Patient handoff Flashcards
Identification Situation Background Assessment Recommendation
leading root cause of sentinel events reported by the joint commission
breakdown in communication
australia how much issues were due to miscommunication compared to 6% in inadequate training?
hand over problem are rooted in
health care provider education and lack there of
lack of role models
health care system that promotes/rewards autonomy and individual performance
Illness severity Patient Summary Action List Situational Awareness/Contingency Synthesis by receiver
PSYCH mneumonic
for Psych patients
patient information
your assessment
clinical information
hindurance to discharge
Identify yourself and role and obtain nurse’s name
Patient’s past medical history (medical, surgical, social)
Underlying diagnosis and procedure
Technique (general anesthesia, neuraxial, regional)
Peripheral IVs, arterial lines, central lines, drains
Therapeutic interventions (pain medications, antibiotics)
Intubation (very difficult, moderately difficult, easy)
Extubation likelihood (already extubated, very likely, unlikely, definitely no extubation planned)
Need for drips (epinephrine, vasopressin, norepinephrine,
insulin, propofol, etc.)
Treatment plan for postoperative care (blood pressure
goals, ventilator settings)
Signs (vital signs during case and most recent)
Fluids (in’s and out’s, blood product(s), administered)
Intraoperative events (if any)
Recent labs (hemoglobin, glucose, etc.)
Suggestions for immediate postop care (ex: special
positioning, pain control, need for pumps, etc.)
Timing/expected time of arrival to ICU
Actions recommended by the joint commission
Demonstrate leadsership commitment to successful hand-offs
Standardize critical content to be communicated by the sender during a hand off. Both verbal and in writing.
conduct face-to-face hand off communication and sign outs between senders and receivers in locations free from interruption
Standardize training on how to conduct a successful hand off from both sender and receiver
EHR to enhance hand offs
Monitor the success of interventions to improve hand off communication and use lessons to drive improvement
Sustain and spread best practices in hand offs and make high quality hand off culture a priority
what percent of malpractice claims are directly related to hand offs
as a receiver what is an effective way to improve hand offs
read back
teach back
during discharge the care giver has the patient teach expectations back to them
what is one good patient safety strategy?
to let the patient read their own medical records
What are some examples ofcritical contentthat should be included in a hand-off?
- Sender contact info
- Illness assessment
- Patient summary
- To-do action list
- Contngency plans
- Allergy list
- Code status
- Medication list
- Dated laboratory tests
- Dated vital signs
what percent of clinical learning environments do not have a standardized hand off process
how many clinical education sites DO have a standardized hand off process?
TST reduced ineffective hand offs by how much in alaska
targeted solutions tool