What are the Jewish beliefs of God?
God is one God is the creator God is the sustainer God is the lawgiver God is the judge
How is God shown as being ONE?
In Deuteronomy 6:4 which is known as the Shema. This is said daily by Jews as a remind them that they worship one God alone.
How is God shown to be the creator?
expressed in Genesis 1 and 2. This also shows how we are created in free will. Jews believe that through God creating free will be has also created evil.
How is God shown to be the sustainer?
Jews believe that God is responsible for sustaining the world and keeping it going. He has given everything and we must sustain it.
How is God shown as being the lawgiver?
Jews believe that throughout the Torah God instructs his people on how to live through their live. This through the mitzvot given in exodus.
How is God shown as being the Judge?
God judges all people on how well they have kept following his laws. This judgement takes place every year at the festival of Rosh Hashanah in turn God decides how to bless them.
What are the examples that Shekhinah is presented in the Torah.
- The burning bush in Exodus
- The pillar of cloud and fire to guide the Hebrews to the promise land.
What is the other way they beleieve the Shekhinah is present?
Prayer - In the Talmud it says when “ten or more gathered in prayer there the shekhinah rests”
What are positive mitzvot?
tell Jewish what they “should” do eg. “Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.”
What are negative mitzvot?
Tell Jewish people how they “should not do “ eg. “shall not steal”
What are mitzvot between God and man?
These instruct Jewish people on how they should act towards God. eg. shall will not worship idols
What are mitzvot between man an men?
These instructs Jewish people how they should act towards each other . eg “shall should not murder”
View on afterlife.
Not much is said about the afterlife and therefore they focus on the present to go to Gan Eden (paradise)
What is Gan Eden?
What is sheol?
A place of waiting where the souls are cleansed and renuited with God.