PDCAA Flashcards
Explain in detail why protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) is the best indicator of protein quality.
- Protein quality can be measured by a variety of parameters
→ Protein digestibility
→ Biological value
→ Net protein utilization
→ AA score [AAS= (limiting AA in 1g of dietary protein/ limiting AA in 1g of requirement pattern) x 100]
→ PDCAAS [PDCAAS = AAS x protein digestibility] - The most limiting AA is the least available dietary protein
- Comparing it to the requirement pattern gives empirical data about quality of the dietary proteins
- AA score is a good quality measurement because requirement pattern changes with individual’s age, sex, disease and physiological conditions
- Does not take into account the digestibility of the dietary protein
- [Digestibility = ((N intake — Fecal N loss) / N intake]
- } PDCAAS is a better empirical measurement of the biological value of dietary protein as it incorporates both AA score and digestibility