, which is often translated as ‘fight’
- there is no idea of pacificism or turning the other cheek in Islam
-the Qur’an says that if Muslims are attacked, they must fight back
where is there examples of passive resistance in Islam?
- Moses and Aaron refused to fight the Israelites who had rebelled against God and instead separated themselves from them.
- Surah 23 says that Muslims should fight evil with good
- the democratic movements in the Middle East in 2011 were based on pacifism and passive resistance
Non-religious attitudes to pacifism:
- Humanists are opposed to war; may are pacifists and have been conscientious objectors during times of war. Humanists also helped to set up the United Nations.
SOW for pacifism
- The Qur’an says that Muslims should repel evil with good.
- Ghaffar Khan claimed that peace and righteousness are the Prophet’s weapons.
What in Islam counts as a Just War?
- is fought for a just cause ( either Islam is being attacked, or people are suffering a great injustice or in self-defence)
- it is a last resort - all possible non-violent methods of solving the problem must have been tried.
-is authorised and led by a Muslim authority
-is fought in such a way as to cause the minimum amount of suffering - ensures that innocent civilians, especially the old, the young and women, are not deliberately attacked
If a war is just then a Muslim must fight in it because:
- the Qur’an says that Muslims must fight if they are attacked
-Muhammad is the great example for Muslims in how to live and he fought in wars - Muhammad made many statements about war which say that Muslims must fight in Just Wars
- The Qur’an says that anyone who dies fighting in a Just War will go straight to heaven
Divergent Muslim attitudes to Just War:
Some Muslims believe that a Just War is the lesser jihad and so all good Muslims should fight in it because it is part of a Muslim’s struggle in the cause of God.
SOW for Just War Theory
- the Qur’an says that Muslims should fight in self-defence, but never be the aggressor
-the Qur’an says that Muslims should fight to protect the innocent and should never harm women , children or the elderly.
What is a Holy War?
- is fought to achieve a religious goal
-is authorised by a religious leader
-promises a spiritual reward for those who fight in the war.
What is Harb al-Muqadis?
Muslim Holy War
According to the Shari’ah, a Holy war can be fought to:
-defend Islam
-strengthen Islam
- protect the freedom of Muslims to practise their faith
-protect Muslims against attack
-put right a wrong
Islamic lawyers today believe that a Holy War can only be called that if it:
-is against an aggressor which threatens Islam
-is a last resort
- has been authorised and led by a religious leader chosen by the whole Muslim community
-only includes soldiers who are faithful Muslims, well-versed in the teachings of Islam
Non-religious attitudes to Holy War
both atheists and Humanists believe there is no God and so religion is completely misguided and the truth about life is to be found in reason and science
SOW of Holy War
- the Qur’an says that truly religious people will be prepared to fight in the cause of God
-there is a hadith which says Muhammad said, ‘do noy kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person.’
Benefits of WMD (weapons of mass destruction)
- when the two countries have nuclear weapons, they will hesitate to attack each other because the other country destroy them. This is known as mutually assured destruction
-Biological and chemical weapons can be used to destroy an enemy while leaving the infrastructure (buildings, roads and bridges) to be used by the attacker, who can be protected by protective clothing.
Problems of WMD
- weapons of mass destruction deliberately target innocent civilians
- the immense power of nuclear weapons means that any war fought using these weapons would threaten the world with extinction
-chemical and biological weapons are difficult to deliver effectively and the effects can only be guessed at.
SOW for weapons of mass destruction
- ‘Muhammad said Muslim wars must never involve killing children, women or the elderly and must not destroy the environment’
Islam is against people using violence, except when authorised by the state because:
- Islamic society is based on the rule of law and mutual respect between the members of that society.
- Islam teaches that all Muslims are members of the ummah and should have equal treatment and respect.
-it is the duty of Muslims to protect the weak and innocent, not to attack them.
Why does Islam terrorism because?
-the Prophet Muhammad said, ‘Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people
- suicide is haram in Islam