True or False: A patient’s MRN is guaranteed to be unique across all patients on the same instance of Epic.
A given coverage record represents the unique combination of which of the following? Choose ALL answers that apply.
A. Payer
B. Plan
C. Subscriber
D. Patient
E. Member
F. Guarantor
a, b, c
Which of the following join conditions would connect each hospital account to its guarantor’s current information and exclude historical information? Choose only ONE answer
A. BillingAccountFact.GuarantorKey=GuarantorDim.GuarantorKey
B. BillingAccountFact.GuarantorDurableKey=GuarantorDim.DurableKey
C. BillingAccountFact.GuarantorKey=GuarantorDim.DurableKey
D. BillingAccountFact.GuarantorDurableKey=GuarantorDim.DurableKeyAND GuarantorDim.IsCurrent = 1
How many patient encounters may be associated with a guarantor record? Choose only ONE answer
A. Always zero
B. Always one
C. Either zero or one
D. Any number of encounters, including zero
Which of the following scenarios would create a HAR? Choose ALL answers that apply.
A. A visit in a service areas with SBO(an not VFO) that is billed through Resolute Hospital billing.
B. A visit in a service areas with SBO(and not VFO) that is billed through Resolute Professional Billing.
C. A visit in a service area with VFO (and not SBO) that is billed through Resolute Hospital Billing.
D. A visit in a service areas with with VFO(and not SBO) that is billed through Resolute Professional Billing.
E. A visit in a service area with both SBO and VFO that is billed through resolute hospital billing.
F. A visit in a service area with both SBO and VFO that is billed through Resolute Professional Billing
G. A visit in a service area with neither SBO nor VFO that is billed through Resolute Hospital Billing.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g
What does VERIFICATION.VERIF_STATUS_C represent? Choose only ONE answer.
A. The current status of a verification record.
B. The first status of a verification record.
C. Every status a verification record has had.
D. The status of the check in progress.
A user changed the status of a VRX record about a guarantor. That was not the final change to the VRX record’s status. Which of the following would VERIFICATION store? Choose only ONE answer.
A. The ID of the user who made the change.
B. When the change occurred.
C. The status that resulted from the change
D. The ID of the guarantor who was verified.
A patient’s address had two lines, and a user edited the address to instead have three lines. Assuming this is captured in Registration History, how many rows represent this edit in REG_HX_ADDR_CHNG_NEW? Choose only ONE answer.
A. 0
D. 3
True or False: A single accessibility configuration can be used to populate ACCESS_PROV, ACCESS_DEP, and ACCESS_ALL_DEPS.
True or False: You can use an accessibility extract configuration to automatically calculate how many days a patient would need to wait to be seen in a given department.
An accessibility configuration record completes its search once. What information is required to
calculate how many rows it creates in ACCESS_DEP? Choose only ONE answer.
A. The maximum number of days in the schedule the search will evaluate
B. The occurrence number ﴾whether the search finds the first, second, third, etc. next
C. How many departments the search evaluates
D. How many providers the search evaluates
Which of the following would an inner join between APPT_REQ_APPT_LINKS and PAT_ENC return if
the join condition were APPT_REQ_APPT_LINKS.APPT_SERIAL_NUM =
PAT_ENC.APPT_SERIAL_NO? Choose only ONE answer.
A. The final appointment of any status in the series of canceled/rescheduled appointments
built from
B. The final non‐canceled appointment in the series of canceled/rescheduled appointments
built from the appointment request
C. All appointments in the series of canceled/rescheduled appointments built from the
appointment request
D. No appointments
What must be true about an encounter that appears in VisitFact but not V_SCHED_APPT? Choose
only ONE answer.
A. It is an appointment but not a visit
B. It is a visit but not an appointment
C. It is both a visit and an appointment
D. It is neither a visit nor an appointmen
Which of the following is a joint appointment? Choose only ONE answer.
A. Any appointment in an orthopedics department
B. Any appointment that spans multiple slots
C. Any appointment that involves multiple SER records
D. Any appointment that has been rescheduled at least once
You are creating a report on canceled and rescheduled appointments. To do so, you use the
following linking diagram. Will the sample report shown below meet this need? If not, why not?
Choose only ONE answer
A. The report will work correctly
B. The report will not work correctly because the columns in the join are incorrect
C. The report will not work correctly because the database objects are incorrect
D. Both B and C
For which of the following would F_SCHED_APPT_STATS be appropriate? Choose only ONE answer.
A. Calculating the number of no shows in a given department
B. Calculating the number of no shows for a given patient
C. Calculating the number of new patient appointments were in a given department
D. Calculating the number of no shows by scheduling user
A clinic manager needs to see the percent of regular available time a provider is actually caring for
patients. Which Epic‐released metric would be most appropriate? Choose only ONE answer.
A. ES Provider Utilization (With Exclusion)
B. ES Schedule Utilization (With Exclusion)
How can you tell which rows in the V_AVAILABILITY view are for slots and which are for
appointments? Choose only ONE answer.
A. The APPT_NUMBER column will store 0 for appointments and greater than 0 for slots
B. The APPT_NUMBER column will store values greater than 0 for appointments and 0 for slots
C. You cannot distinguish slots from appointments in V_AVAILABILITY
A row of AVAIL_BLOCK stores a non‐null value in REL_BLOCK_C. What must be true about this
row? Choose only ONE answer.
A. All original blocks in the slot have been replaced by Time Release of Blocks
B. No original blocks in the slot have been replaced by Time Release of Blocks
C. The relevant slot once used the block represented by REL_BLOCK_C, but the slot no longer
uses this block
D. The relevant slot currently uses the block represented by REL_BLOCK_C
A row of AVAIL_BLOCK stores a value in BLOCK_C and stores a null value in REL_BLOCK_C. What
must be true about this row? Choose only ONE answer.
A. All original blocks in the slot have been replaced by Time Release of Blocks
B. No original blocks in the slot have been replaced by Time Release of Blocks
C. The block represented by BLOCK_C replaced the block represented by REL_BLOCK_C
D. The block represented by BLOCK_C was originally present in the slot and has not been replaced by Time Release of Blocks
- Which of the following would create only one ADT event record? Choose ALL answers that apply.
A. A patient enters a bed for the first time
B. A patient is transferred from one bed to another
C. A patient is transferred from one department to another
D. A patient is discharged from the hospital
E. A patient stays in the same bed overnight
F. A patient’s preadmission is confirmed
A patient update event is edited for the first time. How many rows in CLARITY_ADT have ever represented this patient update? Choose only ONE answer.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
A discharge ADT event stores a value of 2 – Canceled in I ADT 35. What must be true about this
event? Choose only ONE answer.
A. It is the only event in its encounter to represent a discharge
B. It is the update to an event that represents a discharge
C. Its information is not considered valid
D. Another event will update and replace it
An ADT event record stores its own ID in CLARITY_ADT.ORIGINAL_EVENT_ID. What must be true about this ADT event? Choose only ONE answer.
A. It has a subtype of 1 ﴾Original﴿
B. It has a subtype of 2 ﴾Canceled﴿
C. It has a subtype of 3 ﴾Update﴿
D. None of the above
At 4:05 PM, an ADT user initially documents that a discharge occurred at 4:00 PM. At 4:10 PM, the
ADT user edits the discharge to document that it occurred at 3:55 PM instead. What is the delete time of the ADT record that currently represents the discharge? Choose only ONE answer.
A. 3:55 PM
B. 4:00 PM
C. 4:05 PM
D. 4:10 PM
E. This ADT event would not store a delete time
R ADT 12345 stores a value of 12346 in I ADT 1100. Which of the following must be true? Choose only ONE answer.
A. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer Out event, and R ADT 12346 is its following Transfer In event
B. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer Out event, and R ADT 12346 is its preceding Transfer In event
C. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer In event, and R ADT 12346 is its following Transfer Out event
D. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer In event, and R ADT 12346 is its preceding Transfer Out event
For which of the following scenarios would V_PAT_ADT_LOCATION_HX.PAT_OUT_DTTM return a
value? Choose only ONE answer.
A. A patient enters a bed and has remained in the bed ever since
B. A patient enters a bed and has departed the bed
C. A bed has been assigned to the patient, but the patient has not yet entered the bed
D. A census ADT event record was created for the bed while a patient still occupied the bed
A report filters to I ADT 80 = 2 ﴾Discharge﴿. Which of the following best describes the result set?
Choose only ONE answer.
A. Each row is an ADT event that is a discharge event
B. Each row is an ADT event that is an out event
C. Each row is an ADT event that was the last event in its encounter to have its reporting base
D. Each row is a patient encounter where the patient had more than one reporting base class
A report filters to I ADT 82 = 4 ﴾Observation﴿. Which of the following best describes the result set?
Choose only ONE answer.
A. Each row is an ADT event where the patient had an observation patient class
B. Each row is an ADT event where the patient had an observation reporting base class
C. Each row is an ADT event where the preceding reporting base class was observation
D. Each row is an ADT event where the preceding patient class was observation
In which database object would you find every time an HOV was marked as Completed? Choose
only ONE answer.
C. EncounterFact
D. HospitalAdmissionFact
Which filter would you use in Epic-released Patient Workflow attempts slicerdicer data model to return only workflow attempts for self arrival (AKA hello Patient)?
A. Workflow type
B. Workflow subtype
C. Problem Step
D. Attempt Duration
Which caboodle table would you use to determine how long a patient spent using the Welcome Kiok from beginning to end?
A. PatientApplicationSessionFact
B. PatientWorkflowAttemptFact
Which of the following best describes what VisitFact.RoomedTimeOfDayKey will store?
A. When a user removes the patient from the arrival list.
B. When a user clicks the “Room Patient” button.
C. When the nurse logs nto the exam room workstation for the patients encounter.
D. More information is necessary to make that determination.
Which of the following databses objects have prebuilt columns that calculate how long a patient spends in a waiting room for a clinic visit?
You work at a community connect organization that stares its instance of EPIC with a couple satellite facilities. Which of the following would be an example of a referral that would ‘internal’ in ReferralFact.Class.
A. A referral from one of the satellite facilities to another of the satellite facilities.
B. A referral from one of the satellite facilities in your organization.
C. A referral from your organization to one of the satellite facilities.
D. A referral from your organization to a provider who works at neither your organization nor any of the satellite facilities.
What is the unit used for the value returned by ReferralFact.AuthorizationToScheduledDate
A. Mintues
B. Hours.
C. Calander Days
D. Business days.
True or False: ReferralFact excludes rows about Auth/Certs
A referral has 3 coverages, and each coverage providers one authorization number for the referral. How many rows in AuthorizationFact Describes this RFL?
A. 0
D. It is impossible to determine from the information provided.