PDL Fibers group Flashcards
-Extends to the alveolar crest of the bone and into the gingival connective tissue
-resist vertical and intrusive forces
Alveolar crest group
-Extends in a horizontal direction from the midroot cementum to the adjacent alveolar bone.
-resists horizontal and tipping forces
Horizontal fiber group
-extends in an oblique direction from
the area just above the apical zone of
the root upward to the alveolar bone
– resist vertical or intrusive
Oblique fiber group
-extends perpendicular from the
surface of the root apices to the
adjacent fundus of the alveolar bone
– resist vertical and extrusive forces
applied to the tooth
Apical fiber group
-located between the roots of
multirooted teeth; they
extend perpendicular to the
tooth’s surface and the
adjacent alveolar bone
–these fibers resist vertical
and lateral forces
Interradicular fiber group
extending from the cervical
cementum to the lamina propria
of the free and attached gingivae
Dentogingival group
fibers radiate from the alveolar crest of the bone and extend into the lamina propria of the free and attached gingivae
Alveologingiva group
group of fibers forms a band around the neck of the tooth and helps to bind the free gingiva to the tooth
circumferential/circular group
extends from the cementum near the CEJ and insert to the alveolar process or the vestibular muscle and floor of the mouth
Dentoperiosteal group
fibers run interdentally from the cementum of the mesial of one tooth to the cementum of the distal of the adjacent tooth except the 4 central incisors
Transseptal group