Patient Workflows Flashcards
True or False: Workflows update the associated verification records?
True. In many cases, workflows where patients confirm details will update the associated verification records. 163
What types of actions does Mychart allow patients to complete for an appointment?
Mychart can allow patients to schedule, cancel, and reschedule appointments online. 163
What are the two different methods of scheduling an appointment?
Direct Scheduling and Scheduling tickets. 163
Explain direct scheduling.
Patients directly schedule their own appointments online without interaction from scheduling staff. 163
Explain scheduling tickets.
Patients receive a ticket that can be used to schedule an appointment for a specific type of visit or procedure. 163
What is Ticket Scheduling?
If a clinician ,makes an order for a future appointment and the patient needs to schedule the appointment, the patient can receive a ticket in my chart.163
How do tickets appear for patients?
Tickets appear as messages in my chart for the patient to resolve by scheduling an appointment. 163
True or False: Users can manually release scheduling tickets.
True, users can manually release scheduling tickets for certain types of visits or procedures, or the system can automatically generate scheduling tickets when a clinician orders a certain procedure or lab test. 163
How are tickets built?
Tickets are built as appointment requests.
How can you filter how many tickers were present to patients?
In Clarity, to determine how many tickets were presented to patients, filter APPT_REQUEST to only include rows where
REQUEST_METHOD_C = 7 ‐‐ Patient Portal RELEASED_TO_PAT_YN = ‘Y’ 164
What type of tasks can you complete with eCheck-in?
*Verify registration information
* Answer questionnaires
* Collect payments
* Sign documents 164
What is Auto-Arrival?
Hello patient allows patients to check in for their appointment through MyChart, typically on their mobile device. This allows patients to communicate their arrival without even entering the waiting room, reducing the spread of disease.164
Hello patient can begin by 3 main methods?
- WiFi, GPS, and/or data get the device’s location and prompt the patient to mark their arrival
- A Bluetooth beacon in the clinic pinpoints the location of the patient’s smartphone and prompts the patient to mark their arrival
- The patient actively initiates the workflow to mark their arrival without any location‐based prompt. 165
What is the Slicerdicer Patient Workflow attempt?
IT is a data model that can quickly determine the most common problems preventing patients from completing workflows. 166
True or False, each time a user logs into a patient facing application like mychart, they begin a session?
True 168
What is the granularity of the PatientApplicationSessionFact table?
The granularity is one row for each session. 168
What do the columns in the PatientApplicationSessionFact help with?
These columns help determine whether a patient had an encounter shortly after failing to complete a workflow.168
True or False: The PatinetWorkflowAttemptFact can not tell you if patients attemped to perform direct scheduling from my chart and had a problem?
False, it gives you information if they had a problem and gave up. 168
What is the PatientWorkflowAttemptFact table?
The PatientWorkFlowAttemptFact table has a row for each workflow that a user attempted while in a patient facing application like mychart.168
For the PatientWorkflowAttemptFact table how would you use the WorkflowType column?
You would use the Workflowsubtype column to separate Direct scheduling from Self Check-In and Self Arrival. 168
True or False: you can use the WorkFlowSubtype column to separate specific subtypes of workflows?
true 168
In the echeck-In details section what represents one attempt?
Each unique combination of encounter and eCheck-in workflow represents one attempt. Attempts of the same workflow for the same encounter are sorted in incremental numerical order by the AttemptNumber column. 169
How many rows would there be if a ptient were to launch echeck-in for their appointment, disconnect from the MyChart session without completing all the steps, and then launch eCheck-In again laters?
There would be 2 rows in PatientWorkFlowAttemptFact. 169
If I were to lunch an eCheckin-In and disconnect would both instances share the same encounter?
Yes, but are from differernt session and would have attemptNumber 1 and then 2. 169
True or False: It is posisble to have a single Welcome check in for multiple appointments?
True, it is possible for a single Welcome Check In workflow to check in multiple appointments. For example, if a patient had 3 appointments today and started a Welcome session, they could select all 3 appointments at once and check in all 3 simultaneously. These would be 3 separate rows in PatientWorkFlowAttemptFact, but they would point to the same row of PatientApplicationSessionFact. 169
What does the PatientApplicationActionFact table contain?
The table contains information about actions taken in a software application used directly by patients. , such as patient portal or kiosk. It includes details like the instant the action was taken and the outcome.169
What happens if a patient attempts an eCheck-In step in exactly one session?
If a patient attempts an eCheck-in step in exactly one session, then there would be one row in this table.170
Consider the
following scenario:
1. A patient begins the Personal Information step for an encounter, but then they are disconnected
without completing the step
2. They reconnect to MyChart and resume reviewing their personal information, but are again
disconnected before completing the step
3. They reconnect to MyChart, resume reviewing their personal information, and finally complete the step. How many rows would there be?
The table would include a row for step 1 and a row for step 3 . 170
What happens if a patient attempts the eCheck-In step in more than one session?
There would be one row to represent the step taken in the first session and one row to represent the step taken in the last session. 170
What does the AttempEncounterMappingFact table do?
The table maps workflow attempt to encounters. Use it to join rows of PatientWorkflowAttempFact and EncounterFact 170
What does VisitFact table do?
Th table has some quick and simple columns to indicate whether certain patient workflows activity contributed to a visit.170-171
What does VisitFact.ScheduleOnline measure?
a 1/0 column that indicates whether the visit was scheduled online 171
What does VisitFact.PortalActiveAtScheduling measure?
‐ a 1/0 column that indicates whether the patient’s MyChart patient
portal account was active at the time of scheduling 171
What does VisitFact.PortalReasonForVisit measure?
if the visit was scheduled online, this column stores the reason for the visit
selected by the patient in the portal 171
What does VisitFact.ScheduleFromTicket measure?
a 1/0 column that indicates whether the visit was scheduled from a
ticket 171
What does VisitFact.OnlineCheckinStatus measure?
‐ the status of electronic check‐in for the visit 171
What does OnlineCheckinAvailable measure?
a 1/0 column that indicates whether online check‐in was available for the
visit 171
What does the VisitFact.CheckInWithKiosk measure?
a 1/0 column that indicates whether the visit was checked in via a kiosk 171
What does the VisitFact.SelfArrivalAllowed measure?
1/0 column that indicates whether this visit supports self‐arrival 171
Direct Scheduling
Patients directly schedule their own appointments online without interaction from scheduling staff. 163
Scheduling ticket
– Patients receive a ticket that can be used to schedule an appointment for a specific type of visit or procedure. 163
eCheck-in in MyChart allows patients to fill out required appointment check-in information before a visit. Although it is designed for outpatient encounters, you can do hospital admissions, surgeries, and labor and delivery encounters. 164
Hello Patient
Hello Patient allows patients to check in for their appointment through MyChart, typically on their mobile device. 164
The Welcome patient Kiosk allows patients to complete simple workflows on their own like checking in appoints, updating demographics, verifying insurance information, and making copayments. 165
Distinguish workflows in the Patient Workflow Attempts data model
There are 3 types of workflows: Direct scheduling, Self checkin, and self-arrival.The WorkflowSubType differentiates the WorkFlows for Self Checkin into eCheck-in and welcome workflows.
Select WorkFlowType
From PatientWorkFlowAttemptFact
Where WorkFlowType=’Direct Scheduling’
– WorkFlowType=’Self Check-in’
– WorkFlowType=’Self Arrival’
Identify Epic‐released reporting options for patient workflows
Epic has 3 main types of epic released reporting content.
1.SlicerDicer: This data model can help the analyst to determine the most common problems preventing patients from completing workflows. 166
Registration overview, MyChart Registration, MyChart Scheduling, ECheckin-in overview, and the self- arrival key metrics 167
- Reporting Workbench Templates
Welcome Session search 167.
Determine which patient workflows contributed to an encounter
The AttemptEncounterMappingFact table maps workflow attempts to encounter. Use it to join rows of patientWorkflowAttemptFact and encounterFact 170
Distinguish Caboodle tables about patient workflows
The tables that are involved in patient workflows are PatientWorkFlowAttemptFact , The Attempt EncountermappingFact, and the visitFact.
The PatientWorkFlowAttemptfact has a row for each workflow that a user attempted while in a patient-facing application like mychart. 168-169
The AttemptEncounterMappingFact maps workflow attempts to encounters. I would use it to join rows of PatientWorkFlowAttemptFact and EncounterFact
The VisitFact has some columns to indicate whether certain patient workflow activity contributed to a visit.
PatientApplicationSessionFact stores a row for each session in which a workflow is attempted
PatientApplicationActionFact- Individual actions that make up the workflows.
The value of organizations enabling patient workflow activity
The value of allowing patients to do more workflow activities is because this gives the patients a greater sense of control over their care, and also lets the front desk staff focus on patients who most need help. 165
The importance of identifying problems preventing patients from completing patient workflows
The PatientApplicationActionFact stores the individual steps taken to complete workflows. If there is more than one row in the table it indicates that the patient had to redo a step they already completed, thus showing an opportunity for improvement in the workflow. 170