(PDQ3) Chapter 4 - State and Society in the Philippines Flashcards
How long did galleon trade last?
250 years
Crops that are grown to be sold for money, rather than for consumption by the farmer.
Cash crops
A government-run company that was established in 1785 to promote trade and economic development in the Philippines
Royal Company of the Philippines
A government-auctioned right to produce, sell, and/or operate a monopoly.
Tax farm
He established the Royal Company of the Philippines
Governor-General Jose de Basco y Vargas
The Philippines’ only major manufactured export in the nineteenth century
What opened in 1869 that dramatically decreased travel time from Europe?
Suez Canal
Land is “sold” to a lender, who agreed to sell it back at the same price within a specified period of time.
Pacto de retroventa (agreement of repurchase)
People born in the Iberian Peninsula
Spaniards born in the Philippines or Americas
criollos (creoles)
The process where a town would choose a letter of the alphabet to base the surnames of its residents on.
Catalogo de Apellidos (Catalogue of Family Names)
Identification Card for tributes
Cedula Personal
Tax on earnings
Contribucion industrial
Absentee landlords residing in Manila