Living the Muslim life Flashcards
What are the 10 Obligatory Acts?
10 acts Shi’a Muslims must do to show they are a good Shi’a Muslim. They include: Salah, Sawm, Zakah , Hajj, Khums , Jihad , Amr-bil-ma’ruf, Nahi anil munkar, Tawalla , Tabarra.
What is Salah?
the ritual prayer performed at set times, five times a day
What is Sawm?
fasting in the month of Ramadan
What is Zakah?
the obligatory charity tax
What is Hajj?
the annual pilgrimage to Makkah
What is Khums?
a special type of Zakah where a fifth of certain types of income must go to charity (additional charity tax)
What is Jihad?
the struggle of being a good muslim
What is Amr-bil-ma’ruf?
always doing that which is good
What is Nahi anil munkar?
always avoiding that which is evil
What is Tawalla?
Loving the relatives of prophets - connected to the Shi’a belief of Imams and those who can trace their ancestry back to Muhammad receive special treatment from Shi’a Muslims
What is Tabarra?
hating those who hate Allah and his chosen ones
Why were the 10 acts made?
they were developed by the 12 Imams to differentiate between Shi’a and Sunni Islam
Why are the 10 obligatory acts important to Shi’a Muslims?
-they were established by Muhammad, Ali and the Imams.
- Allah will punish those who do not fulfil the Acts
- by fulfilling the acts Shi’a Muslims can have confidence on the Day of Judgement , Allah will allow them into heaven
- differentiate between Shi’a and Sunni
SOW for the Ten Obligatory Acts
surah 5 - “those who do good and forbid what is wrong will gain paradise”
surah 9 - “true believers are protectors of one and other, do what is just and forbid what is evil and observe regular prayers and practise regular charity
What does Shahadah mean?
Shahadah means ‘to observe, witness, testify’ and the Shahadah says ‘bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the prophet of God. It sums up the beliefs of Islam. It is the first pillar of Islam. A Muslim must recite it to become a Muslim.
Why is Shahadah important for Muslims today?
- it is the creed of Islam which sums up their faith.
-it shows that Muslims reject polytheism - there is no god but God - the Shahadah id called from a minaret of the mosque by the muezzin five times a day
- good Muslims recite the Shahadah as least five times a day in their salah prayers
What is the Shahadah like in Shi’a Islam?
- It is the same however most Shi’a add ‘Ali is the vicegerent of God’ at the end to their belief that Ali id the leader of the believers, along with God and Muhammad.
- Shahadah is not one of the Obligatory Acts for Shi’as , where as it is the first pillar for Sunnis
SOW for Shahadah:
surah 3 - Islam’s basic belief is that “there is no god but He, the Exalted power”
“Shahadah is the central pillar even though it is the only “non-action” pillar” - Muslims Scholar
What is Salah?
Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It is prayer. Muhammad began a system of morning and evening prayers during which people face Makkah and prostrated themselves to show their submission to God.
How do Muslims prepare for prayer?
-remove their shoes
-perform wudu - makes a Muslim as pure as possible before the sacred moment of Salah when they make direct contact with God
-find a clean place
-face the direction of Makkah
What is raka?
the set actions in the prayer ritual.
-recite surah 1
-prostrate themselves, giving glory to God
-Repeat the Shahadah
- request gods blessing on the people around them and the prophets.
What is the Jummah prayers?
Friday midday prayers
Why is salah important to Muslims today?
-it puts them in direct contact with God 5 times a day
-it remind them that everyday they have to submit themselves to God
-It unites them with their fellow Muslims as they perform the same actions and words
-It is a way of having sins removed
SOW for Salah
Hadith: “the five prayers remove sins as water removes dirt”
Surah 5 “Muslims must make regular prayers at the set time”
What is Sawm?
What is Iftar?
Sawm is the fourth pillar and means fasting. The month of Ramadan is the compulsory month of fasting. Iftar is the meal breaking fast at night. The whole Qur’an must be read in the month of Ramadan.
Why is sawm important for Muslims?
-keeping the fast enables the fourth pillar of Islam to be fulfilled
-the Qur’an is the greatest gift God has for humanity and keeping the fast in Ramadan is a way of thanking God for the Qur’an
-fasting promotes self control which a Muslim needs to practise their faith properly.
What is Laylat al-Qadr?
The Night of Power - 27th of Ramadan all Muslims try to go to the Mosque to celebrate the night Muhammad received the first revelation of the Qur’an
Why is night of Power important for Muslims today?
-it commemorates and celebrates the revelation of the Qur’an, the final and unalterable word of God
- it commemorates and celebrates the calling of Muhammad to be the last and final messenger of God to the world
- praying on that night is the best prayer
- praying in the mosque can bring forgiveness of all a persons sins
SOW for Sawm?
hadith: “it is better than praying for a thousand months on the Night of Power”
Surah 2 - Muslims must fast for a set number of days during Ramadan to learn self-restraint
Who must fast and what does it include?
All Muslims must fast above the age of puberty, though there are exemptions if you are ill, elderly, on your period.
Sawm means no food, drink , smoking, lying, gossiping , swearing, getting angry, or sex from dawn to dusk.
What is Zakah?
Zakah is the third pillar of Islam and is an annual tax on wealth. The Qur’an does not specify how much tax should be paid so Sunnis follow the Shari’ah
What is Nisab?
the amount of income or wealth a Muslim needs to have before they are liable to Zakah
What special Zakahs are paid on which days?
Id-ul-Fitr and on Id-ul-Adha - a donation is often given to charity rather than sharing meat with the poor
Why do Muslims pay Zakah?
- is the third pillar of Islam, which all Muslims must fulfil
- paying Zakah is a sign of a Muslim’s submission to God
-Zakah means purification. Islam teaches that wealth can be evil and cut people off from God, but if a Muslims pays Zakah they purify the wealth they have left.
-some scholars teach that God is more likely to accept prayers if the person praying pays Zakah
What is Sadaqah?
voluntary giving to the poor
What is Khums?
paid for the Shi’a it is a tax of 20 percent on profits - it is one fifth of gain
What is SOW for Khums?
“Know that whatever of a thing you acquire, a fifth of it is for Allah”
SOW for Zakah and Khums?
“zakah should be spent on the poor and needy”
hadith - “giving Zakah protects a Muslim’s property and helps relatives to recover from disease”
What is Hajj?
Hajj is the fifth pillar and takes place in Dhu al-Hijah. Muslims can only go on hajj if they can provide for their dependents while they are on the hajj, and they are physically and mentally fit.
Explain two event that take place in Hajj.
Day 1- pilgrims circumambulate the Ka’aba seven times while saying the talbiya prayer.
Day 4- pilgrims throw stones at the stoning wall( represent Satan and remind the pilgrims that Satan tempted Ibrahim to disobey God
they then offer a sacrifice to God - remembering how God provided a sacrifice for Ibrahim after he obeyed God by being prepared to Sacrifice his son.
What are the 3 main reasons for Hajj?
- to fulfill the final pillar and so complete a Muslim life
- to follow the example of Muhammad by performing the actions he performed in places he performed them
- to visit the holiest sites of Islam and feel part of their holiness
- Hajj has sins forgiven so they now live life a perfect Muslim
SOW for Hajj
surah 22- Muhammad should go on pilgrimage, complete the rites prescribed for them, perform their vows, and circumambulate Ka’aba
What is Greater Jihad?
the struggle to make oneself a perfect Muslim
What are examples of Greater Jihad?
- to perform all of the Five Pillars properly
- to follow the Shari’ah exactly
- to both discover and follow the perfect example of the Prophet Muhammad
to be pleasing to Allah so that one will be allowed into paradise
What is lesser Jihad?
Holy war - Muslims trying to remove the evil from society .
When can an Islamic Holy War be fought?
- in self-defence
- if it led by a religious leader well known for piety and chosen by the whole community
- if all the soldiers are good faithful Muslims, well versed in the Qur’an
- as long as the war does not harm the innnocent
SOW for Jihad
“those who strive in God’s cause will be guided by God because God is with those who do right”
“Muslims must fight in self-defence, but must keep to God’s rules”
Explain what happens on the festival of Id-ul-Adha:
- there is a special khutba (sermon) in the mosque when they are reminded of the origins of the festival and united with pilgrims in Makkah performing Hajj
- A special Zakah is given to the poor as part of the sacrifice of hajj- after hajj
Explain what happens on the festival of Id-ul-Fitr:
- Id-ul-Fitr signals the end of the fast of Ramadan. Cards and gifts are exchanged and new clothes are bought for children. Special services are held, thanking God for the benefits of Ramadan
Why do Muslims celebrate Id-ul-Fitr?
- Ramadan has ended and they have completed a great religious feat and will gain many benefits
-Their sins have been forgiven
-they have become close to God
What is the commemoration of Id-ul- Ghadeer?
this festival celebrates Muhammad appointing Ali as his successor. Shi’as celebrate by fasting, ritual bathing and having a special service when a sermon is preached on the event and food is given to poor people
What does Amir-al-Mu’minin mean?
commander of the faithful, a title given by Shi’as to Ali and his descendants
Why is Id-ul-Ghadeer important to Shi’a Muslims?
because it means that Ali should have been the first caliph and Shi’as are true followers of Muhammad because they have followed his request to regard Ali as Muhammad’s true successor.
What is the commemoration of Ashura?
It remembers Muhammads grandson, Husayn being killed at the Battle of the Karbala by Caliph Yazid
Why is Ashura important to Shi’as?
Ashura is important to Shi’as because the mourning washes away sins and allows them to show their devotion to the Imams and the forces of good and remember the betrayal of Islam by the Sunnis
SOW for Id-ul- Fitr
“the religious duties of the first ten days of Ramadan gain the mercy of God”
SOW for Ashura
“A single tear shed for Husayn washes away a hundred sins”