bible view on violence and bullying
- story of cain and abel
- we should work towards peace as in matthew 5 it says “blessed are the peace makers”
- bullying is seen as an attack of human dignity
Teachings of forgiveness
- Jesus teachings centers about forgive, “not seven times but seventy-seven times”
- Jesus teaches that we should reconciled with one another before we can make offerings to God and reconcile with him
example of righteous anger
Jesus in the temple shows righteous anger to get people out of the temple. But was a positive view
violent protest
against and for
- Some people would say that violent protest are necessary and appropriate for opposing injustice
- other would argue that passive or peaceful protest are more effective because they set a positive example. and can encourage people to join.
What are the just war theories?
Just Cause Evil must be overcome Last resort Proportional force Authority Civilians can't be harmed Success
For and against of Just war
- Aquinas said “We go to war so that we may have peace.” demonstrating that the whole point is for peace
- some people will say that this is unlikely that all criteria will be met and therefore is less likely to happen.
For and against of Weapons of mass Destruction
The catholic church is against the use of WMDs :
- they are likely to affect innocent people
- There is little chance of success as Pope benedict says “no victors only victims”
- some people believe that countries should process nuclear weapons as they act as a deterrent
- others believe that countries should work towards international agreements
What are the consequences of Nuclear warfare?
Civilian casualties - people are harmed by the affect of warfare
Refugees - people fee as they feel unsafe in their countries such as Syria
Environmental damage - Has a huge effect on the environment
Religion as a reason for violence and war
- many people blame religion as the main cause of the world wars but some believe this is a lack of understanding of religion that is more to blame.
- events such as the Crusade and the troubles in northern Ireland shows that religion is a factor
- The holy war need to be authorised by the pope and the last one is the crusade which was a long time ago
Is the belief that violence is never the answer.
- the bible may show favour to this as it says “turn the other cheek”
- Martin Lutin king is an example of modern day pacifist
- organisations such as CAFORD also promote peace such as seting up orphanages in Sierra Leone
- as individuals we can pray for a world of peace
is an unlawful use of violence against innocent people
- the church and teachings are against it as it promotes violence and destruction of life
- Some people uses religous beliefs to justify terrorism
Torture, radicalisation and Martyrdom
- most churches are against the use of torture as it goes against the concept of Sanctity of life and Human dignity
- some people will say that torture is okay in some situations eg to save a life
- having extreme views on religous, social or political issues
- the church is against it
are people who die or suffer for there faith.
- suicided bombers who kills themselves and others in the belief that there are doing it for God. There are not viewed as a martyr
Conflict resolution and Peacemaking
Christians believe that peace and the end of warfare will be a sign that the kingdom of God has come on Earth
- St Paul through out the years have encourage people to resolve their conflict and to work towards peace.
- organisations such as Pax christi and the justice and peace commission work to promote peace on a global scale.
- individual catholics try to promote peace in their local areas