Crime and punishment Flashcards
why is justice important for Muslims?
The Qur’an describes Allah as just and says that he wants people to treat each other fairly and to establish justice. There are many Hadith where Muhammad is shown aacting justly
what is the hadith?
sayings of Muhammad.
Non-religious attitudes to Justice
Justice is important to them as society has laws which: make sure everyone behaves fairly to each other and that the innocent are protected from violence, upheld by police and courts so all members of society obey the law.
why is Justice important for the Victim?
victims can suffer physically, financially and emotionally. it is important for them that the perpetrator pays for their crime.
Muslim believe that justice is important for the victim because:
Islam teaches that justice should always be given as the victim is totally innocent, justice can only be given when the victim receives justice.
SOW for Justice
surah 16 - “god commands justice and the doing of good from Muslims”
surah 49 - “God loves those who are just.”
What are the causes of Crime?
Poverty - far more crime in poor areas than in rich areas.
Upbringing and family background - have major effects on the livelihood of people.
Alcohol and drugs
Low self-esteem
How do Islam try to deal with poverty?
they ban interest in money lending and gambling - leads to debt and then crime.
encourage Muslims to share their wealth- Zakah helps poor Muslims in the UK.
How do Islam help parents to fulfill their duties?
Muslim are judged by God on how they brought up their children - they teach children the difference between right and wrong and make sure they go to Madrasah.
Many Mosques provide help for families
What is Madrasah?
religious school
How does Islam deal with Alcohol and Drugs
Alcohol and drugs are haram - they are banned by the Qur’an and hadith.
What are Khalifahs?
they are Allah’s stewards or vicegerents and they have been given the task of looking after the world in the way God wants.
How do Islam prevent criminals re-offending through?
The Muslim Chaplains’ Association which supports Muslim prison chaplains in their work of providing care in prison - prevent re-offending.
Mosaic provides support to prisoners in the six months prior to their release
SOW for Crime
surah 16 - god command justice and the doing of good and generosity
“Muslims must have nothing to do with intoxicants”
What are Fard actions:
actions that must be performed for a person to be regarded as good. They include obeying Shari’ah laws and observing the five pillars. Doing these actions results in being rewarded, not doing these will result in punishment.
What are Mandub actions:
actions that Muslims will be rewarder for carrying out, but will not be punished for failing to carry out.
What does haram mean
that which is forbidden - will be punished by God at the final judgement.
Non-religious attitudes to evil and suffering
they believe that evil and exist because of the nature of the world eg earthquakes - they are part of how the world is.
the evil brought by humans(moral evil ) brought by humans being greedy selfish and bigoted.
they believe evil is a reason God does not exist.
Why do Muslims believe people suffer?
God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent so humans are not able to understand what God does. Evil and suffering test people’s belief on Islam and a true Muslim will remain faithful to God.
> Muslims who help suffering will be rewarded on the Last Day
SOW for Muslims attitudes to good, evil and suffering
surah 76 - Muslims should accept what God sends with patience and constancy
Outline three Muslim teaching about punishment
Muslims should not commit crimes because a crime is a sin against God - those who commit crimes will be punished
Islam teaches that criminal should be punished and Qur’an has specific punishments eg whipping , amputation. - these are Hadd punishments
Compensation can replace hadd punishments if both parties agree.
SOW for attitudes to punishment.
surah 5 - punishment for theft is cutting off the thiefs hand as an example form God.
surah 42 - punishment for an injury should be a similar injury but compensation can replace this if the victim agrees
outline 3 things punishment aims to do
protects the innocent from law breakers
deters citizens from committing crimes.
penalize criminals for their actions and give the victim a sense of retribution
definition for Retribution
the theory that criminals should be punished for what they have done
definition for deterrance
punishments should be harsh to discourage people from committing crime
definition for Reform
criminals should be taught to not commit crimes - change them into law-abiding citizens
Why are hadd punishments used?
the fear of these punishments will deter most people from committing crimes they also make criminals pay for crime and never do them again
SOW for forgiveness
surah 4 - god doth wish to make it clear to you … he wish to you be mercy
Outline 2 beliefs Muslims beliefs about forgiveness
god is compassionate and merciful to sinners
If God can forgive us we must forgive others sins against others.
Explain 2 ways offenders are forgiven by the community?
the UK government tries to rehabilitate offenders through the Rehabilitation of offenders act.
some business owners are helping to bring offenders back into the community by offering them employment and training.
lots of charities work to help ex-offenders to become law-abiding members of society.
Explain why restorative justice is important?
gives victims the chance to explain to the offender how they have been affected by the crime. offenders have the chance to understand the impact of their crime and take action to repair the harm they caused.
Muslims are in favor of restorative justice as it is the only way of bring peace and reconciliation between the criminal and the victim - Qur’an encourages that.
SOW for forgiveness
surah 39 - Muslims should never despair of God’s mercy because God is the Oft-forgiving , most merciful’
in the hadith Muhammad said - Muslims should be forgiving and give justice to the person who was unfair and unjust to them.
outline 3 human rights under the Universal declaration of human rights.
freedom of expression
fair trial
legal representation at their trial
humane treatment in custody
For human rights when treating criminals in Islam
most Muslims are opposed to the use of torture as prophet Muhammad issued several hadiths condemning its use. most Muslims have signed the Universal declaration of human rights. which prevents them using torture.
Against human rights when treating criminals in Islam
some Muslims believe it is permitted to torture criminals in certain circumstance and would use situation ethics or utilitarianism would justify using torture in certain situations.
SOW for the treatment of criminals
Muhammad said in the hadith that God will torture those who torture others.
surah 5 - the punishment for those who act against Islam is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off hands.
Outline three methods of the capital punishment:
lethal injection, the electric chair, hanging
what offences does Islam allow capital punishment for:
murder, adultery and apostasy.
why do most Muslims agree with capital punishment?
it is a punishment set down by God in the Qur’an and Muslims believe the Qur’an is the word of God.
Muhammad made several statements agreeing with with capital punishment and sentenced people to death when he was ruler of Madinah.
Why do some Muslims disagree with capital punishment?
they feel that capital punishment is not compulsory in the Qur’an.
The Sharia’s says that the family of the victim can except blood money instead of the death penalty from the criminal.
there is the possibility of the wrong person being convicted
Humanists are against capital punishment because of ethical theories and their belief that life is sacred:
sometimes the wrong person is convicted - innocent lives are taken away from them.
countries with the death penalty do not have lower crime rates - capital punishment does not deter people.
no one has the right to take away human life.
some Atheists agree with capital punishment because:
the prospect of losing your life could act as a deterrent.
the value of human life can only be demonstrated by inflicting the worst penalty on those who take life - death penalty
it is justice for the victim - an eye for an eye. etc
SOW for the death penalty
surah 5 - those who act against Islam the punishment is execution.
Is better to save a guilty life than to take away and innocent one