PD - lower limb/back Flashcards
Valgus stress test
Varus stress
Anterior drawer/Lachman
Posterior drawer
Medial/lateral meniscus
Patellar apprehension
Knee fully extended. Move patella laterally and medially
Patellar subluxation/dislocation
Most likely location for disc herniation?
S1 –> difficulty with plantar flexion, sensation loss of lateral calcaneus and foot
L5 –> difficulty with big toe dorsiflexion, sensation loss of dorsal of foot
L1 nerve root
myotome, dermatome, reflex
myotome: hip flexion
dermatome: anterior lateral thigh
no reflex
L2 nerve root
myotome, dermatome, reflex
myotome: hip flexion and adduction
dermatome: anterior medial thigh
reflex: patella tendon
L3 nerve root
myotome, dermatome, reflex
myotome: knee extension
dermatome: distal medial thigh and knee
reflex: patella tendon
L4 nerve root
myotome, dermatome, reflex
myotome: ankle dorsiflexion
dermatome: medial malleolus
reflex: patella tendon
L5 nerve root
myotome, dermatome, reflex
myotome: toe extension (great toe)
dermatome: dorsum of foot
no reflex
S1 nerve root
myotome, dermatome, reflex
myotome: ankle plantar flexion and eversion
dermatome: lateral calcaneus and foot
reflex: achilles tendon
Faber test
flex, ABduct, externally rotate
supine, felt knee, foot on opposite knee
pain ipsilateral hip = pathology of hip joint
pain opposite in buttock region –> sacroiliac joint pathology
Patrick’s test
flex, ABduct, externally rotate
supine, felt knee, foot on opposite knee
pain –> pathology of sacroiliac joint
Thompson test
Achilles tendon test
pt prone, squeeze calf –> should platarflex foot
straight leg raising
crossed straight leg
due to herniated disc/space-occupying lesion in lumbar spine
nuchal/kernig/brudzinski tests
meningeal irritation tests
Adams forward bend test
hoover test
tests for effort
pt supine, ask to raise weak leg, should feel a downward force applied to opposite leg
if no downward force –> possible malingering