Hemolytic Anemia Flashcards
How does hereditary spherocytosis cause anemia?
- RBC membrane disorder due to the weakening of vertical interactions b/w skeleton & lipid membrane of cell
- RBCs become spherical instead of biconcave
- Causes ↓ SA:V ratio
- Easily ruptures in microcirculation & ↓ membrane deformability (causes entrapment in the spleen)
- Rupturing causes anemia (deficiency of Hb of an individual for their age & sex)
- Also causes jaundice, sphenomegaly & gall stones
- Treatment is removal of spleen
Glutathione antioxidant system
How does primaquine prophylaxis for malaria cause hemolytic anemia?
- Draw glutathione antioxidant system
- ROS are formed as a result of reduction of molecular oxygen (during metabolic processes like inflammation; environmentaI factors; damaged bio molecules like DNA, proteins, unsat. lipids)
- If antioxidant levels ↓, leads to ↑ oxidative stress
- GSH (glutathione) is one of the main antioxidant systems; it scavenges superoxide radicals (H2O2) by glutathione peroxidase enzyme
- GSH oxidized to GSSG; must be reduced back which requires NADPH generated by HMP shunt (bc GSH in oxidized form cannot act as antioxidant)
- 1st step in HMP shunt
- In some, G6PD is deficient so ↓ NADPH produced; glutathione cannot be maintained in reduced state
- Free radicals cannot be detoxified so they damage RBC membranes
- Antimalarials like primaquine are oxidant drugs; when given to patient with ↓ G6PD they can develop hemolytic anemia
Explain why the reticulocyte count is increased in hemolytic anemia
- RBCs are destroyed excessively due to hemolysis. So RBC count ↓
- Due to this oxygen carrying capacity of blood ↓. Leads to tissue hypoxia
- Triggers kidney to produce erythropoietin which ↑ RBC production
- Immature red cells (reticulocytes) are released in large amounts into circulation
- Hb conc. & RBC count are parameters lowered in hemolytic anemia
Explain how the red blood cell membrane is susceptible to damage by ROS
- ROS are very reactive ions/ compounds of oxygen
- Free radical ROS: O2- , OH, HO2
Non free radical ROS: H2O2, O - RBC s transport oxygen in the body; contains hb that binds to oxygen when PO2 is ↑ (@lungs) & releases oxygen when when PO2 is ↓ (@tissue)
- RBCs have no cell organelles so more space for Hb, so RBCs have more oxygen
- } High possibility of forming ROS in RBC (most common is H2O2)
- Reacts with lipids in plasma membrane & oxidizes Fe2+ → Fe3+
- } cell structure is lost & integrity of cell is broken
- So RBC s are susceptible to attacks from ROS
- To neutralize, there is HMP shunt which maintains GSH in reduced state to oxidize free radicals (using NADPH)