Patterns of Neurological Dysfunction Flashcards
What are upper motor neuron issues?
Increased tone
Brisk reflexes
Pyramidal/corticospinal weaknesses e.g. weak extensors in arms and flexors in legs)
What are lower motor neuron issues?
Wasting Fasciculations Decreased tone Decreased/absent reflexes Flexor plantars
What are muscle disease issues?
Wasting (usually proximal)
Decreased tone
Decreased or absent tendon reflexes
What are neuromuscular junction issues?
Fatiguable weakness
Normal or decreased tone
Normal tendon reflexes
No sensory symptoms
What are functional weakness issues?
No wasting Normal tone Normal reflexes Erratic power non-anatomical loss
What does Stocking imply?
length dependant neuropathy
What does the sensory level imply?
A spinal cord lesion
What does Haemianaesthesia imply?
Contrlateral cerebral lesion, or with no other signs a non-organic disorder
What is a dissociated sensory loss?
Lost with spinothalamic but preserved dorsal column suggests hemicord damage
What are features of a cerebellar disorder?
Cerebellar gait - broad and unsteady
Intention tremor/ataxia
What is Dysdiadochokinesis?
Clumsy fast alternating movements
What are Extrapyramidal symptoms?
Reduced arm swing, stooped posture, small steps, festination, turning en bloc
Impaired postural reflexes
Asymmetry in PD, symmetry in drug induced or atypical PD
What does the Frontal lobe do?
Generates novel strategies and has executive functions.
It enables self criticism and trying again
What problems present with an issue in the Temporal lobe?
Memory dysfunction Agnosia Language issues Visual field defects Auditory dysfunction Limbic dysfunction Temporal lobe epilepsy
What problems arise from a Frontal lobe issue?
Personality dysfunction Paraparesis Paratonia Seizures Incontinence Visual field defects