Patient Based Outcomes Flashcards
According to the PRA what intervals should low, moderate and high risk patients be recalled for SPT?
SPT = supportive periodontal therapy PRA = Periodontal Risk Assessement
Low - SPT every 12 months
Moderate - SPT every 6 months
High - SPT every 3 months
What is step 1 in SPT?
supportive periodontal therapy
Guide behaviour change by motivating patient to remove supra gingival biofilm and risk factor control
How long should a SPT visit last?
What are the different stages?
supportive periodontal therapy
1 hour
ERD - Examination, Revaluation, Diagnosis
MRI - Motivation, Re-instruct, Instrumentation
TRS - Treatment of re-infected sites
PFD - Polishing, Fluoride, Determination of future SPT
Which step of SPT is surgical therapy?
supportive periodontal therapy
Step 3
How can periodontitis affect a patients quality of life?
Patients with perio are at risk of tooth loss, endentulism and masticatory dysfunction therefore it can affect a patients diet, quality of life and self esteem
What factors of a tooth assess the risk levels prior to initiating SPT?
supportive periodontal therapy
1) Position within the arch (crowding)
2) Furcation involvement
3) Iatrogenic factors (e.g. overhanging restorations)
4) Residual periodontal support
5) Mobility
What are some non modifiable risk factors of patients undergoing SPT?
supportive periodontal therapy
What is the name of this diagram?
PRA (Periodontal Risk Assessment)
Accoring to the PRA what determins low, moderate and high risk patients?
Periodontal risk assessment
Low - All parameters in low risk
Moderate - Atleast 2 parameters in moderate risk or 1 in high risk
High - Atleast 2 parameters in high risk
What are some modifiable risk factors of patients undergoing SPT?
supportive periodontal therapy
Systemic diseases (DIABETES)
Stress and psychological factors
Socio-economic status
Compliance with recall system
What are the objectives of SPT?
supportive periodontal therapy
- To prevent/minimize reoccurrence and progression of disease in patients previously treated for gingivitis, periodontitis, peri-mucositis or peri-implantitis
- To prevent or limit the development of new periodontal and peri-implant diseases
- To prevent or reduce the incidence of tooth loss and implant loss
- To increase the probability to early intercept other pathological conditions of the oral cavity (e.g. decays, degenerative lesions, neoplastic lesions)
- To support the systemic health of the patient by maintaining a good level of oral health
What is step 4 in SPT?
supportive periodontal therapy
Maintaining periodontal stability by preventitive and therapeutic interventions
What does the abbreviation PROMs stand for?
Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Define supportive periodontal therapy
Procedures performed at selected intervals to assist the periodontal patient in maintaining OH
Control periodontal infection and avoid re-infection
What are the parameters on the PRA?
Periodontal Risk Assessment
1) BOP (%)
2) Number of residual pockets (PPD >4 mm)
3) Number of teeth lost
4) BL/age (ratio between mean bone loss and age)
5) Systemic/genetic diseases
6) Environmental factors (e.g. smoking)