Pathways Flashcards
Is the Lemniscal tract motor or sensory?
-Epicritic sensory
Is the Lemniscal tract conscious or unconscious?
Where does the Lemniscal tract begin?
-Dorsal root axons in the spinal cord which enter and rise through the gracile and cuneate fasciculi
Where does the Lemniscal tract end?
- The fasciculi synapse in the medulla at the gracile and cuneate nuclei
- They then cross at the internal arcuate fibers, and become the medial lemniscus.
- The medial lemniscus ascends to the thalamus.
Does the Lemniscal tract cross, and if so, where?
-Yes, at the internal arcuate fibers in the medulla.
What makes up the anterolateral tract?
- Spinothalamic tract
- Spinoreticular tract
- Spinomesencephalic tract
Where does the spinothalamic tract begin?
-Dorsal root axons that synapse immediately at the dorsal horn of the spinal level that they enter at
Where does the spinothalamic tract end?
-After ascending via the anterolateral tract, it terminates at the thalamus on several nuclei (espec. posterior and VPL)
Does the spinothalamic tract cross? If so, where?
-Yes, the majority of neurons cross at the spinal level which they enter.
Is the spinothalamic tract motor or sensory?
-Both conscious and unconscious protopathic sensory from trunk and limbs.
Is the spinoreticular tract motor or sensory?
-Protopathic sensory from the trunk and limbs
Where does the spinoreticular tract begin?
-Dorsal root axons that synapse immediately at the dorsal horn of the spinal level they enter at.
Where does the spinoreticular tract end?
-After ascending via the anterolateral tract, it terminates at the reticular formation
Does the spinoreticular tract cross? If so, where?
-Yes, neurons cross at the spinal level they enter at
Is the spinomesencephalic tract motor or sensory?
-Protopathic sensory from the trunk and limbs
Where does the spinomesencephalic tract start?
-Dorsal root axons of the spinal level at which they enter
Where does the spinomesencephalic tract end?
-After ascending via the anterolateral tract, neurons synapse at the periaqueducatal gray area of the midbrain and superior colliculus.
Does the spinomesencephalic tract cross, and if so, where?
-Yes, neurons cross immediately at the spinal level they enter at.
Is the spinocerebellar tract motor or sensory?
-Sensory regarding position, force production, and movement of limbs
Where does the spinocerebellar tract begin?
- Axons from the lower limb and trunk which ascend from the gracile fasiculus to the nucleus of clark in the thoracic cord.
- Axons from the upper limb and trunk which ascends via the cuneate fascicles to the lateral cuneate nucleus.